Beispiel #1
        public iOSUITheme(IAspyGlobals _iOSGlobals, IUITheme _sharedGlobal)
            this._iosglobals = _iOSGlobals;
            this.g           = _sharedGlobal;

 private void Initialize()
     this.iOSUIAppearance = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <iOSUIManager> ();
     this.iOSGlobals      = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <IAspyGlobals> ();
     // Can see no reason why this should ever be false as Apple do!
     this.ClipsToBounds = false;
     this.AutoApplyUI   = true;
     this.Tag           = 666;
Beispiel #3
 private void Initialize()
     this.aspyGlobals = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <IAspyGlobals> ();
     // Logic
     this._bHoldState         = false;
     this._bEnableHold        = false;
     this._bIsPressed         = false;
     this._bRedrawOnTapStart  = false;
     this._bRedrawOnTapFinish = false;
     // UIApply
     //this.BorderColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
Beispiel #4
        private void Initialize()
            iOSGlobals = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <IAspyGlobals>();
            //iOSUIAppearance = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve<iOSUIManager> ();
            this._bAutoApplyUI        = false;
            this.DragVerticallyOnly   = false;
            this.DragHorizontallyOnly = false;

            //#if DEBUG
            //    //this.iOSGlobals.G__ViewPool.Add(this.ToString(), 0);
Beispiel #5
 public iOSNumberDimensions(G__DisplaySizeLevels size, IAspyGlobals iOSGlobals)
     this._size       = size;
     this._iOSGlobals = iOSGlobals;
Beispiel #6
 public iOSUITheme(IAspyGlobals _iOSGlobals)
     this._iosglobals = _iOSGlobals;
     //Initialize ();
Beispiel #7
 public iOSUIManager(IAspyGlobals iOSGlobals)
     _iOSGlobals = iOSGlobals;
 private void Initialize()
     this.iOSGlobals = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <IAspyGlobals>();
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            // Setup services and globals for iOS
            // Create iOSCore globals
            this.iOSGlobals = new AspyRoad.iOSCore.AspyGlobals();
            // Create our appwide user setup settings
            this._NumeracySettings = new NumeracySettings();
            // Create shared globals
            this.SharedGlobals = new NathansWay.Shared.Global.SharedGlobal();
            // Set Sqlite db Platform
            this._iOSSQLitePLatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinIOS.SQLitePlatformIOS();

            // Set SharedGlobals for the Shared lib
            // This must be done for each device being built
            // Db Name
            this.SharedGlobals.GS__DatabaseName = "NathansWay.db3";
            // Documents folder
            this.SharedGlobals.GS__DocumentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            // Library folder
            this.SharedGlobals.GS__FolderNameLibrary = Path.Combine(this.SharedGlobals.GS__DocumentsPath, "../Library/");
            // Full db path
            this.SharedGlobals.GS__FullDbPath = Path.Combine(this.SharedGlobals.GS__DocumentsPath, this.SharedGlobals.GS__DatabaseName);

            // Apply user based app settings
            // Depending on student, teahcer etc some of these will change on log in
            this._NumeracySettings.CurrentNumberEditMode = E__NumberComboEditMode.EditScroll;

            // Set AspyiOSCore global         variables here....
            this.iOSGlobals.G__ViewAutoResize = UIViewAutoresizing.None;
            this.iOSGlobals.G__InitializeAllViewOrientation = true;
            this.iOSGlobals.G__ViewOrientation           = G__Orientation.Landscape;
            this.iOSGlobals.G__ShouldAutorotate          = false;
            this.iOSGlobals.G__SegueingAnimationDuration = 0.5;

            // Orientation handlers two types depending on iOS version
            // iOS 6 and above >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
            this.iOSGlobals.G__6_SupportedOrientationMasks = UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Landscape;
            // You can use bitwise operators on these
            // Eg  = UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeRight | UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft
            // iOS 5 and below >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
            this.iOSGlobals.G__5_SupportedOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeRight | UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

            // Register any Shared services needed
            SharedServiceContainer.Register <ISharedGlobal>(this.SharedGlobals);
            // Platform lib needed by the constructor for SQLite Shared
            SharedServiceContainer.Register <ISQLitePlatform>(this._iOSSQLitePLatform);

            // Register any iOS services needed
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <IAspyGlobals> (this.iOSGlobals);
            // Register app/user settings
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <NumeracySettings>(this._NumeracySettings);

            // Setup the window
            window = new AspyWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            // Using viewcontroller constructor to run the nib
            ViewContainerController = new AspyContainerController();

            // Add our view variables
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <AspyContainerController>(this.ViewContainerController);
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <AspyWindow> (window);

            //_testDb = new NathansWayDbBase();

            // ** Note how to retrieve from services.
            //this.iOSGlobals = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IAspyGlobals>();

            #region Setup Storyboard

            //initialViewController = (AspyViewController)Storyboard.InstantiateInitialViewController ();
            //window.RootViewController = initialViewController;


            #region Setup Single View

            //mypad = new vcNumberPad();
            float x = 100.0f;
            float y = 100.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                x = x + 60.0f;
                //y = y + 60.0f;
                RectangleF    myRect;
                vcNumberCombo pad = new vcNumberCombo();
                pad.AspyTag2   = i;
                myRect         = new RectangleF(x, y, pad.View.Frame.Width, pad.View.Frame.Height);
                pad.View.Frame = myRect;

            //ContainerController.RemoveVCInstance((int)G__VCs.VC_CtrlNumberPad, 2);

            // Runtime method
            //var v = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib ("vwNumberCombo", this, null);
            //viewController = Runtime.GetNSObject(v.ValueAt(0)) as vcNumberCombo;

            //swipeGesture = new NSAction(printeswipe);

            window.RootViewController = ViewContainerController;



            window.Tag = 0;

            #region Gesture From Window
            // Get gesture from Sendevents - Window object
            //window.WireUpGestureToWindow(AspyUtilities.GestureTypes.UITap, swipeGesture);

            #region Gesture From AspyView
            //viewController.QAWorkSpaceView.WireUpGestureToView(G__GestureTypes.UIPinch, swipeGesture);

            //window.SomeonesTouchingMeInMySpecialPlace += c_ThresholdReached;
Beispiel #10
 public AspyApplyUI()
     this.iOSGlobals = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <IAspyGlobals> ();
Beispiel #11
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            // Falling rock style!

            #region Setup
            // Setup services and globals for iOS
            // Create iOSCore globals
            this._iOSGlobals = new AspyRoad.iOSCore.AspyGlobals();
            // Create our appwide user setup settings
            //this._numeracyUIManager = new NumeracyUIManager(this.iOSGlobals);
            // Create shared globals
            this._sharedGlobals = new NathansWay.Numeracy.Shared.SharedGlobal();
            // Create our application settings. These are settings that are global to Numbers Application only.
            this._numberAppSettings = new NathansWay.Numeracy.Shared.NWNumberAppSettings();
            // Load our storyboard and setup our UIWindow and first view controller
            _storyBoard = UIStoryboard.FromName("NathansWay.Numeracy", null);
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <UIStoryboard> (_storyBoard);
            // Number factory relies on Storyboard so load it first
            this._NumletFactory = new Lazy <UINumberFactory>(() => new UINumberFactory());

            // Set SharedGlobals for the Shared lib
            // This must be done for each device being built
            this._sharedGlobals.GS__RootAppPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            // Db Name
            this._sharedGlobals.GS__DatabaseName = "Nathansway.db3";
            // Documents folder
            this._sharedGlobals.GS__DocumentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            // Library folder
            this._sharedGlobals.GS__FolderNameLibrary = Path.Combine(this._sharedGlobals.GS__DocumentsPath, "../Library/");
            // Full db path
            this._sharedGlobals.GS__FullDbPath = Path.Combine(this._sharedGlobals.GS__DocumentsPath, this._sharedGlobals.GS__DatabaseName);
            // Copy the database if needed
            // For building we ALWAYS copy the db as we need to capture build changes.

            // Apply user based app settings
            // Depending on student, teahcer etc some of these will change at log in, but we will set defaults here.
            // TODO : These will need to be loaded from a database as they will be different for each student
            // But not all need to be saved?
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__NumberEditMode = G__NumberEditMode.EditNumPad;
            //this._numberAppSettings.GA__NumberEditMode = G__NumberEditMode.EditScroll;
            //this._numberAppSettings.GA__NumberEditMode = G__NumberEditMode.EditUpDown;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__NumberDisplaySize             = G__DisplaySizeLevels.Level5;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__NumberLabelDisplaySize        = G__DisplaySizeLevels.Level3;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__MoveToNextNumber              = true;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__ShowAnswerNumlet              = true;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__SingleDigitErrorUIDisplay     = false;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__PersistUICorrectStateOnMove   = true;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__PersistUIInCorrectStateOnMove = true;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__ToStringReturnsCurrentValue   = false;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__FreeFromModeActive            = false;
            this._numberAppSettings.GA__DecimalPrecission             = 2;

            // Set AspyiOSCore global         variables here....
            this._iOSGlobals.G__ViewAutoResize = UIViewAutoresizing.None;
            this._iOSGlobals.G__InitializeAllViewOrientation = true;
            this._iOSGlobals.G__ViewOrientation           = G__Orientation.Landscape;
            this._iOSGlobals.G__ShouldAutorotate          = false;
            this._iOSGlobals.G__SegueingAnimationDuration = 0.8;
            this._iOSGlobals.G__PrefersStatusBarHidden    = true;

            // Orientation handlers two types depending on iOS version
            // iOS 6 and above >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
            this._iOSGlobals.G__6_SupportedOrientationMasks = UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Landscape;
            // You can use bitwise operators on these
            // NOTE : I couldnt get the bitwise versions to compare, not sure why, so I assume that Lanscapeleft and right are the same
            // Doesnt really matter as its only for iOS5.
            // in the autorotate function for iOS5
            // Eg  = UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeRight | UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft
            // iOS 5 and below >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
            this._iOSGlobals.G__5_SupportedOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft;

            // Register any Shared services needed
            SharedServiceContainer.Register <ISharedGlobal>(this._sharedGlobals);
            // Set Sqlite db Platform
            this._iOSSQLitePLatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinIOS.SQLitePlatformIOS();
            // Set up a database context
            this._DbContext = new NumeracyDB(this._iOSSQLitePLatform, this._sharedGlobals.GS__FullDbPath);

            // Platform lib needed by the constructor for SQLite Shared
            SharedServiceContainer.Register <ISQLitePlatform>(this._iOSSQLitePLatform);
            // Register the database connection
            SharedServiceContainer.Register <INWDatabaseContext>(this._DbContext);
            // Register any iOS services needed
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <IAspyGlobals> (this._iOSGlobals);
            // Register our Numberappwide setings
            SharedServiceContainer.Register <IAppSettings> (this._numberAppSettings);

            // Application Services, Factories
            // Dimensions Class
            this._numberDimensions = new iOSNumberDimensions(G__DisplaySizeLevels.Level5, this._iOSGlobals);
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <iOSNumberDimensions> (this._numberDimensions);

            // Build a ToolBoxFactory
            this._toolBuilder = new Lazy <ToolFactory> (() => new ToolFactory());
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <ToolFactory> (this._toolBuilder.Value);

            // Build a NumletFactory
            // Numlets are the most basic workspace, the contain any expression
            // A workspace is made up of one to [n] numlets
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <UINumberFactory> (this._NumletFactory.Value);


            #region Setup UI

            // TODO : Remove and insert this into .ctor code for lesson UI startup
//						// Start a toolfactory
//						ITool hammer;
//						hammer = ToolBuilder.CreateNewTool(E__ToolBoxToolz.Hammerz);
//						AspyViewController _vcHammer = hammer.MainGame.Services.GetService<AspyViewController>();
//						// Temp workspace setup code. Mormally this will be behind a menu button.
//						vcWorkSpace _workspace = new vcWorkSpace();
//						//vcMainGame _maingame = new vcMainGame();
//						vcMainWorkSpace _mainworkspace = new vcMainWorkSpace();
//						ViewContainerController = new AspyViewController();
//						ViewContainerController.AddAndDisplayController(_vcHammer);
//						ViewContainerController.AddAndDisplayController(_mainworkspace);
//						//ViewContainerController.View.AddSubview(_mainworkspace.ChildViewControllers[0].View);
//						window.RootViewController = ViewContainerController;
//						//window.RootViewController = _mainworkspace;
            //Setup UIManager
            // Setup the window
            _window = new AspyWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            // _window = new iOSGameWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            // Register our window
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <AspyWindow> (_window);

            // Setup view controllers
            //_mainNavigator = storyboard.InstantiateInitialViewController() as UINavigationController;
            //_mainController = storyboard.InstantiateViewController("vcMainContainer") as vcMainContainer;
            _mainContainer = new vcMainContainer();

            // Use storyboard ids to create VCs
            //_menuStart = new vcMenuStart();
            //_menuStart = storyboard.InstantiateViewController("vcMenuStart") as vcMenuStart;
            //_menuStart = storyboard.InstantiateViewController("vcLessonMenu") as vcLessonMenu;

            //Add our navigation object to the service library
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <vcMainContainer> (_mainContainer);
            // The drawing factory needs to know of MainController hence its position here...after maincontainers creation
            this._drawingFunctions = new DrawingFactory();
            iOSCoreServiceContainer.Register <DrawingFactory>(_drawingFunctions);

            _window.RootViewController = _mainContainer;
            //window.RootViewController = _menuStart;



Beispiel #12
 private void Initialize()
     this.iOSGlobals         = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <IAspyGlobals>();
     this.kAnimationDuration = this.iOSGlobals.G__SegueingAnimationDuration;