private PlanPagedResult <ErrorStackResult> Frequent(List <ErrorStackResult> result, long totalLimitedByPlan, int page = 1, int pageSize = 10)
            int skip = (page - 1) * pageSize;

            if (skip < 0)
                skip = 0;

            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 10;

            var ers = new PlanPagedResult <ErrorStackResult>(result.Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList(), totalLimitedByPlan);
            IQueryable <ErrorStack> errorStacks = _errorStackRepository.GetByIds(ers.Results.Select(s => s.Id));

            foreach (ErrorStackResult stats in ers.Results.ToList())
                ErrorStack stack = errorStacks.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == stats.Id);
                if (stack == null)
                    ers.Results.RemoveAll(r => r.Id == stats.Id);

                // Stat's Id and Total properties are already calculated in the Results.
                stats.Type   = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("ExceptionType") ? stack.SignatureInfo["ExceptionType"] : null;
                stats.Method = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("Method") ? stack.SignatureInfo["Method"] : null;
                stats.Path   = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("Path") ? stack.SignatureInfo["Path"] : null;
                stats.Is404  = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("Path");

                stats.Title = stack.Title;
                stats.First = stack.FirstOccurrence;
                stats.Last  = stack.LastOccurrence;

            ers.TotalLimitedByPlan = ers.Results.Count != pageSize ? totalLimitedByPlan : 0;
            ers.TotalCount         = result.Count + totalLimitedByPlan;
            ers.Page     = page > 1 ? page : 1;
            ers.PageSize = pageSize >= 1 ? pageSize : 10;

Beispiel #2
        private object ProcessSummaryNotification(IMessage <SummaryNotification> message)
            var project      = _projectRepository.GetByIdCached(message.GetBody().Id);
            var organization = _organizationRepository.GetByIdCached(project.OrganizationId);
            var userIds      = project.NotificationSettings.Where(n => n.Value.SendDailySummary).Select(n => n.Key).ToList();

            if (userIds.Count == 0)

            var users = _userRepository.GetByIds(userIds).Where(u => u.IsEmailAddressVerified).ToList();

            if (users.Count == 0)

            long count;
            List <ErrorStack> newest = _stackRepository.GetNew(project.Id, message.GetBody().UtcStartTime, message.GetBody().UtcEndTime, 0, 5, out count).ToList();

            DateTime start        = _projectRepository.UtcToDefaultProjectLocalTime(project.Id, message.GetBody().UtcStartTime);
            DateTime end          = _projectRepository.UtcToDefaultProjectLocalTime(project.Id, message.GetBody().UtcEndTime);
            var      result       = _errorStatsHelper.GetProjectErrorStats(project.Id, _projectRepository.GetDefaultTimeOffset(project.Id), start, end);
            var      mostFrequent = result.MostFrequent.Results.Take(5).ToList();
            var      errorStacks  = _stackRepository.GetByIds(mostFrequent.Select(s => s.Id));

            foreach (var frequent in mostFrequent)
                var stack = errorStacks.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == frequent.Id);
                if (stack == null)
                    mostFrequent.RemoveAll(r => r.Id == frequent.Id);

                // Stat's Id and Total properties are already calculated in the Results.
                frequent.Type   = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("ExceptionType") ? stack.SignatureInfo["ExceptionType"] : null;
                frequent.Method = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("Method") ? stack.SignatureInfo["Method"] : null;
                frequent.Path   = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("Path") ? stack.SignatureInfo["Path"] : null;
                frequent.Is404  = stack.SignatureInfo.ContainsKey("Path");

                frequent.Title = stack.Title;
                frequent.First = stack.FirstOccurrence;
                frequent.Last  = stack.LastOccurrence;

            var notification = new SummaryNotificationModel {
                ProjectId          = project.Id,
                ProjectName        = project.Name,
                StartDate          = start,
                EndDate            = end,
                Total              = result.Total,
                PerHourAverage     = result.PerHourAverage,
                NewTotal           = result.NewTotal,
                New                = newest,
                UniqueTotal        = result.UniqueTotal,
                MostFrequent       = mostFrequent,
                HasSubmittedErrors = project.TotalErrorCount > 0,
                IsFreePlan         = organization.PlanId == BillingManager.FreePlan.Id

            foreach (var user in users.Where(u => u.EmailNotificationsEnabled))
                _mailer.SendSummaryNotification(user.EmailAddress, notification);
