Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an code expression for a coded value
        /// </summary>
        private string CreateCodeExpression(ICodedValue code)
            StringBuilder expr = new StringBuilder();

            // Represent as IHTSDO format
            expr.AppendFormat("{0}", Util.ToWireFormat(code.CodeValue));
            //if (code.DisplayName != null)
            //    expr.AppendFormat("|{0}|", code.DisplayName);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if this instance of CV is semantically equal to another
        /// </summary>
        public override BL SemanticEquals(IAny other)
            var baseSem = base.SemanticEquals(other);

            if (!(bool)baseSem)

            ICodedValue otherCv = other as ICodedValue;

            if (otherCv != null) // CS? If so call it's equality
                return(otherCv.CodeSystem == null ? this.CodeSystem == null : otherCv.CodeSystem.Equals(this.CodeSystem));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse IHTSDO expression code
        /// </summary>
        private CD <String> ParseCodeExpression(string expression, ICodedValue context)
            if (expression.StartsWith("(") && expression.EndsWith(")"))
                expression = expression.Substring(1, expression.Length - 2);
            else if (expression.StartsWith("("))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            Regex tokenReg   = new Regex(@"^([0-9]+)[|]?(.*?)[|]?([:{])(.*)$");
            var   tokenMatch = tokenReg.Match(expression);

            if (!tokenMatch.Success)
                return new CD <string>(expression, context.CodeSystem, context.CodeSystemName, context.CodeSystemVersion)
                           ValueSet        = context.ValueSet,
                           ValueSetVersion = context.ValueSetVersion

            // Create retVal
            CD <String> retVal = new CD <string>(tokenMatch.Groups[1].Value, context.CodeSystem, context.CodeSystemName, context.CodeSystemVersion)
                DisplayName     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenMatch.Groups[2].Value) ? null : tokenMatch.Groups[2].Value,
                ValueSet        = context.ValueSet,
                ValueSetVersion = context.ValueSetVersion

            // Determine how the qualifier is identified
            var qualifierExpression = tokenMatch.Groups[4].Value;

            if (tokenMatch.Groups[3].Value == "{")
                qualifierExpression = "{" + qualifierExpression;
            retVal.Qualifier = ParseCodeExpressionQualifier(qualifierExpression, retVal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Graph object <paramref name="o"/> onto stream <paramref name="s"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The XmlWriter to graph to</param>
        /// <param name="o">The object to graph</param>
        public void Graph(System.Xml.XmlWriter s, object o, DatatypeFormatterGraphResult result)
            // Get an instance ref
            ICodedValue instance_ics = (ICodedValue)o;

            // Do a base format
            CSFormatter baseFormatter = new CSFormatter();

            baseFormatter.Graph(s, o, result);

            // Format the coded simple
            if (instance_ics.CodeSystem != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codeSystem", Util.ToWireFormat(instance_ics.CodeSystem));
            if (instance_ics.CodeSystemName != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codeSystemName", Util.ToWireFormat(instance_ics.CodeSystemName));
            if (instance_ics.CodeSystemVersion != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codeSystemVersion", Util.ToWireFormat(instance_ics.CodeSystemVersion));
            if (instance_ics.DisplayName != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("displayName", Util.ToWireFormat(instance_ics.DisplayName));
            if (instance_ics.OriginalText != null) // Original Text
                EDFormatter edFormatter = new EDFormatter();
                s.WriteStartElement("originalText", "urn:hl7-org:v3");
                edFormatter.Graph(s, instance_ics.OriginalText, result);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(instance_ics.ValueSet))
                result.AddResultDetail(new UnsupportedDatatypeR1PropertyResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Warning, "ValueSet", "CV", s.ToString()));
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(instance_ics.ValueSetVersion))
                result.AddResultDetail(new UnsupportedDatatypeR1PropertyResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Warning, "ValueSetVersion", "CV", s.ToString()));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Graph <paramref name="o"/> onto <paramref name="s"/>
        /// </summary>
        public void Graph(System.Xml.XmlWriter s, object o, DatatypeR2FormatterGraphResult result)
            // Base formatter
            ANYFormatter baseFormatter = new ANYFormatter();

            baseFormatter.Graph(s, o, result);

            // Next, start to format the properties
            ICodedSimple       cs = o as ICodedSimple;
            ICodedValue        cv = o as ICodedValue;
            ICodedEquivalents  ce = o as ICodedEquivalents;
            IConceptDescriptor cd = o as IConceptDescriptor;

            ST   displayName = cv.DisplayName;
            IAny any         = o as IAny;

            // Unless "other" is specified don't serialize
            if (any.NullFlavor != null && !((NullFlavor)any.NullFlavor).IsChildConcept(NullFlavor.Other))

            // First we need to serialize code, now Code in R2 is a little wierd
            // It is an IHTSDO standard as described:
            // Serialize attributes first
            if (cs.CodeValue != null)
                    if (cd != null && cd.Qualifier != null && cd.Qualifier.Count > 0)
                        s.WriteAttributeString("code", CreateCodeExpression(cd));
                        displayName = null;
                        s.WriteAttributeString("code", Util.ToWireFormat(cs.CodeValue));
                catch (Exception e)
                    result.AddResultDetail(new VocabularyIssueResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, s.ToString(), e));
            if (cv.CodeSystem != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codeSystem", Util.ToWireFormat(cv.CodeSystem));
            if (cv.CodeSystemName != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codeSystemName", Util.ToWireFormat(cv.CodeSystemName));
            if (cv.CodeSystemVersion != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codeSystemVersion", Util.ToWireFormat(cv.CodeSystemVersion));
            if (cv.ValueSet != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("valueSet", Util.ToWireFormat(cv.ValueSet));
            if (cv.ValueSetVersion != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("valueSetVersion", Util.ToWireFormat(cv.ValueSetVersion));
            if (cv.CodingRationale != null)
                s.WriteAttributeString("codingRationale", Util.ToWireFormat(cv.CodingRationale));

            // Elements

            // Display name
            if (displayName != null)
                s.WriteStartElement("displayName", "urn:hl7-org:v3");
                var hostResult = this.Host.Graph(s, displayName as IGraphable);
                result.Code = hostResult.Code;

            // Original text
            if (cv.OriginalText != null)
                s.WriteStartElement("originalText", "urn:hl7-org:v3");
                var hostResult = this.Host.Graph(s, cv.OriginalText);
                result.Code = hostResult.Code;

            // Translation
            if (ce != null && ce.Translation != null)
                foreach (var translation in ce.Translation)
                    s.WriteStartElement("translation", "urn:hl7-org:v3");
                    var hostResult = this.Host.Graph(s, translation);
                    result.Code = hostResult.Code;

            // Done
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse IHTSDO Expression CR List
        /// </summary>
        private LIST <CR <String> > ParseCodeExpressionQualifier(string expression, ICodedValue context)
            if (expression.StartsWith("{") && expression.EndsWith("}"))
                expression = expression.Substring(1, expression.Length - 2);
            else if (expression.StartsWith("{"))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            List <String> crExpressions = new List <string>(10);
            Regex         splitReg      = new Regex("^([0-9]*.*?)([=,{}():])(.*?)$", RegexOptions.Multiline);

            int    bDepth = 0;
            string cExpr  = String.Empty;

            while (expression.Length > 0)
                var splitMatch = splitReg.Match(expression);

                // Successful match?
                if (!splitMatch.Success)

                // Determine the delimiter
                switch (splitMatch.Groups[2].Value)
                case "{":     // Increases scope
                case "(":
                    cExpr += splitMatch.Groups[1].Value + splitMatch.Groups[2].Value;

                case "}":     // Decreases scope
                case ")":
                    cExpr += splitMatch.Groups[1].Value + splitMatch.Groups[2].Value;

                case ",":     // Seperator
                    if (bDepth == 0)
                        cExpr += splitMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                        cExpr = String.Empty;
                        cExpr += splitMatch.Groups[1].Value + splitMatch.Groups[2].Value;

                    cExpr += splitMatch.Groups[1].Value + splitMatch.Groups[2].Value;
                expression = splitMatch.Groups[3].Value;

            // Last match?
            splitReg = new Regex("([0-9]+.*)");
            var lastMatch = splitReg.Match(expression);

            // Successful match?
            if (lastMatch.Success)
                cExpr += lastMatch.Groups[1].Value;

            // Depth
            if (bDepth > 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Missing closing bracket in expression");


            // Prepare return value
            LIST <CR <String> > retVal = new LIST <CR <string> >(crExpressions.Count);

            // Now Process each expression
            splitReg = new Regex("^([0-9]+)[|]?(.*?)[|]?=([(]?.*)$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
            Regex codeMnemReg = new Regex("^([0-9]+)[|](.*?)[|]$", RegexOptions.Multiline);

            foreach (var expr in crExpressions)
                // Each expression must match
                var exprMatch = splitReg.Match(expr);
                if (!exprMatch.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Qualifier expression does not follow format of name=value");

                // Process the name
                CV <String> name = new CV <string>(exprMatch.Groups[1].Value, context.CodeSystem, context.CodeSystemName, context.CodeSystemVersion)
                    DisplayName     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(exprMatch.Groups[2].Value) ? null : exprMatch.Groups[2].Value,
                    ValueSet        = context.ValueSet,
                    ValueSetVersion = context.ValueSetVersion

                // Process value
                CD <String> value = null;
                decimal     id;

                // Try to match the exact pattern of a code with description
                var codeMnemMatch = codeMnemReg.Match(exprMatch.Groups[3].Value);
                if (codeMnemMatch.Success)
                    value = new CD <string>(codeMnemMatch.Groups[1].Value, context.CodeSystem, context.CodeSystemName, context.CodeSystemVersion)
                        DisplayName     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeMnemMatch.Groups[2].Value) ? null : codeMnemMatch.Groups[2].Value,
                        ValueSet        = context.ValueSet,
                        ValueSetVersion = context.ValueSetVersion
                else if (decimal.TryParse(exprMatch.Groups[3].Value, out id)) // Simple code
                    value = new CD <string>(exprMatch.Groups[3].Value, context.CodeSystem, context.CodeSystemName, context.CodeSystemVersion)
                        ValueSet        = context.ValueSet,
                        ValueSetVersion = context.ValueSetVersion
                else // IHTSDO expression tree
                    string valueExpression = exprMatch.Groups[3].Value;
                    value = ParseCodeExpression(valueExpression, context);

                retVal.Add(new CR <string>(name, value));
