Beispiel #1
        public async Task ValidateInputRequestAsync(ILogger log, IConnectionStringValidation connectionStringValidation)
            const string NO_DEVICE_MODEL            = "The simulation doesn't contain any device model";
            const string ZERO_DEVICES               = "The simulation has zero devices";
            const string END_TIME_BEFORE_START_TIME = "The simulation End Time must be after the Start Time";
            const string INVALID_DATE               = "Invalid date format";
            const string CANNOT_RUN_IN_THE_PAST     = "The simulation end date is in the past";
            const string NO_IOTHUB_CONNSTRING       = "The simulation doesn't contain any IoTHub connection string";

            // A simulation must contain at least one device model
            if (this.DeviceModels.Count < 1)
                log.Error(NO_DEVICE_MODEL, () => new { simulation = this });
                throw new BadRequestException(NO_DEVICE_MODEL);

            // A simulation must use at least one device
            if (this.DeviceModels.Sum(x => x.Count) < 1)
                log.Error(ZERO_DEVICES, () => new { simulation = this });
                throw new BadRequestException(ZERO_DEVICES);

                var now       = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                var startTime = DateHelper.ParseDateExpression(this.StartTime, now);
                var endTime   = DateHelper.ParseDateExpression(this.EndTime, now);
                // The start time must be before the end time
                if (startTime.HasValue && endTime.HasValue && startTime.Value.Ticks >= endTime.Value.Ticks)
                    log.Error(END_TIME_BEFORE_START_TIME, () => new { simulation = this });
                    throw new BadRequestException(END_TIME_BEFORE_START_TIME);

                // The end time cannot be in the past
                if (endTime.HasValue && endTime.Value.Ticks <= now.Ticks)
                    log.Error(CANNOT_RUN_IN_THE_PAST, () => new { simulation = this });
                    throw new BadRequestException(CANNOT_RUN_IN_THE_PAST);
            catch (InvalidDateFormatException e)
                log.Error(INVALID_DATE, () => new { simulation = this });
                throw new BadRequestException(INVALID_DATE, e);

            // A simulation contains at least one iothub connect string
            if (this.IotHubs.Count == 0)
                throw new BadRequestException(NO_IOTHUB_CONNSTRING);

            foreach (var iotHub in this.IotHubs)
                await connectionStringValidation.TestAsync(iotHub.ConnectionString, true);
Beispiel #2
 public ConnectionStrings(
     IServicesConfig config,
     IConnectionStringValidation connectionStringValidation,
     IFactory factory,
     IDiagnosticsLogger diagnosticsLogger,
     ILogger logger)
     this.config = config;
     this.connectionStringValidation = connectionStringValidation;
     this.mainStorage       = factory.Resolve <IStorageRecords>().Init(config.MainStorage);
     this.log               = logger;
     this.diagnosticsLogger = diagnosticsLogger;
 public ConnectionStrings(
     IServicesConfig config,
     IConnectionStringValidation connectionStringValidation,
     IEngines engines,
     IDiagnosticsLogger diagnosticsLogger,
     ILogger logger)
     this.config = config;
     this.connectionStringValidation = connectionStringValidation;
     this.mainStorage       = engines.Build(config.MainStorage);
     this.log               = logger;
     this.diagnosticsLogger = diagnosticsLogger;
 public SimulationsController(
     ISimulations simulationsService,
     IConnectionStringValidation connectionStringValidation,
     IIothubMetrics iothubMetrics,
     IRateLimitingConfig defaultRatingConfig,
     IPreprovisionedIotHub preprovisionedIotHub,
     ISimulationAgent simulationAgent,
     IFactory factory,
     ILogger logger)
     this.simulationsService         = simulationsService;
     this.connectionStringValidation = connectionStringValidation;
     this.iothubMetrics       = iothubMetrics;
     this.defaultRatingConfig = defaultRatingConfig;
     this.simulationAgent     = simulationAgent;
     this.factory             = factory;
     this.log = logger;