Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new pathway with a few processes, then inserts that pathway in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonNewPathway_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Hardcoded crude oil resource ID, could be fetched from the IData class instead
            int CRUDE_RES_ID = 23;
            //Hardcoded process model id
            int PROC_ID_REC = 200, PROC_ID_TRA = 1000, PROC_ID_STO = 201;

            //Creates an instance of a pathway
            IPathway path = _dataHelper.CreateNewPathway("Example4 Pathway");

            //Retrieves process models from the current dataset
            IProcess procr = _controller.CurrentProject.Data.Processes.ValueForKey(PROC_ID_REC);
            IProcess proct = _controller.CurrentProject.Data.Processes.ValueForKey(PROC_ID_TRA);
            IProcess procs = _controller.CurrentProject.Data.Processes.ValueForKey(PROC_ID_STO);

            //Add processes models to the pathway, vertices will be created for each process model added to the pathway
            IVertex vertexR = _dataHelper.PathwayAddModel(path, procr);
            IVertex vertexT = _dataHelper.PathwayAddModel(path, proct);
            IVertex vertexS = _dataHelper.PathwayAddModel(path, procs);

            //finds input and outputs ID from the model, then add a connector in the pathway
            IInput inpT    = proct.FlattenInputList.First();
            IIO    outR    = procr.FlattenAllocatedOutputList.First();
            bool   success = _dataHelper.PathwayAddConnector(path, vertexR.ID, outR.Id, vertexT.ID, inpT.Id);

            //finds input and outputs ID from the model, then add a connector in the pathway
            IInput inpS = procs.FlattenInputList.First();
            IIO    outT = proct.FlattenAllocatedOutputList.First();

            success &= _dataHelper.PathwayAddConnector(path, vertexT.ID, outT.Id, vertexS.ID, inpS.Id);

            //creates a pathway output then connect the last process in the pathway to that output
            IIO pathOut = _dataHelper.PathwayCreateOutput(path, CRUDE_RES_ID);

            success &= _dataHelper.PathwaySetMainOutput(path, pathOut.Id);
            IIO outS = procs.FlattenAllocatedOutputList.First();

            success &= _dataHelper.PathwayAddConnector(path, vertexS.ID, outS.Id, pathOut.Id);

            //inserts the pathway to the current dataset
            success &= _dataHelper.DataInsertOrUpdatePathway(path);

            if (success)
                MessageBox.Show("Pathway named : '" + path.Name + "' inserted in dataset");