public CertificateAuthority(String computerName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(computerName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(computerName));

            // temporary. Can be overwritten later from more trustworthy source (readInfoFromDsEntry)
            ComputerName = computerName;

            IsAccessible = Ping(computerName);
            _regReader   = new CertSrvConfigUtil(computerName);
            // try to find in AD if possible
            ICertConfigEntryD dsEntry = lookInDs(computerName);

            // if we found in AD, then it is easy money. Or read directly from server
            if (dsEntry != null)
            _propReader = new CertPropReaderD(ConfigString, false);
            // read other stuff
        CertificateAuthority(ICertConfigEntryD entry)
            IsAccessible = Ping(entry.ComputerName);
            // write basic info from ICertConfig without contacting the server.

            _regReader  = new CertSrvConfigUtil(ComputerName); // Cause delay 2x (1xRegistry, 1xDCOM)
            _propReader = new CertPropReaderD(ComputerName, false);

            // read other stuff
        void readInfoFromDsEntry(ICertConfigEntryD dsEntry)
            ComputerName = dsEntry.ComputerName;
            Name         = dsEntry.CommonName;
            DisplayName  = dsEntry.DisplayName;
            ConfigString = dsEntry.ConfigString;

            if (dsEntry.WebEnrollmentServers != null)
                EnrollmentEndpoints.AddRange(dsEntry.WebEnrollmentServers.Select(x => new PolicyEnrollEndpointUri(x)));
        void getDistinguishedName(ICertConfigEntryD dsEntry)
            if (dsEntry == null || (dsEntry.Flags & CertConfigLocation.DsEntry) == 0)
            // at this point we know that we are connected to AD and can try to lookup for DistinguishedName attribute.
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: user forest     : {DsUtils.GetCurrentForestName()}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: computer forest : {DsUtils.GetComputerForestName()}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: user domain     : {DsUtils.GetUserDomainName()}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: computer domain : {DsUtils.GetComputerDomainName()}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: domain path 1   : {String.Join(".", ComputerName.Split('.').Where((v, i) => i != 0))}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: domain path     : {String.Join(",DC=", ComputerName.Split('.').Where((v, i) => i != 0))}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: config context  : {DsUtils.ConfigContext}");
            //String domain = String.Join(",DC=", ComputerName.Split('.').Where((v, i) => i != 0));
            var dsEnroll = (DsCertEnrollContainer)DsPkiContainer.GetAdPkiContainer(DsContainerType.EnrollmentServices);

            DistinguishedName = dsEnroll.EnrollmentServers
                                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ComputerName.Equals(ComputerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            //Console.WriteLine($"DEBUG: full dn         : {dn}");