Beispiel #1
 public CmdChooseCharacterStrategy(ILogger logger, AccountData accountData, ICharacterInfo characterInfo, PlayerHandler playerHandler)
     _logger        = logger ?? throw new Exception("CmdChooseCharacterStrategy - logger cannot be NULL!");
     _accountData   = accountData ?? throw new Exception("CmdChooseCharacterStrategy - account data cannot be NULL!");
     _characterInfo = characterInfo ?? throw new Exception("CmdChooseCharacterStrategy - character info cannot be NULL!");
     _playerHandler = playerHandler ?? throw new Exception("CmdChooseCharacterStrategy - player handler cannot be NULL!");
Beispiel #2
 public virtual void NotifyPlayerAddedToLobby(ICharacterInfo toon)
     catch { }
 public EquipmentLogic(ICharacterInfo characterInfo, IEquipmentAccess equipmentAccess, IInventoryLogic inventoryLogic, ICharacterManager characterManager)
     _characterInfo    = characterInfo;
     _equipmentAccess  = equipmentAccess;
     _inventoryLogic   = inventoryLogic;
     _characterManager = characterManager;
Beispiel #4
 public virtual void NotifyPlayerAddedToLobby(ICharacterInfo toon)
     catch { }
 public MoveCharRequestStrategy(ILogger logger, ICharacterActionManager charActionManager, ICharacterInfo charInfo, PlayerHandler playerHandler)
     _logger            = logger ?? throw new Exception("MoveCharRequestStrategy - logger cannot be NULL!");
     _charActionManager = charActionManager ?? throw new Exception("MoveCharRequestStrategy - char. action manager cannot be NULL!");
     _charInfo          = charInfo ?? throw new Exception("MoveCharRequestStrategy - char. info cannot be NULL!");
     _playerHandler     = playerHandler ?? throw new Exception("MoveCharRequestStrategy - player handler cannot be NULL!");
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes the nextp player in the PlayerTurnOrder to get a turn
        /// </summary>
        public void NextPlayersTurn()
            m_TurnOrderIndex = GetNextTurnOrderIndex();
            if (m_TurnOrderIndex == -1)
                // Next round

            // assign new current player
            ICharacterInfo player = null;

            if (!Players.TryGetValue(PlayerTurnOrder[m_TurnOrderIndex], out player))
                // player got removed since the last few lines of code

            CurrentPlayer = player as ServerCharacterInfo;

            // set up the player's turn phases
            Phase itm = OnCreateInitialPlayerTurnPhase();

            GamePhaseSequencer.AddItem(itm, GetTurnPhaseDelay(itm));
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks all characte properties against the Character template xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">The character that will be created.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">anything you want the player to know</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ValidateCharacterCreateRequest(ICharacterInfo character, ref string msg)
            // check the properties and stats against the character template. don't allow the client to submit stats or properties that aren't in the template
            Stat[] stats = character.Stats.AllStats;
            for (int i = 0; i < stats.Length; i++)
                if (m_CharacterTemplateStats.GetStat(stats[i].StatID) == null)
                    msg = "Server does not allow characters to be created with Stats of StatID " + stats[i].StatID.ToString();

            Property[] props = character.Properties.AllProperties;
            for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                if (m_CharacterTemplateProperties.GetProperty(props[i].PropertyId) == null)
                    msg = "Server does not allow characters to be created with Properties of PropertyId" + props[i].PropertyId.ToString();

            if (!CharacterValidateName(character.CharacterName, ref msg))
                // send error if we can't validate the name

Beispiel #8
        private async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetCharacterPictureAsync(ICharacterInfo character)
            var characterImg = Image.Load($"./Pictures/PW/empty.png");

            using (var stream = await GetImageFromUrlAsync(character.PictureUrl, true))
                if (stream == null)

                using (var image = Image.Load(stream))
                    image.Mutate(x => x.Resize(new ResizeOptions
                        Mode = ResizeMode.Max,
                        Size = new Size(characterImg.Width, 0)

                    int startY = 0;
                    if (characterImg.Height > image.Height)
                        startY = (characterImg.Height / 2) - (image.Height / 2);

                    characterImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(image, new Point(0, startY), 1));

Beispiel #9
 public QuestLogic(IQuestAccess questAccess, ICharacterInfo characterInfo, IInventoryAccess inventoryAccess, ICharacterManager characterManager)
     _questAccess      = questAccess;
     _characterInfo    = characterInfo;
     _inventoryAccess  = inventoryAccess;
     _characterManager = characterManager;
Beispiel #10
        private Executable GetSafariExe(EmbedBuilder embed, IUserMessage msg, Card newCard,
                                        SafariImage pokeImage, ICharacterInfo character, ITextChannel trashChannel, IUser winner)
            return(new Executable("safari", new Task(() =>
                using (var db = new Database.UserContext(_config))
                    var botUser = db.GetUserOrCreateAsync(winner.Id).Result;

                    newCard.FirstIdOwner = winner.Id;
                    newCard.Affection += botUser.GameDeck.AffectionFromKarma();


                    QueryCacheManager.ExpireTag(new string[] { $"user-{botUser.Id}", "users" });

                    using (var dba = new Database.AnalyticsContext(_config))
                        dba.UsersData.Add(new Database.Models.Analytics.UserAnalytics
                            Value = 1,
                            UserId = winner.Id,
                            MeasureDate = DateTime.Now,
                            GuildId = trashChannel?.Guild?.Id ?? 0,
                            Type = Database.Models.Analytics.UserAnalyticsEventType.Card

                _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                        embed.ImageUrl = await _waifu.GetSafariViewAsync(pokeImage, newCard, trashChannel);
                        embed.Description = $"{winner.Mention} zdobył na polowaniu i wsadził do klatki:\n"
                                            + $"{newCard.GetString(false, false, true)}\n({newCard.Title})";
                        await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed.Build());

                        var privEmb = new EmbedBuilder()
                            Color = EMType.Info.Color(),
                            Description = $"Na [polowaniu]({msg.GetJumpUrl()}) zdobyłeś: {newCard.GetString(false, false, true)}"

                        var priv = await winner.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
                        if (priv != null)
                            await priv.SendMessageAsync("", false, privEmb.Build());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.Log($"In Safari: {ex}");
Beispiel #11
        private void RunSafari(EmbedBuilder embed, IUserMessage msg, Card newCard,
                               SafariImage pokeImage, ICharacterInfo character, ITextChannel trashChannel)
            _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

                    var usersReacted = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(ClaimEmote, 300).FlattenAsync();
                    var users        = usersReacted.ToList();

                    IUser winner = null;
                    using (var db = new Database.UserContext(_config))
                        var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        while (winner == null)
                            if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 60000)
                                throw new Exception("Timeout");

                            if (users.Count < 1)
                                embed.Description = $"Na polowanie nie stawił się żaden łowca!";
                                await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed.Build());

                            var selected = Fun.GetOneRandomFrom(users);
                            var dUser    = await db.GetCachedFullUserAsync(selected.Id);

                            if (dUser != null)
                                if (!dUser.IsBlacklisted)
                                    winner = selected;

                    var exe = GetSafariExe(embed, msg, newCard, pokeImage, character, trashChannel, winner);
                    await _executor.TryAdd(exe, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
                    await msg.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Log($"In Safari: {ex}");
                    await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = "Karta uciekła!".ToEmbedMessage(EMType.Error).Build());
                    await msg.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();
Beispiel #12
 public HomeController(ITaskInfo taskInfo, IUserInfo userInfo, ICharacterInfo characterInfo, ITaskManager taskManager, IQuestLogic questLogic)
     _taskInfo      = taskInfo;
     _taskManager   = taskManager;
     _userInfo      = userInfo;
     _characterInfo = characterInfo;
     _questLogic    = questLogic;
Beispiel #13
        public ChatHandler(ILogger logger, ICharacterInfo characterInfo, PlayerHandler playerHandler)
            _logger        = logger ?? throw new Exception("Chat handler - logger cannot be NULL!");
            _characterInfo = characterInfo ?? throw new Exception("Chat handler - character info is NULL!");
            _playerHandler = playerHandler ?? throw new Exception("Chat handler - player handler is NULL!");

Beispiel #14
        public async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetWaifuCardAsync(ICharacterInfo character, Card card)
            var image = await GetWaifuCardNoStatsAsync(character, card);

            ApplyStats(image, card, !character.HasImage);

 public SwitchPlaceRequestStrategy(ILogger logger, ICharacterActionManager charActionManager, ICharacterInfo charInfo, IGeoDataInfo geoDataInfo, PlayerHandler playerHandler)
     _logger            = logger ?? throw new Exception("SwitchPlaceRequestStrategy - logger cannot be NULL!");
     _charActionManager = charActionManager ?? throw new Exception("SwitchPlaceRequestStrategy - char. action manager cannot be NULL!");
     _charInfo          = charInfo ?? throw new Exception("SwitchPlaceRequestStrategy - char. info cannot be NULL!");
     _playerHandler     = playerHandler ?? throw new Exception("SwitchPlaceRequestStrategy - player handler cannot be NULL!");
     _geoDataInfo       = geoDataInfo ?? throw new Exception("SwitchPlaceRequestStrategy - geo data info cannot be NULL!");
Beispiel #16
        public GameStateHandler(ILogger logger, IGeoDataInfo geoDataInfo, ICharacterInfo characterInfo, PlayerHandler playerHandler)
            _logger        = logger ?? throw new Exception("Game state handler - logger cannot be NULL!");
            _geoDataInfo   = geoDataInfo ?? throw new Exception("Game state handler - geo data info cannot be NULL!");
            _characterInfo = characterInfo ?? throw new Exception("Game state handler - character info cannot be NULL!");
            _playerHandler = playerHandler ?? throw new Exception("Game state handler - player handler cannot be NULL!");

Beispiel #17
        public async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetWaifuCardAsync(string url, ICharacterInfo character, Card card)
            if (url == null)
                return(await GetWaifuCardAsync(character, card));

Beispiel #18
        public void Deserialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            LastLogin          = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            UserSince          = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
            LastPasswordChange = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            ID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));

            Email    = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
            Username = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);

            IsLocked   = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            IsOnline   = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);
            IsApproved = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            Roles = BitPacker.GetStringList(data, p);

            int notes = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < notes; i++)
                ServiceLogEntry sle = new ServiceLogEntry();
                sle.Account      = ID;
                sle.EntryBy      = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                sle.Note         = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                sle.EntryType    = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                sle.CharacterId  = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);
                sle.TimeStampUTC = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            AddedProperties = BitPacker.GetPropertyBag(data, p);

            int numSessions = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSessions; i++)
                DateTime login  = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                DateTime logout = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);
                string   ip     = BitPacker.GetString(data, p);
                ip = ip.Substring(0, ip.LastIndexOf("]") + 1);
                AccountProfile.Session s = new AccountProfile.Session(login, logout, ip);

            //LoginSessions = LoginSessions.OrderBy(session => session.LogoutUTC).ToList();
            CurrentLoginTime = new DateTime(BitPacker.GetLong(data, p), DateTimeKind.Utc);

            int characters = BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            for (int i = 0; i < characters; i++)
                ICharacterInfo ci = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p) as ICharacterInfo;
Beispiel #19
        public Card GenerateNewCard(IUser user, ICharacterInfo character, Rarity rarity)
            var card = new Card
                Title          = character?.Relations?.OrderBy(x => x.Id)?.FirstOrDefault()?.Title ?? "????",
                Defence        = RandomizeDefence(rarity),
                ArenaStats     = new CardArenaStats(),
                Attack         = RandomizeAttack(rarity),
                QualityOnStart = Quality.Broken,
                TagList        = new List <CardTag>(),
                CreationDate   = DateTime.Now,
                PAS            = PreAssembledFigure.No,
                Name           = character.ToString(),
                StarStyle      = StarStyle.Full,
                Source         = CardSource.Other,
                Character      = character.Id,
                Quality        = Quality.Broken,
                Dere           = RandomizeDere(),
                RarityOnStart  = rarity,
                CustomBorder   = null,
                FromFigure     = false,
                CustomImage    = null,
                IsTradable     = true,
                FirstIdOwner   = 1,
                DefenceBonus   = 0,
                HealthBonus    = 0,
                AttackBonus    = 0,
                UpgradesCnt    = 2,
                LastIdOwner    = 0,
                MarketValue    = 1,
                Rarity         = rarity,
                EnhanceCnt     = 0,
                Unique         = false,
                InCage         = false,
                RestartCnt     = 0,
                Active         = false,
                Affection      = 0,
                Image          = null,
                Health         = 0,
                ExpCnt         = 0,

            if (user != null)
                card.FirstIdOwner = user.Id;

            if (character.HasImage)
                card.Image = character.PictureUrl;

            card.Health = RandomizeHealth(card);
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a reference to the character, given the character ID. If that character is not part of this game, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of the character to return</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICharacterInfo GetCharacter(int id)
            ICharacterInfo toon = null;

            lock (m_Game.AllPlayersSyncRoot)
                Players.TryGetValue(id, out toon);

    private void Start()
        _statesEffects = new Dictionary <int, float>();

        MatchManager.Instance?.RegisterCharacter(this, gameObject);
        _currentMana   = _maxMana;
        _characterInfo = GetComponentInChildren <ICharacterInfo>();

        _characterInfo.UpdateHealthValue(_health, _maxHealth);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a player from the character list, or null if that player isnt part of the game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ICharacterInfo GetPlayer(int id, bool onlyCurrentlyAttached)
            ICharacterInfo ci = null;

            Players.TryGetValue(id, out ci);
            if (ci == null && !onlyCurrentlyAttached)
                EverActivePlayers.TryGetValue(id, out ci);
            return(ci as ICharacterInfo);
 public static Embed ToEmbed(this ICharacterInfo info)
     return(new EmbedBuilder()
         Title = $"{info} ({info.Id})".TrimToLength(EmbedBuilder.MaxTitleLength),
         Description = info?.Biography?.Content?.TrimToLength(1000),
         Color = EMType.Info.Color(),
         ImageUrl = info.PictureUrl,
         Fields = info.GetFields(),
         Url = info.CharacterUrl,
Beispiel #24
        public async Task <string> GetWaifuProfileImageAsync(Card card, ICharacterInfo character, ITextChannel trashCh)
            using (var cardImage = await _img.GetWaifuCardNoStatsAsync(character, card))

                using (var stream = cardImage.ToPngStream())
                    var fs = await trashCh.SendFileAsync(stream, $"P{card.Id}.png");

                    var im = fs.Attachments.FirstOrDefault();
Beispiel #25
        public void Serialize(ref byte[] buffer, Pointer p)
            BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, LastLogin.Ticks);
            BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, UserSince.Ticks);
            BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, LastPasswordChange.Ticks);

            BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, ID.ToString());

            BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, Email);
            BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, Username);

            BitPacker.AddBool(ref buffer, p, IsLocked);
            BitPacker.AddBool(ref buffer, p, IsOnline);
            BitPacker.AddBool(ref buffer, p, IsApproved);

            BitPacker.AddStringList(ref buffer, p, Roles);

            BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, ServiceNotes.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < ServiceNotes.Count; i++)
                ServiceLogEntry sle = ServiceNotes[i];
                BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, sle.EntryBy);
                BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, sle.Note);
                BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, sle.EntryType);
                BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, sle.CharacterId);
                BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, sle.TimeStampUTC.Ticks);

            BitPacker.AddPropertyBag(ref buffer, p, AddedProperties);

            BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, LoginSessions.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < LoginSessions.Count; i++)
                AccountProfile.Session s = LoginSessions[i];
                BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, s.LoginUTC.Ticks);
                BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, s.LogoutUTC.Ticks);
                BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, s.IP);

            BitPacker.AddLong(ref buffer, p, CurrentLoginTime.Ticks);

            BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, Characters.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < Characters.Count; i++)
                ICharacterInfo ci = Characters[i];
                BitPacker.AddComponent(ref buffer, p, ci);
Beispiel #26
        public async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetWaifuCardNoStatsAsync(ICharacterInfo character, Card card)
            var image = new Image <Rgba32>(475, 667);

            using (var chara = await GetCharacterPictureAsync(character))
                image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(chara, new Point(13, 13), 1));

            using (var bord = GenerateBorder(card))
                image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(bord, new Point(0, 0), 1));

Beispiel #27
        public void Dispose()
            _movementHandlingInProgress = false;

            _geoDataInfo   = null;
            _characterInfo = null;

            lock (_movementDetailsLock)
                foreach (CharacterMovementDetails movementDetails in _movementDetailsList)

Beispiel #28
        private Executable GetSafariExe(EmbedBuilder embed, IUserMessage msg, Card newCard,
                                        SafariImage pokeImage, ICharacterInfo character, ITextChannel trashChannel, IUser winner)
            return(new Executable("safari", new Task(() =>
                using (var db = new Database.UserContext(_config))
                    var botUser = db.GetUserOrCreateAsync(winner.Id).Result;

                    QueryCacheManager.ExpireTag(new string[] { $"user-{botUser.Id}", "users" });

                _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                        embed.ImageUrl = await _waifu.GetSafariViewAsync(pokeImage, character, newCard, trashChannel);
                        embed.Description = $"{winner.Mention} zdobył na polowaniu i wsadził do klatki:\n"
                                            + $"{newCard.GetString(false, false, true)}\n({newCard.Title})";
                        await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed.Build());

                        var privEmb = new EmbedBuilder()
                            Color = EMType.Info.Color(),
                            Description = $"Na [polowaniu]({msg.GetJumpUrl()}) zdobyłeś: {newCard.GetString(false, false, true)}"

                        var priv = await winner.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
                        if (priv != null)
                            await priv.SendMessageAsync("", false, privEmb.Build());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.Log($"In Safari: {ex}");
Beispiel #29
        public override void Serialize(ref byte[] buffer, Pointer p, bool includeSubComponents)
            // General match info
            BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, Owner);
            BitPacker.AddString(ref buffer, p, GameID.ToString());
            BitPacker.AddPropertyBag(ref buffer, p, Properties);

            // Players
            List <ICharacterInfo> players = AllPlayers;

            BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, players.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
                ICharacterInfo ci = players[i];
                BitPacker.AddPropertyBag(ref buffer, p, ci.Properties);
                BitPacker.AddStatBag(ref buffer, p, ci.Stats);
                BitPacker.AddInt(ref buffer, p, ci.ID);

            base.Serialize(ref buffer, p, includeSubComponents);
        public override bool DeSerialize(byte[] data, Pointer p)
            base.DeSerialize(data, p);
            Kind = (MatchNotificationType)BitPacker.GetInt(data, p);

            bool haveGame = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            if (haveGame)
                TheGame = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, false) as IGame;

            bool haveTargetPlayer = BitPacker.GetBool(data, p);

            if (haveTargetPlayer)
                TargetPlayer = BitPacker.GetComponent(data, p, false) as ICharacterInfo;

            TheGameID = new Guid(BitPacker.GetString(data, p));
Beispiel #31
        public Card GenerateNewCard(ICharacterInfo character, Rarity rarity)
            var card = new Card
                Title         = character?.Relations?.OrderBy(x => x.Id)?.FirstOrDefault()?.Title ?? "????",
                Defence       = RandomizeDefence(rarity),
                ArenaStats    = new CardArenaStats(),
                Attack        = RandomizeAttack(rarity),
                CreationDate  = DateTime.Now,
                Name          = character.ToString(),
                Source        = CardSource.Other,
                Character     = character.Id,
                Dere          = RandomizeDere(),
                RarityOnStart = rarity,
                IsTradable    = true,
                UpgradesCnt   = 2,
                Rarity        = rarity,
                Tags          = null,

            card.Health = RandomizeHealth(card);
Beispiel #32
 public override void PlayerDone(ICharacterInfo player)
Beispiel #33
 public virtual void PlayerDone(ICharacterInfo player)
Beispiel #34
 public virtual void NotifyPlayerAddedToGame(ICharacterInfo toon)
Beispiel #35
 public virtual bool CanPlayerSubmitCommand(ICharacterInfo player)
     bool rslt = Sequencer.OwningGame.Players.Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == player.ID) != null;
     return rslt;
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks all characte properties against the Character template xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">The character that will be created.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">anything you want the player to know</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ValidateCharacterCreateRequest(ICharacterInfo character, ref string msg)
            // check the properties and stats against the character template. don't allow the client to submit stats or properties that aren't in the template
            Stat[] stats = character.Stats.AllStats;
            for (int i = 0; i < stats.Length; i++)
                if (m_CharacterTemplateStats.GetStat(stats[i].StatID) == null)
                    msg = "Server does not allow characters to be created with Stats of StatID " + stats[i].StatID.ToString();
                    return false;

            Property[] props = character.Properties.AllProperties;
            for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                if (m_CharacterTemplateProperties.GetProperty(props[i].PropertyId) == null)
                    msg = "Server does not allow characters to be created with Properties of PropertyId" + props[i].PropertyId.ToString();
                    return false;

            if (!CharacterValidateName(character.CharacterName, ref msg))
                // send error if we can't validate the name
                return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #37
 public static bool PersistNewCharacter_Inventory(this CharacterUtil util, ICharacterInfo ci, SqlConnection con, SqlTransaction tran)
     DB.Instance.Character_Create_Inventory(con, tran);
     return true;
Beispiel #38
 public static bool SaveCharacter_TSRating(this CharacterUtil util, ICharacterInfo ci, SqlConnection con, SqlTransaction tran)
     DB.Instance.Character_Save_TSRating(con, tran);
     return true;
Beispiel #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets players that are most suited for competition (would provide as close as possible to an even match).  Both @candidates and @target need to have the TSCharacterComponent attached.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidates">the possible candidates to match against</param>
        /// <param name="target">the player for whom we wish to find matches</param>
        /// <returns>a list of character IDs in order of </returns>
        public static List<SkillMatchInfo> GetTopQualityMatches(IEnumerable<ICharacterInfo> candidates, ICharacterInfo target, int maxResults)
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            List<SkillMatchInfo> matches = new List<SkillMatchInfo>();

                GameInfo gi = GameInfo.DefaultGameInfo;

                Player targetPlayer = new Player(target.ID);
                double targetMu = target.Properties.GetDoubleProperty((int)TSPropertyID.RatingMean).GetValueOrDefault();
                double targetSigma = target.Properties.GetDoubleProperty((int)TSPropertyID.RatingStandardDeviation).GetValueOrDefault();
                Rating targetRating = new Rating(targetMu, targetSigma);
                Team targetTeam = new Team(targetPlayer, targetRating);
                int numCandidates = 0;

                IEnumerator<ICharacterInfo> enu = candidates.GetEnumerator();
                while (enu.MoveNext())
                    Player player = new Player(enu.Current.ID);
                    double mu = enu.Current.Properties.GetDoubleProperty((int)TSPropertyID.RatingMean).GetValueOrDefault();
                    double sigma = enu.Current.Properties.GetDoubleProperty((int)TSPropertyID.RatingStandardDeviation).GetValueOrDefault();
                    Rating rating = new Rating(mu, sigma);
                    Team team = new Team(player, rating);
                    double quality = TrueSkillCalculator.CalculateMatchQuality(gi, Teams.Concat(targetTeam, team));

                    matches.Add(new SkillMatchInfo(enu.Current.ID, quality));

                // Sort it
                matches.OrderBy(i => i.MatchQuality);

                // trim it, if necessary
                if (maxResults > 0)
                    if (maxResults > matches.Count)
                        maxResults = matches.Count;

                    matches = matches.GetRange(0, maxResults - 1);

                DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow;
                TimeSpan exeTime = end - start;
                int highestQuality = 0;
                if (matches.Count > 0)
                    highestQuality = (int)Math.Floor(matches[0].MatchQuality * 100);

                Log.LogMsg("TrueSkill match maker tested [" + numCandidates + "] candidates for character [" + target.CharacterName + " | " + target.ID + "]. Returned [" + matches.Count + "] possible matches in [" + exeTime.TotalMilliseconds + " ms]. Best match found had a [" + highestQuality + "%] quality rating.");
            catch(Exception e)
                Log.LogMsg("TrueSkill match maker encountered an error when searching for match candidates. " + e.Message);

            return matches;