public async Task <IActionResult> SaveCourses([FromBody] IList <Course> courses)
            IActionResult result = BadRequest();

            if (courses == null)

            var allCoursesValid = courses.All(x => x != null && x.IsValid(false));

            if (ModelState.IsValid && allCoursesValid)
                    MakeProvidersDistinctReferences(ref courses);
                    MakeRoutesDistinctReferences(ref courses);

                    AssociateWithLocations(ref courses);
                    AssociateWithSubjects(ref courses);

                    ResolveSalaryAndFeesReferences(ref courses);

                    foreach (var course in courses)
                        await _context.AddOrUpdateCourse(course);

                    _logger.LogInformation($"Added/Updated Course successfully");

                    var exitcode = await _locationRequester.RequestLocations();

                    if (exitcode != 0)
                        _logger.LogWarning($"Failed to geocode {exitcode} location");

                    result = Ok();
                // Note: if any exception is catch it course.IsValid() needs to be revisited
                catch (DbUpdateException ex)
                    _logger.LogWarning(ex, "Failed to save the courses to database");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Note: notice that ef core dont respect id generation for some reason.
                    _logger.LogWarning(ex, "Failed to save the course");

Beispiel #2
        public async Task <int> RequestLocations()
            var locations = GetLocationsToGeocode();
            var totalLocationsToGeocode = GetTotalLocationsToGeocode();
            var geocoder = new TECH_DEBT__TemporarilyCopied__Geocoder(_config.ApiKey, _httpClient);
            var utcNow   = DateTime.UtcNow;

            _logger.Information($"Geocode proccessing a total of : {locations.Count()}/{totalLocationsToGeocode}");

            var failures = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var location in locations)
                // The try catch needs to be here as geocoder consume external service
                    var coordinates = await geocoder.ResolvePostCodeAsync(location.GeoAddress);

                    if (coordinates != null)
                        location.FormattedAddress = coordinates.FormattedLocation;
                        location.Longitude        = coordinates.Longitude;
                        location.Latitude         = coordinates.Latitude;
                        location.LastGeocodedUtc  = utcNow;
                        failures.Add(location.Id.ToString(), location.GeoAddress);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    new TelemetryClient().TrackException(ex,
                                                         new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "Type", "SearchAndCompareGeocoder" },
                        { "Message", $"Geocode unable to resolve: {location.Id}, {location.GeoAddress}" }
                    _logger.Error(ex, $"Geocode unable to resolve: {location.Id}, {location.GeoAddress}");
                    failures.Add(location.Id.ToString(), location.GeoAddress);

            if (failures.Any())
                foreach (var failure in failures)
                    _logger.Warning($"Geocode unable to resolve: {failure.Key}, {failure.Value}");

                var msg = $"Geocode failures a total of : {failures.Count()}.{locations.Count()}";

                new TelemetryClient().TrackTrace($"Geocode failures a total of : {failures.Count()}.{locations.Count()}", SeverityLevel.Error, failures);

