Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The method will register all matchers (classes implementing IColorMatcher&lt;&gt; interface)
        /// in the specified assembly using Reflection.
        /// </summary>
        public void RegisterMatchers(Assembly assembly)
            // get all types implementing IColorMatcher interface
            IEnumerable <Type> colorMatcherTypes =
                from type in assembly.GetTypes()
                where !type.IsGenericType && type.IsAssignableToGenericType(typeof(IColorMatcher <>))
                select type;

            foreach (Type colorMatcherType in colorMatcherTypes)
                // for each color matcher, get interface types
                IEnumerable <Type> colorMatcherInterfaces =
                    from i in colorMatcherType.GetInterfaces()
                    where i.IsConstructedGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IColorMatcher <>)
                    select i;

                foreach (Type colorMatcherInterface in colorMatcherInterfaces)
                    // for each interface, extract the target type
                    Type matchingType = colorMatcherInterface.GetGenericArguments().First();
                    if (mMatchers.ContainsKey(matchingType))

                    // if the target type is not already registered, create an instance of the matcher and register it.
                    IColorMatcher matcher = (IColorMatcher)Activator.CreateInstance(colorMatcherType);
                    mMatchers.Add(matchingType, matcher);
Beispiel #2
        internal static Hashtable[] GetMatchColors <T>()
            IColorMatcher <T> matcher = (IColorMatcher <T>)MatcherManager.GetMatcher(typeof(T));

            return((from match in matcher.GetMatches()
                    select new Hashtable {
                [HashtableColor] = match.ForegroundColor,
                [HashtableMatch] = match.GetMatchData()
Beispiel #3
        internal static void SetMatcherColors <T>(Hashtable[] matcherColors)
            IColorMatcher <T> matcher = (IColorMatcher <T>)MatcherManager.GetMatcher(typeof(T));

            var matches = from matcherColor in matcherColors
                          let foregroundColor                         = (ConsoleColor)matcherColor[HashtableColor]
                                                            let match = matcherColor[HashtableMatch]
                                                                        select matcher.CreateMatch(foregroundColor, match);

Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to retrieve a matcher based on the target type.
 /// </summary>
 public bool TryGetMatcher(Type type, out IColorMatcher matcher)
     return(mMatchers.TryGetValue(type, out matcher));