private IList <ArchiveListItem> GetMultiPageItems(ArchiveQueryParameters parameters, int max, int page)
            List <ArchiveListItem> items = new List <ArchiveListItem>();

            if (parameters.PageSize > max && max > 0 && page == 0)
                //if we can get the requested amount of items in one go, do so. this only works if we don't want to start from a specific page
                parameters.PageSize = max;

            using (IArchiveAgentWrapper agent = _archiveAgentWrapperCreator())
                bool hasResult = true;
                int  loopPage  = page;
                while (hasResult) //loop while we still can get results
                    //change the context if we are nearing our max, but only if we did not specify a page
                    if (max > 0 && items.Count + parameters.PageSize > max && page == 0)
                        parameters.PageSize = max - items.Count;

                    IList <ArchiveListItem> itemsOnPage = GetItems(parameters, agent, loopPage);

                    //stop if there are no more items found
                    if (itemsOnPage == null)
                        hasResult = false;

                        //check if the number of results matches the page-size, if not, stop
                        if (itemsOnPage.Count < parameters.PageSize)
                            hasResult = false;

                        //if there is a max and the item count is equal to or exceeded the max, we should stop as well
                        if (max > 0 && items.Count >= max)
                            hasResult = false;

            //remove items if we fetched too many (possible when max and page is specified
            if (max > 0 && items.Count > max)
                items.RemoveRange(max, items.Count - max);
        private IList <ArchiveListItem> GetItems(ArchiveQueryParameters parameters, IArchiveAgentWrapper agent, int page)
            if (parameters.PageSize > ArchiveQueryParameters.MAX_PAGE_SIZE)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Page size cannot be larger than " + ArchiveQueryParameters.MAX_PAGE_SIZE);
            if (parameters.Restrictions == null || parameters.Restrictions.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No restriction specified. The SuperOffice ArchiveAgent needs at least one restriction.");

            ArchiveListItem[] results = agent.GetArchiveListByColumns(parameters.ArchiveName, GetColumns(parameters), GetOrderBy(parameters), GetRestrictions(parameters), parameters.Entities, page, parameters.PageSize);

            if (results == null || results.Length == 0)