Beispiel #1
 public void UseFileIfExists(string name)
     if (_folders.FileExists(ContentType.scripts, name))
Beispiel #2
        public ContentFiles(IContentFolderService service, ContentType contentType)
            _service     = service;
            _contentType = contentType;

             * You might be wondering, "why is it doing this?"
             * The goal of the below is to say:
             * 1.) Use the url to the main application's content/{type} if the file exists there
             * 2.) If not, try to find it in a package folder.  If found, pull it from the package folder
             * 3.) Finally, try the url to the main application and just hope.
             * This implementation isn't smart enough to deal with "appended" virtual directory paths
            _urls.OnMissing = filename =>
                if (_service.ExistsInApplicationDirectory(_contentType, filename))
                    return("~/content/{0}/{1}".ToFormat(_contentType, filename.TrimStart('/')));

                if (_service.FileExists(_contentType, filename))
                    return("~/_content/{0}/{1}".ToFormat(_contentType, filename.TrimStart('/')));

                return("~/content/{0}/{1}".ToFormat(_contentType, filename.TrimStart('/')));
        public ContentFiles(IContentFolderService service, ContentType contentType)
            _service = service;
            _contentType = contentType;

             * You might be wondering, "why is it doing this?"
             * The goal of the below is to say:
             * 1.) Use the url to the main application's content/{type} if the file exists there
             * 2.) If not, try to find it in a package folder.  If found, pull it from the package folder
             * 3.) Finally, try the url to the main application and just hope.
             * This implementation isn't smart enough to deal with "appended" virtual directory paths
            _urls.OnMissing = filename =>
                if (_service.ExistsInApplicationDirectory(_contentType, filename))
                    return "~/content/{0}/{1}".ToFormat(_contentType, filename.TrimStart('/'));

                if (_service.FileExists(_contentType, filename))
                    return "~/_{0}/{1}".ToFormat(_contentType, filename.TrimStart('/'));

                return "~/content/{0}/{1}".ToFormat(_contentType, filename.TrimStart('/'));