Beispiel #1
        public CardFactory(int wordsCountInOneCard, IShuffler<string> shuffler, ICutter<string> cutter)
            if (wordsCountInOneCard <= 0) throw new ArgumentException("Параметр wordsCountInOneCard должен быть больше нуля!");

            this.MaxWordsCountInOneCard = wordsCountInOneCard;

            this.Shuffler = shuffler;

            this.Cutter = cutter;
Beispiel #2
        public Bot(int processId, IAsyncRecogniser recogniser, IRepository <TestQuestion> testRepository, IRepository <NumericQuestion> numberRepository, ICutter cutter, IClicker clicker, IReopener reopener)
            _process = Process.GetProcesses().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == processId);
            if (_process == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Процесс не найден");
                throw new Exception();
            _recogniserAsync = recogniser;
            mode             = SyncMode.Async; // Ассинхронный распознаватель

            _testRepository    = testRepository;
            _numericRepository = numberRepository;
            _cutter            = cutter;
            _clicker           = clicker;
            _reopener          = reopener;
Beispiel #3
        public ICutter CreateCutter()
            ICutter cutter = null;

            var i = (int)(3 * _random.NextDouble());

            switch (i)
            case 0:
                cutter = new Actor();

            case 1:
                cutter = new Barber();

            case 2:
                cutter = new Butcher();
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Der Anwender wünscht den Schnitt auszuführen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Wird ignoriert.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Wird ignoriert.</param>
        private void cmdRun_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Update settings
            Properties.Settings.Default.Framerate = FrameRateInfo.FindFrameRate(selRate.SelectedIndex).Rate;
            Properties.Settings.Default.Threshold = udMinimum.Value;

            // Check selection of page
            if (selPage.SelectedItem != null)
                Properties.Settings.Default.SubtitlePage = (int)selPage.SelectedItem;

            // With error handling
                // Load file
                FileInfo outFile = new FileInfo(saveCut.FileName);

                // Get the type
                string suffix = outFile.Extension;

                // Check
                if ((null == suffix) || (suffix.Length < 2))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Properties.Resources.Error_Format);

                // Cut off
                suffix = suffix.Substring(1);

                // Load type name
                string typeName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[suffix.ToUpper()];

                // Check
                if ((null == typeName) || (typeName.Length < 1))
                    throw new ApplicationException(Properties.Resources.Error_Format);

                // Find the type
                Type cutType = Type.GetType(typeName, true);

                // Create extractor
                using (ICutter cutter = (ICutter)Activator.CreateInstance(cutType))
                    // Configure
                    cutter.Framerate   = FrameRateInfo.FindFrameRate(selRate.SelectedIndex).Rate;
                    cutter.MinDuration = (double)udMinimum.Value;

                    // Check for VCR.NET 3.1 or later
                    ICutter2 cutter31 = cutter as ICutter2;
                    if (null != cutter31)
                        cutter31.TimeCorrection = (double)udCorrect.Value;

                    // Position in output file
                    long pos = 0;

                    // Process all cuts
                    foreach (CutElement cut in m_ProjectFile.CutElements)
                        // Get the core name
                        string coreName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cut.VideoFile.FullName);

                        // Append page number
                        if (!ckDVB.Checked)
                            coreName += "[" + Properties.Settings.Default.SubtitlePage.ToString() + "]";

                        // Replace suffix
                        FileInfo ttxFile = new FileInfo(cut.VideoFile.DirectoryName + @"\" + coreName + "." + suffix);

                        // Must exist
                        if (!ttxFile.Exists)

                        // Validate
                        if (cut.Start > cut.End)

                        // Process
                        cutter.Cut(ttxFile.FullName, cut.Start, cut.End, pos);

                        // Adjust frame counter
                        pos += cut.End - cut.Start + 1;

                    // Finish

                // Done on success
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report
                MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, Properties.Resources.Error_Failed);
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数根,所有其他构造函数都从此进入
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socket">核心socket,必须是已经打开的TCP socket</param>
        /// <param name="eventArgsfactory">
        /// <para>获得异步事件对象和回收该对象的方法。</para>
        /// <para>输入空值会创建默认新建和销毁逻辑.</para></param>
        /// <param name="byteSegmentLocator">
        /// <para>收到数据后创建和定位目标数据片段的定位器。</para>
        /// <para>输入空值会创建默认创建新数组的逻辑</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="byteSegmentLocator">
        /// <para>事件容器,负责处理统一的事件相应。</para>
        /// <para>输入空值会使用静态的默认容器,可以为一组client指定同一个容器进行分流</para>
        /// </param>
        public ReactiveTcpClient(
            Socket socket,
            ICutter <TPacket> dataCutter,
            IPacker <TPacket> dataPacker,
            Func <Disposable <SocketAsyncEventArgs> > eventArgsfactory = null,
            IByteSegmentLocator byteSegmentLocator  = null,
            ITcpClientEventContainer eventContainer = null
            //Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(dataCutter != null, "Parameter dataCutter cannot be null.");
            //Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(dataPacker != null, "Parameter dataPacker cannot be null.");
            //Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(eventArgsfactory != null, "Parameter eventArgsfactory cannot be null.");
            //Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(socket != null, "Parameter socket cannot be null.");
            //Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(socket.ProtocolType.HasFlag(ProtocolType.Tcp), "Parameter socket should be TCP socket.");
            //Contract.Requires<ArgumentException>(socket.Connected, "Parameter socket must be open.");

            //_disposeActionList.Push(() => socket.Dispose());
            ExecutionSchedulerPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();

            _dataCutter = dataCutter;
            _dataPacker = dataPacker;

            eventArgsfactory =
                eventArgsfactory ??
                new Func <Disposable <SocketAsyncEventArgs> >(
                    () =>
                    new Disposable <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(
                        ea => ea.Dispose(),
                        new SocketAsyncEventArgs()

            _byteSegmentLocator = byteSegmentLocator ?? new NewArrayByteSegmentLocator();

            EventContainer = eventContainer ?? TcpClientEventContainer.DefaultInstance;


            _socket = socket;
            _disposeActionList.Push(() => _socket.Dispose());

            _disposed = false;
            //_asyncSupport = new ObservableToAsync<TPacket>();
            _sendingQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <Tuple <Queue <ArraySegment <byte> >, AsyncCallback, AbortionChecker> >();

            _packetReceivedBuffer     = new BufferBlock <TPacket>();
            _packetReceivedObservable = _packetReceivedBuffer.AsObservable();
            _packetReceivedObserver   = _packetReceivedBuffer.AsObserver();
            _sendLaucherSubject       = new Subject <SocketAsyncEventArgs>();

            _disposeActionList.Push(() => _sendLaucherSubject.Dispose());

            var tokenSend = eventArgsfactory();

            _sendEventArgs = tokenSend.StateObject;
                () =>
                _sendEventArgs = null;

            var tokenReceive = eventArgsfactory();

            _receiveEventArgs = tokenReceive.StateObject;
                () =>
                _receiveEventArgs = null;
