/// <summary>Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value.</summary>
 /// <returns>The minimum value in the sequence.</returns>
 /// <param name="source">A sequence of values to determine the minimum value of.</param>
 /// <param name="selector">A transform function to apply to each element.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of <paramref name="source" />.</typeparam>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
 /// <paramref name="source" /> or <paramref name="selector" /> is null.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
 /// <paramref name="source" /> contains no elements.</exception>
 public static IBindable <double> Min <TSource>(this IBindableCollection <TSource> source, Expression <Func <TSource, double> > selector) where TSource : class
 /// <summary>Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value.</summary>
 /// <returns>The maximum value in the sequence.</returns>
 /// <param name="source">A sequence of values to determine the maximum value of.</param>
 /// <param name="selector">A transform function to apply to each element.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of <paramref name="source" />.</typeparam>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
 /// <paramref name="source" /> or <paramref name="selector" /> is null.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
 /// <paramref name="source" /> contains no elements.</exception>
 public static IBindable <float> Max <TSource>(this IBindableCollection <TSource> source, Expression <Func <TSource, float> > selector) where TSource : class
 /// <summary>
 /// Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of <paramref name="source"/>.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="source">A sequence of values to invoke a transform function on.</param>
 /// <param name="dependencyAnalysisMode">The dependency analysis mode.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An <see cref="IBindableCollection{TElement}"/> whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of <paramref name="source"/>.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="source"/> is null.</exception>
 public static IBindableCollection <TSource> Select <TSource>(this IBindableCollection <TSource> source, DependencyDiscovery dependencyAnalysisMode) where TSource : class
     return(source.Select(s => s, dependencyAnalysisMode));
 /// <summary>Computes the sum of the sequence of <see cref="T:System.Single" /> values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.</summary>
 /// <returns>The sum of the projected values.</returns>
 /// <param name="source">A sequence of values that are used to calculate a sum.</param>
 /// <param name="selector">A transform function to apply to each element.</param>
 /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the elements of <paramref name="source" />.</typeparam>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
 /// <paramref name="source" /> or <paramref name="selector" /> is null.</exception>
 public static IBindable <float> Sum <TSource>(this IBindableCollection <TSource> source, Expression <Func <TSource, float> > selector) where TSource : class