Beispiel #1
        private static async Task <BoolResult> SaveQuotaAsync(IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath rootPath, MaxSizeQuota quota, long historyTimestampInTick)
            var filePath = rootPath / BinaryFileName;


                using (
                    var stream =
                        await fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(filePath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.Delete))
                    using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))

            catch (Exception e)
                // When failed, clean up so that it is not used in the next load.

                return(new BoolResult(e));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Serialize hibernated session information to the standard filename in the given directory.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task WriteProtectedAsync <TInfo>(this HibernatedSessions <TInfo> sessions, IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath rootPath, string fileName)
            Contract.Requires(fileSystem != null);
            Contract.Requires(rootPath != null);

            // Due to abnormal process termination, the file that we'll be writing can be corrupted.
            // To prevent this issue we first write the file into a temporary location and then we "move it" into a final location.

            using (var tempFolder = new DisposableDirectory(fileSystem, rootPath / "Temp"))
                var jsonTempPath = tempFolder.CreateRandomFileName();
                var jsonPath     = rootPath / fileName;

                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())

                    var bytes = memoryStream.ToArray();

                    var protectedBytes = ProtectedData.Protect(bytes, optionalEntropy: null, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser);

                    using var fileStream = await fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(jsonTempPath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.Create, FileShare.None);

                    await fileStream.Stream.WriteAsync(protectedBytes, 0, protectedBytes.Length);

                fileSystem.MoveFile(jsonTempPath, jsonPath, replaceExisting: true);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Saves this instance to disk.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task SaveAsync(IAbsFileSystem fileSystem)
            Contract.Requires(fileSystem != null);

            var filePath = _directoryPath / BinaryFileName;


                using (
                    var stream =
                        await fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(filePath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.Delete))
                    using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
                        lock (_pinHistoryBuffer)
            catch (IOException)
                // When failed, clean up so that it is not used in the next load.
 /// <summary>
 ///     Calculate content hash of content in a file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Throws if the file <paramref name="path"/> is not on disk.</exception>
 public static async Task <ContentHash> CalculateHashAsync(this IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath path, HashType hashType)
     using (var stream = await fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(
                path, FileAccess.Read, FileMode.Open, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete, FileOptions.SequentialScan, HashStreamBufferSize))
         return(await stream.CalculateHashAsync(hashType));
        private Task <Result <LogFile> > WriteLogsToFileAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath logFilePath, string[] logs)
            return(context.PerformOperationAsync(Tracer, async() =>
                long compressedSizeBytes = 0;
                long uncompressedSizeBytes = 0;

                using (Stream fileStream = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(
                           FileOptions.SequentialScan | FileOptions.Asynchronous))
                    // We need to make sure we close the compression stream before we take the fileStream's
                    // position, because the compression stream won't write everything until it's been closed,
                    // which leads to bad recorded values in compressedSizeBytes.
                    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(fileStream, CompressionLevel.Fastest, leaveOpen: true))
                        using var recordingStream = new CountingStream(gzipStream);
                        using var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(recordingStream, Encoding.UTF8, bufferSize: 32 * 1024, leaveOpen: true);

                        if (OnFileOpen != null)
                            await OnFileOpen(streamWriter);

                        foreach (var log in logs)
                            await streamWriter.WriteLineAsync(log);

                        if (OnFileClose != null)
                            await OnFileClose(streamWriter);

                        // Needed to ensure the recording stream receives everything it needs to receive
                        await streamWriter.FlushAsync();
                        uncompressedSizeBytes = recordingStream.BytesWritten;

                    compressedSizeBytes = fileStream.Position;

                Tracer.TrackMetric(context, $"LogLinesWritten", logs.Length);
                Tracer.TrackMetric(context, $"CompressedBytesWritten", compressedSizeBytes);
                Tracer.TrackMetric(context, $"UncompressedBytesWritten", uncompressedSizeBytes);

                return new Result <LogFile>(new LogFile()
                    Path = logFilePath,
                    UncompressedSizeBytes = uncompressedSizeBytes,
                    CompressedSizeBytes = compressedSizeBytes,
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the content to a file <paramref name="absolutePath"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws if the IO operation fails.</exception>
 public static void WriteAllText(this IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath absolutePath, string contents, FileShare fileShare = FileShare.ReadWrite)
     using (Stream file = fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(absolutePath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.Create, fileShare).GetAwaiter().GetResult())
         using (var writer = new StreamWriter(file))
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the content from a file <paramref name="absolutePath"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws if the IO operation fails.</exception>
 public static string ReadAllText(this IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath absolutePath, FileShare fileShare = FileShare.ReadWrite)
     using (Stream readLockFile = fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(absolutePath, FileAccess.Read, FileMode.Open, fileShare).GetAwaiter().GetResult())
         using (var reader = new StreamReader(readLockFile))
Beispiel #8
        private async Task <bool> ValidateNameHashesMatchContentHashesAsync(Context context)
            int mismatchedParentDirectoryCount = 0;
            int mismatchedContentHashCount     = 0;

            _tracer.Always(context, "Validating local CAS content hashes...");
            await TaskSafetyHelpers.WhenAll(_enumerateBlobPathsFromDisk().Select(
                                                async blobPath =>
                var contentFile = blobPath.FullPath;
                if (!contentFile.FileName.StartsWith(contentFile.GetParent().FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                        $"The first {FileSystemContentStoreInternal.HashDirectoryNameLength} characters of the name of content file at {contentFile}" +
                        $" do not match the name of its parent directory {contentFile.GetParent().FileName}.");

                if (!FileSystemContentStoreInternal.TryGetHashFromPath(contentFile, out var hashFromPath))
                        $"The path '{contentFile}' does not contain a well-known hash name.");

                var hasher = ContentHashers.Get(hashFromPath.HashType);
                ContentHash hashFromContents;
                using (var contentStream = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(
                           contentFile, FileAccess.Read, FileMode.Open, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete, FileOptions.SequentialScan, HashingExtensions.HashStreamBufferSize))
                    hashFromContents = await hasher.GetContentHashAsync(contentStream);

                if (hashFromContents != hashFromPath)

                        $"Content at {contentFile} content hash {hashFromContents.ToShortString()} did not match expected value of {hashFromPath.ToShortString()}.");

            _tracer.Always(context, $"{mismatchedParentDirectoryCount} mismatches between content file name and parent directory.");
            _tracer.Always(context, $"{mismatchedContentHashCount} mismatches between content file name and file contents.");

            return(mismatchedContentHashCount == 0 && mismatchedParentDirectoryCount == 0);
Beispiel #9
        private Task <Result <LogFile> > WriteLogsToFileAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath logFilePath, string[] logs)
            return(context.PerformOperationAsync(Tracer, async() =>
                using var fileStream = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(
                          FileOptions.SequentialScan | FileOptions.Asynchronous);
                using var gzipStream = new GZipStream(fileStream, CompressionLevel.Fastest, leaveOpen: true);
                using var recordingStream = new CountingStream(gzipStream);
                using var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(recordingStream, Encoding.UTF8, bufferSize: 32 * 1024, leaveOpen: true);

                if (OnFileOpen != null)
                    await OnFileOpen(streamWriter);

                foreach (var log in logs)
                    await streamWriter.WriteLineAsync(log);

                if (OnFileClose != null)
                    await OnFileClose(streamWriter);

                await streamWriter.FlushAsync();

                Tracer.TrackMetric(context, $"LogLinesWritten", logs.Length);

                var compressedSizeBytes = fileStream.Position;
                Tracer.TrackMetric(context, $"CompressedBytesWritten", compressedSizeBytes);

                var uncompressedSizeBytes = recordingStream.BytesWritten;
                Tracer.TrackMetric(context, $"UncompressedBytesWritten", uncompressedSizeBytes);

                return new Result <LogFile>(new LogFile()
                    Path = logFilePath,
                    UncompressedSizeBytes = uncompressedSizeBytes,
                    CompressedSizeBytes = compressedSizeBytes,
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Serialize a ContentStoreConfiguration to JSON in the standard filename in a CAS root directory.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task Write(this ContentStoreConfiguration configuration, IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath rootPath)
            Contract.Requires(fileSystem != null);
            Contract.Requires(rootPath != null);
            Contract.Requires(configuration != null);

            AbsolutePath jsonPath = rootPath / FileName;

            if (!fileSystem.DirectoryExists(rootPath))
                throw new CacheException($"Directory path=[{rootPath}] does not exist");

            using (var stream =
                       await fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(jsonPath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.Create, FileShare.None))
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Serialize hibernated session information to the standard filename in the given directory.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task WriteAsync(this HibernatedSessions sessions, IAbsFileSystem fileSystem, AbsolutePath rootPath)
            Contract.Requires(fileSystem != null);
            Contract.Requires(rootPath != null);

            // Due to abnormal process termination, the file that we'll be writing can be corrupted.
            // To prevent this issue we first write the file into a temporary location and then we "move it" into a final location.

            using (var tempFolder = new DisposableDirectory(fileSystem, rootPath / "Temp"))
                var jsonTempPath = tempFolder.CreateRandomFileName();
                var jsonPath     = rootPath / FileName;

                using (var stream =
                           await fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(jsonTempPath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.Create, FileShare.None))

                fileSystem.MoveFile(jsonTempPath, jsonPath, replaceExisting: true);
        /// <summary>
        ///     AcquireAsync the lock, waiting as long as it takes or until the configured timeout.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <LockAcquisitionResult> AcquireAsync(Context context, TimeSpan waitTimeout)
            _tracer.Info(context, $"Acquiring lock file=[{_lockFilePath}]");


            DateTime  timeOutTime            = DateTime.UtcNow + waitTimeout;
            Exception?lastException          = null;
            int?      lastCompetingProcessId = null;

            while (DateTime.UtcNow < timeOutTime)
                    // Anything other than FileShare.None is effectively ignored in Unix
                    FileShare fileShare = BuildXL.Utilities.OperatingSystemHelper.IsUnixOS ? FileShare.None : FileShare.Read;

                    _lockFile = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(
                        _lockFilePath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, fileShare);

                    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(_lockFile, UTF8WithoutBom, bufferSize: 4096, leaveOpen: true))
                        await writer.WriteLineAsync(
                            $"Lock acquired at {DateTime.UtcNow:O} by computer [{Environment.MachineName}] running command line [{Environment.CommandLine}] with process id [{Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}]"

                    _tracer.Info(context, $"Acquired lock file=[{_lockFilePath}]");

                    await _lockFile.FlushAsync();

                catch (IOException ioException)
                    lastException = ioException;
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException accessException)
                    lastException = accessException;

                    string?contents = await _fileSystem.TryReadFileAsync(_lockFilePath);

                    if (contents != null)
                        _tracer.Diagnostic(context, $"Lock file=[{_lockFilePath}] contains [{contents}]");
                        lastCompetingProcessId = TryExtractProcessIdFromLockFilesContent(contents);
                catch (Exception readLockFileException)
                    string message = readLockFileException is UnauthorizedAccessException ae ? ae.Message : readLockFileException.ToString();
                    // This is just extra cautious. We shouldn't fail hard being unable to get this diagnostic information.
                        $"Unable to read contents of lock file=[{_lockFilePath}] because [{message}]");

                await Task.Delay(_pollingInterval);

            string lastProcessIdText = lastCompetingProcessId == null ? string.Empty : " Competing process Id: " + lastCompetingProcessId;

                $"Timed out trying to acquire lock file=[{_lockFilePath}].{lastProcessIdText} Last exception was=[{lastException}]");

            return(LockAcquisitionResult.Failed(waitTimeout, lastCompetingProcessId, TryGetProcessName(lastCompetingProcessId), lastException));
Beispiel #13
        public async Task HandlePushFileAsync(IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter <PushFileResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext callContext)
            // Detaching from the calling thread to (potentially) avoid IO Completion port thread exhaustion
            await Task.Yield();

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var pushRequest = PushRequest.FromMetadata(callContext.RequestHeaders);

            var hash         = pushRequest.Hash;
            var cacheContext = new Context(pushRequest.TraceId, Logger);

            // Cancelling the operation when the instance is shut down.
            using var shutdownTracker = TrackShutdown(cacheContext, callContext.CancellationToken);
            var token = shutdownTracker.Context.Token;

            var store = _contentStoreByCacheName.Values.OfType <IPushFileHandler>().FirstOrDefault();

            var rejection = CanHandlePushRequest(cacheContext, hash, store);

            if (rejection != RejectionReason.Accepted)
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DoNotCopy(rejection).Metadata);


                // Running the logic inside try/finally block to remove the hash being processed regardless of the result of this method.
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.Copy.Metadata);

                PutResult?result = null;
                using (var disposableFile = new DisposableFile(cacheContext, _fileSystem, _temporaryDirectory !.CreateRandomFileName()))
                    // NOTE(jubayard): DeleteOnClose not used here because the file needs to be placed into the CAS.
                    // Opening a file for read/write and then doing pretty much anything to it leads to weird behavior
                    // that needs to be tested on a case by case basis. Since we don't know what the underlying store
                    // plans to do with the file, it is more robust to just use the DisposableFile construct.
                    using (var tempFile = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(disposableFile.Path, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.None))
                        // From the docs: On the server side, MoveNext() does not throw exceptions.
                        // In case of a failure, the request stream will appear to be finished (MoveNext will return false)
                        // and the CancellationToken associated with the call will be cancelled to signal the failure.
                        while (await requestStream.MoveNext(token))
                            var request = requestStream.Current;
                            var bytes   = request.Content.ToByteArray();
                            await tempFile.Stream.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, token);

                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (!callContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            await responseStream.WriteAsync(new PushFileResponse()
                                Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, "Operation cancelled by handler.")

                        var cancellationSource = callContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested ? "caller" : "handler";
                        cacheContext.Debug($"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} cancelled by {cancellationSource}.");

                    result = await store.HandlePushFileAsync(cacheContext, hash, disposableFile.Path, token);

                var response = result
                    ? new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Success(startTime)
                    : new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, result.ErrorMessage)

                await responseStream.WriteAsync(response);
                lock (_pushesLock)