/// <summary>
        /// Requests that an <see cref="IQuickInfoSession"/> be opened for the specified <see cref="IEditorView"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">The <see cref="IEditorView"/> that will host the session.</param>
        /// <param name="context">A context object returned by <see cref="GetContext"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if a session was opened; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        protected override bool RequestSession(IEditorView view, object context)
            // Create a session and assign a context that can be used to identify it
            QuickInfoSession session = new QuickInfoSession();

            session.Context = context;

            TextRangeContext textRangeContext = context as TextRangeContext;

            if (textRangeContext != null)
                // Get a reader initialized to the offset
                ITextSnapshotReader reader = view.CurrentSnapshot.GetReader(textRangeContext.Range.StartOffset);
                IToken token = reader.Token;
                if (token != null)
                    // Create some marked-up content indicating the token at the offset and the line it's on
                    session.Content = new HtmlContentProvider(
                        String.Format("Target word: <b>{0}</b><br/>Token: <b>{1}</b><br/><span style=\"color: Green;\">Found on line {2}.</span>",
                                      view.OffsetToPosition(textRangeContext.Range.StartOffset).Line + 1), view.DefaultBackgroundColor).GetContent();

                    // Open the session
                    session.Open(view, textRangeContext.Range);
                LineNumberMarginContext marginContext = context as LineNumberMarginContext;
                if (marginContext != null)
                    // Create some marked-up content indicating the line number
                    session.Content = new HtmlContentProvider(String.Format("Line number: <b>{0}</b>", marginContext.LineIndex + 1), view.DefaultBackgroundColor).GetContent();

                    // Get the margin
                    IEditorViewMargin margin = view.Margins[EditorViewMarginKeys.LineNumber];

                    // Get the view line that contains the line
                    ITextViewLine viewLine = view.GetViewLine(new TextPosition(marginContext.LineIndex, 0));
                    if ((margin != null) && (viewLine != null))
                        // Get line bounds relative to the margin
                        Rect bounds = view.TransformFromTextArea(viewLine.Bounds);
                        bounds.X     = 0;
                        bounds.Width = margin.VisualElement.RenderSize.Width;

                        // Open the session
                        session.Open(view, PlacementMode.Bottom, view.VisualElement, bounds);