Beispiel #1
        public IDBInterfaceExample CreateDBInterfaceExample(int intTypeOfDB)
            IDBInterfaceExample IDBIEReturn = null;

            switch (intTypeOfDB)
            case (int)DBINTERFACETYPE.sqlite:
                IDBIEReturn = new SqliteInterfaceExample();

            case (int)DBINTERFACETYPE.mysql:
                IDBIEReturn = new MySqlInterfaceExample();

Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /* Arguments */
            String stringPathToInputFile = args[0];
            String stringDatabaseName    = args[1];
            String stringDatabaseServer  = args[2];
            String stringDBUsername      = args[3];
            String stringDBPassword      = args[4];

            /* Create a Factory that can in turn create an object conforming to our interface. */
            DBInterfaceExampleFactory factory = new DBInterfaceExampleFactory();
            IDBInterfaceExample       dblib   = factory.CreateDBInterfaceExample((int)DBInterfaceExampleFactory.DBINTERFACETYPE.mysql);

            dblib.SetDBUsernamePasswordServer(stringDBUsername, stringDBPassword, stringDatabaseServer);

            /* Code Adapted from Previous Notes to Give Us Some Data To Work With */
            /* (We do not need all of this.) */
            Console.Write("\n\n\nPROGRAM STARTS HERE\n");
            Decimal decMaxContribution            = 500.00m;
            Decimal decSmallContributionThreshold = 100m;

            /* Make sure the file exists before proceeding. */
            if (File.Exists(stringPathToInputFile))
                String   stringEntireText = File.ReadAllText(stringPathToInputFile); /* Read the whole file into memory as a string (could go line by line. */
                String   stringNewLine    = "\r\n";                                  /* Force using Windows newline instead of Environment.NewLine */
                Char     charDelimiter    = '\t';                                    /* This file uses tabs, but we could change this variable if other files use other delimiters */
                String[] arrayStringLines = stringEntireText.Split(stringNewLine);   /* Convert the big string into an array of rows */
                /* Create some more variables we will need. */
                int                      lineNumber       = 0;
                List <String>            listStringHeader = new List <String>();
                List <OrderedDictionary> listOrdicRows    = new List <OrderedDictionary>();
                /* Go through every line/row and process appropriately. */
                foreach (String stringLine in arrayStringLines)
                    /* If a line is blank, do not do anything with it. */
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringLine))
                        Console.WriteLine("Blank Line");
                        /* Create a list to holding header information if this is the first line (the header). */
                        if (lineNumber == 1)
                            String[] arrayStringTempHeader = stringLine.Split(charDelimiter);
                            foreach (String stringHeaderColumn in arrayStringTempHeader)
                                listStringHeader.Add(stringHeaderColumn.Replace(' ', 'z').Replace('/', 'z').Trim().ToLower());
                                /* We can dice the header string a lot in just one line (above). */
                        /* If this is not the first line, treat it like a data row. */
                            String[]          arrayStringTempROw = stringLine.Split(charDelimiter);
                            OrderedDictionary ordicRow           = new OrderedDictionary();
                            for (int i = 0; i < listStringHeader.Count; i++)
                                ordicRow.Add(listStringHeader[i], arrayStringTempROw[i]);

                                /* (Above) Add each column in the row to an ordered dictionary keyed to its header name.
                                *  We can look up this column data in the future either by its order by its header name. */

                /* New code goes here again. By the end of the last code we had a header file,
                 * and so we will use that to create a new table. */
                dblib.CreateATable("FROMFILE", listStringHeader);
            // CREATE TABLE tablename ( candidatezcommittee varchar, date varchar, amount varchar, typ varchar, contributorzname varchar, address varchar, cityzstatezzip varchar, occupation varchar, inkindzdesc varchar);