Beispiel #1
        public ExecuteCommandAddTag(BasicActivateItems activator, ICatalogue catalogue,
                                    [DemandsInitialization("Name of the new column you want created.")]
                                    string column,
                                    [DemandsInitialization("Optional when column is the name of a Dicom Tag e.g. StudyInstanceUID")]
                                    string dataType) : base(activator)
            var tables = catalogue.GetTableInfosIdeallyJustFromMainTables();

            if (tables.Length != 1)
                SetImpossible($"There are {tables.Length} tables mapped under Catalogue {catalogue}");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column))
                SetImpossible("Column name must be supplied");

            var syntax = tables[0].GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            //if user hasn't listed a specific datatype, guess it from the column
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataType))
                var available = TagColumnAdder.GetAvailableTags();

                if (!available.Contains(column))
                    var similar = available.Where(c => c.Contains(column)).ToArray();

                    if (similar.Any())
                        SetImpossible($"Could not find a tag called '{column}'. Possibly  you meant:" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, similar));

                    SetImpossible($"Could not find a tag called '{column}' or any like it");

                    dataType = TagColumnAdder.GetDataTypeForTag(column, syntax.TypeTranslater);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("No dataType was specified and column name could not be resolved to a DicomTag", e);

            _adder = new TagColumnAdder(column, dataType, (TableInfo)tables[0], new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());