Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TesterController" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 public TesterController(INotificationService service, IDiscordNotification notification, IEmailNotification emailN,
                         IPushbulletNotification pushbullet, ISlackNotification slack, IPushoverNotification po, IMattermostNotification mm,
                         IPlexApi plex, IEmbyApiFactory emby, IRadarrApi radarr, ISonarrApi sonarr, ILogger <TesterController> log, IEmailProvider provider,
                         ICouchPotatoApi cpApi, ITelegramNotification telegram, ISickRageApi srApi, INewsletterJob newsletter, ILegacyMobileNotification mobileNotification,
                         ILidarrApi lidarrApi, IGotifyNotification gotifyNotification, IWhatsAppApi whatsAppApi, OmbiUserManager um, IWebhookNotification webhookNotification,
                         IJellyfinApi jellyfinApi)
     Service                = service;
     DiscordNotification    = notification;
     EmailNotification      = emailN;
     PushbulletNotification = pushbullet;
     SlackNotification      = slack;
     PushoverNotification   = po;
     MattermostNotification = mm;
     PlexApi                = plex;
     RadarrApi              = radarr;
     EmbyApi                = emby;
     SonarrApi              = sonarr;
     Log                  = log;
     EmailProvider        = provider;
     CouchPotatoApi       = cpApi;
     TelegramNotification = telegram;
     SickRageApi          = srApi;
     Newsletter           = newsletter;
     MobileNotification   = mobileNotification;
     LidarrApi            = lidarrApi;
     GotifyNotification   = gotifyNotification;
     WhatsAppApi          = whatsAppApi;
     UserManager          = um;
     WebhookNotification  = webhookNotification;
     _jellyfinApi         = jellyfinApi;
Beispiel #2
 public EmbyEpisodeSync(ISettingsService <EmbySettings> s, IEmbyApiFactory api, ILogger <EmbyEpisodeSync> l, IEmbyContentRepository repo
                        , IHubContext <NotificationHub> notification)
     _apiFactory   = api;
     _logger       = l;
     _settings     = s;
     _repo         = repo;
     _notification = notification;
Beispiel #3
 public LandingPageController(ISettingsService <PlexSettings> plex, ISettingsService <EmbySettings> emby,
                              IPlexApi plexApi, IEmbyApiFactory embyApi, ISettingsService <JellyfinSettings> jellyfin, IJellyfinApi jellyfinApi)
     _plexSettings = plex;
     _embySettings = emby;
     _plexApi      = plexApi;
     _embyApi      = embyApi;
     _jellyfin     = jellyfin;
     _jellyfinApi  = jellyfinApi;
Beispiel #4
 public EmbyUserImporter(IEmbyApiFactory api, UserManager <OmbiUser> um, ILogger <EmbyUserImporter> log,
                         ISettingsService <EmbySettings> embySettings, ISettingsService <UserManagementSettings> ums, IHubContext <NotificationHub> notification)
     _apiFactory             = api;
     _userManager            = um;
     _log                    = log;
     _embySettings           = embySettings;
     _userManagementSettings = ums;
     _notification           = notification;
Beispiel #5
 public OmbiUserManager(IUserStore <OmbiUser> store, IOptions <IdentityOptions> optionsAccessor,
                        IPasswordHasher <OmbiUser> passwordHasher, IEnumerable <IUserValidator <OmbiUser> > userValidators,
                        IEnumerable <IPasswordValidator <OmbiUser> > passwordValidators, ILookupNormalizer keyNormalizer,
                        IdentityErrorDescriber errors, IServiceProvider services, ILogger <UserManager <OmbiUser> > logger, IPlexApi plexApi,
                        IEmbyApiFactory embyApi, ISettingsService <EmbySettings> embySettings,
                        IJellyfinApiFactory jellyfinApi, ISettingsService <JellyfinSettings> jellyfinSettings,
                        ISettingsService <AuthenticationSettings> auth)
     : base(store, optionsAccessor, passwordHasher, userValidators, passwordValidators, keyNormalizer, errors, services, logger)
     _plexApi          = plexApi;
     _embyApi          = embyApi;
     _jellyfinApi      = jellyfinApi;
     _embySettings     = embySettings;
     _jellyfinSettings = jellyfinSettings;
     _authSettings     = auth;
Beispiel #6
 public SettingsController(ISettingsResolver resolver,
                           IMapper mapper,
                           INotificationTemplatesRepository templateRepo,
                           IEmbyApiFactory embyApi,
                           IJellyfinApiFactory jellyfinApi,
                           ICacheService memCache,
                           IGithubApi githubApi,
                           IRecentlyAddedEngine engine)
     SettingsResolver   = resolver;
     Mapper             = mapper;
     TemplateRepository = templateRepo;
     _embyApi           = embyApi;
     _jellyfinApi       = jellyfinApi;
     _cache             = memCache;
     _githubApi         = githubApi;
     _recentlyAdded     = engine;
Beispiel #7
 public RefreshMetadata(IPlexContentRepository plexRepo, IEmbyContentRepository embyRepo, IJellyfinContentRepository jellyfinRepo,
                        ILogger <RefreshMetadata> log, ITvMazeApi tvApi, ISettingsService <PlexSettings> plexSettings,
                        IMovieDbApi movieApi,
                        ISettingsService <EmbySettings> embySettings, IEmbyApiFactory embyApi,
                        ISettingsService <JellyfinSettings> jellyfinSettings, IJellyfinApiFactory jellyfinApi,
                        IHubContext <NotificationHub> notification)
     _plexRepo           = plexRepo;
     _embyRepo           = embyRepo;
     _jellyfinRepo       = jellyfinRepo;
     _log                = log;
     _movieApi           = movieApi;
     _tvApi              = tvApi;
     _plexSettings       = plexSettings;
     _embySettings       = embySettings;
     _embyApiFactory     = embyApi;
     _jellyfinSettings   = jellyfinSettings;
     _jellyfinApiFactory = jellyfinApi;
     _notification       = notification;
Beispiel #8
 public EmbyController(IEmbyApiFactory emby, ISettingsService <EmbySettings> embySettings)
     EmbyApi      = emby;
     EmbySettings = embySettings;