Beispiel #1
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>() != null)
        {                                                          //if thing entering aggro is car
            if (!_hypeGate.carsInRange.Contains(other.gameObject)) //if car hasn't already been detected
                if (_hypeGate.carsInRange.Count == 0)              //if no cars were in range, start checking cars in range
                {                                                  //prevents the couroutine from having to be called in Start, saves performance
                    _hypeGate.isActivated = true;
                int id_num = other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().playerID - 1;
                FindObjectOfType <DataManager>().playerInfo[id_num].timerRace1 = FindObjectOfType <RaceManager>().time;
                other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().inArena           = true;

                if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <VehicleInput>() != null)
                    other.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastCar>().secondaryUIPanel.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerUIManager>().TriggerTimePopup();