public async Task GiveKarma(CommandContext context, [Description("The discord user you'd like to give karma.")] DiscordUser member)
            if (member.Equals(context.Member))
                await context.RespondAsync($"{context.Member.Mention}, you can't give yourself Karma. That would be cheating. You have to earn it from others.");


            await context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            using IBotAccessProvider provider = this.providerBuilder.Build();

            ulong karmaToAdd = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
                karmaToAdd += (ulong)this._rng.Next(1, 4);

            provider.AddKarma(member.Id, context.Guild.Id, karmaToAdd);
            DiscordEmbed response = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                    .WithDescription($"{member.Mention}, you have been bestowed {karmaToAdd} karma.");
            await context.RespondAsync(embed : response);