public async Task <double> RewardFunction(IState <TData> stateFrom, IAgentAction <TData> action)
            if (await HasReachedAGoalCondition(stateFrom, action))

Beispiel #2
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
            public async Task <double> RewardFunction(IState <int> state, IAgentAction <int> action)
#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
                if (action is TestAction testAction)

                throw new InvalidCastException();
Beispiel #3
        private async Task ApplyQMatrixLogic(IState <TData> currentState, IAgentAction <TData> nextAction, IState <TData> nextState)
            var nextNextActions = await options.Environment.GetPossibleActions(nextState);

            var maxQ = nextNextActions.Max(x =>
                var pair = new StateAndActionPair <TData>(nextState, x);
                ? options.Policy.QualityMatrix[pair]
                : 0D);

            var selectedPair = new StateAndActionPairWithResultState <TData>(currentState, nextAction, nextState);

            if (!options.Policy.QualityMatrix.ContainsKey(selectedPair))
                options.Policy.QualityMatrix.Add(selectedPair, 0D);

            // Q = [(1-a) * Q]  +  [a * (R + (g * maxQ))]
            options.Policy.QualityMatrix[selectedPair] =
                ((1 - options.LearningRate) * options.Policy.QualityMatrix[selectedPair])
                + (options.LearningRate * (await options.TrainGoal.RewardFunction(currentState, nextAction) + (options.DiscountRate * maxQ)));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes one step of the algorithm with a predetermined state and action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentState">The state the algorithm will start from</param>
        /// <param name="nextAction">The action that will try to apply</param>
        /// <returns>The new state after the action has been resolved</returns>
        public async Task <(IState <TData>, int)> Step(IState <TData> currentState, IAgentAction <TData> nextAction, int maximumWaitForStabilization = 1000)
            var nextState = await nextAction.ExecuteAction(options.Environment, currentState);

            var currentStabilizationCounter = 0;

            while (await options.Environment.IsIntermediateState(nextState) && currentStabilizationCounter < maximumWaitForStabilization)
                await options.Environment.WaitForPostActionIntermediateStabilization();

                nextState = await options.Environment.GetCurrentState();


            if (currentStabilizationCounter >= maximumWaitForStabilization)
                return(nextState, currentStabilizationCounter);

            await ApplyQMatrixLogic(currentState, nextAction, nextState);

            return(nextState, currentStabilizationCounter);
Beispiel #5
 public UserControl.Messages Excute(string module,string filePath,string encoding)
     IAgentAction agentAction = (new AgentActionFactory(_domainDataProvider)).GetAgentAction(module);
     return agentAction.CollectExcute(filePath,encoding);
 public async Task <bool> HasReachedAGoalCondition(IState <TData> state, IAgentAction <TData> action)
     return(await hasReachedAGoalConditionPredicate.Invoke(state, action));
Beispiel #7
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
            public async Task <bool> HasReachedAGoalCondition(IState <int> state, IAgentAction <int> action)
#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
                return(new TestState(11).Equals(state));