internal static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, LogEvent config)
                var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(X3), config);

                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // deferred
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E2()); // push state Active, and allow handling of deferred event.
Beispiel #2
            public static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, LogEvent initEvent)
                var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(M8), initEvent);

                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // should be handled by Init state, and trigger push to Ready
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // should pop Active and go back to Init where it will be handled.
            public static void RunTest(IActorRuntime r, LogEvent config)
                var actor = r.CreateActor(typeof(W), config);

                r.SendEvent(actor, new E1());
                r.SendEvent(actor, new E2());
Beispiel #4
            internal static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime)
                var a = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(M5a));

                runtime.SendEvent(a, new E2()); // Push(S1)
                runtime.SendEvent(a, new E1()); // Execute foo without popping
                runtime.SendEvent(a, new E3()); // Can handle it because A is still in S1
            public static void RunTest(IActorRuntime r, LogEvent config)
                var a = r.CreateActor(typeof(Aa), config);

                r.SendEvent(a, new E2());
                r.SendEvent(a, UnitEvent.Instance);
                r.SendEvent(a, new E1());
            internal static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, LogEvent config)
                var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(X3), config);

                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // ignored (and therefore dropped)
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E2()); // push state Active.
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // Catch by wildcard (overriding inherited IgnoreEvents)
            internal static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, LogEvent config)
                var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(X2), config);

                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // handle E1 & push active
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // catch E1, by wildcard
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E2()); // handle E2, specific handler wins
Beispiel #8
            public static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, LogEvent initEvent)
                var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(M7), initEvent);

                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // should be handled by Init state, and trigger push to Ready
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // should be handled by Ready with OnEventPushState to Active
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E2()); // Now OnEventGotoState(E2) should not be inherited so this should pop us back to the Init state.
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E3()); // just to prove we are no longer in the Active state, this should raise an unhandled event error.
Beispiel #9
        public async Task IncrementCount()
            var request = new RequestEvent <int, int>(IncrementAmount);

            AddActor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(AddActor), request);

            var response = await request.Completed.Task;

            CurrentCount = CurrentCount + response;
            runtime.SendEvent(AddActor, HaltEvent.Instance);
Beispiel #10
        private async Task RunClient(IActorRuntime runtime, ActorId clusterManager, string subscriptionName)
            CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            StartRaftServers(this.ConnectionString, this.TopicName, this.ClusterSize);

            var receiver = new AzureMessageReceiver(runtime, this.ConnectionString, this.TopicName, this.LocalId, subscriptionName);
            var nowait   = receiver.RunAsync(cancelSource.Token);

            receiver.ResponseReceived += (s, e) =>

            // Now send the requested number of ClientRequestEvents to the cluster, and wait for each response.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.NumRequests; i++)
                string command = $"request-{i}";
                Console.WriteLine($"<Client> sending {command}.");
                this.completed = new TaskCompletionSource <ClientResponseEvent>();
                runtime.SendEvent(clusterManager, new ClientRequestEvent(command));
                var response = await this.completed.Task;
                Console.WriteLine($"<Client> received response for {response.Command} from  {response.Server}.");
Beispiel #11
        public static void Execute(IActorRuntime runtime)
            runtime.OnFailure += OnRuntimeFailure;
            runtime.RegisterMonitor <LivenessMonitor>();
            runtime.RegisterMonitor <DoorSafetyMonitor>();
            ActorId driver = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(FailoverDriver), new ConfigEvent(RunForever));

            runtime.SendEvent(driver, new FailoverDriver.StartTestEvent());
Beispiel #12
        public static async Task Execute(IActorRuntime runtime)
            var request = new RequestEvent <string, string>("Hi Mom!");

            ActorId id = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(ExampleHttpServer), request);

            var response = await request.Completed.Task;

            runtime.SendEvent(id, HaltEvent.Instance);
Beispiel #13
        public static async Task Execute(IActorRuntime runtime)
            int CurrentCount    = 0;
            int incrementAmount = 3;
            var request         = new RequestEvent <int, int>(incrementAmount);
            var AddActor        = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(AddActor), request);

            var response = await request.Completed.Task;

            CurrentCount = CurrentCount + response;
            runtime.SendEvent(AddActor, HaltEvent.Instance);
            internal static void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, LogEvent config)
                var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(X), config);

                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E1()); // handle
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E3()); // catch
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E2()); // catch & push to ready
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E3()); // handled by Ready (overriding wildcard)
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E4()); // catch, wildcard still in effect
                runtime.SendEvent(actor, new E3()); // catch, wildcard still in effect
 public static void Send(IActorRuntime runtime, ActorId target)
     runtime.SendEvent(target, new E(2));
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// During testing, Coyote injects a special version of the <see cref="IActorRuntime"/>
        /// that takes control of the test execution and systematically exercises interleavings
        /// and other sources of nondeterminism to find bugs in the specified scenario.
        /// </summary>
        public void RunTest(IActorRuntime runtime, int numServers, int numRequests)
            // Register a safety monitor for checking the specification that
            // only one leader can be elected at any given term.
            runtime.RegisterMonitor <SafetyMonitor>();

            // Create the actor id for a client that will be sending requests to the Raft service.
            var client = runtime.CreateActorIdFromName(typeof(MockClient), "Client");

            // Create the actor for a cluster manager.
            var cluster = this.CreateClusterManager(runtime);

            var serverProxies = new List <ActorId>();

            for (int serverId = 0; serverId < numServers; serverId++)
                // Create an actor id that will uniquely identify the server state machine
                // and act as a proxy for communicating with that state machine.
                serverProxies.Add(runtime.CreateActorIdFromName(typeof(Server), $"Server-{serverId}"));

            runtime.SendEvent(cluster, new RegisterClientEvent()
                ClientId = client

            // Create the mock server hosts for wrapping and handling communication between
            // all server state machines that execute in-memory during this test.
            var serverHosts = new List <IServerManager>();

            foreach (var serverProxy in serverProxies)
                // pass the remote server id's to the ClusterManager.
                runtime.SendEvent(cluster, new RegisterServerEvent()
                    ServerId = serverProxy

                // Pass the actor id of each remote server to the host.
                serverHosts.Add(this.CreateServerHost(runtime, serverProxy, serverProxies.Where(
                                                          id => id != serverProxy), client, cluster));

            // Create the server actors
            foreach (var serverHost in serverHosts)

            // Start executing each server. It is important to do this only after all state machines
            // have been initialized, since each one will try to asynchronously communicate with the
            // others, and thus they have to be already bound to their corresponding actor ids (else
            // the events cannot be delivered, and the runtime will catch it as an error).
            foreach (var serverHost in serverHosts)

            // Create the client actor instance, so the runtime starts executing it.
            runtime.CreateActor(client, typeof(MockClient), new MockClient.SetupEvent(cluster, numRequests, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));