Beispiel #1
        internal static IErlObject DecodeRPC(IErlObject msg)
            var term = msg as ErlTuple;
              if (term == null)
            return null;

              var binding = term.Match(RpcReplyPattern);
              return binding != null ? binding[T] : null;
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a stream containing the serialized Erlang term.
    /// Optionally include in the beginning Erlang protocol version byte
    /// </summary>
    public ErlOutputStream(IErlObject o = null, bool writeVersion = true, bool writePktSize = false,
        int capacity = DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE)
      m_Buffer = new byte[capacity];
      m_Capacity = capacity;
      m_Position = 0;

      if (writePktSize)
        Write4BE(0); // make space for length data, but final value is not yet known

      if (o == null)
        if (writeVersion)

      encodeObject(o, writeVersion);

      if (writePktSize)
        Poke4BE(0, m_Position - 4);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an Erlang string from the given string
 /// </summary>
 public ErlList(IErlObject[] items, bool clone = true)
     : base(items, clone)
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Write an arbitrary Erlang term to the stream.
 /// </summary>
 public void Write(IErlObject o)
   switch (o.TypeOrder)
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlAtom:      WriteAtom((ErlAtom)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlBinary:    WriteBinary((ErlBinary)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlBoolean:   WriteBoolean((ErlBoolean)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlByte:      WriteByte((ErlByte)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlDouble:    WriteDouble((ErlDouble)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlLong:      WriteLong((ErlLong)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlList:      WriteList((ErlList)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlPid:       WritePid((ErlPid)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlPort:      WritePort((ErlPort)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlRef:       WriteRef((ErlRef)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlString:    WriteString((ErlString)o); break;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlTuple:     WriteTuple((ErlTuple)o); break;
       throw new ErlException(
               o.GetType().Name, o.TypeOrder.ToString());
Beispiel #5
 public ErlConnectionException(ErlAtom nodeName, IErlObject reason)
     : base(string.Empty)
     Node   = nodeName;
     Reason = reason;
Beispiel #6
 internal static ErlTuple EncodeRPC(
     ErlPid from, ErlAtom mod, ErlAtom fun, ErlList args, IErlObject gleader)
   /*{Self, {call, Mod, Fun, Args, GroupLeader}} */
   return new ErlTuple(from, new ErlTuple(ConstAtoms.Call, mod, fun, args, gleader));
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Send a message to a named mailbox created from another node
 /// </summary>
 public bool Send(ErlAtom node, ErlAtom name, IErlObject msg)
   return m_Node.Deliver(node, ErlMsg.RegSend(m_Self, name, msg));
Beispiel #8
 private IErlObject ioProcessGetLine(
     ErlAtom encoding, IErlObject prompt, IErlObject replyAs)
   return s_ReplyPattern.Subst(
       new ErlVarBind{
                     {RA, replyAs},
                     {R, (IErlObject)Tuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Error, ConstAtoms.Request)}
Beispiel #9
 internal static ErlTuple EncodeRPCcast(
     ErlPid from, ErlAtom mod, ErlAtom fun, ErlList args, IErlObject gleader)
   /*{'$gen_cast', { cast, Mod, Fun, Args, GroupLeader}} */
   return new ErlTuple(
           new ErlTuple(ConstAtoms.Cast, mod, fun, args, gleader));
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two Erlang objects are equal
 /// </summary>
 public override bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return(o is ErlList?Equals((ErlList)o) : false);
Beispiel #11
 public Pattern(int id, PatternMatchFunc b, IErlObject p)
     ID = id; Func = b; Term = p;
Beispiel #12
 * send to remote name
 * dest is recipient's registered name, the nodename is implied by
 * the choice of connection.
 public void Send(ErlPid from, ErlAtom dest, IErlObject msg)
   // encode and send the message
   base.Send(ErlMsg.RegSend(from, dest, msg, SendCookie));
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two instances are equal
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return((o is ErlBinary) ? Equals((ErlBinary)o) : false);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Send an Erlang term to a Pid on a local or remote node
 /// </summary>
 public void Send(ErlPid dest, IErlObject msg)
   base.Send(ErlMsg.Send(dest, msg, SendCookie));
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two Erlang objects are equal
 /// </summary>
 public override bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return(o is ErlTuple?Equals((ErlTuple)o) : false);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a string fmt into an Erlang term
        /// </summary>
        internal static IErlObject Parse(
            string fmt, ref int pos, ref int argc, params object[] args)
            var        items  = new List <IErlObject>();
            IErlObject result = null;

            pos = skipWSAndComments(fmt, pos);

            if (pos < fmt.Length)
                switch (fmt[pos++])
                case '{':
                    if (State.Ok != pTuple(fmt, ref pos, ref items, ref argc, args))
                        throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_PARSING_AT_ERROR, "tuple", pos);
                    result = new ErlTuple(items, false);

                case '[':
                    if (fmt[pos] == ']')
                        result = new ErlList();
                    else if (State.Ok == pList(fmt, ref pos, ref items, ref argc, args))
                        result = new ErlList(items, false);
                    throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_PARSING_AT_ERROR, "list", pos);

                case '$': /* char-value? */
                    result = new ErlByte(Convert.ToByte(fmt[pos++]));

                case '~':
                    if (State.Ok != pFormat(fmt, ref pos, ref items, ref argc, args))
                        throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_PARSING_AT_ERROR, "term", pos);
                    result = items[0];

                    char c = fmt[--pos];
                    if (char.IsLower(c))
                    { /* atom  ? */
                        string s = pAtom(fmt, ref pos);
                        result = createAtom(s);
                    else if (char.IsUpper(c) || c == '_')
                        result = pVariable(fmt, ref pos);
                    else if (char.IsDigit(c) || c == '-')
                    { /* integer/float ? */
                        string s = pDigit(fmt, ref pos);
                        if (s.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                            result = new ErlLong(long.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                            result = new ErlDouble(double.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    else if (c == '"')
                    { /* string ? */
                        string s = pString(fmt, ref pos);
                        result = new ErlString(s);
                    else if (c == '\'')
                    { /* quoted atom ? */
                        string s = pQuotedAtom(fmt, ref pos);
                        result = createAtom(s);

            if (result == null)
                throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_INVALID_VALUE_ERROR.Args(fmt));

Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Send a message to a named mailbox on local node
 /// </summary>
 public bool Send(ErlPid from, ErlAtom toName, IErlObject msg)
     return Deliver(ErlMsg.RegSend(from, toName, msg));
Beispiel #18
 public Pattern(int id, PatternMatchFunc b, string pattern, params object[] args)
     ID = id; Func = b; Term = ErlObject.Parse(pattern, args);
Beispiel #19
 internal void IoOutput(ErlAtom encoding, IErlObject output)
     if (m_OnIoOutput != null)
         m_OnIoOutput(encoding, output);
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two instances are equal
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return((o is ErlLong && Equals((ErlLong)o)) ||
            (o is ErlByte && Equals((ErlByte)o)));
Beispiel #21
 private IErlObject ioProcessPutChars(ErlAtom encoding,
     ErlString str, IErlObject replyAs)
   Node.OnIoOutput(encoding, str);
   return s_ReplyPattern.Subst(
       new ErlVarBind { { RA, replyAs }, { R, ConstAtoms.Ok } });
Beispiel #22
 internal static ErlMsg SendTT(ErlPid dest, IErlObject msg, ErlTrace traceToken, ErlAtom?cookie = null)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.SendTT, ErlPid.Null, dest, payload: msg, trace: traceToken, cookie: cookie));
Beispiel #23
    private IErlObject rpcCall(ErlPid from, ErlRef eref,
        ErlAtom mod, ErlAtom fun, ErlList args, IErlObject groupLeader)
      // We spawn a new task, so that RPC calls wouldn't block the RPC server thread
      Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
        var type = Type.GetType(mod);

        if (type == null)
          sendRpcReply(from, eref,
              ErlTuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Error, "unknown type: {0}".Args(mod)));

        // TODO: add LRU caching
        //var method = type.GetMethod(fun.Value, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

        string methodName = fun.Value;

        if (args.Count == 0)
          var pi = type.GetProperty(fun, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
          if (pi != null)
              var result = pi.GetValue(null, null);
              sendRpcReply(from, eref,
                  ErlTuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Ok, result.ToErlObject()));
            catch (Exception e)
              sendRpcReply(from, eref,
                  ErlTuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Error, new ErlString(e.Message)));

        var mi = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                     .Where(m => m.Name == methodName && m.GetParameters().Count() == args.Count)

        if (mi == null)
          sendRpcReply(from, eref,
              ErlTuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Error, "unknown method: {0}".Args(fun)));

        var pars = mi.GetParameters();

        var margs = new object[pars.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < pars.Length; i++)
          var par = pars[i];
          var val = args[i];
          margs[i] = val.AsType(par.ParameterType);

          var result = mi.Invoke(type, margs);
          sendRpcReply(from, eref, ErlTuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Ok, result.ToErlObject()));
        catch (Exception e)
          sendRpcReply(from, eref, ErlTuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Error, new ErlString(e.Message)));
      return (IErlObject)null;
Beispiel #24
 internal static ErlMsg RegSendTT(ErlPid from, ErlAtom dest, IErlObject msg,
                                  ErlTrace trace, ErlAtom?cookie = null)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.RegSend, from, dest, payload: msg, cookie: cookie));
Beispiel #25
 * send to remote name
 * dest is recipient's registered name, the nodename is implied by
 * the choice of connection.
 public void Send(ErlPid from, ErlAtom dest, IErlObject msg)
   // encode and send the message
   base.Send(ErlMsg.RegSend(from, dest, msg, SendCookie));
Beispiel #26
 public ErlAuthException(ErlAtom nodeName, IErlObject reason) : base(nodeName, reason)
Beispiel #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to break all known links to this mbox
    /// </summary>
    internal void BreakLinks(ErlAtom fromNode, IErlObject reason)
      var links = m_Links.Remove(fromNode);

      foreach (var link in links)
        if (link.HasPid)
          m_Node.Deliver(ErlMsg.Exit(m_Self, link.Pid, reason));
          m_Node.Deliver(new ErlConnectionException(fromNode, reason));

      foreach (var m in m_Monitors.Where(o => o.Value.Node == fromNode)
                                  .Where(m => m_Monitors.Remove(m.Key)))
        Deliver(new ErlConnectionException(fromNode, reason));
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two Erlang objects are equal
 /// </summary>
 public override bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return o is ErlTuple ? Equals((ErlTuple)o) : false;
Beispiel #29
 internal static ErlMsg Exit2TT(ErlPid from, ErlPid dest, IErlObject reason, ErlTrace traceToken)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.Exit2TT, from, dest, reason: reason, trace: traceToken));
Beispiel #30
 public ErlIncompatibleTypesException(IErlObject lhs, Type rhs)
     : base(StringConsts.ERL_CANNOT_CONVERT_TYPES_ERROR, lhs.GetType().Name, rhs.Name)
Beispiel #31
		    /// <summary>
		    /// Create an Erlang tuple from the given list of items
		    /// </summary>
		    public ErlTuple(IErlObject[] items) : base(items) {}
Beispiel #32
 internal static ErlMsg DemonitorP(ErlPid from, IErlObject /* Pid or Atom */ dest, ErlRef eref)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.DemonitorP, from, dest, eref: eref));
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two Erlang objects are equal
 /// </summary>
 public override bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     if (o is ErlList) return Equals((ErlList)o);
     if (o is ErlString)
       var rhs = ((ErlString)o).Value;
       if (rhs.Length != m_Items.Count) return false;
       return !rhs.Where((t, i) => !m_Items[i].IsInt() || (int)t != m_Items[i].ValueAsInt).Any();
     return false;
Beispiel #34
 internal static ErlMsg MonitorPexit(IErlObject from, ErlPid dest, ErlRef eref, IErlObject reason)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.MonitorPexit, from, dest, eref: eref, reason: reason));
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Send a message to a remote <see cref="ErlPid"/>, representing
 /// either another <see cref="ErlMbox"/> or an Erlang process
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>true if message was sent successfully</returns>
 public bool Send(ErlPid to, IErlObject msg)
     return Deliver(ErlMsg.Send(to, msg));
Beispiel #36
 internal static ErlMsg Send(ErlPid dest, IErlObject msg, ErlAtom?cookie = null)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.Send, ErlPid.Null, dest, payload: msg, cookie: cookie));
Beispiel #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Break links of all pids linked to pids on the fromNode node
 /// </summary>
 internal void BreakLinks(ErlAtom fromNode, IErlObject reason)
     foreach (var m in m_Mailboxes)
         m.Value.BreakLinks(fromNode, reason);
Beispiel #38
 internal static ErlMsg Exit(ErlPid from, ErlPid dest, IErlObject reason)
     return(new ErlMsg(Tag.Exit, from, dest, reason: reason));
        private void checkForError(IErlObject pattern, IErlObject response, ErlVarBind bind, int reqID)
            if (bind != null)

            bind = response.Match(pattern);
            if (bind == null)
              throw new ErlDataAccessException(StringConsts.ERL_DS_INVALID_RESP_PROTOCOL_ERROR + "invalid error response pattern", new Exception(response.ToString()));

            var gotReqID = bind[ATOM_ReqID].ValueAsLong;

            if (gotReqID != reqID)
              throw new ErlDataAccessException(StringConsts.ERL_DS_INVALID_RESP_PROTOCOL_ERROR + "unexpected transaction ID (expected={0}, got={1})".Args(reqID, gotReqID));

            var ecode = bind[ATOM_Code].ValueAsInt;
            var rmsg  = bind[ATOM_Msg];
            var emsg  = rmsg.TypeOrder == ErlTypeOrder.ErlString || rmsg.TypeOrder == ErlTypeOrder.ErlAtom
                  ? rmsg.ValueAsString
                  : rmsg.ToString();

            Exception error;

            switch (ecode)
            error = new NFX.DataAccess.CRUD.Subscriptions.InvalidSubscriptionRequestException(emsg, null);
              case -1:
            error = new ErlDataAccessException("Remote error message: {0}".Args(emsg));
            error = new ErlDataAccessException("Remote error code {0}. Message: {1}".Args(ecode, emsg));

            throw error;
Beispiel #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two atoms are equal
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return(o is ErlAtom && Index == ((ErlAtom)o).Index);
Beispiel #41
    private IErlObject ioProcessRequests(
        ErlPatternMatcher pm, ErlList requests, IErlObject replyAs)

      foreach (var r in requests)
        IErlObject term = r;
        if (pm.Match(ref term, replyAs) < 0)
          return term;
      return s_ReplyPattern.Subst(
          new ErlVarBind{
                        {RA, replyAs},
                        {R, (IErlObject)Tuple.Create(ConstAtoms.Error, ConstAtoms.Request)
Beispiel #42
        public void ErlTestFormat()
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("a");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlAtom), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual("a", obj1.ValueAsString);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("$a");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlByte), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual('a', (char)obj1.ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("'Abc'");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlAtom), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Abc", obj1.ValueAsString);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("{'true', 'false', true, false}");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlTuple), obj1);
                var t = (ErlTuple)obj1;
                Assert.AreEqual(4, t.Count);
                t.Select(o => { Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlBoolean), o); return(0); });
                Assert.AreEqual(true, t[0].ValueAsBool);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, t[1].ValueAsBool);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, t[2].ValueAsBool);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, t[3].ValueAsBool);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("\"Abc\"");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlString), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Abc", obj1.ValueAsString);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("Abc");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlVar), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual("Abc", ((ErlVar)obj1).Name.Value);

                IErlObject obj2 = ErlObject.Parse("V");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlVar), obj2);
                Assert.AreEqual("V", ((ErlVar)obj2).Name.Value);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("1");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, obj1.ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("1.23");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlDouble), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1.23, obj1.ValueAsDouble);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("$a");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlByte), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual('a', (char)obj1.ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("{1}");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlTuple), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, ((ErlTuple)obj1).Count);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), ((ErlTuple)obj1)[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, (obj1 as ErlTuple)[0].ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj0 = ErlObject.Parse("[]");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlList), obj0);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, ((ErlList)obj0).Count);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("[1]");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlList), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, ((ErlList)obj1).Count);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), (obj1 as ErlList)[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, (obj1 as ErlList)[0].ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("[{1,2}, []]");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlList), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, (obj1 as ErlList).Count);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlTuple), (obj1 as ErlList)[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, ((obj1 as ErlList)[0] as ErlTuple).Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, ((obj1 as ErlList)[1] as ErlList).Count);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("{a, [b, 1, 2.0, \"abc\"], {1, 2}}");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlTuple), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (obj1 as ErlTuple).Count);
                IErlObject obj1 = ErlObject.Parse("~w", 1);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), obj1);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, (((ErlLong)obj1)).ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj2 = ErlObject.Parse("{~w, ~w,~w}", 1, 2, 3);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlTuple), obj2);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (obj2 as ErlTuple).Count);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, (obj2 as ErlTuple)[0].ValueAsInt);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, (obj2 as ErlTuple)[1].ValueAsInt);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[2]);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, (obj2 as ErlTuple)[2].ValueAsInt);
                IErlObject obj2 = ErlObject.Parse("{~w, ~w,~w,~w, ~w}", 1.0, 'a', "abc", 2, true);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlTuple), obj2);
                Assert.AreEqual(5, (obj2 as ErlTuple).Count);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlDouble), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0, (obj2 as ErlTuple)[0].ValueAsDouble);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlByte), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual((byte)'a', (obj2 as ErlTuple)[1].ValueAsInt);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlString), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[2]);
                Assert.AreEqual("abc", (obj2 as ErlTuple)[2].ValueAsString);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlLong), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[3]);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, (obj2 as ErlTuple)[3].ValueAsInt);
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ErlBoolean), (obj2 as ErlTuple)[4]);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, (obj2 as ErlTuple)[4].ValueAsBool);
Beispiel #43
 private IErlObject ioProcessPutChars(ErlAtom encoding,
     ErlAtom mod, ErlAtom fun, ErlList args, IErlObject replyAs)
   string term;
   if (mod == ConstAtoms.Io_Lib && fun == ConstAtoms.Format && args.Count == 2)
     try { term = ErlObject.Format(args); }
     catch { term = "{0}:{1}({2})".Args(mod, fun, args.ToString(true)); }
     term = "{0}:{1}({2})".Args(mod, fun, args.ToString(true));
   Node.OnIoOutput(encoding, new ErlString(term));
   return s_ReplyPattern.Subst(
       new ErlVarBind { { RA, replyAs }, { R, ConstAtoms.Ok } });
Beispiel #44
        public void ErlTestMatchVariable()
            var cases = new KeyValueList <string, IErlObject> {
                { "B", new ErlLong(1) },
                { "B", new ErlAtom("abc") },
                { "B", new ErlString("efg") },
                { "B", new ErlDouble(10.0) },
                { "B::int()", new ErlLong(10) },
                { "B::integer()", new ErlLong(20) },
                { "B::string()", new ErlString("xxx") },
                { "B::atom()", new ErlAtom("xyz") },
                { "B::float()", new ErlDouble(5.0) },
                { "B::double()", new ErlDouble(3.0) },
                { "B::binary()", new ErlBinary(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }) },
                { "B::bool()", new ErlBoolean(true) },
                { "B::boolean()", new ErlBoolean(false) },
                { "B::byte()", new ErlByte(1) },
                { "B::char()", new ErlByte('a') },
                { "B::list()", new ErlList(1, 2, 3) },
                { "B::tuple()", new ErlTuple(new ErlByte('a'), 1, "aaa") },
                { "B::pid()", new ErlPid("xxx", 1, 2, 3) },
                { "B::ref()", new ErlRef("xxx", 1, 0, 0, 3) },
                { "B::reference()", new ErlRef("xxx", 1, 0, 0, 3) },
                { "B::port()", new ErlPort("xxx", 1, 3) }

            foreach (var p in cases)
                    IErlObject pat = p.Key.ToErlObject();
                    IErlObject obj = p.Value;

                    var binding = new ErlVarBind();
                    binding[B] = obj;

                    Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));

                    IErlObject pat = p.Key.ToErlObject();
                    IErlObject obj = p.Value;

                    var binding = new ErlVarBind();

                    Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));

                    var b = binding["B"];

                    Assert.AreEqual(obj.TypeOrder, b.TypeOrder);

            var revCases = cases.Reverse <KeyValuePair <string, IErlObject> >().ToList();

                      (p1, p2) => {
                ErlVar pat     = ErlObject.Parse <ErlVar>(p1.Key);
                IErlObject obj = p2.Value;

                var binding = new ErlVarBind();

                if (pat.ValueType == ErlTypeOrder.ErlObject || pat.ValueType == obj.TypeOrder)
                    Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));
                    Assert.IsFalse(pat.Match(obj, binding));

Beispiel #45
 private void sendRpcReply(ErlPid from, ErlRef eref, IErlObject reply)
   if (from.Empty) return;
   Node.Send(from, ErlTuple.Create(eref, reply));
Beispiel #46
        public void ErlTestPatternMatch()
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse("{snapshot, x12, []}");
                IErlObject pat     = ErlObject.Parse("{snapshot, N, L}");

                Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));
                ErlAtom n = binding.Cast <ErlAtom>(N);
                ErlList l = binding.Cast <ErlList>(L);
                Assert.IsTrue(l.Count == 0);
                IErlObject pat = ErlObject.Parse("{test, A, B, C}");
                IErlObject obj = ErlObject.Parse("{test, 10, a, [1,2,3]}");

                var binding = new ErlVarBind();
                Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(3, binding.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, binding.Cast <ErlLong>(A));
                Assert.AreEqual("a", binding.Cast <ErlAtom>(B).ValueAsString);
                Assert.AreEqual("[1,2,3]", binding["C"].ToString());

                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse("[1,a,$b,\"xyz\",{1,10.0},[]]");
                IErlObject pat     = ErlObject.Parse("[A,B,C,D,E,F]");

                Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.IsNotNull(binding.Cast <ErlLong>(A));
                Assert.IsNotNull(binding.Cast <ErlAtom>(B));
                Assert.IsNotNull(binding.Cast <ErlByte>(C));
                Assert.IsNotNull(binding.Cast <ErlString>(D));
                Assert.IsNotNull(binding.Cast <ErlTuple>(E));
                Assert.IsNotNull(binding.Cast <ErlList>(F));

                Assert.IsTrue(binding.Cast <ErlTuple>(E).Count == 2);
                Assert.IsTrue(binding.Cast <ErlList>(F).Count == 0);

            IErlObject pattern = ErlObject.Parse("{test, T}");
            string     exp     = "{test, ~w}";
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, (int)3);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(3, binding.Cast <ErlLong>(T));
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, (long)100);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(100, binding.Cast <ErlLong>(T));
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, 100.0);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(100.0, binding.Cast <ErlDouble>(T).ValueAsDouble);
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, "test");
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual("test", binding.Cast <ErlString>(T).ValueAsString);
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, true);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(true, binding.Cast <ErlBoolean>(T).ValueAsBool);
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, 'c');
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual((byte)'c', binding.Cast <ErlByte>(T).ValueAsInt);
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                var        pid     = new ErlPid("tmp", 1, 2, 3);
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, pid as IErlObject);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(pid, binding.Cast <ErlPid>(T));
                Assert.AreEqual(pid, binding.Cast <ErlPid>(T).Value);

                obj = ErlObject.Parse(exp, pid);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(pid, binding.Cast <ErlPid>(T).Value);
                var        binding = new ErlVarBind();
                var        port    = new ErlPort("tmp", 1, 2);
                IErlObject obj     = ErlObject.Parse(exp, port);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(port, binding.Cast <ErlPort>(T));
                Assert.AreEqual(port, binding.Cast <ErlPort>(T).Value);
                var        binding   = new ErlVarBind();
                var        reference = new ErlRef("tmp", 1, 0, 0, 2);
                IErlObject obj       = ErlObject.Parse(exp, reference);
                Assert.IsTrue(pattern.Match(obj, binding));
                Assert.AreEqual(reference, binding.Cast <ErlRef>(T));
                Assert.AreEqual(reference, binding.Cast <ErlRef>(T).Value);
                var     binding = new ErlVarBind();
                ErlList obj     = new ErlList(new ErlLong(10), new ErlDouble(30.0),
                                              new ErlString("abc"), new ErlAtom("a"),
                                              new ErlBinary(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }), false, new ErlBoolean(true));
                IErlObject pat = ErlObject.Parse("T");
                Assert.IsTrue(pat.Match(obj, binding));
                IErlObject expected = ErlObject.Parse("[10, 30.0, \"abc\", 'a', ~w, \'false\', true]",
                                                      new ErlBinary(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
                IErlObject result = binding[T];
Beispiel #47
 internal static ErlTuple EncodeRPCcast(
     ErlPid from, string mod, string fun, ErlList args, IErlObject gleader)
   return EncodeRPCcast(from, new ErlAtom(mod), new ErlAtom(fun), args, gleader);
Beispiel #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two instances are equal
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return((o is ErlBinary) && Equals((ErlBinary)o));
Beispiel #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Send an Erlang term to a Pid on a local or remote node
 /// </summary>
 public void Send(ErlPid dest, IErlObject msg)
   base.Send(ErlMsg.Send(dest, msg, SendCookie));
Beispiel #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Perform pattern match on this Erlang term without binding any variables
 /// </summary>
 public bool Matches(IErlObject pattern)
     return(pattern is ErlVar?pattern.Matches(this) : Equals(pattern));
Beispiel #51
    /// <summary>
    /// Receive a message and match it against a given pattern
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pattern">Pattern to match the message against</param>
    /// <param name="timeoutMsec">Timeout in milliseconds</param>
    /// <returns>Return a tuple containing the received message and variable
    /// binding object. On timeout the first element of the tuple is null.
    /// On unsuccessful match the second element of the tuple is null</returns>
    public Tuple<IErlObject, ErlVarBind> ReceiveMatch(IErlObject pattern, int timeoutMsec = -1)
      var m = Receive(timeoutMsec);
      if (m == null) return Tuple.Create<IErlObject, ErlVarBind>(null, null);

      var binding = new ErlVarBind();
      bool res = m.Match(pattern, binding);
      return Tuple.Create(m, res ? binding : null);
Beispiel #52
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if two atoms are equal
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(IErlObject o)
     return(o is ErlBoolean?Equals((ErlBoolean)o) : false);
Beispiel #53
 public void RPCcast(ErlAtom node, ErlAtom mod, ErlAtom fun, ErlList args, IErlObject ioServer)
   if (node.Equals(m_Node.NodeName))
     throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_CONN_CANT_RPC_TO_LOCAL_NODE_ERROR);
     var msg = Internal.ErlRpcServer.EncodeRPCcast(m_Self, mod, fun, args, ioServer);
     var conn = m_Node.Connection(node);
     if (conn == null)
       throw new ErlConnectionException(
           node, StringConsts.ERL_CONN_CANT_CONNECT_TO_NODE_ERROR.Args(node));
     conn.Send(m_Self, ConstAtoms.Rex, msg);
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare this instance to the object.
        /// Negative value means that the atom is less than obj, positive - greater than the obj
        /// </summary>
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            IErlObject o = obj as IErlObject;

            return(o == null ? -1 : CompareTo(o));
Beispiel #55
        protected string HeaderType(IErlObject h)
            var tag = h is ErlTuple
              ? (ErlMsg.Tag)(((ErlTuple)h)[0].ValueAsInt)
              : ErlMsg.Tag.Undefined;

              return tag.ToString().ToUpper();
Beispiel #56
 public bool Subst(ref IErlObject term, ErlVarBind binding)
Beispiel #57
 public static int EncodeSize(IErlObject o)
   switch (o.TypeOrder)
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlAtom:
       return 1 + 2 + o.ValueAsString.Length;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlBinary:
       return 5 + o.ValueAsByteArray.Length;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlBoolean:
       return 1 + 2 + (o.ValueAsBool ? ErlConsts.TRUE.Length : ErlConsts.FALSE.Length);
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlByte:
       return 1 + 1;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlDouble:
       return 9;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlLong:
       long l1 = o.ValueAsLong;
       if ((l1 & 0xff) == l1) return 2;
       else if ((ErlConsts.ERL_INT_MIN <= l1) && (l1 <= ErlConsts.ERL_INT_MAX)) return 5;
       return longArity(l1);
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlList:
       var l2 = (ErlList)o;
       if (l2.Count == 0) return 1;
       return 5 + l2.Value.Sum(obj1 => EncodeSize(obj1));
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlPid:
       var p1 = (ErlPid)o;
       return 1 + (1 + 2 + p1.Node.Length) + 4 + 4 + 1;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlPort:
       var p2 = (ErlPort)o;
       return 1 + (1 + 2 + p2.Node.Length) + 4 + 1;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlRef:
       var p3 = (ErlRef)o;
       return 1 + (1 + 2 + p3.Node.Length) + 1 + 4 * p3.Ids.Length;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlString:
       var l3 = o.ValueAsString;
       if (l3.Length == 0) return 1;
       if (l3.Length < 0xffff) return 2 + l3.Length;
       return 1 + 4 + 2 * l3.Length;
     case ErlTypeOrder.ErlTuple:
       var l4 = (ErlTuple)o;
       int sz = 1 + (l4.Count < 0xff ? 1 : 4);
       return sz + l4.Value.Sum(obj2 => EncodeSize(obj2));
       throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_UNSUPPORTED_ELEMENT_TYPE_ERROR,
           o.GetType().Name, o.TypeOrder.ToString());
Beispiel #58
 /// <summary>
 /// Perform pattern match on this Erlang term returning null if match fails
 /// or a dictionary of matched variables bound in the pattern
 /// </summary>
 public ErlVarBind Match(IErlObject pattern)
     return(pattern is ErlVar
    ? pattern.Match(this)
    : Equals(pattern) ? new ErlVarBind() : null);
Beispiel #59
 private void encodeObject(IErlObject o, bool writeVersion)
   if (writeVersion)
Beispiel #60
 /// <summary>
 /// Perform pattern match on this Erlang term, storing matched variables
 /// found in the pattern into the binding.
 /// </summary>
 public bool Match(IErlObject pattern, ErlVarBind binding)
     return(pattern is ErlVar?pattern.Match(this, binding) : Equals(pattern));