// public readonly string ConnectionStringLocalTransaction = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnOracleWithAddress"] == null ? "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = dswms)));Persist Security Info=True;User ID=c##dswms;Password=c##dswms;" : ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnOracleWithAddress"].ConnectionString;//防止空引用异常 modify by gzw 181227 /// <summary> /// 数据库工厂构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="dbtype">数据库枚举</param> public DbFactory(DbFactoryType dbtype) { switch (dbtype) { case DbFactoryType.SQLSERVER: dbF = new SqlServerFactory { ConnStr = ConnectionStringLocalTransaction }; // 数据库连接字符 //SqlConnection connection = (SqlConnection)dbF.CreateConnection(); //SqlBulkCopy //connection.BulkCopy break; case DbFactoryType.ROACLE: dbF = new OracleFactory { ConnStr = ConnectionStringLocalTransaction }; break; case DbFactoryType.MYSQL: dbF = new MySqlFactory { ConnStr = ConnectionStringLocalTransaction }; MySqlConnection connection = (MySqlConnection)dbF.CreateConnection(); break; } }
public RootModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory) { Get["/"] = parameters => { var photos = DB.Photos.FindAllByPublished(true).OrderByDatePublishedDescending().Take(2); List<Models.Photo> photoList = photos.ToList<Models.Photo>(); if (photoList.Count > 0) { var model = new Models.PhotoDetail(); model.Photo = photoList[0]; model.NextSlug = String.Empty; if (photoList.Count > 1) model.PreviousSlug = photoList[1].Slug; else model.PreviousSlug = String.Empty; IEnumerable<Models.Comment> comments = DB.Comments.FindAll(DB.Comments.PhotoId == model.Photo.Id && DB.Comments.Approved == true).Cast<Models.Comment>(); if (comments != null) model.Comments = comments.ToList(); return View["photodetail", model]; } else { return View["nophoto"]; } }; }
public AuthenticationModule(IAuthenticationService authenticationservice,IUsernameMapper usernameMapper,IDBFactory DBFactory) : base("/authentication",DBFactory) { Post["/login"] = x => { var nerd = authenticationservice.GetLogin(Request.Form.Username, Request.Form.Password); if (nerd == null) return Response.AsRedirect("/login?msg=Invalid%20username%20or%20password"); DateTime? expiry = null; if (this.Request.Form.RememberMe.HasValue) { expiry = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); } Guid guid = Guid.Parse(nerd.Guid); return this.LoginAndRedirect(guid, expiry); }; Get["/logout"] = x => { return this.LogoutAndRedirect("/"); }; }
public RootModule(IDBFactory DBFactory) : base(DBFactory) { Get["/"] = x => { return View["root_index",Model]; }; }
public void connect(IDBFactory db_factory, string connection_string) { m_dbFactory = db_factory; m_Connection = m_dbFactory.CreateConnection(connection_string); m_Connection.Open(); dbPropertyInfoManager.Instance.setDbFactory(m_dbFactory); }
public HomeModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory, "/api") { Get["/puntos/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { Punto response = AccountHelper.GetPuntos(x, dbFactory.DB()); if (x.extension == "json") { return(Response.AsJson(response)); } else { return(Response.AsXml(response)); } }; Get["/movimientos/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { IList <Movimiento> response = AccountHelper.GetMovimientos(x, dbFactory.DB()); if (x.extension == "json") { return(Response.AsJson(response)); } else { return(Response.AsXml(response)); } }; Get["/puntos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{anio}/{extension}"] = x => { return(GetPuntos(x)); }; Get["/movimientos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{anio}/{extension}"] = x => { return(GetMovimientos(x)); }; Get["/puntos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { return(GetPuntos(x)); }; Get["/movimientos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { return(GetMovimientos(x)); }; Get["/importador"] = x => { return(string.Format("Directiorio de operaciones:{0}", string.Format(@"{0}{1}\", Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Bootstrapper).Assembly.CodeBase) .Replace(@"file:\", string.Empty) .Replace("bin", string.Empty), "inbox"))); }; }
public EFUnitOfWork(IDBFactory dbFactory) { Context = dbFactory.GetContext(); _transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted }; }
public dbPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo p, object o, IDBFactory db_factory) { m_dbFactory = db_factory; m_Object = o; m_PropertyInfo = p; m_dbAttribute = null; parse(); }
public ValueTask set_webkitIndexedDB(IDBFactory value) { __webkitIndexedDB = null; return(EventHorizonBlazorInterop.Set( this.___guid, "webkitIndexedDB", value )); }
public AdminModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory, "/admin") { Get["/photos"] = parameters => { return "A list of all the photo's."; }; Get["/photos/add"] = parameters => { return "Display the form to add a photo."; }; Post["/photos/add"] = parameters => { // Add the photo, then redirect string slug = "newPhoto"; return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos/edit/" + slug); }; Get["/photos/edit/{slug}"] = parameters => { return String.Format("Display the form to edit a photo called '{0}'.", parameters.slug); }; Post["/photos/edit/{slug}"] = parameters => { // Edit the photo, then redirect string slug = Convert.ToString(parameters.slug); return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos/edit/" + slug); }; Get["/photos/delete/{slug}"] = parameters => { return String.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the photo called '{0}'?", parameters.slug); }; Post["/photos/delete/{slug}"] = parameters => { // Delete the photo, then redirect return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos"); }; Get["/comments"] = parameters => { return "A list of all the comments."; }; Post["/comments/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { // Delete the comment, then redirect return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/comments"); }; }
public AdminModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory, "/admin") { Get["/photos"] = parameters => { return("A list of all the photo's."); }; Get["/photos/add"] = parameters => { return("Display the form to add a photo."); }; Post["/photos/add"] = parameters => { // Add the photo, then redirect string slug = "newPhoto"; return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos/edit/" + slug)); }; Get["/photos/edit/{slug}"] = parameters => { return(String.Format("Display the form to edit a photo called '{0}'.", parameters.slug)); }; Post["/photos/edit/{slug}"] = parameters => { // Edit the photo, then redirect string slug = Convert.ToString(parameters.slug); return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos/edit/" + slug)); }; Get["/photos/delete/{slug}"] = parameters => { return(String.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the photo called '{0}'?", parameters.slug)); }; Post["/photos/delete/{slug}"] = parameters => { // Delete the photo, then redirect return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos")); }; Get["/comments"] = parameters => { return("A list of all the comments."); }; Post["/comments/delete/{id}"] = parameters => { // Delete the comment, then redirect return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/comments")); }; }
public HomeModule(IDBFactory dbFactory):base(dbFactory ,"/api") { Get["/puntos/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { Punto response= AccountHelper.GetPuntos(x,dbFactory.DB()); if (x.extension == "json") return Response.AsJson(response); else return Response.AsXml(response); }; Get["/movimientos/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { IList<Movimiento> response = AccountHelper.GetMovimientos(x, dbFactory.DB()); if (x.extension == "json") return Response.AsJson(response); else return Response.AsXml(response); }; Get["/puntos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{anio}/{extension}"] = x => { return GetPuntos(x); }; Get["/movimientos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{anio}/{extension}"] = x => { return GetMovimientos(x); }; Get["/puntos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { return GetPuntos(x); }; Get["/movimientos/{origen}/{empresa}/{id}/{extension}"] = x => { return GetMovimientos(x); }; Get["/importador"] = x => { return string.Format("Directiorio de operaciones:{0}", string.Format(@"{0}{1}\", Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Bootstrapper).Assembly.CodeBase) .Replace(@"file:\", string.Empty) .Replace("bin", string.Empty),"inbox")); }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ParametrizedCommandBuilder"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="factory">The factory.</param> public CommandBuilder(IDBFactory factory) { if (factory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("factory"); } _factory = factory; _convertor = factory.Convertor; command = _factory.CreateCommand(); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; }
static BaseBindings() { SettingsReader = new SettingsLibReader(); _DbFactory = new MsSqlFactory(SettingsReader.GetDbAccessSettings()); _CooksManager = new CookieMananger(); _UsrStateManager = new UserAuthenticateStateManager(_DbFactory, _CooksManager); _LogConfiguration = new BasicNLogConfig(SettingsReader.GetLogDirectory()); _LogConfiguration.InitConfig(); _Lg = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); _Lg.Info("Basic bindings initialized successguly."); }
/// <summary>Initialize a user's manager.</summary> /// <param name="dbFactory">Provider to database</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Passed an empty parameter.</exception> public UserAuthenticateStateManager(IDBFactory dbFactory, ICookiesManager cookiesManager) { if (dbFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbFactory)); } if (cookiesManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cookiesManager)); } _DatabaseFactory = dbFactory; _CookiesManager = cookiesManager; }
public MainModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory) { Get["/"] = _ => { var postList = GetPostList(1); dynamic model = new { postList = (dynamic) postList, currentPage =(dynamic) 1, hasNext = true, hasPrevious = false, }; return View["Home", model]; }; Get[@"/page/(?<id>[\d]{1,2})"] = _ => { int page = (int) _.id; var postList = GetPostList(page); dynamic model = new { postList, currentPage = _.id, hasNext = true, hasPrevious = true, }; return View["Home", model]; }; Get["/post/{slug}"] = _ => { var model = (Post)DB.Post.FindBySlug(_.slug); model.Content = new Markdown().Transform(model.Content); return View["Post", model]; }; Get[@"/(?<page>[a-z]+)"] = _ => { var model = DB.Post.FindBySlugAndType(_.page,"page"); model.Content = new Markdown().Transform(model.Content); return View["Page", model]; }; }
public async ValueTask <IDBFactory> get_msIndexedDB() { if (__msIndexedDB == null) { __msIndexedDB = await EventHorizonBlazorInterop.GetClass <IDBFactory>( this.___guid, "msIndexedDB", (entity) => { return(new IDBFactory() { ___guid = entity.___guid }); } ); } return(__msIndexedDB); }
public static IDBFactory MakeDBFactory() { if (dbFactory == null) { for (int i = 0; i < Settings.UserSettings.DBProviders.Count; i++) { if (Settings.UserSettings.DBProviders[i].Name == Settings.UserSettings.ProviderName) { Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(Settings.UserSettings.DBProviders[i].Assembly); dbFactory = (IDBFactory)asm.CreateInstance(Settings.UserSettings.DBProviders[i].FactoryClassName); } } } if (dbFactory == null) { throw new Exception("dbProviderName " + Settings.UserSettings.ProviderName + "is misspelled or has not been added"); } return(dbFactory); }
/// <summary> /// 根据DBID获取数据库访问连接池对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="dbid">数据库编号ID</param> /// <returns>数据库访问连接对象</returns> internal static DbConnectionPool GetConnectionPoolByDBID(int dbid) { DbConnectionPool dbConnectionPool; if (!_dbConnectionPoolDic.TryGetValue(dbid, out dbConnectionPool)) { var config = DatabaseConfigManager.GetConfig(dbid); IDBFactory dbFactory = DBFactoryManager.GetDBFactory(config); IDBInteraction dbInteraction = dbFactory.GetDBInteraction(); AddDbConnectionPool(config, dbInteraction); if (!_dbConnectionPoolDic.TryGetValue(dbid, out dbConnectionPool)) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("连接池中不包含数据库编号ID为:{0}的连接信息", dbid)); } } return(dbConnectionPool); }
public AuthenticationModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory) { Get["/login"] = parameters => { return("Display the login form"); }; Post["/login"] = parameters => { // Perform validation, then redirect return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos")); }; Post["/logout"] = parameters => { // Logout and redirect return(Response.AsRedirect("/login")); }; }
public AuthenticationModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory) { Get["/login"] = parameters => { return "Display the loginform"; }; Post["/login"] = parameters => { // Perform validation then redirect return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/photos"); }; Post["/logout"] = parameters => { // logout and redirect return Response.AsRedirect("/login"); }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DBConnection"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="factory">The factory.</param> /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string.</param> public DBConnection(IDBFactory factory, string connectionString) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { throw new ArgumentException("connectionString is empty", "connectionString"); } Factory = factory; _convertor = factory.CreateConvertor(); _exceptionConverter = factory.CreateExceptionConvertor(); _connection = factory.CreateConnection(); Transaction = new Transaction(_connection); _connection.ConnectionString = connectionString; try { _connection.Open(); } catch (SqlException ex) { Log.Fatal("Error open cobbection to ::" + connectionString, ex); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { { Console.WriteLine("***************** function3 *****************"); User user = new User(); IDBOperator dBOperator = DB.CreateDBOperator(); dBOperator.AddUser(user); } { Console.WriteLine("***************** function2 *****************"); User user = new User(); IUser iu = DataAccess.CreateUser(); iu.AddUser(user); } { Console.WriteLine("***************** function1 *****************"); IDBFactory db = null; Console.WriteLine("plz choose the db type."); var dbType = Console.ReadLine(); if (Convert.ToInt32(dbType) == (int)DBType.SQLServer) { db = new SQLServerDB(); } if (Convert.ToInt32(dbType) == (int)DBType.MySQL) { db = new MySQLDB(); } User user = new User { Id = "001", Name = "bo" }; db.AddUser(user); db.DeleteUserById(user.Id); db.UpdateUserById(user.Id); db.QueryUserById(user.Id); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取数据库访问实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="dbid">数据库编号ID</param> /// <returns>数据库访问实例</returns> public static IDBAccess GetDBAccessInstance(int dbid) { IDBAccess dbAccess; if (!_dbAccessDic.TryGetValue(dbid, out dbAccess)) { lock (_dicDBAccessLock) { if (!_dbAccessDic.TryGetValue(dbid, out dbAccess)) { var dbBConfigItem = DatabaseConfigManager.GetConfig(dbid); IDBFactory dbFactory = DBFactoryManager.GetDBFactory(dbBConfigItem); dbAccess = dbFactory.CreateDBAccess(dbBConfigItem); if (!_dbAccessDic.TryAdd(dbid, dbAccess)) { Loger.Warn(string.Format("添加数据库编号ID为{0}数据库访问实例失败", dbid), null); } } } } return(dbAccess); }
public RootModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory) { Get["/"] = parameters => { var photos = DB.Photos.FindAllByPublished(true).OrderByDatePublishedDescending().Take(2); List <Models.Photo> photoList = photos.ToList <Models.Photo>(); if (photoList.Count > 0) { var model = new Models.PhotoDetail(); model.Photo = photoList[0]; model.NextSlug = String.Empty; if (photoList.Count > 1) { model.PreviousSlug = photoList[1].Slug; } else { model.PreviousSlug = String.Empty; } IEnumerable <Models.Comment> comments = DB.Comments.FindAll(DB.Comments.PhotoId == model.Photo.Id && DB.Comments.Approved == true).Cast <Models.Comment>(); if (comments != null) { model.Comments = comments.ToList(); } return(View["photodetail", model]); } else { return(View["nophoto"]); } }; }
public BeerEventModule(IDBFactory DBFactory) : base("/BeerEvents",DBFactory) { // Read single Get["/single/{Id}"] = x => { int id = x.Id; IEnumerable<Nerd> subscribedNerds = DB.Nerds.FindAll(DB.Nerds.NerdSubscriptions.EventId == id).Cast<Nerd>(); Model.BeerEvent = DB.BeerEvents.FindById(id); Model.Subscribers = subscribedNerds; Model.CanSubscribe = !subscribedNerds.Any(n=>n.Guid == Model.Nerd.Guid); Model.CanEdit = !subscribedNerds.Any(); Model.Comments = DB.Comments.FindAllByEventId(id); return View["beerevents_detail",Model]; }; // Create Post["/create"] = x => { var be = new BeerEvent() { Name = Request.Form.Name, Location = Request.Form.Location, EventDate = Request.Form.EventDate }; var res = DB.BeerEvents.Insert(be); return RedirectToBeerEvent(res.Id); }; // Update Post["/update/{Id}"] = x => { var be = new BeerEvent { Id = x.Id, Name = Request.Form.Name, Location = Request.Form.Location, EventDate = Request.Form.EventDate }; DB.BeerEvents.Update(be); return RedirectToBeerEvent(be.Id); }; // Delete Get["/delete/{Id}"] = x => { int id = (int)x.Id; IEnumerable<dynamic> subs = DB.NerdSubscriptions.FindAllByEventId(id); if (!subs.Any()) { DB.Comments.DeleteByEventId(id); DB.BeerEvents.DeleteById(id); } return Response.AsRedirect("/"); }; // Comments Post["/{Id}/comments/create"] = x => { var be = new Comment { NerdId = Model.Nerd.Id, EventId = x.Id, CommentText = Request.Form.Comment, Created = DateTime.Now }; DB.Comments.Insert(be); return RedirectToBeerEvent(x.Id); }; Get["/comments/delete/{Id}"] = x => { Comment cmt = DB.Comments.FindById((int)x.Id); if (cmt.NerdId == Model.Nerd.Id) DB.Comments.DeleteById(cmt.Id); return RedirectToBeerEvent(cmt.EventId); }; // Subscriptions Post["/subscribe/{eventid}"] = x => { DB.Nerds.UpdateById(Id: Model.Nerd.Id, Name: (string)Request.Form.Name); DB.NerdSubscriptions.Insert(NerdId: Model.Nerd.Id, EventId: (int)x.eventid); return RedirectToBeerEvent(x.eventid); }; Get["/unsubscribe/{eventid}"] = x => { var s = DB.NerdSubscriptions.FindByNerdIdAndEventId(Model.Nerd.Id, (int)x.eventid); if (s != null) DB.NerdSubscriptions.DeleteById(s.Id); return RedirectToBeerEvent(x.eventid); }; }
public AdminModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory,"/admin") { this.RequiresAuthentication(); Get["/"] = _ => View["AdminHome"]; Get["/content/{type}/add"] = _ => View["ContentAdd"]; Post["/content/{type}/add"] = _ => { var post = this.Bind<Post>("title", "slug","created","content"); post.Type = _.type; post.Author = "willerce"; DB.Post.Insert(post); return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/content/" + post.Type + "/"); }; Get["/content/{type}/edit/{id}"] = _ => { var post = DB.Post.Get(_.id); return View["cONTENTEdit", post]; }; Post["/content/{type}/edit/{id}"] = _ => { var id = (int)_.id; string type = _.type; if(id!=0) { var post = this.Bind<Post>("title", "slug", "content", "created"); post.Type = type; DB.Post.Update(post); } return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/content/" + type); }; Get["/content/{type}/del/{id}"] = _ => { var post = DB.Post.Get(_.id); if (post == null) { return Response.AsRedirect("/admin"); } DB.Post.DeleteById(post.Id); return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/content/" + (string)post.Type); }; Get["/content/{type}/"] = _ => { var currentPage = Request.Query.page.HasValue ? (int)Request.Query.page : 1; var type = _.type; var postList = GetPostList(currentPage, type); dynamic model = new { postList, type, currentPage, hasNext = true, hasPrevious = currentPage > 1 }; return View["ContentHome", model]; }; #region Convert Wp to willog /* Get["/convert"] = _ => { var wbDB = Database.OpenConnection( "server=;user=root;database=willerce_blog;password=root;Charset=utf8;Allow Zero Datetime=true"); var postlist = wbDB.wp_posts.All(); foreach (var p in postlist) { if (p.post_status == "publish" & p.post_type == "post") { DB.Post.Insert(new { Slug = p.post_name, Title = p.post_title, Content = p.post_content, Created = Convert.ToDateTime(p.post_date), Author = "willerce" }); } } return Response.AsRedirect("/"); };*/ #endregion }
public EntryStockRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public SalesBillAdjAmtDetailRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public UsernameMapper(IDBFactory DBFactory) { this.DB = DBFactory.DB(); }
public PhotoblogModule(IDBFactory dbFactory, string modulePath) : base(modulePath) { DB = dbFactory.DB(); }
internal AdoHelper(IDBFactory newdb) { db = newdb; }
public MainModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory) { Get["/"] = _ => { var postList = GetPostList(1, 5); var maxPage = GetMaxPage(5); dynamic model = new { postList = (dynamic) postList, currentPage =(dynamic) 1, hasNext = maxPage > 1, hasPrevious = false, maxPage = maxPage }; return View["Home", model]; }; Get[@"/page/(?<id>[\d]{1,2})"] = _ => { int page = (int) _.id; var postList = GetPostList(page, 5); var maxPage = GetMaxPage(5); dynamic model = new { postList, currentPage = _.id, hasNext = page < maxPage, hasPrevious = page > 1, maxPage = maxPage }; return View["Home", model]; }; Get["/post/{slug}"] = _ => { var model = DB.Post.FindBySlug(_.slug); var lastPostList = GetPostList(1, 5); model.Content = new Markdown().Transform(model.Content); model.LastPost = lastPostList; return View["Post", model]; }; Get["/feed"] = _ => { var markDown = new Markdown(); var list = GetPostList(1, 15); return View["Feed", list].WithContentType("application/xml"); }; Get[@"/(?<page>[a-z]+)"] = _ => { var model = DB.Post.FindBySlugAndType(_.page, "page"); model.Content = new Markdown().Transform(model.Content); return View["Page", model]; }; }
public SqlPlayerRepository(IDBFactory dbFactory) { DB = dbFactory.DB(); }
public UnitOfWork(IDBFactory databaseFactory) { this._databaseFactory = databaseFactory; }
public AdminModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory, "/admin") { this.RequiresAuthentication(); Get["/"] = _ => View["AdminHome"]; Get["/content/{type}/add"] = _ => View["ContentAdd"]; Post["/content/{type}/add"] = _ => { var post = this.Bind <Post>("title", "slug", "created", "content"); post.Type = _.type; post.Author = "willerce"; DB.Post.Insert(post); return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/content/" + post.Type + "/")); }; Get["/content/{type}/edit/{id}"] = _ => { var post = DB.Post.Get(_.id); return(View["cONTENTEdit", post]); }; Post["/content/{type}/edit/{id}"] = _ => { var id = (int)_.id; string type = _.type; if (id != 0) { var post = this.Bind <Post>("title", "slug", "content", "created"); post.Type = type; DB.Post.Update(post); } return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/content/" + type)); }; Get["/content/{type}/del/{id}"] = _ => { var post = DB.Post.Get(_.id); if (post == null) { return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin")); } DB.Post.DeleteById(post.Id); return(Response.AsRedirect("/admin/content/" + (string)post.Type)); }; Get["/content/{type}/"] = _ => { var currentPage = Request.Query.page.HasValue ? (int)Request.Query.page : 1; var type = _.type; var postList = GetPostList(currentPage, type); dynamic model = new { postList, type, currentPage, hasNext = true, hasPrevious = currentPage > 1 }; return(View["ContentHome", model]); }; #region Convert Wp to willog /* * Get["/convert"] = _ => * { * * var wbDB = * Database.OpenConnection( * "server=;user=root;database=willerce_blog;password=root;Charset=utf8;Allow Zero Datetime=true"); * * var postlist = wbDB.wp_posts.All(); * * foreach (var p in postlist) * { * if (p.post_status == "publish" & p.post_type == "post") * { * DB.Post.Insert(new * { * Slug = p.post_name, * Title = p.post_title, * Content = p.post_content, * Created = Convert.ToDateTime(p.post_date), * Author = "willerce" * }); * } * } * * return Response.AsRedirect("/"); * };*/ #endregion }
public GetCashRowsBySORepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public SalesOrderRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public SqlLeagueRepository(IDBFactory factory) { DB = factory.DB(); }
public BaseModule(IDBFactory dbFactory,string path ):base(path) { DB=dbFactory.DB(); }
public PhotoblogModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base() { DB = dbFactory.DB(); }
public FakeUserMapper(IDBFactory DBFactory) { this.DB = DBFactory.DB(); }
public WillogModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) { DB = dbFactory.DB(); }
public NerdBeerModule(IDBFactory DBFactory) { DB = DBFactory.DB(); SetupModelDefaults(); }
public ArchivesModule(IDBFactory dbFactory): base(dbFactory, "/archives") { Get[""] = parameters => { List<DateTime> allDates = DB.Photos .Query() .Select(DB.Photos.DatePublished) .Where(DB.Photos.Published == true) .OrderByDatePublishedDescending() .ToScalarList<DateTime>(); var model = new GeneralArchives { Years = (from date in allDates group date by date.Year into yearGroup select new YearInfo { Year = yearGroup.Key, NumberOfPhotos = yearGroup.Count(), Months = (from yearDate in yearGroup group yearDate by yearDate.Month into monthGroup select new MonthInfo { Month = monthGroup.Key, MonthName = monthGroup.First().ToString("MMMM"), NumberOfPhotos = monthGroup.Count() }).ToList() }).ToList() }; return View["general-archives", model]; }; Get[@"/(?<year>19[0-9]{2}|2[0-9]{3})"] = parameters => { int year = Convert.ToInt32((string)parameters.year); DateTime start = new DateTime(year, 1, 1); DateTime end = start.AddYears(1); List<Photo> photos = DB.Photos .FindAllByDatePublishedAndPublished(start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").to(end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), true) .OrderByDatePublished() .ToList<Photo>(); var model = new YearlyArchives { Photos = photos, Year = year }; return View["yearly-archives", model]; }; Get[@"/(?<year>19[0-9]{2}|2[0-9]{3})/(?<month>[1-9]|1[012])"] = parameters => { int year = Convert.ToInt32((string)parameters.year); int month = Convert.ToInt32((string)parameters.month); DateTime start = new DateTime(year, month, 1); DateTime end = start.AddMonths(1); List<Photo> photos = DB.Photos.FindAllByDatePublishedAndPublished(start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").to(end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), true).OrderByDatePublished().ToList<Photo>(); var model = new MonthlyArchives { Photos = photos, Month = start.ToString("MMMM yyyy") }; return View["monthly-archives", model]; }; }
public NerdBeerModule(string modulepath, IDBFactory DBFactory) : base(modulepath) { DB = DBFactory.DB(); SetupModelDefaults(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InsertCommandBuilder"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="factory">The factory.</param> public InsertCommandBuilder(IDBFactory factory) : base(factory) { }
public PetaPocoUnitOfWork(IDBFactory dbFactory) { _dbFactory = dbFactory; }
public OrderDetailRepository(IDBFactory dBFactory) : base(dBFactory) { }
public AdminModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory,"/admin") { this.RequiresAuthentication(); Get["/"] = _ => { return View["AdminHome"]; }; Get["/post"] = _ => { var page = Request.Query.page; var posts = GetPostList(Convert.ToInt32(page)); return View["PostHome", posts]; }; Get["/post/add"] = _ => View["PostAdd"]; Post["/post/add"] = _ => { var post = this.Bind<Post>("title", "slug","created","content"); post.Author = "willerce"; DB.Post.Insert(post); return View["PostAdd"]; }; Get["/post/edit/{id}"] = _ => { var post = DB.Post.Get(_.id); return View["PostEdit", post]; }; Post["/post/edit/{id}"] = _ => { var id = (int)_.id; if(id!=0) { var post = this.Bind<Post>("title", "slug", "content", "created"); DB.Post.Update(post); } return Response.AsRedirect("/admin/post"); }; Get["/convert"] = _ => { var wbDB = Database.OpenConnection( "server=;user=root;database=willerce_blog;password=root;Charset=utf8;Allow Zero Datetime=true"); var postlist = wbDB.wp_posts.All(); foreach (var p in postlist) { if (p.post_status == "publish" & p.post_type == "post") { DB.Post.Insert(new { Slug = p.post_name, Title = p.post_title, Content = p.post_content, Created = Convert.ToDateTime(p.post_date), Author = "willerce" }); } } return Response.AsRedirect("/"); }; }
public BillPaymentItemRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public AuthenticationService(IDBFactory DBFactory) { this.DB = DBFactory.DB(); }
public StateRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public BeerEventModule(IDBFactory DBFactory) : base("/BeerEvents",DBFactory) { // Read single Get["/single/{Id}"] = x => { int id = x.Id; List<dynamic> nerdssubscriptions = DB.NerdSubscriptions.FindAllByEventId(id).ToList(); List<Nerd> subscribedNerds = new List<Nerd>(); if (nerdssubscriptions.Count > 0) { subscribedNerds = DB.Nerds.FindAllById(nerdssubscriptions.Select(y=>(int)y.NerdId).ToArray()).ToList<Nerd>(); } Model.BeerEvent = DB.BeerEvents.FindById(id); Model.Subscribers = subscribedNerds; Model.CanSubscribe = !subscribedNerds.Any(n=>n.Guid == Model.Nerd.Guid); Model.CanEdit = !subscribedNerds.Any(); List<Comment> comments =DB.Comments.FindAllByEventId(id).ToList<Comment>(); List<Nerd> commentnerds =new List<Nerd>(); if (comments.Count>0) { commentnerds = DB.Nerds.FindAllById(comments.Select(y => y.NerdId).ToArray()).ToList<Nerd>(); } foreach (var cmt in comments) cmt.Nerd = commentnerds.Where(y => y.Id == cmt.NerdId).FirstOrDefault(); Model.Comments = comments; return View["beerevents_detail",Model]; }; // Create Post["/create"] = x => { BeerEvent be = this.Bind(); var res = DB.BeerEvents.Insert(be); return RedirectToBeerEvent(res.Id); }; // Update Post["/update/{Id}"] = x => { BeerEvent be = this.Bind("id"); be.Id = x.Id; DB.BeerEvents.Update(be); return RedirectToBeerEvent(be.Id); }; // Delete Get["/delete/{Id}"] = x => { int id = (int)x.Id; IEnumerable<dynamic> subs = DB.NerdSubscriptions.FindAllByEventId(id); if (!subs.Any()) { DB.Comments.DeleteByEventId(id); DB.BeerEvents.DeleteById(id); } return Response.AsRedirect("/"); }; // Comments Post["/{Id}/comments/create"] = x => { Comment comment = this.Bind("EventId", "NerdId", "Created"); comment.EventId = x.Id; comment.Created = DateTime.Now; comment.NerdId = Model.Nerd.Id; DB.Comments.Insert(comment); return RedirectToBeerEvent(x.Id); }; Get["/comments/delete/{Id}"] = x => { Comment cmt = DB.Comments.FindById((int)x.Id); if (cmt.NerdId == Model.Nerd.Id) DB.Comments.DeleteById(cmt.Id); return RedirectToBeerEvent(cmt.EventId); }; // Subscriptions Post["/subscribe/{eventid}"] = x => { DB.Nerds.UpdateById(Id: Model.Nerd.Id, Name: (string)Request.Form.Name); DB.NerdSubscriptions.Insert(NerdId: Model.Nerd.Id, EventId: (int)x.eventid); return RedirectToBeerEvent(x.eventid); }; Get["/unsubscribe/{eventid}"] = x => { var s = DB.NerdSubscriptions.FindByNerdIdAndEventId(Model.Nerd.Id, (int)x.eventid); if (s != null) DB.NerdSubscriptions.DeleteById(s.Id); return RedirectToBeerEvent(x.eventid); }; }
public InwardItemFromGodownRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public PhotoModule(IDBFactory dbFactory) : base(dbFactory, "/photo") { Get["/{slug}"] = parameters => { string slug = (string)parameters.slug; Models.Photo photo = DB.Photos.FindBySlug(slug); if (photo == null) { // No photo found with this slug, we'll just redirect to the homepage return Response.AsRedirect("/"); } else { var model = new Models.PhotoDetail(); model.Photo = photo; model.PreviousSlug = DB.Photos.Query().Select(DB.Photos.Slug).Where(DB.Photos.Published == true && DB.Photos.DatePublished < photo.DatePublished.Value).OrderByDatePublishedDescending().Take(1).ToScalarOrDefault<string>(); model.NextSlug = DB.Photos.Query().Select(DB.Photos.Slug).Where(DB.Photos.Published == true && DB.Photos.DatePublished > photo.DatePublished.Value).OrderByDatePublished().Take(1).ToScalarOrDefault<string>(); IEnumerable<Models.Comment> comments = DB.Comments.FindAll(DB.Comments.PhotoId == model.Photo.Id && DB.Comments.Approved == true).Cast<Models.Comment>(); if (comments != null) model.Comments = comments.ToList(); bool commenterror = false; if (Boolean.TryParse(Convert.ToString(Session["commenterror"]), out commenterror)) { model.ErrorMessage = "Please fill out all required fields and make sure the email address you enter is valid."; Session.Delete("commenterror"); } return View["photodetail", model]; } }; Post["/{slug}/addcomment"] = parameters => { string photoSlug = (string)parameters.slug; int? photoId = DB.Photos.Query().Select(DB.Photos.Id).Where(DB.Photos.Slug == photoSlug).ToScalarOrDefault<int?>(); if (photoId.HasValue) { Models.Comment comment = this.Bind<Models.Comment>("Id", "PhotoId", "Approved"); comment.PhotoId = photoId.Value; comment.Approved = true; if (comment.IsValid()) { DB.Comments.Insert(comment); } else { Session["commenterror"] = true; } return Response.AsRedirect(String.Format("/photo/{0}#comments", photoSlug)); } else { // No photo found with this slug, we'll just redirect to the homepage return Response.AsRedirect("/"); } }; }
public PurchaseItemDetailRepository(IDBFactory databaseFactory) : base(databaseFactory) { }
public UnitOfWork(IDBFactory dbFactory) { this.dbFactory = dbFactory; }