Beispiel #1
        public void RunProcess(IRepository repository, IFTP ftp, ILogger logger)
            ////Get the ILH process from the DB
            ////Will be used to link to this specific run
            //var process = repository.GetFirst<Process>(x => x.Name == "ILH");
            ////Create a new process run linked to the ILH Process type
            ////Set start to current time
            //var processStart = DateTime.Now;
            //var processRun = new ProcessRun { ProcessId = process.ProcessId, Start = processStart };
            ////Create the process run in the DB
            ////Actions won't actually be executed in the DB until repository.Save() is called
            ////Get settings for current process
            //var settings = repository.GetFirst<Setting>(x => x.ProcessId == process.ProcessId);

            //foreach(var fileInfo in new DirectoryInfo(settings.SourcePath).GetFiles())
            //    //Create a new file in the DB
            //    var file = new DataAccess.File { Path = settings.SourcePath, Name = fileInfo.Name, ProcessRunId = processRun.ProcessRunId };
            //    repository.Create<DataAccess.File>(file);
            //    repository.Save();
            //    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileInfo.FullName))
            //    {
            //        string line;
            //        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            //        {
            //            // Write FileLine to DB
            //            var fileLine = new FileLine { FileId = file.FileId, Line = line };
            //            repository.Create<FileLine>(fileLine);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    repository.Save();
Beispiel #2
        public static IFTP Instrance(int ident)
            IFTP          ftp       = null;
            FTPConfigInfo ftpConfig = FTPConfigs.GetFTP(ident);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ftpConfig.AssemblyType))
                string[] filenames = ftpConfig.AssemblyType.Split(',');
                Assembly ass       = Assembly.LoadFrom(System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory + filenames[1] + ".dll");
                ftp = (IFTP)Activator.CreateInstance(ass.GetType(filenames[0], false, true), new object[] { (IConfigInfo)ftpConfig });
                if (ftp == null)
                    throw ExceptionManager.MessageException("存储系统配置文件有误,请检查!");
                if (ftpConfig.Timeout == 0)    //不限时
                    ftp = new FTPClient(ftpConfig.Serveraddress, ftpConfig.Serverport, ftpConfig.Username, ftpConfig.Password, ftpConfig.Mode);
                    ftp = new FTPClient(ftpConfig.Serveraddress, ftpConfig.Serverport, ftpConfig.Username, ftpConfig.Password, ftpConfig.Mode, ftpConfig.Timeout);
            ftp.FtpConfig = ftpConfig;
            //ftpDic.TryGetValue(ident, out ftp);
            //if (ftp == null)
            //    FTPConfigInfo ftpConfig = FTPConfigs.GetFTP(ident);
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ftpConfig.AssemblyType))
            //    {
            //        string[] filenames=ftpConfig.AssemblyType.Split(',');
            //        Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadFrom(System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory + filenames[1] + ".dll");
            //        ftp = (IFTP)Activator.CreateInstance(ass.GetType(filenames[0], false, true), new object[] { (IConfigInfo)ftpConfig });
            //        if (ftp == null)
            //        {
            //            throw ExceptionManager.MessageException("存储系统配置文件有误,请检查!");
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        if (ftpConfig.Timeout == 0)//不限时
            //        {
            //            ftp = new FTPClient(ftpConfig.Serveraddress, ftpConfig.Serverport, ftpConfig.Username, ftpConfig.Password, ftpConfig.Mode);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            ftp = new FTPClient(ftpConfig.Serveraddress, ftpConfig.Serverport, ftpConfig.Username, ftpConfig.Password, ftpConfig.Mode, ftpConfig.Timeout);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    ftp.FtpConfig = ftpConfig;
            //    ftpDic[ident] = ftp;
Beispiel #3
        public void RunProcess(IRepository repository, IFTP ftp, ILogger logger)
                Boolean runStatus = false;
                String  localWorkingPathSubDir = String.Format("{0:yyyyMMddHmmss}", DateTime.Now);

                var process = repository.GetFirst <Process>(x => x.Name == "I02U");

                var processRun = new ProcessRun {
                    ProcessId = process.ProcessId, Start = DateTime.Now

                repository.Create <ProcessRun>(processRun);

                logger.Log(repository, processRun.ProcessRunId, "Update Order Replenishment Process Start");
                logger.Log(repository, processRun.ProcessRunId, "Fetching FTP file(s)");

                if (GetFTPFiles(repository, logger, ftp, processRun.ProcessRunId, localWorkingPathSubDir) == true)
                    logger.Log(repository, processRun.ProcessRunId, "Loading FTP file(s) into SQL Server");
                    if (LoadFTPFilesIntoDB(repository, logger, processRun.ProcessRunId, localWorkingPathSubDir) == true)
                        logger.Log(repository, processRun.ProcessRunId, "Creating consolidated file");
                        if (CreateConsolidatedI02UFile(repository, logger, processRun.ProcessRunId) == true)
                            logger.Log(repository, processRun.ProcessRunId, "Update Order Replenishment Process completed successfully");
                            runStatus = true;

                processRun.End       = DateTime.Now;
                processRun.RunStatus = runStatus;

                repository.Update <ProcessRun>(processRun);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Log(repository, 0, "RunProcess() failed", 3, e.Message);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// FTP连接测试
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Serveraddress">FTP服务器地址</param>
        /// <param name="Serverport">FTP端口</param>
        /// <param name="Username">用户名</param>
        /// <param name="Password">密码</param>
        /// <param name="Timeout">超时时间(秒)</param>
        /// <param name="uploadpath">附件保存路径</param>
        /// <param name="message">返回信息</param>
        /// <returns>是否可用</returns>
        public static bool TestConnect(string uploadpath, ref string message)
            IFTP ftpupload = CurrentFTP;
            bool isvalid   = ftpupload.Connect();

            if (!isvalid)
                message = ftpupload.ErrorMessage;

            if (!ftpupload.ChangeDir(uploadpath))
                if (!ftpupload.ChangeDir(uploadpath))
                    message += ftpupload.ErrorMessage;
                    isvalid  = false;
Beispiel #5
        private Boolean GetFTPFiles(IRepository repository, ILogger logger, IFTP ftp, Int32 processRunId, String localWorkingPathSubDir)
            Boolean filesExist = false;

                var dealerGroups = repository.Get <DealerGroup>();
                var settings     = repository.Get <Setting>();

                var ftpHost     = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.FtpHost).Value;
                var ftpUsername = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.FtpUsername).Value;
                var ftpPassword = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.FtpPassword).Value;

                var sourcePath          = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.DMSourcePath).Value;
                var destinationPath     = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.DMDestinationPath).Value;
                var sourceFilename      = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.DMSourceFilename).Value;
                var destinationFilename = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.DMDestinationFilename).Value;
                var localWorkingPath    = settings.First(x => x.Key == Constants.DMLocalWorkingPath).Value;

                foreach (var dealerGroup in dealerGroups)
                    foreach (var dealer in dealerGroup.Dealers)
                        String filename       = String.Format("A{0}{1}", dealer.Code, sourceFilename);
                        String remoteFile     = String.Format("{0}/{1}/N{2}/{3}", sourcePath, dealerGroup.Code, dealer.Code, filename);
                        String remoteFilePath = String.Format("{0}/{1}/N{2}", sourcePath, dealerGroup.Code, dealer.Code);
                        String localFile      = String.Format(@"{0}{1}\{2}", localWorkingPath, localWorkingPathSubDir, filename);

                        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String.Format(@"{0}{1}", localWorkingPath, localWorkingPathSubDir));

                        if (ftp.Get(ftpHost, ftpUsername, ftpPassword, remoteFile, localFile) == true)
                            filesExist = true;

                            logger.Log(repository, processRunId, "Fetching " + remoteFile);

                            String remoteFileRename = String.Format("{0}.{1:yyyyMMdd}.{2:Hmmss}", filename, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);
                            //ftp.Rename(ftpHost, ftpUsername, ftpPassword, remoteFile, remoteFileRename);

                            var file = new DataAccess.FileSource {
                                Path = remoteFilePath, Name = filename, ProcessRunId = processRunId
                            repository.Create <DataAccess.FileSource>(file);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Log(repository, processRunId, "GetFTPFiles() failed", 3, e.Message);

            if (filesExist == false)
                logger.Log(repository, processRunId, "No FTP Files to Process");
