private void Interaction(MouseEvent e)
     if (e.Button == EnumMouseButton.Right && capi?.World?.Player?.CurrentBlockSelection?.BlockEntity(capi) is BlockEntityContainer)
         capi.SendChatMessage("/ce trade");
 /// <summary>
 ///     Adds a waypoint at the a position within the world, relative to the global spawn point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The core game API this method was called from.</param>
 /// <param name="pos">The position to add the waypoint at.</param>
 /// <param name="icon">The icon to use for the waypoint.</param>
 /// <param name="colour">The colour of the waypoint.</param>
 /// <param name="title">The title to set.</param>
 /// <param name="pinned">if set to <c>true</c>, the waypoint will be pinned to the world map.</param>
 public static void AddWaypointAtPos(
     this ICoreClientAPI api, BlockPos pos, string icon, string colour, string title, bool pinned)
     if (pos is null)
         $"/waypoint addati {icon} {pos.X} {pos.Y} {pos.Z} {(pinned ? "true" : "false")} {colour} {title}");
 private void SendChatLine(string line)
     if (line.StartsWith("."))
Beispiel #4
 public override void StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
     capi     = api;
     cChannel = capi.Network.RegisterChannel("remapperchannel")
                .SetMessageHandler <Message>(a =>
         capi       = api;
         MostLikely = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <AssetLocation, AssetLocation> >(a.Assets);
         foreach (var item in MostLikely)
             if (item.Key.GetBlock(capi) != null && item.Value.GetBlock(capi) != null)
                 capi.SendChatMessage("/bir remap " + item.Value + " " + item.Key + " force");
             else if (item.Key.GetItem(capi) != null && item.Value.GetItem(capi) != null)
                 capi.SendChatMessage("/iir remap " + item.Value + " " + item.Key + " force");
        private void onWorldMapLinkClicked(LinkTextComponent linkcomp)
            string[] xyzstr = linkcomp.Href.Substring("worldmap://".Length).Split('=');
            int      x      = xyzstr[1].ToInt();
            int      y      = xyzstr[2].ToInt();
            int      z      = xyzstr[3].ToInt();
            string   text   = xyzstr.Length >= 5 ? xyzstr[4] : "";

            if (worldMapDlg == null || !worldMapDlg.IsOpened() || (worldMapDlg.IsOpened() && worldMapDlg.DialogType == EnumDialogType.HUD))

            bool  exists = false;
            var   elem   = (worldMapDlg.SingleComposer.GetElement("mapElem") as GuiElementMap);
            var   wml    = (elem?.mapLayers.FirstOrDefault(ml => ml is WaypointMapLayer) as WaypointMapLayer);
            Vec3d pos    = new Vec3d(x, y, z);

            if (wml != null)
                foreach (var wp in wml.ownWaypoints)
                    if (wp.Position.Equals(pos, 0.01))
                        exists = true;

            if (!exists)
                capi.SendChatMessage(string.Format("/waypoint addati {0} ={1} ={2} ={3} {4} {5} {6}", "circle", x, y, z, false, "steelblue", text));

            elem?.CenterMapTo(new BlockPos(x, y, z));
Beispiel #6
        public void MarkWP(WaypointClassification wp, Vec3d pos)
            string str = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/waypoint addati {0} ={1} ={2} ={3} {4} #{5} {6}", wp.Icon ?? "star1", pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, false, wp.Color, wp.Name);

Beispiel #7
        private void OnSetValueControls(string elementCode, string newValue)
            switch (elementCode)
            case "undo":
                capi.SendChatMessage("/we undo");

            case "redo":
                capi.SendChatMessage("/we redo");
Beispiel #8
        public CommandFloatyWaypoints(ICoreClientAPI capi, WaypointUtils utils) : base(capi)
            Command = "wpcfg";

            RegisterSubCommand("deathdebug", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                Config.DebugDeathWaypoints = args.PopBool() ?? !Config.DebugDeathWaypoints;
                capi.ShowChatMessage(string.Format("Death waypoint debbuging set to {0}", Config.DebugDeathWaypoints));
            }, "Debug sending of death waypoint string, true/false."));

            RegisterSubCommand("dotrange", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                double?dr       = args.PopDouble();
                Config.DotRange = dr != null ? (double)dr : Config.DotRange;
                capi.ShowChatMessage("Dot Range Set To " + Config.DotRange + " Meters.");
            }, "Sets the dot range of floaty waypoints, any decimal value."));

            RegisterSubCommand("titlerange", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                double?tr         = args.PopDouble();
                Config.TitleRange = tr != null ? (double)tr : Config.TitleRange;
                capi.ShowChatMessage("Title Range Set To " + Config.TitleRange + " Meters.");
            }, "Sets the title range of floaty waypoints, any decimal value."));

            RegisterSubCommand("perblockwaypoints", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                bool?pb = args.PopBool();
                Config.PerBlockWaypoints = pb != null ? (bool)pb : !Config.PerBlockWaypoints;
                capi.ShowChatMessage("Per Block Waypoints Set To " + Config.PerBlockWaypoints + ".");
            }, "Whether or not floaty waypoints are clamped to block positions, true/false."));

            RegisterSubCommand("pdw", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                utils.PurgeWaypointsByStrings("Player Death Waypoint", "*Player Death Waypoint*");
            }, "Purges death waypoints."));

            RegisterSubCommand("plt", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                utils.PurgeWaypointsByStrings("Limits Test");
            }, "Purges waypoints created by the testlimits debug command."));

            RegisterSubCommand("open", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                utils.ViewWaypoints(new KeyCombination());
            }, "Opens floaty waypoints uis."));

            RegisterSubCommand("waypointprefix", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                bool?wp = args.PopBool();
                Config.WaypointPrefix = wp != null ? (bool)wp : !Config.WaypointPrefix;
                capi.ShowChatMessage("Waypoint Prefix Set To " + Config.WaypointPrefix + ".");
            }, "Whether or not waypoints are prefixed with \"Waypoint:\", true/false"));

            RegisterSubCommand("waypointid", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                bool?wi           = args.PopBool();
                Config.WaypointID = wi != null ? (bool)wi : !Config.WaypointID;
                capi.ShowChatMessage("Waypoint ID Set To " + Config.WaypointID + ".");
            }, "Whether or not floaty waypoints are prefixed with their ID, true/false"));

            RegisterSubCommand("purge", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                string s = args.PopWord();
                if (s == "reallyreallyconfirm")
                    capi.ShowChatMessage(Lang.Get("Are you sure you want to do that? It will remove ALL your waypoints, type \"reallyreallyconfirm\" to confirm."));
            }, "Deletes ALL your waypoints."));

            RegisterSubCommand("enableall", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
            }, "Enables all waypoint colors."));

            RegisterSubCommand("save", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
            }, "Force save configuration file."));

            RegisterSubCommand("export", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                string filePath = Path.Combine(GamePaths.DataPath, args.PopWord() ?? "waypoints");
                lock (MassFileExportSystem.toExport)
                    MassFileExportSystem.toExport.Push(new ExportableJsonObject(utils.WaypointsRel, filePath));
            }, "Exports waypoints as a JSON file located in your game data folder."));

            RegisterSubCommand("import", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                string path1 = Path.Combine(GamePaths.DataPath, args.PopWord() ?? "waypoints") + ".json";
                if (File.Exists(path1))
                    using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(path1))
                        DummyWaypoint[] relative = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DummyWaypoint[]>(reader.ReadToEnd(), new JsonSerializerSettings()
                            NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

                        VSHUDTaskSystem.Actions.Enqueue(new Vintagestory.API.Common.Action(() =>
                            for (int j = 0; j < relative.Length; j++)
                                var val = relative[j];
                                if (utils.WaypointsRel.Any(w =>
                                                           val.Position.AsBlockPos.X == w.Position.AsBlockPos.X &&
                                                           val.Position.AsBlockPos.Y == w.Position.AsBlockPos.Y &&
                                                           val.Position.AsBlockPos.Z == w.Position.AsBlockPos.Z

                                string str = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/waypoint addati {0} ={1} ={2} ={3} {4} #{5} {6}", val.Icon, val.Position.X, val.Position.Y, val.Position.Z, val.Pinned, ColorUtil.Int2Hex(val.Color), val.Title);

            }, "Imports waypoints from a JSON file located in your game data folder, default name waypoints.json, if not, provide filename excluding .json."));

            RegisterSubCommand("testlimits", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                int amount    = args.PopInt() ?? 30;
                int maxY      = args.PopInt() ?? 10;
                double radius = (args.PopInt() ?? 1000);

                VSHUDTaskSystem.Actions.Enqueue(new Vintagestory.API.Common.Action(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                        x = (capi.World.Rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * radius,
                        z = (capi.World.Rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * radius,
                        y = capi.World.BlockAccessor.GetRainMapHeightAt((int)x, (int)z);

                        double r = x * x + z * z;
                        if (r <= (radius * 0.5) * (radius * 0.5))
                            Vec3d pos          = capi.World.Player.Entity.Pos.XYZ.AddCopy(new Vec3d(x, y, z));
                            bool deathWaypoint = capi.World.Rand.NextDouble() > 0.8;

                            string icon  = deathWaypoint ? "rocks" : WaypointUtils.iconKeys[(int)(capi.World.Rand.NextDouble() * (WaypointUtils.iconKeys.Length - 1))];
                            string title = deathWaypoint ? "Limits Test Player Death Waypoint" : "Limits Test Waypoint";

                            string str = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "/waypoint addati {0} ={1} ={2} ={3} {4} #{5} {6}", icon, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, deathWaypoint, ColorStuff.RandomHexColorVClamp(capi, 0.5, 0.8), title);


            }, "Creates and uploads many waypoints to the server to debug the limits of VSHUD's floaty waypoint rendering system, inputs 3 integers (amount, maxY, radius)."));

            RegisterSubCommand("pillars", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                Config.ShowPillars = args.PopBool() ?? !Config.ShowPillars;
                capi.ShowChatMessage("Waypoint Pillars Set To " + Config.ShowPillars + ".");
            }, "Toggles the rendering of the pillars that accompany the floaty waypoint UIs. True/False"));

            RegisterSubCommand("shuffle", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                lock (FloatyWaypointManagement.WaypointElements)
                    if (FloatyWaypointManagement.WaypointElements != null && FloatyWaypointManagement.WaypointElements.Count > 1)
                        HudElementWaypoint[] wps = new HudElementWaypoint[FloatyWaypointManagement.WaypointElements.Count];
                        wps.Shuffle(new LCGRandom(468963));
            }, "Shuffles the internal floaty waypoint UI stack to debug if changes are handled correctly."));

            RegisterSubCommand("echo", new SubCommand((player, groupId, args) =>
                Config.Echo = (bool)args.PopBool(!Config.Echo);
                capi.ShowChatMessage(string.Format("Waypoint creation echoing set to {0}.", Config.Echo));
            }, "Toggles the logging to chat of waypoint creation/deletion. Useful if you have a mod that creates many waypoints. True/False"));
Beispiel #9
        public override void StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api)
            var settingsFile = api.RegisterFileManager().RegisterFile("EnvTweaks.config.json", FileScope.Global);

            EnvTweaksPatches.Api      = api;
            EnvTweaksPatches.Settings = settingsFile.ParseJsonAsObject <ModSettings>();
            var syntaxMessage = "[settings|lightning|rain|hail|snow|sounds|shake|fog|clouds] [on|off]";

            void Handler(int _, CmdArgs args)
                if (args.Length == 0)
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Environmental Tweaks: {syntaxMessage}");

                var option = args.PopWord();
                var state  = args.PopWord("off").ToLowerInvariant() == "on";

                switch (option)
                case "settings":
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendLine("Environmental Tweaks:\n");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Lightning Effects: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowLightning}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Weather Sounds: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowWeatherSounds}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Rainfall Particles: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowRain}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Hail Particles: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowHail}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Snow Particles: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowSnow}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Camera Shake: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowCameraShake}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Fog Effects: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowFog}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Fog Effects: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowFog}");
                    sb.AppendLine($"Show Clouds: {EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowClouds}");

                case "lightning":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Lightning Effects: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowLightning = state;

                case "sounds":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Weather Sounds: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowWeatherSounds = state;

                case "rain":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Rainfall Particles: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowRain = state;

                case "hail":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Hail Particles: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowHail = state;

                case "snow":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Snow Particles: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowSnow = state;

                case "shake":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Camera Shake: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowCameraShake = state;

                case "fog":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Fog Effects: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowFog = state;

                case "clouds":
                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Show Clouds: {state}");
                    EnvTweaksPatches.Settings.AllowClouds = state;

                    api.ShowChatMessage($"Environmental Tweaks: {syntaxMessage}");


            api.RegisterCommand("EnvTweaks", "Change settings for Environmental Tweaks.", syntaxMessage, Handler);
            api.RegisterCommand("et", "Change settings for Environmental Tweaks.", syntaxMessage, Handler);