Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a collection view around the DataGrid's source. ICollectionViewFactory is
        /// used if the source implements it. Otherwise a PagedCollectionView is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Enumerable source for which to create a view</param>
        /// <returns>ICollectionView view over the provided source</returns>
        internal static IDataGridCollectionView CreateView(IEnumerable source)
            Debug.Assert(source != null, "source unexpectedly null");
            Debug.Assert(!(source is IDataGridCollectionView), "source is an ICollectionView");

            IDataGridCollectionView collectionView = null;

            if (source is IDataGridCollectionViewFactory collectionViewFactory)
                // If the source is a collection view factory, give it a chance to produce a custom collection view.
                collectionView = collectionViewFactory.CreateView();
                // Intentionally not catching potential exception thrown by ICollectionViewFactory.CreateView().
            if (collectionView == null)
                // If we still do not have a collection view, default to a PagedCollectionView.
                collectionView = new DataGridCollectionView(source);
Beispiel #2
        //TODO GroupSorting
        internal void ProcessSort(KeyModifiers keyModifiers)
            // if we can sort:
            //  - DataConnection.AllowSort is true, and
            //  - AllowUserToSortColumns and CanSort are true, and
            //  - OwningColumn is bound, and
            //  - SortDescriptionsCollection exists, and
            //  - the column's data type is comparable
            // then try to sort
            if (OwningColumn != null &&
                OwningGrid != null &&
                OwningGrid.EditingRow == null &&
                OwningColumn != OwningGrid.ColumnsInternal.FillerColumn &&
                OwningGrid.DataConnection.AllowSort &&
                OwningGrid.CanUserSortColumns &&
                OwningColumn.CanUserSort &&
                OwningGrid.DataConnection.SortDescriptions != null)
                DataGrid owningGrid = OwningGrid;

                DataGridSortDescription newSort;

                KeyboardHelper.GetMetaKeyState(keyModifiers, out bool ctrl, out bool shift);

                DataGridSortDescription sort           = OwningColumn.GetSortDescription();
                IDataGridCollectionView collectionView = owningGrid.DataConnection.CollectionView;
                Debug.Assert(collectionView != null);
                using (collectionView.DeferRefresh())
                    // if shift is held down, we multi-sort, therefore if it isn't, we'll clear the sorts beforehand
                    if (!shift || owningGrid.DataConnection.SortDescriptions.Count == 0)

                    // if ctrl is held down, we only clear the sort directions
                    if (!ctrl)
                        if (sort != null)
                            newSort = sort.SwitchSortDirection();

                            // changing direction should not affect sort order, so we replace this column's
                            // sort description instead of just adding it to the end of the collection
                            int oldIndex = owningGrid.DataConnection.SortDescriptions.IndexOf(sort);
                            if (oldIndex >= 0)
                                owningGrid.DataConnection.SortDescriptions.Insert(oldIndex, newSort);
                            string propertyName = OwningColumn.GetSortPropertyName();
                            // no-opt if we couldn't find a property to sort on
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))

                            newSort = DataGridSortDescription.FromPath(propertyName, culture: collectionView.Culture);