Beispiel #1
        internal string GetExtensionClientScript(IClientScriptExtensionResponse extension)
            var fields = IncomingExtensions.GetExtensionArguments(extension.TypeUri);

            if (fields != null)
                // The extension was found using the preferred TypeUri.
                return(extension.InitializeJavaScriptData(fields, this, extension.TypeUri));
                // The extension may still be found using secondary TypeUris.
                if (extension.AdditionalSupportedTypeUris != null)
                    foreach (string typeUri in extension.AdditionalSupportedTypeUris)
                        fields = IncomingExtensions.GetExtensionArguments(typeUri);
                        if (fields != null)
                            // We found one of the older ones.
                            return(extension.InitializeJavaScriptData(fields, this, typeUri));
Beispiel #2
        internal async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ProcessResponseFromPopupAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Action <AuthenticationStatus> callback, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Requires.NotNull(request, "request");

            string extensionsJson = null;
            var    authResponse   = await this.NonVerifyingRelyingParty.GetResponseAsync(request, cancellationToken);

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(authResponse != null, OpenIdStrings.PopupRedirectMissingResponse);

            // Give the caller a chance to notify the hosting page and fill up the clientScriptExtensions collection.
            if (callback != null)

            Logger.OpenId.DebugFormat("Popup or iframe callback from OP: {0}", request.RequestUri);
                "An authentication response was found in a popup window or iframe using a non-verifying RP with status: {0}",
            if (authResponse.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated)
                var extensionsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var pair in this.clientScriptExtensions)
                    IClientScriptExtensionResponse extension = (IClientScriptExtensionResponse)authResponse.GetExtension(pair.Key);
                    if (extension == null)
                    var    positiveResponse = (PositiveAuthenticationResponse)authResponse;
                    string js = extension.InitializeJavaScriptData(positiveResponse.Response);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(js))
                        extensionsDictionary[pair.Value] = js;

                extensionsJson = MessagingUtilities.CreateJsonObject(extensionsDictionary, true);

            string payload = "document.URL";

            if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
                // Promote all form variables to the query string, but since it won't be passed
                // to any server (this is a javascript window-to-window transfer) the length of
                // it can be arbitrarily long, whereas it was POSTed here probably because it
                // was too long for HTTP transit.
                UriBuilder payloadUri = new UriBuilder(request.RequestUri);
                payloadUri.AppendQueryArgs(await Channel.ParseUrlEncodedFormContentAsync(request, cancellationToken));
                payload = MessagingUtilities.GetSafeJavascriptValue(payloadUri.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensionsJson))
                payload += ", " + extensionsJson;

            return(InvokeParentPageScript("dnoa_internal.processAuthorizationResult(" + payload + ")"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies the user agent via an AJAX response of a completed authentication attempt.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ScriptClosingPopupOrIFrame()
            Logger.OpenId.DebugFormat("AJAX (iframe) callback from OP: {0}", this.Page.Request.Url);
            string extensionsJson = null;

            var authResponse = RelyingPartyNonVerifying.GetResponse();

                "The {0} control checked for an authentication response from a popup window or iframe using a non-verifying RP and found: {1}",
            if (authResponse.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated)
                this.OnUnconfirmedPositiveAssertion();                 // event handler will fill the clientScriptExtensions collection.
                var extensionsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var pair in this.clientScriptExtensions)
                    IClientScriptExtensionResponse extension = (IClientScriptExtensionResponse)authResponse.GetExtension(pair.Key);
                    if (extension == null)
                    var    positiveResponse = (PositiveAuthenticationResponse)authResponse;
                    string js = extension.InitializeJavaScriptData(positiveResponse.Response);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(js))
                        extensionsDictionary[pair.Value] = js;

                extensionsJson = MessagingUtilities.CreateJsonObject(extensionsDictionary, true);

            string payload = "document.URL";

            if (Page.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                // Promote all form variables to the query string, but since it won't be passed
                // to any server (this is a javascript window-to-window transfer) the length of
                // it can be arbitrarily long, whereas it was POSTed here probably because it
                // was too long for HTTP transit.
                UriBuilder payloadUri = new UriBuilder(Page.Request.Url);
                payload = MessagingUtilities.GetSafeJavascriptValue(payloadUri.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensionsJson))
                payload += ", " + extensionsJson;

            this.CallbackUserAgentMethod("dnoa_internal.processAuthorizationResult(" + payload + ")");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the response received in a popup window or iframe to an AJAX-directed OpenID authentication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The incoming HTTP request that is expected to carry an OpenID authentication response.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The callback fired after the response status has been determined but before the Javascript response is formulated.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The HTTP response to send to this HTTP request.
        /// </returns>
        internal OutgoingWebResponse ProcessResponseFromPopup(HttpRequestInfo request, Action <AuthenticationStatus> callback)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(request != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <OutgoingWebResponse>() != null);

            string extensionsJson = null;
            var    authResponse   = this.NonVerifyingRelyingParty.GetResponse();

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyProtocol(authResponse != null, "OpenID popup window or iframe did not recognize an OpenID response in the request.");

            // Give the caller a chance to notify the hosting page and fill up the clientScriptExtensions collection.
            if (callback != null)

            Logger.OpenId.DebugFormat("Popup or iframe callback from OP: {0}", request.Url);
                "An authentication response was found in a popup window or iframe using a non-verifying RP with status: {0}",
            if (authResponse.Status == AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated)
                var extensionsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (var pair in this.clientScriptExtensions)
                    IClientScriptExtensionResponse extension = (IClientScriptExtensionResponse)authResponse.GetExtension(pair.Key);
                    if (extension == null)
                    var    positiveResponse = (PositiveAuthenticationResponse)authResponse;
                    string js = extension.InitializeJavaScriptData(positiveResponse.Response);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(js))
                        extensionsDictionary[pair.Value] = js;

                extensionsJson = MessagingUtilities.CreateJsonObject(extensionsDictionary, true);

            string payload = "document.URL";

            if (request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                // Promote all form variables to the query string, but since it won't be passed
                // to any server (this is a javascript window-to-window transfer) the length of
                // it can be arbitrarily long, whereas it was POSTed here probably because it
                // was too long for HTTP transit.
                UriBuilder payloadUri = new UriBuilder(request.Url);
                payload = MessagingUtilities.GetSafeJavascriptValue(payloadUri.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extensionsJson))
                payload += ", " + extensionsJson;

            return(InvokeParentPageScript("dnoa_internal.processAuthorizationResult(" + payload + ")"));