Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="combi"></param>
 public TritonLeTimbres(ICombi combi)
     : base(combi, TimbresOffsetConstant)
     for (var n = 0; n < TimbresPerCombi; n++)
         TimbresCollection.Add(new TritonLeTimbre(this, n));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="combi"></param>
 public MicroStationTimbres(ICombi combi)
     : base(combi, TimbresOffsetConstant)
     for (int n = 0; n < TimbresPerCombi; n++)
         TimbresCollection.Add(new MicroStationTimbre(this, n));
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="combi"></param>
 public Zero3RwTimbres(ICombi combi)
     : base(combi)
     TimbresCollection.Clear(); //IMPR: is clear really necessary here?
     for (var n = 0; n < TimbresPerCombi; n++)
         TimbresCollection.Add(new Zero3RwTimbre(this, n));
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rule"></param>
 /// <param name="combi"></param>
 private void ChangeReferencesInTimbres(KeyValuePair <IPatch, IPatch> rule, ICombi combi)
     foreach (var timbre in combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection.Where(timbre => timbre.UsedProgram == rule.Key))
         if (((timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Status).Value == "Off") ||
              (timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Status).Value == "Int")) &&
             timbre.UsedProgram = (IProgram)rule.Value;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="combi"></param>
        /// <param name="timbresPerCombi"></param>
        /// <param name="timbresOffset"></param>
        protected Timbres(ICombi combi, int timbresPerCombi, int timbresOffset)
            Debug.Assert(timbresPerCombi > 0);
            Debug.Assert(timbresOffset > 0);

            TimbresCollection = new ObservableCollectionEx <ITimbre>();

            _combi          = combi;
            TimbresPerCombi = timbresPerCombi;
            TimbresOffset   = timbresOffset;

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        private void ReadSingleCombi(int offset)
            ICombiBank bank = (ICombiBank)(CurrentPcgMemory.CombiBanks[0]);

            bank.ByteOffset = 0;
            bank.ByteLength = 240;
            bank.IsWritable = true;
            bank.IsLoaded   = true;

            ICombi combi = (ICombi)bank[0];

            combi.ByteOffset = offset;
            combi.ByteLength = bank.ByteLength;
            combi.IsLoaded   = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcgViewModel"></param>
        /// <param name="combi"></param>
        public CombiViewModel(IPcgViewModel pcgViewModel, ICombi combi)
            PcgViewModel = pcgViewModel;

            Combi = combi;

            // Select first if none selected.
            if ((Combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection.Any()) &&
                (Combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection.Count(item => item.IsSelected) == 0))
                Combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection[0].IsSelected = true;

            Combi.PcgRoot.PropertyChanged += OnPcgRootChanged;
Beispiel #8
        private void ReadSingleCombi(int offset)
            ICombiBank bank = (ICombiBank)(CurrentPcgMemory.CombiBanks[_bank]);

            bank.ByteOffset = 0;
            bank.ByteLength = 0x7bc;
            bank.IsWritable = true;
            bank.IsLoaded   = true;

            ICombi combi = (ICombi)bank[_patchIndex];

            combi.ByteOffset = offset;
            combi.ByteLength = bank.ByteLength;
            combi.IsLoaded   = true;

Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        private void WriteLongListToFile(TextWriter writer)
            foreach (IPatch patch in from combiBank in SelectedCombiBanks
                     from combi in combiBank.Patches
                     where combiBank.IsLoaded &&
                     combi.UseInList(IgnoreInitCombis, FilterOnText, FilterText, FilterCaseSensitive,
                                     ListFilterOnFavorites, false)
                     select combi)
                ICombi combi = (ICombi)patch;
                // Gather info for header.
                string categoryString = combi.CategoryAsName;

                //var subCategory = combi.GetParam("SubCategory");
                string     subCategoryString = combi.SubCategoryAsName;
                IParameter favorite          = combi.PcgRoot.AreFavoritesSupported ? combi.GetParam(ParameterNames.CombiParameterName.Favorite) : null;
                string     favoriteString    = (favorite == null) ? "-" : (favorite.Value) ? "Yes" : "No";
                IParameter paramTempo        = combi.GetParam(ParameterNames.CombiParameterName.Tempo);
                dynamic    tempo             = paramTempo == null ? "-" : string.Format("{0,6:0.00}", paramTempo.Value);

                // Print header.
// ReSharper disable RedundantStringFormatCall
                writer.WriteLine(string.Format(new CultureInfo("en-US"),
// ReSharper restore RedundantStringFormatCall
                                               "|Combi {0,-6}|Name:{1,-24}|Cat:{2,-24}|Sub Cat:{3,-24}|Tempo:{4,-6}|Fav:{5,-3}|                                 |",
                                               combi.Id, combi.Name, categoryString, subCategoryString, tempo, favoriteString));
                writer.WriteLine("|Timbres List                                                                                                                                                   |");
                writer.WriteLine("|Tim|Program   |Name of the program     |Category                |Sub Category            |Vol|Sta|Mute|Prio|MIDI|Key Zone |Veloc. |OSC |OSC |Tra| De- |Por|Bend|");
                writer.WriteLine("|bre|          |                        |                        |                        |ume|tus|    |rity|Ch. |         |Zone   |Mode|Sel.|nsp|tune |tam|Rng.|");

                // Print timbres.);
                for (int index = 0; index < combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection.Count; index++)
                    PrintTimbre(writer, combi, index);

                // Print footer.
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes all references of the original location of patch to combi.
        /// Only used for cut/paste.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        /// <param name="combi"></param>
        static void FixReferencesToCombi(IClipBoardPatch patch, ICombi combi)
            var memory = patch.OriginalLocation.Root as IPcgMemory;

            Debug.Assert(memory != null);

            // Change set list slots (if present and not from master file).
            if (memory.SetLists != null)
                foreach (var slot in memory.SetLists.BankCollection.Where(
                             bank => bank.IsWritable && !bank.IsFromMasterFile).SelectMany(
                             list => list.Patches, (list, patch1) => (ISetListSlot)patch1).Where(
                             slot => (slot.SelectedPatchType == SetListSlot.PatchType.Combi) &&
                             (slot.UsedPatch == patch.OriginalLocation)))
                    slot.UsedPatch = combi;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patchToPaste"></param>
        /// <param name="patch"></param>
        public void PastePatch(IClipBoardPatch patchToPaste, IPatch patch)
            // Copy patch from clipboard to PCG.
            patch.PcgRoot.CopyPatch(patchToPaste, patch);
            patchToPaste.PasteDestination = patch;

            if (CutPasteSelected)
                IProgram program = patch as IProgram;
                if (program != null)
                    FixReferencesToProgram(patchToPaste, program);
                    ICombi combi = patch as ICombi;
                    if (combi != null)
                        FixReferencesToCombi(patchToPaste, combi);
                        IDrumKit drumKit = patch as IDrumKit;
                        if (drumKit != null)
                            FixReferencesToDrumKit(patchToPaste, drumKit);
                            IDrumPattern drumPattern = patch as IDrumPattern;
                            if (drumPattern != null)
                                FixReferencesToDrumPattern(patchToPaste, drumPattern);
                // If it is a set list slot do nothing.
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcgViewModel"></param>
        /// <param name="combi"></param>
        public CombiWindow(IPcgViewModel pcgViewModel, ICombi combi)
            ViewModel = new CombiViewModel(pcgViewModel, combi)
                ShowEditDialog = () =>
                    var window = new WindowEditSingleCombi(CombiViewModel.Combi);
                    var result = window.ShowDialog();
                    return(result.HasValue && result.Value);

                UpdateUiContent = () =>

                CloseWindow = CloseWindow

            DataContext = ViewModel;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setListSlot"></param>
        /// <param name="clearAfterCopy"></param>
        public void CopySetListSlotToClipBoard(ISetListSlot setListSlot, bool clearAfterCopy)
            // Copy set list slot.
            if (setListSlot.PcgRoot.Content != null)
                ClipBoardSetListSlot clipBoardSetListSlot = new ClipBoardSetListSlot(setListSlot);

                if (clearAfterCopy)

                // Copy program of combi (do not copy song).
                if (!CutPasteSelected)
                    IPatch usedPatch = setListSlot.UsedPatch;
                    if ((usedPatch != null) &&
                        (Settings.Default.CopyPaste_CopyPatchesFromMasterFile || !usedPatch.IsFromMasterFile))
                        if (setListSlot.UsedPatch is IProgram)
                            IProgram program = (IProgram)usedPatch;
                            if (((IProgramBank)(program.Parent)).Type != BankType.EType.Gm)
                                clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference = CopyProgramToClipBoard(program, false);
                        else if (setListSlot.UsedPatch is ICombi)
                            ICombi combi = (ICombi)usedPatch;
                            clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference = CopyCombiToClipBoard(combi, false);
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Fix drum kit references in programs (clipBoardPatches).
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="clipBoardPatches"></param>
         * private void FixPasteDrumKitReferencesInPrograms(IEnumerable<IClipBoardPatch> clipBoardPatches)
         * {
         *  foreach (var clipBoardPatch in clipBoardPatches)
         *  {
         *      var program = (IClipBoardProgram) clipBoardPatch;
         *      foreach (var clipBoardDrumKit in DrumKits.CopiedPatches)
         *      {
         *          var drumKits = program.ReferencedDrumKits;
         *          for (var drumKitIndex = 0; drumKitIndex < drumKits.CopiedPatches.Count(); drumKitIndex++)
         *          {
         *              var drumKit = program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches[drumKitIndex];
         *              if (drumKit != clipBoardDrumKit)
         *              {
         *                  continue;
         *              }
         *              if ((drumKit.PasteDestination != null) && (program.PasteDestination != null))
         *              {
         *                  // When pasting to the same file, then it is not wanted to fix references,
         *                  // because a duplicate drumkit/program can exist before the original reference
         *                  // so it will be changed unnecessarily.
         *                  if (drumKit.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory)
         *                  {
         *                      var changes = new Dictionary<IDrumKit, IDrumKit>
         *                      {
         *                      //xxx
         *                      {(IDrumKit) (drumKit.OriginalLocation),
         *                              (IDrumKit) (drumKit.PasteDestination)}
         *                      };
         *                      ((IProgram) (program.PasteDestination)).ReplaceDrumKit(changes);
         *                  }
         *                  program.ReferencedDrumKits.CopiedPatches[drumKitIndex] = null; // Prevent fixing it again
         *              }
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void FixPastePatchInSetListSlotsReferences()
            foreach (IClipBoardPatch clipBoardPatch in SetListSlots.CopiedPatches)
                IClipBoardSetListSlot clipBoardSetListSlot = (IClipBoardSetListSlot)clipBoardPatch;
                ISetListSlot          setListSlot          = (ISetListSlot)(clipBoardSetListSlot.PasteDestination);
                if ((setListSlot != null) && (clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference != null))
                    // Fix reference to program/combi.
                    IClipBoardPatch clipBoardReference = clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference;

                    // When pasting to the same file (second condition below), then it is not wanted to fix references,
                    // because a duplicate program/combi can exist before the original reference so it will be changed
                    // unnecessarily.
                    if ((clipBoardReference.PasteDestination != null) &&
                        (clipBoardSetListSlot.Reference.OriginalLocation.Root != PastePcgMemory))
                        if (clipBoardReference.PasteDestination is IProgram)
                            IProgram program = (IProgram)(clipBoardReference.PasteDestination);
                            setListSlot.UsedPatch = program;
                        else if (clipBoardReference.PasteDestination is ICombi)
                            ICombi combi = (ICombi)(clipBoardReference.PasteDestination);
                            setListSlot.UsedPatch = combi;
                            throw new ApplicationException("Illegal clip board reference");
                        setListSlot.RaisePropertyChanged(string.Empty, false);
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="combi"></param>
 /// <param name="timbresOffsetConstant"></param>
 protected MntxTimbres(ICombi combi, int timbresOffsetConstant)
     : base(combi, TimbresPerCombiConstant, timbresOffsetConstant)
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="patch"></param>
 public WindowEditSingleCombi(ICombi patch)
     _patch = patch;
        /// <summary>
        /// IMPR: Reduce complexity by creating a 'result' structure and split method in several parts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="combi"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        private void PrintTimbre(TextWriter writer, ICombi combi, int index)
            var timbre     = combi.Timbres.TimbresCollection[index];
            var status     = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Status).Value;
            var muteParam  = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Mute);
            var mute       = muteParam != null && (bool)muteParam.Value;
            var muteString = mute.ToYesNo();

            if (!ShowTimbre(timbre))

            var usedProgram = timbre.UsedProgram;
            var timbreId    = (usedProgram == null) ? "???" : timbre.ColumnProgramId;

            var isGmProgram    = (usedProgram != null) && ((ProgramBank)(timbre.UsedProgram.Parent)).Type == BankType.EType.Gm;
            var byteOffset     = (usedProgram == null) ? 0 : timbre.UsedProgram.ByteOffset;
            var name           = isGmProgram ? "-" : (byteOffset == 0) ? "???" : timbre.ColumnProgramName;
            var category       = isGmProgram ? "-" : (byteOffset == 0) ? "???" : timbre.UsedProgram.CategoryAsName;
            var subCategory    = isGmProgram ? "-" : ((byteOffset == 0) ? "???" : timbre.UsedProgram.SubCategoryAsName);
            var volume         = (string)(timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Volume).Value.ToString());
            var priority       = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Priority);
            var priorityString = (isGmProgram || (priority == null))
                ? "No"
                : ((byteOffset == 0) ? "???" : ((bool)priority.Value).ToYesNo());

            var midiChannelString = ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.MidiChannel,

            var bottomKey = (string)ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.BottomKey,

            var topKey = (string)ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.TopKey,

            var bottomVelocity = (string)timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.BottomVelocity).Value.ToString();
            var topVelocity    = (string)timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.TopVelocity).Value.ToString();

            var paramOscMode = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.OscMode);
            var oscMode      = (paramOscMode == null) ? "-" : (string)paramOscMode.Value;

            var paramOscSelect = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.OscSelect);
            var oscSelect      = (paramOscSelect == null) ? "-" : (string)paramOscSelect.Value;

            var transpose = (string)ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Transpose,

            var paramDetune = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Detune);
            var detune      = (paramDetune == null) ? "-" : (string)ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Detune, paramDetune.Value);

            var paramPortamento = timbre.GetParam(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Portamento);
            var portamento      = (paramPortamento == null)
                ? "-"
                : (string)ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.Portamento, paramPortamento.Value);

            var bendRange = (string)ParameterValues.GetStringValue(ParameterNames.TimbreParameterName.BendRange,

                $"|{index + 1,2} |{timbreId,-10}|{name,-24}|{category,-24}|{subCategory,-24}|{volume,3}|{status,-3}|{muteString,-4}|{priorityString,-4}|{midiChannelString,-4}|");

// ReSharper disable RedundantStringFormatCall
                $"{bottomKey,-4}~{topKey,-4}|{bottomVelocity,3}~{topVelocity,3}|{oscMode,-4}|{oscSelect,-4}|{transpose,3}|{detune,5}|{portamento,3}|{bendRange,-3} |");
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="patch"></param>
 public WindowEditMultipleCombis(ICombi patch)
     _patch = patch;