Beispiel #1
 void AddInternal(IActorId id)
     var hash = HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(id.ToString());
     lock (actors)
         var index = actors.BinarySearch(KeyValuePair.New(hash, (IActorId)null), n => n.Key);
         if (index >= 0) return;
         actors.Insert(~index, KeyValuePair.New(hash, id));
Beispiel #2
 public DhtRing(IActorId self)
     this.HashAlgorithm = new SHA1Managed();
     this.SelfId = self;
     this.actors.Add(KeyValuePair.New(HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(self.ToString()), self));
Beispiel #3
 public IActorId Find(int ttl, IActorId originator = null)
     lock (actors)
         if (ttl < 0) return null;
         int selfIndex = SelfIndex;
         if (selfIndex < 0) return null;
         int distance = (int)Math.Pow(2, ttl);
         if (distance >= actors.Count) return null;
         int endPoint = selfIndex + distance;
         if (endPoint >= actors.Count)
             endPoint -= actors.Count;
         var destination = actors[endPoint];
         if (destination.Equals(SelfId)) return null;
         if (originator == null) originator = SelfId;
         var hash = HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(originator.ToString());
         var originatorIndex = actors.BinarySearch(KeyValuePair.New(hash,(IActorId) null), n => n.Key);
         if (IsBetween(originatorIndex, selfIndex, endPoint))
             // if the originator is between us and the endpoint it means
             // if we send this message it will have wrapped completely around
             // the ring. if we do that nodes will receive the same message twice
             // so stop this message instead.
             return null;
         return destination.Value;