protected override void OnControlRemoved(ControlEventArgs e) { base.OnControlRemoved(e); // IDockPanel pDockPanel = e.Control as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel != null) { this.SetPanelNodeState(pDockPanel, PanelNodeState.eClose); //pDockPanel.SetShowHideButton(false); pDockPanel.BeforeVisibleExValueSeted -= new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(DockPanel_BeforeVisibleExValueSeted); } // // // if (this.Controls.Count > 0) { return; } if (!this.IsDisposed && this.Visible) { this.Close(); } this.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); }
public override void _runCommand() { IForm form_ = this._getOwner() as IForm; IDockPanel dockPanel_ = form_._childControl("dockPanel1") as IDockPanel; dockPanel_._showPad("solutionPad"); }
public void _showGraceful(string nWindowUrl, string nFormDescriptorUrl) { WindowSingleton windowSingleton_ = __singleton<WindowSingleton>._instance(); mForm = windowSingleton_._loadForm(nFormDescriptorUrl); mDockPanel = mForm._childControl("dockPanel1") as IDockPanel; mForm._appShow(); }
public void DockTo(IDockPanel parent, DockPanelState state, int size) { if (parent != null && !parent.Visible) { return; // no need to throw exception if it not visible } var ctrl = parent != null ? parent.Control : _parent; //首先先创建一个DockPanel,然后将控件加上去 DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking.DockPanel panel = new DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking.DockPanel(); panel.Name = ((IDockPanelView)_control).DockName; panel.Header = ((IDockPanelView)_control).Caption; panel.Image = ((IDockPanelView)_control).Image; panel.Dock = DockHelper.MapWindowToDevExpress(((IDockPanelView)_control).DefaultDock); panel.FloatSize = ((IDockPanelView)_control).DefaultSize; _control.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel.Controls.Add(_control); if (parent != null) { DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking.DockPanel parentPanel = _dockingManager.Panels[parent.Name]; if (parentPanel != null) { parentPanel.Controls.Add(panel); } } else { _dockingManager.AddPanel(panel.Dock, panel); } }
internal void SetDockPanel(IDockPanel pDockPanel) { if (this._pDockPanel == pDockPanel) { return; } this._pDockPanel = pDockPanel; }
public WindowService(Form main) { this.main = main; if (SettingsService.idemode) { d = Runtime.DockFactory.Panel(); } }
private void SetPanelNodeState(IDockPanel pDockPanel, PanelNodeState panelNodeState)//设置其所辖的面板节点状态并激发相应事件(将在两个Show(...)和OnFormClosing(...)函数中被调用) { if (pDockPanel == null) { return; } // switch (panelNodeState) { case PanelNodeState.eShow: switch (pDockPanel.eDockPanelStyle) { case DockPanelStyle.eDockPanel: DockPanel dockPanel = pDockPanel as DockPanel; if (dockPanel != null) { ((ISetPanelNodeStateHelper)dockPanel).SetPanelNodeState(PanelNodeState.eShow); } break; case DockPanelStyle.eDockPanelContainer: DockPanelContainer dockPanelContainer = pDockPanel as DockPanelContainer; if (dockPanelContainer != null) { ((ISetPanelNodeStateHelper)dockPanelContainer).SetPanelNodeState(PanelNodeState.eShow); } break; default: break; } break; case PanelNodeState.eClose: switch (pDockPanel.eDockPanelStyle) { case DockPanelStyle.eDockPanel: DockPanel dockPanel = pDockPanel as DockPanel; if (dockPanel != null) { ((ISetPanelNodeStateHelper)dockPanel).SetPanelNodeState(PanelNodeState.eClose); } break; case DockPanelStyle.eDockPanelContainer: DockPanelContainer dockPanelContainer = pDockPanel as DockPanelContainer; if (dockPanelContainer != null) { ((ISetPanelNodeStateHelper)dockPanelContainer).SetPanelNodeState(PanelNodeState.eClose); } break; default: break; } break; } }
public void Remove(IDockPanel panel) { if (panel == null) { throw new ArgumentException("panel"); } _dockingManager.SetEnableDocking(panel.Control, false); _parent.Controls.Remove(panel.Control); }
private void ResetDockPanel(IDockPanel pDockPanel)//将在两个Show(...)函数中被调用 { pDockPanel.RemoveFromParent(); // this.Size = pDockPanel.DockPanelFloatFormSize; this.Location = pDockPanel.DockPanelFloatFormLocation; this.Controls.Add(pDockPanel as Control); // this.Owner = pDockPanel.DockPanelManager.ParentForm; }
public void DockTo(IDockPanel parent, DockPanelState state, int size) { if (parent != null && !parent.Visible) { return; // no need to throw exception if it not visible } var ctrl = parent != null ? parent.Control : _parent; _dockingManager.DockControl(_control, ctrl, DockHelper.MapWindowToSyncfusion(state), size); }
public static void ValidateDock(IPanel targetPanel, ILayoutElement targetItem) { IDockPanel AsDockPanel = (IDockPanel)targetPanel; int ControlIndex = AsDockPanel.Items.IndexOf(targetItem); if (ControlIndex < 0 || ControlIndex + 1 >= AsDockPanel.Items.Count) { throw new ParsingException(15, targetItem.Source, $"DockPanel.Dock specified for '{targetItem.FriendlyName}' but this item is the last."); } }
protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e) { base.OnControlAdded(e); // IDockPanel pDockPanel = e.Control as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel == null) { this.Controls.Remove(e.Control); return; } pDockPanel.BeforeVisibleExValueSeted += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(DockPanel_BeforeVisibleExValueSeted); }
protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnSizeChanged(e); // if (this.Controls.Count > 0) { IDockPanel pDockPanel = this.Controls[0] as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel != null) { pDockPanel.DockPanelFloatFormSize = this.Size; } } }
protected override void OnLocationChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnLocationChanged(e); // if (this.Controls.Count > 0) { IDockPanel pDockPanel = this.Controls[0] as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel != null) { pDockPanel.DockPanelFloatFormLocation = this.Location; } } }
public IDockPanel GetIDockPanel()//获取所包含的IDockPanel节点 { IDockPanel pDockPanel = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++) { pDockPanel = this.Controls[0] as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel != null) { return(pDockPanel); } } return(pDockPanel); }
public DockPanelEventArgs(IDockPanel panel, string key) { if (panel == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("panel"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); } Panel = panel; Key = key; }
public IDockPanel GetIDockPanel()//获取所包含的IDockPanel节点 { if (this.Controls.Count < 1) { return(null); } IDockPanel pDockPanel = this.Controls[0] as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel == null) { return(null); } return(pDockPanel); }
public override void _runCommand() { IDockPanel dockPanel_ = this._getOwner() as IDockPanel; IForm form_ = dockPanel_._contain() as IForm; IToolPanel toolPanel_ = form_._childControl("toolPanel") as IToolPanel; if (dockPanel_._padsInHide() && toolPanel_._inHide()) { toolPanel_._runShow(); } else { dockPanel_._padsHide(); toolPanel_._runHide(); } }
public void Show(IDockPanel pDockPanel, Point mousePoint) { this.ResetDockPanel(pDockPanel); // base.Show(); // if (this.Controls.Count > 0) { Size size = this.Controls[0].Size; this.Size = new Size(size.Width + 2 * CRT_FORMBORDERSIZE, size.Height + CRT_CAPTIONHEIGHT + 2 * CRT_FORMBORDERSIZE); } // Rectangle rectangle = this.MoveRectangle; rectangle.Inflate(-1, -1); if (mousePoint.X > rectangle.Right) { mousePoint.X = rectangle.Right; } else if (mousePoint.X < rectangle.Left) { mousePoint.X = rectangle.Left; } //if (mousePoint.Y > rectangle.Bottom) mousePoint.Y = rectangle.Bottom; //else if (mousePoint.Y < rectangle.Top) mousePoint.Y = rectangle.Top; mousePoint.Y = (rectangle.Top + rectangle.Bottom / 2); // this.m_MousePoint = mousePoint; base.Location = new Point(Form.MousePosition.X - this.m_MousePoint.X, Form.MousePosition.Y + this.m_MousePoint.Y); this.Opacity = 1; // if (!this.DockPanelManager.IsDockLayoutState) { GISShare.Win32.API.PostMessage ( this.Handle, (int)GISShare.Win32.Msgs.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, 0x02, (uint)GISShare.Win32.NativeMethods.MousePositionToLParam(this.m_MousePoint) ); //0x00a1 } // // // this.SetPanelNodeState(pDockPanel, PanelNodeState.eShow); }
protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e) { base.OnControlAdded(e); // IDockPanel pDockPanel = e.Control as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel == null) { this.Controls.Remove(e.Control); return; } if (pDockPanel.eDockPanelStyle == DockPanelStyle.eHoldDockPanel) { this.Controls.Remove(e.Control); return; } //pDockPanel.SetShowHideButton(false); pDockPanel.BeforeVisibleExValueSeted += new BoolValueChangedEventHandler(DockPanel_BeforeVisibleExValueSeted); }
public void Show(IDockPanel pDockPanel) { this.ResetDockPanel(pDockPanel); // base.Show(); // if (this.Controls.Count > 0) { Size size = this.Controls[0].Size; this.Size = new Size(size.Width + 2 * CRT_FORMBORDERSIZE, size.Height + CRT_CAPTIONHEIGHT + 2 * CRT_FORMBORDERSIZE); //IDockPanel pDockPanel = this.Controls[0] as IDockPanel; if (pDockPanel != null) { this.Location = pDockPanel.DockPanelFloatFormLocation; } } this.Opacity = 1; // // // this.SetPanelNodeState(pDockPanel, PanelNodeState.eShow); }
public void Remove(IDockPanel panel, PluginIdentity identity) { if (panel == null) { throw new ArgumentException("panel"); } if (!_dict.ContainsKey(panel.Control)) { throw new ApplicationException("Dock panel isn't registed in the collection"); } if (_dict[panel.Control].Identity == identity) { throw new ApplicationException( "Invalid plugin identity. The panel can be removed only from the same plugin."); } _dockingManager.SetEnableDocking(panel.Control, false); _dict.Remove(panel.Control); _mainForm.Controls.Remove(panel.Control); }
public DockPanelCancelEventArgs(IDockPanel panel, string key) : base(panel, key) { }
public GeneratorDockPanel(IDockPanel panel) : base(panel) { }
public Workbench() { mDockPanel = null; mForm = null; }
public BaseDockPanelPopup(IDockPanel pDockPanel) : base() { this._pDockPanel = pDockPanel; }
public void Show(IDockPanel panel, DockState state) { Show(panel as DockPanel, (W.DockState)state); }
public DockPanelFloatFormPopup(IDockPanel pDockPanel) : base(pDockPanel) { }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { switch (m.Msg) { case (int)GISShare.Win32.Msgs.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: //0x00a1 if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == 0x02) { //Point pt = PointToClient(new Point(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y)); GISShare.Win32.API.PostMessage(this.Handle, (int)GISShare.Win32.Msgs.WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0); //0x0007 GISShare.Win32.API.PostMessage ( this.Handle, (int)GISShare.Win32.Msgs.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, (uint)m.LParam //(uint)GISShare.Win32.NativeMethods.MousePositionToLParam(pt) ); //0x00201, pt.Y * 65536 + pt.X } else if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == 0x14) { IDockPanel pDockPanel = GetIDockPanel(); if (pDockPanel != null) { pDockPanel.Close(); } else { base.WndProc(ref m); } } else { base.WndProc(ref m); } break; case (int)GISShare.Win32.Msgs.WM_NCHITTEST: //0x0084 base.WndProc(ref m); // Point point = GISShare.Win32.NativeMethods.LParamToMouseLocation((int)m.LParam); point = PointToClient(point); if (point.X <= 3) { if (point.Y <= 3) { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTTOPLEFT; //const int HTTOPLEFT = 13; } else if (point.Y >= ClientSize.Height - 3) { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTBOTTOMLEFT; //const int HTBOTTOMLEFT = 0x10; } else { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTLEFT; //const int HTLEFT = 10; } } else if (point.X >= ClientSize.Width - 3) { if (point.Y <= 3) { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTTOPRIGHT; //const int HTTOPRIGHT = 14; } else if (point.Y >= ClientSize.Height - 3) { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTBOTTOMRIGHT; //const int HTBOTTOMRIGHT = 17; } else { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTRIGHT; //const int HTRIGHT = 11; } } else if (point.Y <= 3) { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTTOP; //const int HTTOP = 12; } else if (point.Y >= ClientSize.Height - 3) { m.Result = (IntPtr)GISShare.Win32.HitTests.HTBOTTOM; //const int HTBOTTOM = 15; } break; default: base.WndProc(ref m); break; } }
public void SetMinimumSize(IDockPanel panel, Size size) { _dockingManager.SetControlMinimumSize(panel.Control, size); }
bool IDockPanel.AddDockPanel(IDockPanel pDockPanel, DockStyle eDockStyle) { return(this.m_DockPanel.AddDockPanel(pDockPanel, eDockStyle)); }