public void SendValue(string gatewayId, double value, DateTime gatewayTime)
            //Update the database table with the new value
            IDemResCallback callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IDemResCallback>();

            //Get the value from the database and curtail if total price
        public void SendValue(string gatewayId, double kWhValue, DateTime gatewayTime)
            //Update the database table with the new value
            InsertEnergyMeterValues(gatewayId, kWhValue, gatewayTime);
            //Get the value from the database and curtail if total price > $1.0
            double cost = GetCostByGateway(gatewayId, kWhValue);

            //if (cost > 1.0)
            IDemResCallback callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IDemResCallback>();
