/// <summary>
        /// Builds a new instance of SourceCodeDisplay.
        /// </summary>
        public SourceCodeDisplay()
            ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList();

            _codeBox = new CodeBox();

            _stacktraceView = errorList;
            _stacktraceView.AutoSelectFirstItem  = true;
            _stacktraceView.SelectedItemChanged += new EventHandler(SelectedItemChanged);
            _codeView = _codeBox;

            _btnPlugin = ErrorToolbar.NewStripButton(true, "Display source code context", Resources.ImageSourceCodeDisplay, null);
            _btnSwap   = ErrorToolbar.NewStripButton(false, "ReverseOrder item order", Resources.ImageReverseItemOrder, OnClick);

            SplitterBox splitter = new SplitterBox();

            _splitter = splitter;
            _splitter.SplitterDistanceChanged += new EventHandler(_splitter_DistanceChanged);
            _splitter.OrientationChanged      += new EventHandler(_splitter_OrientationChanged);

            splitter.Control1 = errorList;
            splitter.Control2 = _codeBox;

            _codeBox.ShowCurrentLine = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new instance of SourceCodeDisplay.
        /// </summary>
        public SourceCodeDisplay()
            ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList();
            _codeBox = new CodeBox();

            _stacktraceView = errorList;
            _stacktraceView.AutoSelectFirstItem = true;
            _stacktraceView.SelectedItemChanged += new EventHandler(SelectedItemChanged);
            _codeView = _codeBox;

            _btnPlugin = ErrorToolbar.NewStripButton(true, "Display source code context", Resources.ImageSourceCodeDisplay, null);
            _btnSwap = ErrorToolbar.NewStripButton(false, "ReverseOrder item order", Resources.ImageReverseItemOrder, OnClick);

            SplitterBox splitter = new SplitterBox();
            _splitter = splitter;
            _splitter.SplitterDistanceChanged += new EventHandler(_splitter_DistanceChanged);
            _splitter.OrientationChanged += new EventHandler(_splitter_OrientationChanged);

            splitter.Control1 = errorList;
            splitter.Control2 = _codeBox;

            _codeBox.ShowCurrentLine = true;

Beispiel #3
 public DecompileTask(ICodeView view, AssemblyDefinition callingAssembly, object source)
     View             = view;
     View.CurrentTask = this;
     CallingAssembly  = callingAssembly;
     Source           = source;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a constructor to implement the interface and initialize the instance variables,
        /// removes the comments and blocks so that it can be ignored while parsing the user written code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeView">required interface passed from the coding form</param>
        public CommandParserPresenter(ICodeView codeView)
            this.codeView = codeView;
            this.code     = codeView.editorCode.ToLower();

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a constructor to implement the interface and initialize instance variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeView">required interface passed from the coding form</param>
        public CodingPresenter(ICodeView codeView)
            this.codeView = codeView;
            newPageButton = codeView.newPage;
            resources     = codeView.resource;

            user = new UserInfo();
        public void SetUp()
            _mockStack = Substitute.For<IStackTraceView>();
            _mockCode = Substitute.For<ICodeView>();

            _code = new TestingCode(_mockStack, _mockCode);

        public void SetUp()
            _mockStack = Substitute.For <IStackTraceView>();
            _mockCode  = Substitute.For <ICodeView>();

            _code = new TestingCode(_mockStack, _mockCode);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a constructor to implement the interface and initialize the instance variables,
        /// clears the error messages and resets the value of counter variables,
        /// parses the keywords and validates the code written by the user,
        /// adds a log of error messages in the listview for each error message,
        /// saves the block commands detected in the code to GeneratedLists to be used later during parsing,
        /// checks if pen or moveto/drawto command is declared and throws a exception if not found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeView">required interface passed from the coding form</param>
        public CommandValidatorPresenter(ICodeView codeView)
            GeneratedLists.goodToRun = true;
            this.codeView            = codeView;
            this.code     = codeView.editorCode.ToLower();
            this.fileName = codeView.fileName;


            Counters.initialCode = code;
            ErrorPOSCounters.indexStartFORPos = 0;
            BlockCounters.indexStart          = 0;
            BlockCounters.indexSecondStart    = 0;


            foreach (ErrorMessage msg in GeneratedLists.errorMessages)
                ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "DG" + msg.index, msg.message, "" + msg.line, msg.fileName });

            GeneratedLists.blockComsInCode = blockList;

                if (valueCmdList.Count > 0 && !valueCmdList.Any(x => x.name.Equals("pen")))
                    throw new PenNotFoundException("Pen not found");
            catch (PenNotFoundException)
                GeneratedLists.goodToRun = false;
                MessageBox.Show("Pen is not declared. Drawing commands might not work.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                if (valueCmdList.Count > 0 && !valueCmdList.Any(x => x.name.Equals("moveto") || x.name.Equals("drawto")))
                    throw new MoveToNotFoundException("Moveto not found");
            catch (MoveToNotFoundException)
                GeneratedLists.goodToRun = false;
                MessageBox.Show("Moveto is not declared. Moveto and drawto commands are used to position the drawing commands.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
        public static DispatcherOperation MainUpdateContinuation(ICodeView iface1, CustomTextSource4 source)
            return(iface1.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
                iface1.CustomTextSource = source;
                Debug.WriteLine("Return from await inner update");

                // ;(int.TryParse("Setting reactangle width to " +new NTComputer ({ff, line) || Device<int>()))};

                iface1.PerformingUpdate = false;
                iface1.InitialUpdate = false;
                iface1.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(RoslynCodeBase.RenderCompleteEvent, iface1));
                iface1.Status = CodeControlStatus.Rendered;
                var insertionPoint = iface1.InsertionPoint;
                if (insertionPoint == 0)
                    iface1.InsertionCharInfo = iface1.CharInfos.FirstOrDefault();
            }, DispatcherPriority.Send));
        public static async Task <CustomTextSource4> UpdateFormattedText(ICodeView iface1)
            Debug.WriteLine("Enteirng updateformattedtext " + iface1.PerformingUpdate);
            if (iface1.PerformingUpdate)
                Debug.WriteLine("Already performing update");

            iface1.PerformingUpdate = true;
            iface1.Status           = CodeControlStatus.Rendering;
            iface1.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(RoslynCodeControl.RenderStartEvent, iface1));

            var textStorePosition = 0;
            var linePosition      = new Point(iface1.XOffset, 0);


            var line = 0;

            Debug.WriteLine("Calling inner update");
            // ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled;
            var fontFamilyFamilyName = iface1.FontFamily.FamilyNames[XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("en-US")];

            Debug.WriteLine("OutputWidth " + iface1.OutputWidth);
            // not sure what to do here !!
            // Rectangle.Width = OutputWidth + Rectangle.StrokeThickness * 2;
            var emSize     = iface1.FontSize;
            var fontWeight = iface1.FontWeight;
            var customTextSource4Parameters = iface1.CreateDefaultTextSourceArguments();
            var mainUpdateParameters        = new MainUpdateParameters(textStorePosition, line, linePosition,
                                                                       RoslynCodeControl.Formatter, iface1.OutputWidth, iface1.PixelsPerDip, emSize, fontFamilyFamilyName,
                                                                       iface1.UpdateChannel.Writer, fontWeight, iface1.DocumentPaginator, customTextSource4Parameters);
            await iface1.JTF2.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

            var source = await iface1.InnerUpdateAsync(mainUpdateParameters, customTextSource4Parameters);

 public TestingCode(IStackTraceView stack, ICodeView code)
     _stacktraceView = stack;
     _codeView = code;
 public TestingCode(IStackTraceView stack, ICodeView code)
     _stacktraceView = stack;
     _codeView       = code;
Beispiel #13
        public RoslynPaginator(ICodeView control, Size?pageSize = null, Thickness?margins = null)
            _hdpi = 96;
            _vdpi = 96;

            var defaultSizeInches = new Size(8.5, 11);
            var defaultPageSize   = new Size(defaultSizeInches.Width * _hdpi, defaultSizeInches.Height * _vdpi);
            var marginInches      = 1.0;
            var defaultMargins    = new Thickness(marginInches * _hdpi, marginInches * _vdpi, marginInches * _hdpi, marginInches * _vdpi);

            var ps = pageSize.GetValueOrDefault(defaultPageSize);
            var m  = margins.GetValueOrDefault(defaultMargins);

            _control    = control;
            DocPageSize = new Size(ps.Width - m.Left - m.Right,
                                   ps.Height - m.Top - m.Bottom);
                $"PAge size is {DocPageSize} or {DocPageSize.Width / _hdpi}\"x{DocPageSize.Height / _vdpi}\"");
            if (_control.TextDestination.Bounds.IsEmpty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var    visual    = (Control)_control;
            var    sourceDpi = VisualTreeHelper.GetDpi(visual);
            double w         = _control.TextDestination.Bounds.Width;
            double h0        = _control.TextDestination.Bounds.Height;
            int    pixelWidth;
            int    pixelHeight;

            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
                pixelWidth  = (int)(w * graphics.DpiX / 96.0);
                pixelHeight = (int)(h0 * graphics.DpiY / 96.0);

            var intWidth = (int)_control.TextDestination.Bounds.Width;

            Debug.WriteLine("Width of textdest is " + intWidth);
            var intHeight0
                = (int)_control.TextDestination.Bounds.Height;

            Debug.WriteLine("Height of textdest is " + intHeight0);

            _margins  = m;
            _pageSize = ps;
            var b = new DrawingBrush
                Drawing = _control.TextDestination,
                // Viewbox = _control.TextDestination.Bounds,
                // ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute

            bool fRando = false;

            if (fRando)
                var v   = new DrawingVisual();
                var dpi = VisualTreeHelper.GetDpi(v);
                var dpiPixelsPerInchX = dpi.PixelsPerInchX;
                var dpiPixelsPerInchY = dpi.PixelsPerInchY;

                var p1 = Math.Floor(intHeight0 / DocPageSize.Height);
                if (Math.Abs(intHeight0 % DocPageSize.Height) > 0.5)

                var h = (int)Math.Floor(p1 * DocPageSize.Height);

                var dc        = v.RenderOpen();
                var rectangle = new Rect(0, 0, _control.TextDestination.Bounds.Width,
                dc.DrawRectangle(b, null, rectangle);
                var formattedText = new FormattedText($"{intWidth}x{h} @ {dpiPixelsPerInchX}x{dpiPixelsPerInchY}",
                                                      CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                                      new Typeface(new FontFamily("Arial"), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, FontStretches.Normal),
                                                      16, Brushes.Yellow
                                                      , null, TextFormattingMode.Ideal, 1);
                var origin = new Point(5, 5);
                var bg     = new Rect(origin, new Size(formattedText.Width, formattedText.Height));
                dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Black, null, bg);
                    formattedText, origin);

                var bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(pixelWidth
                                                 , pixelHeight
                                                 , dpiPixelsPerInchX * 2, dpiPixelsPerInchY * 2, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
                _bmp = bmp;
                DrawingImage  di = new DrawingImage(_control.TextDestination);
                DrawingVisual v  = new DrawingVisual();
                var           dc = v.RenderOpen();
                dc.DrawImage(di, _control.TextDestination.Bounds

                var bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(pixelWidth
                                                 , pixelHeight
                                                 , _hdpi, _vdpi, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
                _bmp = bmp;

            var zz          = new TiffBitmapEncoder();
            var bitmapFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(_bmp);

            using (var stream = new FileStream(@"c:\temp\new.tiff", FileMode.Create))
            PageCount = (int)(b.Drawing.Bounds.Height / DocPageSize.Height + 1) + (coverPage ? 1 : 0);
            Source    = control as IDocumentPaginatorSource;
Beispiel #14
        public static DocumentPage CreateCoverPage(int hdpi, Thickness thickness, int vdpi, Size pageSize, ICodeView codeView, out Info1 info)
            var dv1 = new DrawingVisual();
            var dc0 = dv1.RenderOpen();

            var text = new FormattedText(codeView.DocumentTitle ?? "Untitled", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                                         new Typeface(new FontFamily("Times new Roman"), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal,
                                                      FontStretches.Normal), 32, Brushes.Black, null, TextFormattingMode.Ideal, 1);

            dc0.DrawText(text, new Point((pageSize.Width - text.Width) / 2, 4 * vdpi));

            var info1 =
                $"Margins:\t\tLeft: {thickness.Left / hdpi:N1};\t\tRight: {thickness.Right / hdpi:N1}; \r\n\t\tTop: {thickness.Top / vdpi:N1};\t\tBottom: {thickness.Bottom / vdpi:N1}\r\nPage Size:\t{pageSize.Width / hdpi:N1}\"x{pageSize.Height / vdpi:N1}\"\r\n";
            var text1 = new FormattedText(info1, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                                          new Typeface(new FontFamily("Arial"), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, FontStretches.Normal),
                                          16, Brushes.Black, null, TextFormattingMode.Ideal, 1);

            dc0.DrawText(text1, new Point((pageSize.Width - text1.Width) / 2, 5 * vdpi));

            info = null;

            return(new DocumentPage(dv1, pageSize,
                                    new Rect(0, -1 * vdpi, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height + vdpi),
                                    new Rect(0, 0, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height)));