/// <summary>
        ///   Create a new attribute which hooks a coercion handler to a dependency property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "dynamicType">
        ///   The type of the coercion handler.
        ///   Should extend from <see cref = "AbstractControlCoercion{T, U}" />.</param>
        /// <param name = "constructorArguments">The arguments to pass to the constructor of the validation handler.</param>
        public CoercionHandlerAttribute(Type dynamicType, params object[] constructorArguments)
            : base(dynamicType, constructorArguments)
            Contract.Requires(dynamicType.IsOfGenericType(typeof(IControlCoercion <,>)));

            GenericCoercion = Proxy.CreateGenericInterfaceWrapper <IControlCoercion <object, object> >(DynamicInstance);
		/// <summary>
		///   Create a new attribute which hooks a coercion handler to a dependency property.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "dynamicType">
		///   The type of the coercion handler.
		///   Should extend from <see cref = "AbstractControlCoercion{T, U}" />.</param>
		/// <param name = "constructorArguments">The arguments to pass to the constructor of the validation handler.</param>
		public CoercionHandlerAttribute( Type dynamicType, params object[] constructorArguments )
			: base( dynamicType, constructorArguments )
			Contract.Requires( dynamicType.IsOfGenericType( typeof( IControlCoercion<,> ) ) );

			GenericCoercion = Proxy.CreateGenericInterfaceWrapper<IControlCoercion<object, object>>( DynamicInstance );