/// <summary>
        /// Use the bus to get a Send Endpoint that in turn will be used for sending Commands/Queries.
        /// </summary>
        private async void btnSendCommand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Need a Send Endpoint in order to know where to deliver the messages.
                _sagaSendPoint = await _azureBus.GetSendEndpointAsync(_sagaQueueName);

                // Create a command to send, depending on what is chosen in the dropdown.
                // Note: The created object is still declared as IUpdateFooCommand, which will have its effect on Masstransit when sending unless you convert it upon sending!
                IUpdateFooCommand commandToSend = ChooseCommandByDropdown();
                commandToSend.Id            = Guid.NewGuid();
                commandToSend.Text          = txtMessageText.Text;
                commandToSend.TimeStampSent = DateTime.Now;

                // Note: Best is NOT to Send Commands as an interface, but the concrete type. So the intended Consumer actually get the message.
                // Because if sent as an interface - Consumers would only understand and be able to consume that very interface, not any concrete class.
                // So if you have a Consumer<ConcreteClass> configured to listen on an EndPoint, but send as Send<Interface>, the message would not be understooud
                // and hence moved to the _skipped queue.
                switch (drpCommandType.SelectedIndex)
                case 0: _sagaSendPoint = await _azureBus.GetSendEndpointAsync(_sagaQueueName);

                    await _sagaSendPoint.Send((UpdateFooCommand)commandToSend);

                    LogLine($"Message ({nameof(UpdateFooCommand)}) sent OK.");

                case 1:
                    await _sagaSendPoint.Send((UpdateFooVersion2Command)commandToSend);

                    LogLine($"Message ({nameof(UpdateFooVersion2Command)}) sent OK.");

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogError($"Exception! \r\n ExType: {ex.GetType().Name}\r\n ExMessage: {ex.Message}\r\n");