public override void OnFixedUpdate()
            if (ascentPath == null)

            if ( != null && == TARGET_NAME)
                double   angle         = Math.PI / 180 * ascentPath.FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface);
                double   heading       = Math.PI / 180 * OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForInclination(desiredInclination, vesselState.latitude);
                Vector3d horizontalDir = Math.Cos(heading) * vesselState.north + Math.Sin(heading) * vesselState.east;
                Vector3d dir           = Math.Cos(angle) * horizontalDir + Math.Sin(angle) * vesselState.up;
Beispiel #2
        void DriveGravityTurn(FlightCtrlState s)
            //stop the gravity turn when our apoapsis reaches the desired altitude
            if (autoThrottle && orbit.ApA > desiredOrbitAltitude)
                mode = AscentMode.COAST_TO_APOAPSIS;

            //if we've fallen below the turn start altitude, go back to vertical ascent
            if (vesselState.altitudeASL < ascentPath.VerticalAscentEnd())
                mode = AscentMode.VERTICAL_ASCENT;

            if (autoThrottle)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);
                if (core.thrust.targetThrottle < 1.0F)
                    //when we are bringing down the throttle to make the apoapsis accurate, we're liable to point in weird
                    //directions because thrust goes down and so "difficulty" goes up. so just burn prograde
                    core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.forward, AttitudeReference.ORBIT, this);
                    status = "Fine tuning apoapsis";

            //transition gradually from the rotating to the non-rotating reference frame. this calculation ensures that
            //when our maximum possible apoapsis, given our orbital energy, is desiredOrbitalRadius, then we are
            //fully in the non-rotating reference frame and thus doing the correct calculations to get the right inclination
            double GM = mainBody.gravParameter;
            double potentialDifferenceWithApoapsis = GM / vesselState.radius - GM / (mainBody.Radius + desiredOrbitAltitude);
            double verticalSpeedForDesiredApoapsis = Math.Sqrt(2 * potentialDifferenceWithApoapsis);
            double referenceFrameBlend             = Mathf.Clamp((float)(vesselState.speedOrbital / verticalSpeedForDesiredApoapsis), 0.0F, 1.0F);

            Vector3d actualVelocityUnit = ((1 - referenceFrameBlend) * vesselState.velocityVesselSurfaceUnit
                                           + referenceFrameBlend * vesselState.velocityVesselOrbitUnit).normalized;

            double   desiredHeading         = Math.PI / 180 * OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForInclination(desiredInclination, vesselState.latitude);
            Vector3d desiredHeadingVector   = Math.Sin(desiredHeading) * vesselState.east + Math.Cos(desiredHeading) * vesselState.north;
            double   desiredFlightPathAngle = ascentPath.FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL);

            Vector3d desiredVelocityUnit = Math.Cos(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * desiredHeadingVector
                                           + Math.Sin(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * vesselState.up;

            Vector3d desiredThrustVector = desiredVelocityUnit;

            if (correctiveSteering)
                Vector3d velocityError = (desiredVelocityUnit - actualVelocityUnit);

                const double Kp = 5.0; //control gain

                //"difficulty" scales the controller gain to account for the difficulty of changing a large velocity vector given our current thrust
                double difficulty = vesselState.velocityVesselSurface.magnitude / (50 + 10 * vesselState.ThrustAccel(core.thrust.targetThrottle));
                if (difficulty > 5)
                    difficulty = 5;

                if (vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel == 0)
                    difficulty = 1.0;                                         //so we don't freak out over having no thrust between stages
                Vector3d steerOffset = Kp * difficulty * velocityError;

                //limit the amount of steering to 10 degrees. Furthemore, never steer to a FPA of > 90 (that is, never lean backward)
                double maxOffset = 10 * Math.PI / 180;
                if (desiredFlightPathAngle > 80)
                    maxOffset = (90 - desiredFlightPathAngle) * Math.PI / 180;
                if (steerOffset.magnitude > maxOffset)
                    steerOffset = maxOffset * steerOffset.normalized;

                desiredThrustVector += steerOffset;

            desiredThrustVector = desiredThrustVector.normalized;

            core.attitude.attitudeTo(desiredThrustVector, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);

            status = "Gravity turn";
        void DriveGravityTurn(FlightCtrlState s)
            //stop the gravity turn when our apoapsis reaches the desired altitude
            if (autoThrottle && orbit.ApA > desiredOrbitAltitude)
                mode = AscentMode.COAST_TO_APOAPSIS;

            //if we've fallen below the turn start altitude, go back to vertical ascent
            if (ascentPath.IsVerticalAscent(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface))
                mode = AscentMode.VERTICAL_ASCENT;

            if (autoThrottle)
                core.thrust.targetThrottle = ThrottleToRaiseApoapsis(orbit.ApR, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius);
                if (core.thrust.targetThrottle < 1.0F)
                    //when we are bringing down the throttle to make the apoapsis accurate, we're liable to point in weird
                    //directions because thrust goes down and so "difficulty" goes up. so just burn prograde
                    core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.forward, AttitudeReference.ORBIT, this);
                    status = "Fine tuning apoapsis";

            //transition gradually from the rotating to the non-rotating reference frame. this calculation ensures that
            //when our maximum possible apoapsis, given our orbital energy, is desiredOrbitalRadius, then we are
            //fully in the non-rotating reference frame and thus doing the correct calculations to get the right inclination
            double GM = mainBody.gravParameter;
            double potentialDifferenceWithApoapsis = GM / vesselState.radius - GM / (mainBody.Radius + desiredOrbitAltitude);
            double verticalSpeedForDesiredApoapsis = Math.Sqrt(2 * potentialDifferenceWithApoapsis);
            double referenceFrameBlend             = Mathf.Clamp((float)(vesselState.speedOrbital / verticalSpeedForDesiredApoapsis), 0.0F, 1.0F);

            Vector3d actualVelocityUnit = ((1 - referenceFrameBlend) * vesselState.surfaceVelocity.normalized
                                           + referenceFrameBlend * vesselState.orbitalVelocity.normalized).normalized;

            double   desiredHeading         = MathExtensions.Deg2Rad * OrbitalManeuverCalculator.HeadingForLaunchInclination(vessel.mainBody, desiredInclination, launchLatitude, OrbitalManeuverCalculator.CircularOrbitSpeed(vessel.mainBody, desiredOrbitAltitude + mainBody.Radius));
            Vector3d desiredHeadingVector   = Math.Sin(desiredHeading) * vesselState.east + Math.Cos(desiredHeading) * vesselState.north;
            double   desiredFlightPathAngle = ascentPath.FlightPathAngle(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.speedSurface);

            Vector3d desiredVelocityUnit = Math.Cos(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * desiredHeadingVector
                                           + Math.Sin(desiredFlightPathAngle * Math.PI / 180) * vesselState.up;

            Vector3d desiredThrustVector = desiredVelocityUnit;

            if (correctiveSteering)
                Vector3d velocityError = (desiredVelocityUnit - actualVelocityUnit);

                const double Kp = 5.0; //control gain

                //"difficulty" scales the controller gain to account for the difficulty of changing a large velocity vector given our current thrust
                double difficulty = vesselState.surfaceVelocity.magnitude / (50 + 10 * vesselState.ThrustAccel(core.thrust.targetThrottle));
                if (difficulty > 5)
                    difficulty = 5;

                if (vesselState.limitedMaxThrustAccel == 0)
                    difficulty = 1.0;                                         //so we don't freak out over having no thrust between stages
                Vector3d steerOffset = Kp * difficulty * velocityError;

                //limit the amount of steering to 10 degrees. Furthermore, never steer to a FPA of > 90 (that is, never lean backward)
                double maxOffset = 10 * Math.PI / 180;
                if (desiredFlightPathAngle > 80)
                    maxOffset = (90 - desiredFlightPathAngle) * Math.PI / 180;
                if (steerOffset.magnitude > maxOffset)
                    steerOffset = maxOffset * steerOffset.normalized;

                desiredThrustVector += steerOffset;

            desiredThrustVector = desiredThrustVector.normalized;

            if (limitAoA)
                float fade = vesselState.dynamicPressure < aoALimitFadeoutPressure ? (float)(aoALimitFadeoutPressure / vesselState.dynamicPressure) : 1;
                currentMaxAoA = Math.Min(fade * maxAoA, 180d);
                limitingAoA   = vessel.altitude <mainBody.atmosphereDepth && Vector3.Angle(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, desiredThrustVector)> currentMaxAoA;

                if (limitingAoA)
                    desiredThrustVector = Vector3.RotateTowards(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, desiredThrustVector, (float)(currentMaxAoA * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 1).normalized;

            if (forceRoll && Vector3.Angle(vesselState.up, vesselState.forward) > 7 && core.attitude.attitudeError < 5)
                var pitch = 90 - Vector3.Angle(vesselState.up, desiredThrustVector);
                var hdg   = core.rover.HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, vessel.CoM + desiredThrustVector);
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(hdg, pitch, turnRoll, this);
                core.attitude.attitudeTo(desiredThrustVector, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this);

            status = "Gravity turn";