private void DropInNestedSeries(IChainableSeries <IScriptableEntry> newNested)
            Debug.Log($"adding {(newNested as MonoBehaviour)?.name} as nested under {}");
            if (newNested == null || !newNested.GetCanHaveParents())
                throw new Exception("ERROR: invalid nesting. see logs");

            var originalNested = this.nestedSeries;

            this.nestedSeries = newNested;

            ChainableSeriesUtilities.UpdateOriginalChildAfterSplice(originalNested, newNested);

            //var currentTerminator = ChainableSeriesUtilities.GetChainTerminator(this.nestedSeries);
            //if (currentTerminator.GetCanHaveChildren())
            //    this.pairedNestedBlockTerminator.GetParent()?.AbortChild(this.pairedNestedBlockTerminator);
            //    this.pairedNestedBlockTerminator.SetParent(null);
            //    currentTerminator.SpliceChildIn(this.pairedNestedBlockTerminator);

            //(newNested as SeriesDragDrop).UpdatePositionRelativeToParent(this.GetNestedChildTransform());
    /// <summary>
    /// after a child has been replaced by a new chain spliced in place of it, this method will attempt to append the original child
    ///     at the end of the chain which was spliced in. If that's not possible, then the original child is ejected
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="originalChild">The child which has been displaced from its parent</param>
    /// <param name="newChild">The head of the chainable chain which took the place of the original child</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static void UpdateOriginalChildAfterSplice <T>(IChainableSeries <T> originalChild, IChainableSeries <T> newChild)
        if (originalChild != null)

            var newTerminator = GetChainTerminator(newChild);

            if (newTerminator.GetCanHaveChildren())
                //May not need to go full recursive here -- at this point, newTerminator has no children and originaChild has no parents
                // Could end up being a simple linking method??
                //the new chain has a no-append terminator. Kick out the old chain after to replacing it with the new