public ValueTask HandleAsync(ConnectedClient sender, JoinContest message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var existingContest = _contestStore.FindActiveByContestantId(sender.ClientId);

        if (existingContest != null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Already in contest {existingContest.ContestId}");

        var contest = _contestStore.Find(sender.Group);

        if (contest == null)
            contest = new Contest(sender.Group);

        contest.Join(sender.ClientId, message.Side);

Beispiel #2
        public object GetUpdateFor(string clientId)
            var contest = _contestStore.FindActiveByContestantId(clientId);

            if (contest == null)
                // This is a bit of a hack. Either pass ConnectedClient to this method,
                // or have a domain-specific ISpectatorsStore that will be filled by ConnectHook.
                var client = _connectedClients.Find(clientId);
                if (client == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Client is not connected already.");

                var contestId = client.Group;
                contest = _contestStore.Find(contestId);
                if (contest == null)
                    return(new ContestUpdate()); // Not started yet.

            var data = contest.GetData();

            return(new ContestUpdate
                Progress = data.Progress,
                Contestants = data.Contestants.SelectMany(
                    x => x.Value.Select(
                        contestantId => new ContestantUpdate
                    ContestantId = contestantId,
                    Side = x.Key
                HasStarted = data.HasStarted,
                HasEnded = data.HasEnded