Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerName"></param>
        /// <param name="numberOfPlayers"></param>
        /// <returns>Game info</returns>
        public Game Create(string playerName, int numberOfPlayers)
            using (IDbContextScope contextScope = _dbContextFactory.Create())
                //create player
                var player = new Player()
                    Name = playerName

                //create game
                var game = new Game()
                    NumberOfPlayers = numberOfPlayers, Status = numberOfPlayers > 1 ? 0 : 1

                //add player to game

                //add game and player to database

                game.PlayerId = player.Id;

 public WynnDbContextScope(
     IDbContextScope dbContextScope,
     IAmbientDbContextLocator dbContextLocator)
     _dbContextScope   = dbContextScope;
     _dbContextLocator = dbContextLocator;
Beispiel #3
        public void UpdateCreditScoreForAllUsers()
             * Demo of DbContextScope + parallel programming.

            using (IDbContextScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create())
                //-- Get all users
                UserManagementDbContext dbContext = dbContextScope.DbContexts.Get <UserManagementDbContext>();
                List <Guid>             userIds   = dbContext.Users.Select(u => u.Id).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} users in the database. Will calculate and store their credit scores in parallel.", userIds.Count);

                //-- Calculate and store the credit score of each user
                // We're going to imagine that calculating a credit score of a user takes some time.
                // So we'll do it in parallel.

                // You MUST call SuppressAmbientContext() when kicking off a parallel execution flow
                // within a DbContextScope. Otherwise, this DbContextScope will remain the ambient scope
                // in the parallel flows of execution, potentially leading to multiple threads
                // accessing the same DbContext instance.
                using (_dbContextScopeFactory.SuppressAmbientContext())
                    Parallel.ForEach(userIds, UpdateCreditScore);

                // Note: SaveChanges() isn't going to do anything in this instance since all the changes
                // were actually made and saved in separate DbContextScopes created in separate threads.
        public void SendWelcomeEmail(Guid userId)
             * Demo of forcing the creation of a new DbContextScope
             * to ensure that changes made to the model in this service
             * method are persisted even if that method happens to get
             * called within the scope of a wider business transaction
             * that eventually fails for any reason.
             * This is an advanced feature that should be used as rarely
             * as possible (and ideally, never).

            // We're going to send a welcome email to the provided user
            // (if one hasn't been sent already). Once sent, we'll update
            // that User entity in our DB to record that its Welcome email
            // has been sent.

            // Emails can't be rolled-back. Once they're sent, they're sent.
            // So once the email has been sent successfully, we absolutely
            // must persist this fact in our DB. Even if that method is called
            // by another busines logic service method as part of a wider
            // business transaction and even if that parent business transaction
            // ends up failing for any reason, we still must ensure that
            // we have recorded the fact that the Welcome email has been sent.
            // Otherwise, we would risk spamming our users with repeated Welcome
            // emails.

            // Force the creation of a new DbContextScope so that the changes we make here are
            // guaranteed to get persisted regardless of what happens after this method has completed.
            using (IDbContextScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create(DbContextScopeOption.ForceCreateNew))
                UserManagementDbContext dbContext = dbContextScope.DbContexts.Get <UserManagementDbContext>();
#if EF6
                User user = dbContext.Users.Find(userId);
#elif EFCore
                var user = dbContext.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);

                if (user == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid userId provided: {userId}. Couldn't find a User with this ID.");

                if (!user.WelcomeEmailSent)
                    user.WelcomeEmailSent = true;


                // When you force the creation of a new DbContextScope, you must force the parent
                // scope (if any) to reload the entities you've modified here. Otherwise, the method calling
                // you might not be able to see the changes you made here.
                dbContextScope.RefreshEntitiesInParentScope(new List <User> {
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the specified storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storage">The instance of <see cref="Storage" /> type to create.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created instance of <see cref="Storage" /> type.</returns>
        public async Task <Storage> CreateStorage(Storage storage)
            StorageContract storageContract = await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <Storage, StorageContract>(storage);

            CatalogContract catalogContract = await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <Storage, CatalogContract>(storage);

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();
                catalogContract = await catalogRepository.SaveAsync(catalogContract);

                storageContract.ID = catalogContract.ID;

                IStorageRepository storageRepository = scope.GetRepository <IStorageRepository>();
                storageContract = await storageRepository.SaveAsync(storageContract);


            storage = await this.mapper.MapAsync(storageContract, storage);

            storage = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, storage);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the specified catalog entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream of <see cref="CatalogEntryStream" /> type to create the entry from.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created instance of <see cref="CatalogEntry" /> type.</returns>
        public async Task <CatalogEntry> CreateCatalogEntry(CatalogEntryStream stream)
            CatalogEntry entry = stream.Entry;

            FileContract fileContract = await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <CatalogEntry, FileContract>(entry);

            CatalogContract catalogContract = null;

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                IFileRepository fileRepository = scope.GetRepository <IFileRepository>();
                fileContract = await fileRepository.SaveAsync(fileContract);

                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();
                catalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(fileContract.DirectoryID);


            entry = await this.mapper.MapAsync(fileContract, entry);

            entry.Catalog = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, entry.Catalog);

Beispiel #7
        public void CreateUser(UserCreationSpec userToCreate)
            if (userToCreate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userToCreate));


             * Typical usage of DbContextScope for a read-write business transaction.
             * It's as simple as it looks.
            using (IDbContextScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create())
                //-- Build domain model
                User user = new User()
                    Id               = userToCreate.Id,
                    Name             = userToCreate.Name,
                    Email            = userToCreate.Email,
                    WelcomeEmailSent = false,
                    CreatedOn        = DateTime.UtcNow

                //-- Persist
Beispiel #8
        public void CreateListOfUsersWithIntentionalFailure(params UserCreationSpec[] usersToCreate)
             * Here, we'll verify that inner DbContextScopes really join the parent scope and
             * don't persist their changes until the parent scope completes successfully.

            bool firstUser = true;

            using (IDbContextScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create())
                foreach (UserCreationSpec toCreate in usersToCreate)
                    if (firstUser)
                        Console.WriteLine("Successfully created a new User named '{0}'.", toCreate.Name);
                        firstUser = false;
                        // OK. So we've successfully persisted one user.
                        // We're going to simulate a failure when attempting to
                        // persist the second user and see what ends up getting
                        // persisted in the DB.
                        throw new Exception($"Oh no! An error occurred when attempting to create user named '{toCreate.Name}' in our database.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the specified catalog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catalog">The instance of <see cref="Catalog" /> type to update.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated instance of <see cref="Catalog"/> type.</returns>
        public async Task <Catalog> UpdateCatalog(Catalog catalog)
            CatalogContract catalogContract       = null;
            CatalogContract parentCatalogContract = null;

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();

                catalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(catalog.ID);

                catalogContract = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalog, catalogContract);

                if (catalogContract.IsChanged)
                    catalogContract = await catalogRepository.SaveAsync(catalogContract);

                if ((catalogContract?.ParentID).HasValue)
                    parentCatalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(catalogContract.ParentID.Value);


            catalog = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, catalog);

            catalog.Parent = await this.mapper.MapAsync(parentCatalogContract, catalog.Parent);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the specified storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storage">The instance of <see cref="Storage" /> type to update.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated instance of <see cref="Storage"/> type.</returns>
        public async Task <Storage> UpdateStorage(Storage storage)
            StorageContract storageContract = null;
            CatalogContract catalogContract = null;

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                IStorageRepository storageRepository = scope.GetRepository <IStorageRepository>();

                storageContract = await storageRepository.GetAsync(storage.ID);

                storageContract = await this.mapper.MapAsync(storage, storageContract);

                if (storageContract.IsChanged)
                    storageContract = await storageRepository.SaveAsync(storageContract);

                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();
                catalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(storage.ID);


            storage = await this.mapper.MapAsync(storageContract, storage);

            storage = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, storage);

Beispiel #11
        private static async Task <Box> GetSenderBox(CreateTk103Gps message, IDbContextScope dbContextScopeFactory)
            var dbContext = dbContextScopeFactory.DbContexts.Get <SmartFleetObjectContext>();
            var box       = await dbContext.Boxes.Include(x => x.Vehicle).Include(x => x.Vehicle.Customer).FirstOrDefaultAsync(b =>
                                                                                                                               b.SerialNumber == message.SerialNumber);

Beispiel #12
        private static async Task <Box> GetSenderBox(string imei, IDbContextScope dbContextScopeFactory)
            var dbContext = dbContextScopeFactory.DbContexts.Get <SmartFleetObjectContext>();
            var box       = await dbContext.Boxes.Include(x => x.Vehicle).Include(x => x.Vehicle.Customer).FirstOrDefaultAsync(b =>
                                                                                                                               b.Imei == imei);

Beispiel #13
 public static int ExecuteCommand(
     this IDbContextScope ctx,
     string query,
     params object[] Parametros
     return(ctx.DbContexts.Get <ApplicationDbContext>().Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query, Parametros));
Beispiel #14
 public static int ExecuteCommand(
     this IDbContextScope ctx,
     string query,
     params object[] parameters
     return(ctx.DbContexts.Get <NkapDbContext>().Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query, parameters));
Beispiel #15
 public static IQueryable <T> SqlQuery <T>(
     this IDbContextScope ctx,
     string query,
     params object[] parameters
     return(ctx.DbContexts.Get <NkapDbContext>().Database.SqlQuery <T>(query, parameters).AsQueryable());
Beispiel #16
 public static IQueryable <T> SqlQuery <T>(
     this IDbContextScope ctx,
     string query,
     params object[] Parametros
     return(ctx.DbContexts.Get <ApplicationDbContext>().Database.SqlQuery <T>(query, Parametros).AsQueryable());
Beispiel #17
 protected T RunInNewContextScope <T>(Func <T> function)
     using (IDbContextScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create(DbContextScopeOption.ForceCreateNew))
         T result = function();
        public NewClientViewModel(IDbContextScope dbContext)
            _dbContext = dbContext;

            AddClientCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddClient, PropertiesNotNull)
                               .ObservesProperty(() => Name)
                               .ObservesProperty(() => LastName)
                               .ObservesProperty(() => Age);
Beispiel #19
        public HomeViewModel(IDbContextScope dbContext)
            _dbContext = dbContext;

            OrderByAgeCommand   = new DelegateCommand(OrderByAge);
            OrderByIdCommand    = new DelegateCommand(OrderById);
            DeleteClientCommand = new DelegateCommand <Client>(DeleteClient);

            Clients = _dbContext.GetClients();
        public DetectModifiedEntitiesAndUpdateParentScope(DbContext dbContext, IDbContextScope dbContextScope)
            _dbContextScope = dbContextScope;
            var changeTracker = dbContext.ChangeTracker;

            if (changeTracker.HasChanges())
                _modifiedEntries = changeTracker.Entries().Where(e => e.State == EntityState.Added || e.State == EntityState.Modified || e.State == EntityState.Deleted).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the specified storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storage">The instance of <see cref="Storage" /> type to delete.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The deleted instance of <see cref="Storage"/> type.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <Storage> DeleteStorage(Storage storage)
            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                IStorageRepository storageRepository = scope.GetRepository <IStorageRepository>();
                await storageRepository.DeleteAsync(storage.ID);


        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the specified catalog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catalog">The instance of <see cref="Catalog" /> type to delete.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The deleted instance of <see cref="Catalog"/> type.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <Catalog> DeleteCatalog(Catalog catalog)
            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();
                await catalogRepository.DeleteAsync(catalog.ID);


        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the specified catalog entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The instance of <see cref="CatalogEntry" /> type to delete.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The deleted instance of <see cref="CatalogEntry"/> type.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <CatalogEntry> DeleteCatalogEntry(CatalogEntry entry)
            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, true))
                IFileRepository fileRepository = scope.GetRepository <IFileRepository>();
                await fileRepository.DeleteAsync(entry.ID);


Beispiel #24
        public TDbContext CreateDbContext <TDbContext>(IDbContextScope dbContextScope, bool readOnly) where TDbContext : DbContext
            var interceptor = readOnly
        ? _dbContextReadOnlyInterceptor
        : _dbContextInterceptor;

            var proxyGenerationOptions      = new ProxyGenerationOptions(interceptor);
            var constructorArgs             = _ambientDbContextArgumentFactory.CreateDbContextArguments <TDbContext>();
            var additionalInterfacesToProxy = new[] { typeof(IDbContextProxyBypass) };
            var proxy = (TDbContext)proxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(TDbContext), additionalInterfacesToProxy, proxyGenerationOptions, constructorArgs, interceptor);

Beispiel #25
 protected T RunInContextScope <T>(Func <T> function, bool isReadOnly = false)
     if (isReadOnly)
         using (IDbContextReadOnlyScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.CreateReadOnly())
         using (IDbContextScope dbContextScope = _dbContextScopeFactory.Create())
             T result = function();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets storage by initial instance set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storage">The initial storage set.</param>
        /// <returns>The instance of <see cref="Storage"/> type.</returns>
        public async Task <Storage> GetStorage(Storage storage)
            StorageContract storageContract = null;
            CatalogContract catalogContract = null;

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, false))
                IStorageRepository storageRepository = scope.GetRepository <IStorageRepository>();
                storageContract = await storageRepository.GetAsync(storage.ID);

                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();
                catalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(storage.ID);

            storage = await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <StorageContract, Storage>(storageContract);

            storage = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, storage);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the catalog entry by the initial instance set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The initial catalog entry set.</param>
        /// <returns>The instance of <see cref="CatalogEntry"/> type.</returns>
        public async Task <CatalogEntry> GetCatalogEntry(CatalogEntry entry)
            FileContract    fileContract    = null;
            CatalogContract catalogContract = null;

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, false))
                IFileRepository fileRepository = scope.GetRepository <IFileRepository>();
                fileContract = await fileRepository.GetAsync(entry.ID);

                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();
                catalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(fileContract.DirectoryID);

            entry = await this.mapper.MapAsync(fileContract, entry);

            entry.Catalog = await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, entry.Catalog);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of catalogs located in specified parent catalog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent catalog of <see cref="CatalogRoot"/> type.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset index.</param>
        /// <param name="limit">The number of records to return.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The list of instances of <see cref="Catalog" /> type.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <IPaginable <Catalog> > GetCatalogs(CatalogRoot parent, int offset = 0, int limit = 20)
            if (limit == 0)
                return(await Task.FromResult(new PagedList <Catalog>()
                    Offset = offset,
                    Limit = limit

            IEnumerable <CatalogContract> data = null;
            int count = 0;

            CatalogContract contract = new CatalogContract()
                ParentID = parent?.ID

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, false))
                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();

                await Task.WhenAll(
                    Task.Run(async() => data  = await catalogRepository.FindAsync(contract, offset, limit)),
                    Task.Run(async() => count = await catalogRepository.GetCountAsync(contract)));

            IPaginable <Catalog> result = (await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <CatalogContract, Catalog>(data)).Select(catalog =>
                catalog.Parent = (Catalog)parent;


            result.Offset     = offset;
            result.Limit      = limit;
            result.TotalCount = count;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of storages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset index.</param>
        /// <param name="limit">The number of records to return.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of instances of <see cref="Storage"/> type.</returns>
        public async Task <IPaginable <Storage> > GetStorages(int offset = 0, int limit = 20)
            if (limit == 0)
                return(await Task.FromResult(new PagedList <Storage>()
                    Offset = offset,
                    Limit = limit

            IEnumerable <Storage> storages = null;
            int count = 0;

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, false))
                IStorageRepository storageRepository = scope.GetRepository <IStorageRepository>();
                ICatalogRepository catalogRepository = scope.GetRepository <ICatalogRepository>();

                count = await storageRepository.GetCountAsync();

                IEnumerable <StorageContract> data = await storageRepository.FindAsync(offset, limit);

                storages = await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <StorageContract, Storage>(data);

                storages = await Task.WhenAll(storages.Select(async storage =>
                    CatalogContract catalogContract = await catalogRepository.GetAsync(storage.ID);

                    return(await this.mapper.MapAsync(catalogContract, storage));

            IPaginable <Storage> result = storages.AsPaginable();

            result.Offset     = offset;
            result.Limit      = limit;
            result.TotalCount = count;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of catalog entries located in specified catalog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catalog">The catalog of <see cref="CatalogRoot"/> type.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset index.</param>
        /// <param name="limit">The number of records to return.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The list of instances of <see cref="CatalogEntry" /> type.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task <IPaginable <CatalogEntry> > GetCatalogEntries(CatalogRoot catalog, int offset = 0, int limit = 20)
            if (limit == 0)
                return(await Task.FromResult(new PagedList <CatalogEntry>()
                    Offset = offset,
                    Limit = limit

            IEnumerable <FileContract> data = null;
            int count = 0;

            FileContract contract = new FileContract()
                DirectoryID = catalog.ID

            using (IDbContextScope scope = this.dataContextScopeFactory.CreateDbContextScope(this.connectionStrings.DataStorageDB, false))
                IFileRepository fileRepository = scope.GetRepository <IFileRepository>();

                await Task.WhenAll(
                    Task.Run(async() => data  = await fileRepository.FindAsync(contract, offset, limit)),
                    Task.Run(async() => count = await fileRepository.GetCountAsync(contract)));

            IPaginable <CatalogEntry> result = (await this.mapper.MapNewAsync <FileContract, CatalogEntry>(data)).Select(entry =>
                entry.Catalog = (Catalog)catalog;


            result.Offset     = offset;
            result.Limit      = limit;
            result.TotalCount = count;

Beispiel #31
 public void Begin()
     _scope = _uow.CreateWithTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);
Beispiel #32
 public void Setup()
     _dbContextScopeFactory = Substitute.For<IDbContextScopeFactory>();
     _ambientDbContextLocator = Substitute.For<IAmbientDbContextLocator>();
     _photographRepository = Substitute.For<IPhotographRepository>();
     _dbContext = Substitute.For<IDbContextScope>();
     _photographService = new PhotographServices(_dbContextScopeFactory, _photographRepository);
		public TodoItemsService2(IDbContextScope dbContextScope, IAmbientDbContextLocator ambientDbContextLocator, IUserAlertService userAlertService)
			_dbContextScope = dbContextScope;
			_ambientDbContextLocator = ambientDbContextLocator;
			_userAlertService = userAlertService;
		public TodoItemsService3(IData<IAmbientDbContextLocator> data, IDbContextScope dbContextScope)
			_data = data;
			_dbContextScope = dbContextScope;