Beispiel #1
 public Thematic(IMapControl3 mapControl)
     if (mapControl != null)
         this._mapControl = mapControl;
     _renderer = new ClassBreaksRendererClass();
     _classify = new QuantileClass();
     _tableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass();
     _colorFrom = new HsvColorClass();
     _colorTo = new HsvColorClass();
     _algClrRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();
		private void UpdateRamp()
			// Create a new AlgorithmicColorRamp object, and get it's
			// IAlgorithmicColorRamp interface.
			IAlgorithmicColorRamp AlgortihmicColorRamp = null;
			AlgortihmicColorRamp = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.AlgorithmicColorRamp();
			// Set the size of the color ramp to the number of classes
			// to be renderered.
			AlgortihmicColorRamp.Size = m_lngClasses;
			// Set the color ramps properties.
			IRgbColor RGBColor = null;
			RGBColor = new RgbColor();
			RGBColor.RGB = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(txtStartColor.BackColor);
			AlgortihmicColorRamp.FromColor = RGBColor;
			RGBColor.RGB = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(txtEndColor.BackColor);
			AlgortihmicColorRamp.ToColor = RGBColor;
			AlgortihmicColorRamp.Algorithm = (esriColorRampAlgorithm)cmbAlgorithm.SelectedIndex;

			bool boolRamp = false;
			if (AlgortihmicColorRamp.Size > 0)

				boolRamp = true;
				AlgortihmicColorRamp.CreateRamp(out boolRamp);
				if (boolRamp)
					m_enumNewColors = AlgortihmicColorRamp.Colors;
					cmdOK.Enabled = true;
					// Check if we should be showing the colors.
					if (chkShowColors.CheckState == System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked)
						// Populate the Colors textbox array and it's labels.
						m_lngColors = 0;
Beispiel #3
        public static IRasterRenderer CreateDEMColorRamp(Raster gRaster)
            IColor pStartColor = (IColor)CreateRGBColor(255, 235, 176);
            IColor pEndColor   = (IColor)CreateRGBColor(38, 115, 0);
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp1 = CreateAlgorithmicColorRamp(pStartColor, pEndColor);

            pStartColor = (IColor)CreateRGBColor(38, 115, 0);
            pEndColor   = (IColor)CreateRGBColor(115, 77, 0);
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp2 = CreateAlgorithmicColorRamp(pStartColor, pEndColor);

            pStartColor = (IColor)CreateRGBColor(115, 77, 0);
            pEndColor   = (IColor)CreateRGBColor(255, 255, 255);
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp3 = CreateAlgorithmicColorRamp(pStartColor, pEndColor);
            List <IColorRamp>     lColorRamps = new List <IColorRamp>(new IColorRamp[] { pColorRamp1, pColorRamp2, pColorRamp3 });

            IMultiPartColorRamp pMultiPartColorRamp = CreateMultiPartColorRamp(lColorRamps);

            return(CreateContinuousRenderer(gRaster, pMultiPartColorRamp));
		private ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IColor GetCombinedColor(IColor pColor1, IColor pColor2, EColorCombinationType eCombinationMethod, IColor pOriginColor)
			// combines the input colors based on m_eColorCombinationMethod

			// (11/08/04) -- RGB and enuLabLChColorRamp aren't used by GUI

			IColor pOutColor = null;

			long MyOLE_COLOR = 0; // As OLE_COLOR in VB6
			IRgbColor pMainRGBColor = null;
			IRgbColor pVariationRGBColor = null;
			IRgbColor pMergedRGBColor = null;
			bool bOK = false;
			IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAlgorithmicCR = null;

			// if either of the colors are null, then don't run the color through any algorithm,
			//   instead, just return the other color.  if both are null, then return a null color
			if (pColor1.NullColor)
				pOutColor = pColor2;

			else if (pColor2.NullColor)
				pOutColor = pColor1;

			else if (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuComponents)
				// HSV components
				// create a new HSV color
				IHsvColor pHSVDrawColor = null;
				pHSVDrawColor = new HsvColor();
				// get HSV values from Color1 and Color2 and assign to pHSVDrawColor
				IHsvColor pHSVColor1 = null;
				IHsvColor pHSVColor2 = null;

				// (new 4/27/04) didn't think I had to do this...
				//pHSVColor1 = pColor1
				//pHSVColor2 = pColor2
				pHSVColor1 = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor1.RGB = pColor1.RGB;
				pHSVColor2 = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor2.RGB = pColor2.RGB;

				pHSVDrawColor.Hue = pHSVColor1.Hue;
				pHSVDrawColor.Saturation = pHSVColor2.Saturation;
				pHSVDrawColor.Value = pHSVColor2.Value;

				pOutColor = pHSVDrawColor;

			else if (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuRGBAverage)
				// use additive color model to merge the two colors
				MyOLE_COLOR = pColor1.RGB;
				pMainRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pMainRGBColor.RGB = (int)MyOLE_COLOR;
				MyOLE_COLOR = pColor2.RGB;
				pVariationRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pVariationRGBColor.RGB = (int)MyOLE_COLOR;
				// merged color = RGB average of the two colors
				pMergedRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pMergedRGBColor.Red = (pMainRGBColor.Red + pVariationRGBColor.Red) / 2;
				pMergedRGBColor.Green = (pMainRGBColor.Green + pVariationRGBColor.Green) / 2;
				pMergedRGBColor.Blue = (pMainRGBColor.Blue + pVariationRGBColor.Blue) / 2;

				pOutColor = pMergedRGBColor;
			else if ((eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabColorRamp) | (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuLabLChColorRamp))
				// use color ramp and take central color between the two colors
				pAlgorithmicCR = new AlgorithmicColorRamp();
				if (m_eColorCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabColorRamp)
					pAlgorithmicCR.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm;
					pAlgorithmicCR.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriLabLChAlgorithm;
				pAlgorithmicCR.Size = 3;
				pAlgorithmicCR.FromColor = pColor1;
				pAlgorithmicCR.ToColor = pColor2;
				pAlgorithmicCR.CreateRamp(out bOK);

				pOutColor = pAlgorithmicCR.get_Color(1); // middle color in ramp
			else // EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabMatrix

				double[] iLab1 = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for Color1
				double[] iLab2 = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for Color2
				double[] iLabOrig = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for pOriginColor
				pColor1.GetCIELAB(out iLab1[0], out iLab1[1], out iLab1[2]);
				pColor2.GetCIELAB(out iLab2[0], out iLab2[1], out iLab2[2]);
				pOriginColor.GetCIELAB(out iLabOrig[0], out iLabOrig[1], out iLabOrig[2]);

				double[] iLabOut = new double[4];
				// add color1 vector and color2 vector, then subtract the origin color vector
				iLabOut[0] = iLab1[0] + iLab2[0] - iLabOrig[0];
				iLabOut[1] = iLab1[1] + iLab2[1] - iLabOrig[1];
				iLabOut[2] = iLab1[2] + iLab2[2] - iLabOrig[2];

				CorrectLabOutofRange(ref iLabOut[0], ref iLabOut[1], ref iLabOut[2]);

				IHsvColor pHSVColor = null;
				pHSVColor = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor.SetCIELAB(iLabOut[0], iLabOut[1], iLabOut[2]);
				pOutColor = pHSVColor;

			return pOutColor;

        private Bitmap DrawToPictureBox(ISymbol pSym, PictureBox pBox)
            IGeometry pGeometry = null;

            System.Drawing.Graphics pGraphics = null;
            pGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(pBox.Handle);
            pGraphics.FillRectangle(System.Drawing.Brushes.White, pBox.ClientRectangle);
            Bitmap    image     = new Bitmap(pBox.Width, pBox.Height, pGraphics);
            IEnvelope pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();

            if (pSym is IMarkerSymbol)
                IPoint pPoint = new PointClass();                  //the geometry of a MarkerSymbol
                pPoint.PutCoords(pBox.Width / 2, pBox.Height / 2); //center in middle of pBox
                pGeometry = pPoint;
            if (pSym is ILineSymbol)
                pEnvelope.PutCoords(0, pBox.Height / 2, pBox.Width, pBox.Height / 2);
                IPolyline pPolyline = new PolylineClass();
                pPolyline.FromPoint = pEnvelope.LowerLeft;
                pPolyline.ToPoint   = pEnvelope.UpperRight;
                pGeometry           = pPolyline;
            if (pSym is IFillSymbol)
                pEnvelope.PutCoords(1, 1, pBox.Width - 1, pBox.Height - 1);
                pGeometry = pEnvelope;

                if (pSym is IMultiLayerFillSymbol)
                    IMultiLayerFillSymbol pMultiLayerFillSymbol = pSym as IMultiLayerFillSymbol;
                    //For mLayers As Integer = 0 To pMultiLayerFillSymbol.LayerCount - 1
                    for (int i = 0; i < pMultiLayerFillSymbol.LayerCount; i++)
                        if (pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(i) is IPictureFillSymbol)
                            IPictureFillSymbol pPictureFillSymbol = pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) as IPictureFillSymbol;
                            image = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(new IntPtr(pPictureFillSymbol.Picture.Handle));
                        else if (pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(i) is ISimpleFillSymbol)
                            pEnvelope.PutCoords(1, 1, pBox.Width - 1, pBox.Height - 1);
                            pGeometry = pEnvelope;
                        else if (pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(i) is IGradientFillSymbol)
                            IGradientFillSymbol      pGradientFillSymbol = pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) as IGradientFillSymbol;
                            IAlgorithmicColorRamp    pRamp   = pGradientFillSymbol.ColorRamp as IAlgorithmicColorRamp;
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle rect    = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Size(pBox.Width, pBox.Height));
                            LinearGradientBrush      lgBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect,
                            pGraphics.FillRectangle(lgBrush, rect);
                            rect.Width  = rect.Width - 1;
                            rect.Height = rect.Height - 1;
                            pGraphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(ColorTranslator.FromOle(pGradientFillSymbol.Outline.Color.RGB),
                                                            (float)pGradientFillSymbol.Outline.Width), rect);
                            image = new Bitmap(pBox.Width, pBox.Height, pGraphics);
                else if (pSym is IPictureFillSymbol)
                    IPictureFillSymbol pPictureFillSymbol = pSym as IPictureFillSymbol;
                    image = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(new IntPtr(pPictureFillSymbol.Picture.Handle));

            IntPtr hDC = GetDC(pBox.Handle);

            pSym.SetupDC(hDC.ToInt32(), null);
            pSym.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPCopyPen;
            if (pGeometry != null)

            Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(image);
            IntPtr dc3 = pGraphics.GetHdc();
            IntPtr dc2 = g2.GetHdc();

            BitBlt(dc2, 0, 0, pBox.Width, pBox.Height, dc3, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
            pGraphics.ReleaseHdc(dc3); //释放屏幕句柄
            g2.ReleaseHdc(dc2);        //释放位图句柄
            //image.Save("c:\\MyJpeg.Icon", ImageFormat.Bmp);
Beispiel #6
        private void DrawToPictureBox(ISymbol pSym, PictureBox pBox)
            IGeometry pGeometry = null;
            IntPtr    hDC;
            IEnvelope pEnvelope;

            pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            // Reset the PictureBox
                if (pSym is IMarkerSymbol)
                    pEnvelope.PutCoords(pBox.Width / 2, pBox.Height / 2, pBox.Width / 2, pBox.Height / 2);
                    IArea pArea = pEnvelope as IArea;
                    pGeometry = pArea.Centroid;
                else if (pSym is ILineSymbol)
                    pEnvelope.PutCoords(0, pBox.Height / 2, pBox.Width, pBox.Height / 2);
                    IPolyline pPolyline = new PolylineClass();
                    pPolyline.FromPoint = pEnvelope.LowerLeft;
                    pPolyline.ToPoint   = pEnvelope.UpperRight;
                    pGeometry           = pPolyline;
                else if (pSym is IFillSymbol)
                    if (pSym is SimpleFillSymbol)
                        pEnvelope.PutCoords(5, 5, pBox.Width - 5, pBox.Height - 5);
                        pGeometry = pEnvelope;
                    else if (pSym is MultiLayerFillSymbol)
                        IMultiLayerFillSymbol pMultiLayerFillSymbol = pSym as IMultiLayerFillSymbol;
                        //For mLayers As Integer = 0 To pMultiLayerFillSymbol.LayerCount - 1
                        if (pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) is PictureFillSymbol)
                            IPictureFillSymbol pPictureFillSymbol = pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) as IPictureFillSymbol;
                            Bitmap             m = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(new IntPtr(pPictureFillSymbol.Picture.Handle));
                            pBox.Image = m;
                        else if (pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) is SimpleFillSymbol)
                            pEnvelope.PutCoords(5, 5, pBox.Width - 5, pBox.Height - 5);
                            pGeometry = pEnvelope;
                        else if (pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) is GradientFillSymbol)
                            IGradientFillSymbol      pGradientFillSymbol = pMultiLayerFillSymbol.get_Layer(0) as IGradientFillSymbol;
                            IAlgorithmicColorRamp    pRamp   = pGradientFillSymbol.ColorRamp as IAlgorithmicColorRamp;
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle rect    = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), new System.Drawing.Size(pBox.Width, pBox.Height));
                            LinearGradientBrush      lgBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect,
                            Graphics g = pBox.CreateGraphics();
                            g.FillRectangle(lgBrush, rect);
                            rect.Width  = rect.Width - 1;
                            rect.Height = rect.Height - 1;
                            g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(ColorTranslator.FromOle(pGradientFillSymbol.Outline.Color.RGB),
                                                    (float)pGradientFillSymbol.Outline.Width), rect);
                    else if (pSym is PictureFillSymbol)
                        IPictureFillSymbol pPictureFillSymbol = pSym as IPictureFillSymbol;
                        Bitmap             m = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(new IntPtr(pPictureFillSymbol.Picture.Handle));
                        pBox.Image = m;

                hDC = GetDC(pBox.Handle);
                pSym.SetupDC(hDC.ToInt32(), null);
                pSym.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPCopyPen;
                if (pGeometry != null)

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #7
        // 分级色彩符号化
        public static void GraduatedColors(IFeatureLayer featureLayer, string fieldName, int numClasses, IMapControl2 mapControl, AxTOCControl tocControl)
            object          dataFrequency;
            object          dataValue;
            int             breakIndex;
            ITable          pTable          = featureLayer.FeatureClass as ITable;
            ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass()
                Field = fieldName, Table = pTable
            IBasicHistogram pBasicHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram;

            // 获取渲染字段的值及其出现的频率
            pBasicHistogram.GetHistogram(out dataValue, out dataFrequency);
            IClassifyGEN pClassifyGEN = new EqualIntervalClass();

            try { pClassifyGEN.Classify(dataValue, dataFrequency, ref numClasses); }
            catch { }
            // 返回一个数组
            double[]             Classes      = pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks as double[];
            int                  ClassesCount = Classes.GetUpperBound(0);
            IClassBreaksRenderer pRenderer    = new ClassBreaksRendererClass()
                // 分级字段 分级数目 分级后的图例是否按升级顺序排序
                Field = fieldName, BreakCount = ClassesCount, SortClassesAscending = true
            // 设置分级说色所需颜色带的起止颜色
            //IHsvColor pFromColor = GetHsvColor(0, 50, 96);
            //IHsvColor pToColor = GetHsvColor(80, 100, 96);
            IRgbColor pFromColor = GetRgbColor(255, 200, 200);
            IRgbColor pToColor   = GetRgbColor(255, 0, 0);
            // 生成颜色带对象
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp = CreateColorRamp(pFromColor, pToColor, ClassesCount);
            // 获取色带颜色集
            IEnumColors pEnumColors = pColorRamp.Colors;

            // 逐一设置填充符号及每一分级的分级断点
            for (breakIndex = 0; breakIndex < ClassesCount; breakIndex++)
                IColor  pColor  = pEnumColors.Next();
                ISymbol pSymbol = null;
                switch (featureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType)
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                    pSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass()
                        Color = pColor, Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                    pSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass()
                        Color = pColor

                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
                    pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass()
                        Color = pColor
                // 设置填充符号
                pRenderer.set_Symbol(breakIndex, pSymbol);
                // 设置每一级的分级断点
                pRenderer.set_Break(breakIndex, Classes[breakIndex + 1]);
            (featureLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer).Renderer = pRenderer as IFeatureRenderer;