IEnumerator SetImportMovieCoroutine(string folder, string filename)
            if (Movie == null)
                Debug.LogError("You must attach a FaceVideoAVProWMV component to your camera.");
                yield break;

            bool loadMovieSuccess = Movie.LoadMovie(folder, filename, false);

            if (!loadMovieSuccess)
                Debug.LogError("LoadMovie failed. Make sure the codec you're using is supported.");
                yield break;

            while (Movie.OutputTexture == null)
                yield return(0);

            Movie.PositionFrames = 0;

            int width  = Movie.OutputTexture.width;
            int height = Movie.OutputTexture.height;

            frameTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);

            Logger.Log("FacePlus initializing...");
            FacePlus.InitBufferTracker(width, height, Movie.FrameRate);

            frameBuffer = new byte[3 * width * height];
