Beispiel #1
        public void SetCaretToCursor(int mouseX, int mouseY, IDrawer2D drawer)
            string text = Text;

            if (Password)
                text = new String('*', text.Length);
            mouseX -= X; mouseY -= Y;

            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);
            Size         size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

            if (mouseX >= size.Width)
                Chars.CaretPos = -1; return;

            for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++)
                args.Text = text.Substring(0, i);
                int trimmedWidth = drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;
                args.Text = new String(text[i], 1);
                int charWidth = drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;
                if (mouseX >= trimmedWidth && mouseX < trimmedWidth + charWidth)
                    Chars.CaretPos = i; return;
Beispiel #2
        public Rectangle MeasureCaret(IDrawer2D drawer)
            string text = Text;

            if (Password)
                text = new String('*', text.Length);
            Rectangle    r    = new Rectangle(X + 5, Y + Height - 5, 0, 2);
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);

            if (Chars.CaretPos == -1)
                Size size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);
                r.X += size.Width; r.Width = 10;
                args.Text = text.Substring(0, Chars.CaretPos);
                int trimmedWidth = drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;
                args.Text = new String(text[Chars.CaretPos], 1);
                int charWidth = drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;
                r.X += trimmedWidth; r.Width = charWidth;
        /// <summary> Calculates the location and size of the caret character </summary>
        protected void UpdateCaret()
            int maxChars = UsedLines * MaxCharsPerLine;

            if (caret >= maxChars)
                caret = -1;
            Text.GetCoords(caret, lines, out caretX, out caretY);
            DrawTextArgs args   = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, false);
            IDrawer2D    drawer = game.Drawer2D;

            caretAccumulator = 0;

            if (caretX == MaxCharsPerLine)
                caretTex.X1    = X + Padding + lineSizes[caretY].Width;
                caretCol       = PackedCol.Yellow;
                caretTex.Width = (ushort)caretWidth;
                args.Text = lines[caretY].Substring(0, caretX);
                Size trimmedSize = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);
                if (caretY == 0)
                    trimmedSize.Width += prefixWidth;

                caretTex.X1 = X + Padding + trimmedSize.Width;
                caretCol    = PackedCol.Scale(PackedCol.White, 0.8f);

                string line = lines[caretY];
                if (caretX < line.Length)
                    args.Text      = new String(line[caretX], 1);
                    args.UseShadow = true;
                    caretTex.Width = (ushort)drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;
                    caretTex.Width = (ushort)caretWidth;
            caretTex.Y1 = lineSizes[0].Height * caretY + inputTex.Y1 + 2;

            // Update the colour of the caret
            char code = GetLastCol(caretX, caretY);

            if (code != '\0')
                caretCol = IDrawer2D.GetCol(code);
Beispiel #4
        bool DrawColumnEntry(IDrawer2D drawer, ref DrawTextArgs args,
                             int maxWidth, int x, ref int y, ref TableEntry entry)
            Size size  = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);
            bool empty = args.Text == "";

            if (empty)
                size.Height = entryHeight;
            if (y + size.Height > table.Y + table.Height)
                y = table.Y + table.Height + 2; return(false);

            entry.Y = y; entry.Height = size.Height;
            if (!empty)
                size.Width          = Math.Min(maxWidth, size.Width);
                args.SkipPartsCheck = false;
                Drawer2DExt.DrawClippedText(ref args, drawer, x, y, maxWidth);
            y += size.Height + 2;
Beispiel #5
        public override void Redraw(IDrawer2D drawer)
            string text = Text;

            if (Password)
                text = new String('*', text.Length);
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs("&0" + text, font, false);

            Size size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

            RealWidth           = Math.Max(ButtonWidth, size.Width + 20);
            textHeight          = size.Height;
            args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
            if (Window.Minimised || !Visible)

            using (FastBitmap bmp = Window.LockBits()) {
                Clear(bmp, PackedCol.White, X + 2, Y + 2, RealWidth - 4, Height - 4);
            DrawText(drawer, args);
Beispiel #6
        public void SetDrawData(IDrawer2D drawer, string text)
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);
            Size         size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

            Width = size.Width; Height = size.Height;

            Text = text;
Beispiel #7
        public void SetDrawData(IDrawer2D drawer, string text, Font font, int width, int height)
            Width = width; Height = height;
            this.font = font;

            Text = text;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);

            textSize = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);
Beispiel #8
        public static void DrawClippedText(ref DrawTextArgs args, IDrawer2D drawer,
                                           int x, int y, int maxWidth)
            Size size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

            // No clipping needed
            if (size.Width <= maxWidth)
                args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                drawer.DrawText(ref args, x, y); return;

            string text = args.Text;

            char[] chars = new char[text.Length + 2];

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                chars[i] = text[i];
            chars[text.Length]     = '.';
            chars[text.Length + 1] = '.';

            DrawTextArgs part = args;

            for (int i = text.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
                chars[i] = '.';
                if (text[i - 1] == ' ')

                part.Text = new string(chars, 0, i + 2);
                if (TryDraw(ref part, drawer, x, y, maxWidth))

                // If down to <= 2 chars, try omit trailing ..
                if (i > 2)
                part.Text = new string(chars, 0, i);
                if (TryDraw(ref part, drawer, x, y, maxWidth))
Beispiel #9
        protected void SetCaretToCursor(int mouseX, int mouseY)
            mouseX -= inputTex.X1; mouseY -= inputTex.Y1;
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, true);
            IDrawer2D    drawer = game.Drawer2D;
            int          offset = 0, charHeight = caretTex.Height;

            for (int y = 0; y < lines.Length; y++)
                string line = lines[y];
                if (line == null)

                for (int x = 0; x < line.Length; x++)
                    args.Text = line.Substring(0, x);
                    int charOffset = drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;
                    if (y == 0)
                        charOffset += prefixWidth;

                    args.Text = new string(line[x], 1);
                    int charWidth = drawer.MeasureText(ref args).Width;

                    if (GuiElement.Contains(charOffset, y * charHeight, charWidth, charHeight, mouseX, mouseY))
                        caret = offset + x;
                        UpdateCaret(); return;
                offset += line.Length;
            caret = -1;
Beispiel #10
        static bool TryDraw(ref DrawTextArgs args, IDrawer2D drawer,
                            int x, int y, int maxWidth)
            Size size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

            if (size.Width > maxWidth)

            args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
            drawer.DrawText(ref args, x, y);
Beispiel #11
        public void SetDrawData(IDrawer2D drawer, string text)
            Text = text;
            if (Password)
                text = new String('*', text.Length);

            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(text, font, true);
            Size         size = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

            RealWidth  = Math.Max(ButtonWidth, size.Width + 15);
            textHeight = size.Height;
Beispiel #12
        public override void RemakeTexture()
            DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(lines[0], font, false);
            Size         size = game.Drawer2D.MeasureText(ref args);

            caretAccumulator = 0;

            // Ensure we don't have 0 text height
            if (size.Height == 0)
                args.Text   = Validator.Range;
                size.Height = game.Drawer2D.MeasureText(ref args).Height;
                args.Text   = lines[0];
                args.SkipPartsCheck = true;

            Width  = Math.Max(size.Width, MinWidth);
            Height = Math.Max(size.Height, MinHeight);
            Size adjSize = size; adjSize.Width = Width;

            using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(adjSize))
                using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D)
                    drawer.DrawText(ref args, Padding, 0);

                    args.Text           = Validator.Range;
                    args.SkipPartsCheck = false;
                    Size hintSize = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);

                    args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                    int hintX = adjSize.Width - hintSize.Width;
                    if (size.Width + 3 < hintX)
                        drawer.DrawText(ref args, hintX, 0);
                    inputTex = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, adjSize, 0, 0);

            inputTex.X1 = X; inputTex.Y1 = Y;
            if (size.Height < MinHeight)
                inputTex.Y1 += MinHeight / 2 - size.Height / 2;
Beispiel #13
        void DrawTitle()
            using (IDrawer2D drawer = Drawer) {

                drawer.UseBitmappedChat = (useBitmappedFont || ClassicBackground) && fontPng;
                DrawTextArgs args   = new DrawTextArgs("&eClassical&fSharp", logoFont, false);
                Size         size   = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);
                int          xStart = Width / 2 - size.Width / 2;

                args.Text = "&0Classical&0Sharp";
                drawer.DrawText(ref args, xStart + 4, 4);
                args.Text = "&eClassical&fSharp";
                drawer.DrawText(ref args, xStart, 0);
                drawer.UseBitmappedChat = false;
Beispiel #14
        void DrawText(IDrawer2D drawer, DrawTextArgs args)
            if (Text.Length != 0 || HintText == null)
                int y = Y + 2 + (Height - textHeight) / 2;
                drawer.DrawText(ref args, X + 5, y);
                args.SkipPartsCheck = false;
                args.Text           = HintText;
                args.Font           = hintFont;

                Size hintSize = drawer.MeasureText(ref args);
                int  y        = Y + (Height - hintSize.Height) / 2;
                args.SkipPartsCheck = true;
                drawer.DrawText(ref args, X + 5, y);