    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string ls_tip = "提交成功!";

        string ls_insert = "";
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();

        ls_insert = "insert into hyp_gzlxdhf (id,hy_jsrdocid,hy_fsrdocid,hy_userid,hy_username,hy_deptid,hy_deptname,hy_time,hy_body,hy_ip,hy_ifshow)";
        ls_insert += " values ('" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','" + this.txtid.Value + "','" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'";
        ls_insert += ",'" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + this.Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "','" + this.Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "'";
        ls_insert += ",'" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','" + this.txthfnr.Text + "','" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress + "','')";


        string ls_update;
        ls_update = "update hyp_wjcd set hy_ifyhf='1' where ID='" + this.txtid.Value + "' ";

        Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
 protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig Hyoa_tableconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig();
     DataTable dt = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTables();
     string sql = "";
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
             sql = "ALTER TABLE hyc_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString();
             sql += " ADD hy_clrylist text ";
             sql = "ALTER TABLE hyc_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString();
             sql += " ADD hy_cyrylist text ";
             //Hyoa_global.ExcuteSQL(sql);   //第一次要执行一下添加字段
             sql = "select * from hyc_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString();
             DataTable dt2 = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
             if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                 for (int j = 0; j < dt2.Rows.Count; j++)
                     sql = "update hyc_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + " set hy_clrylist=',',hy_cyrylist=',' where DOCID='" + dt2.Rows[j]["DOCID"].ToString() + "'";
                     sql = "select * from hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl where DOCID='" + dt2.Rows[j]["DOCID"].ToString() + "'";
                     DataTable dt3 = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                     if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0)
                         for (int m = 0; m < dt3.Rows.Count; m++)
                             sql = "select * from hyc_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + " where DOCID='" + dt2.Rows[j]["DOCID"].ToString() + "'";
                             DataTable dt4 = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                             string ls_value = dt4.Rows[0]["hy_clrylist"].ToString() + dt3.Rows[m]["hy_clrid"].ToString() + ",";
                             sql = "update hyc_" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + " set hy_clrylist='" + ls_value + "',hy_cyrylist=',' where DOCID='" + dt2.Rows[j]["DOCID"].ToString() + "'";
 protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (txtsql.Text != "")
         HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
         string sql = this.txtsql.Text;
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ls_olduserid = this.txtolduserid.Text;
        string ls_newuserid = this.txtnewuserid.Text;
        if (ls_olduserid != "" && ls_newuserid != "")
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();

            string sql = "update hyt_user set hy_userid='" + ls_newuserid + "' where hy_userid='" + ls_olduserid + "'";
            sql = "update hyt_user set hy_loginuid='" + ls_newuserid + "' where hy_loginuid='" + ls_olduserid + "'";

            sql = "update hyt_roleuser set hy_userid='" + ls_newuserid + "' where hy_userid='" + ls_olduserid + "'";

            sql = "update hyt_flowtacheuser set hy_userid='" + ls_newuserid + "' where hy_userid='" + ls_olduserid + "'";

            sql = "update hyt_dbsy set hy_dbrid='" + ls_newuserid + "' where hy_dbrid='" + ls_olduserid + "'";

            sql = "update hyt_dbsy set hy_fsrid='" + ls_newuserid + "' where hy_fsrid='" + ls_olduserid + "'";

            sql = "update hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy set hy_cyrid=replace(hy_cyrid,'" + ls_olduserid + "','" + ls_newuserid + "')  where ','+hy_cyrid+',' like '%," + ls_olduserid + ",%' ";

            sql = "update hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl set hy_clrid=replace(hy_clrid,'" + ls_olduserid + "','" + ls_newuserid + "')  where ','+hy_clrid+',' like '%," + ls_olduserid + ",%' ";

            sql = "update hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl set hy_cyrid=replace(hy_cyrid,'" + ls_olduserid + "','" + ls_newuserid + "')  where ','+hy_cyrid+',' like '%," + ls_olduserid + ",%'";

Beispiel #5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        string ls_fsrid = "";
        string ls_fsrname = "";
        string ls_jsrid = "";
        string ls_jsrname = "";
        string ls_content = "";
        string ls_id = "";
        string ls_txfs = "";
        string lssql = "";
        string ls_update = "";
        lssql = "select * from hyp_wjcd where hy_type='收件' and hy_ifyhf='0' and hy_txstatus='0' ";
        DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(lssql);

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (var i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (dt.Rows[i]["hy_txfs"].ToString() != "")

                    System.TimeSpan ts = System.DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["hy_jzsj"].ToString()) - System.DateTime.Parse(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    int day = ts.Days;

                    if (day == 1)
                        //string.Compare(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm").ToString(), "11:00") > 0 & string.Compare(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm").ToString(), "13:00") < 0
                        if (string.Compare(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm").ToString(), "14:00") > 0)
                            ls_fsrid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_fsrid"].ToString();
                            ls_fsrname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_fsrname"].ToString();
                            ls_jsrid = dt.Rows[i]["hy_jsrid"].ToString();
                            ls_jsrname = dt.Rows[i]["hy_jsrname"].ToString();
                            ls_content = "请尽快办理[工作联系单]-" + dt.Rows[i]["hy_title"].ToString();
                            ls_id = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString();
                            ls_txfs = dt.Rows[i]["hy_txfs"].ToString();
                            hysendxx2(ls_fsrid, ls_fsrname,ls_jsrid, ls_jsrname, ls_content, ls_id, ls_txfs);
                            ls_update = "update hyp_wjcd set hy_txstatus='1' where hy_type='收件' and ID='" + ls_id + "' ";

Beispiel #6
 protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
     string sql = "";
     for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
         if (v_uids[i] != "")
             sql = "update hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value + " set hy_readuserlist=hy_readuserlist+','+'" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' ,hy_readdatelist = hy_readdatelist + ','+'" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'";
             sql += "  where DOCID='" + v_uids[i].ToString() + "' and hy_readuserlist+',' not like '%," + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + ",%' ";
     this.txtuids.Value = "";
    protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
            String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
            for(var i=0;i<v_uids.Length;i++)
                if (v_uids[i] != "")
                    string sql = "delete from hyt_blzt where ID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";

            this.txtuids.Value = "";
    private void DataPlay()
        //hy_json = "{\"success\":true,\"total\":\"60\",\"rows\":[{\"hy_mudelid\":\"111\",\"hy_mudelname\":\"1111\",\"hy_roleid\":\"111111\",\"hy_qqroleid\":\"111111\",\"hy_isenabled\":\"111111\"}]}";
        string hy_json = "";
        string ls_success = "true";    //调用方法成功
        string ls_flag = "0";   //删除失败
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        string txtuids = "";
        if (this.Request.Form["txtuids"] != null)
            txtuids = this.Request.Form["txtuids"].ToString();

        String[] v_uids = txtuids.Split(',');
        for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
            if (v_uids[i] != "")
                string sql = "delete from hyt_dbsy where ID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";

                //生成删除日志 start
                string ls_oppcontent = "表名:hyt_dbsy;文档ID:" + v_uids[i] + "被删除。";
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_log Hyoa_log = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_log();
                Hyoa_log.ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Hyoa_log.hy_createtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                string userip = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
                if (userip == null || userip == "")
                    userip = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppip = userip;
                Hyoa_log.hy_opptype = "删除";
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppcontent = ls_oppcontent;
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppuserid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppusername = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();
                ls_flag = "1";
        hy_json = "{\"success\":" + ls_success + ",\"flag\":\"" + ls_flag + "\"}";
Beispiel #9
 protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     if (txtmid.Text == "dbsy" || txtmid.Text == "dysy" || txtmid.Text == "ybsy" || txtmid.Text == "yysy")
         HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
         Hyoa_dbsy.ID = this.txtuids.Value;
     if (this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "mail")
         HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail();
         Hyoa_mail.ID = this.txtuids.Value;
     if (this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "Mudelrcap")
         string sql = "delete from hyc_Tablercap where DOCID='" + this.txtuids.Value + "'";
         HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
         Hyoa_dbsy.DOCID = this.txtuids.Value;
     if (this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "Mudelgrtxl" || this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "Mudelgrtxllb" || this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "Mudeltzgg" || this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "Mudelgzrz" || this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "Mudelqjsq")
         string sql = "delete from hyc_" + this.Request.QueryString["tableid"] + " where DOCID='" + this.txtuids.Value + "'";
     if (this.Request.QueryString["mid"] == "gwk")
         string sql = "delete from hyp_gwk where ID='" + this.txtuids.Value + "'";
     this.txtuids.Value = "";
Beispiel #10
 protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain Hyoa_flowmain = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowmain();
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
     for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
         if (v_uids[i] != "")
             //Hyoa_flowmain.DOCID = v_uids[i];
             string lssqldel = "delete hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value + " where DOCID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";
             HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
             Hyoa_dbsy.DOCID = v_uids[i];
     this.txtuids.Value = "";
 protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();
     String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
     for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
         if (v_uids[i] != "")
             DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowfield.Getflowfield(v_uids[i]);
             string sql = "ALTER TABLE hyc_" + this.txttableid.Value;
             sql += " DROP COLUMN hyc_" + dt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldid"].ToString();
             Hyoa_flowfield.ID = v_uids[i];
     this.txtuids.Value = "";
Beispiel #12
    protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
        string ls_filepath = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
            if (v_uids[i] != "")
                string sql = "delete from hyc_" + txttableid.Value + " where DOCID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";

                HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
                Hyoa_dbsy.DOCID = v_uids[i];

                //删除文档对应的hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy start   add by xf 20121016
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.DOCID = v_uids[i];
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy();
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.DOCID = v_uids[i];
                //删除文档对应的hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy end

                HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt Hyoa_fileatt = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt();
                DataTable dtfileatt = Hyoa_fileatt.GetfileattByFatherid(v_uids[i]);
                if (dtfileatt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int k = 0; k < dtfileatt.Rows.Count; k++)
                        ls_filepath = Server.MapPath("~/") + dtfileatt.Rows[k]["hy_filepath"].ToString();
                        if (File.Exists(ls_filepath))
                        Hyoa_fileatt.ID = dtfileatt.Rows[k]["ID"].ToString();

                //生成删除日志 start
                string ls_oppcontent = "表名:hyc_" + txttableid.Value + ";文档ID:" + v_uids[i] + "被删除。";
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_log Hyoa_log = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_log();
                Hyoa_log.ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Hyoa_log.hy_createtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                string userip = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
                if (userip == null || userip == "")
                    userip = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppip = userip;
                Hyoa_log.hy_opptype = "删除";
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppcontent = ls_oppcontent;
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppuserid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppusername = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();

        this.txtuids.Value = "";
Beispiel #13
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string ls_tip = "复制成功!";

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_role Hyoa_role = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_role();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_mudel Hyoa_mudel = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mudel();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig Hyoa_tableconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_tableconfig();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_listconfig Hyoa_listconfig = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_listconfig();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_listsearchfield Hyoa_listsearchfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_listsearchfield();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor Hyoa_flowinfor = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowinfor();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache Hyoa_flowtache = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtache();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtachefield Hyoa_flowtachefield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtachefield();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser Hyoa_flowtacheuser = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowtacheuser();
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowwork Hyoa_flowwork = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowwork();
            #region 生成权限
            DataTable dt = Hyoa_role.Getrole("Role" + this.txtmudelid.Text);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Hyoa_role.hy_roleid = "Role" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_role.hy_rolename = this.txtmudelname.Text;
                Hyoa_role.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtno.Value);

            #region 生成模块
            dt = Hyoa_mudel.Getmudel("Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Hyoa_mudel.hy_mudelid = "Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_mudel.hy_mudelname = this.txtmudelname.Text;
                Hyoa_mudel.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtno.Value);
                Hyoa_mudel.hy_isenabled = "是";
                Hyoa_mudel.hy_roleid = "Role" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_mudel.hy_qqroleid = "Role" + this.txtmudelid.Text;

            #region 生成表单
            DataTable tableconfigdt = Hyoa_tableconfig.GetTablesbymudelid(this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue);
            if (tableconfigdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Hyoa_tableconfig.ID = "Table" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_mudelid = "Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_name = this.txtmudelname.Text;
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_onload = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_onload"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_sort = float.Parse(this.txtno.Value);
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifflowdoc = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifflowdoc"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifdisplayall = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifdisplayall"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ispuballByflowYB = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ispuballByflowYB"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_tablerole = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_tablerole"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_ifcomment = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifcomment"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_colnum = float.Parse(tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_colnum"].ToString());
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_field1 = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_field1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_field2 = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_field2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_field3 = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_field3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_field4 = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_field4"].ToString();
                Hyoa_tableconfig.hy_field5 = tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_field5"].ToString();

            #region 生成表单字段
            int i;
            DataTable flowfielddt = Hyoa_flowfield.Getflowfieldsbytableid(this.ddltableid.SelectedValue);
            if (flowfielddt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (i = 0; i < flowfielddt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Hyoa_flowfield.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_tableid = "Table" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_mudelid = "Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_flowid = "Flow" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldid = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_fieldid"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldname = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_fieldname"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_fieldtype = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_fieldtype"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifreadonly = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_ifreadonly"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_defaultvaluetype = System.Int32.Parse(flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_defaultvaluetype"].ToString());
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_defaultvalue = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_defaultvalue"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_optiontype = System.Int32.Parse(flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_optiontype"].ToString());
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_options = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_options"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onclick = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_onclick"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ondblclick = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_ondblclick"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onchange = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_onchange"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onkeydown = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_onkeydown"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onkeyup = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_onkeyup"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onfocus = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_onfocus"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_onblur = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_onblur"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_sqlfield = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_sqlfield"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_class = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_class"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_width = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_width"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_height = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_height"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_tdnums = System.Int32.Parse(flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_tdnums"].ToString());
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_config = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_config"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_sort = float.Parse(flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_sort"].ToString());
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_wordlimit = System.Int32.Parse(flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_wordlimit"].ToString());
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_required = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_required"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_align = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_align"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifhiddle = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_ifhiddle"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_ifdbsybt = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_ifdbsybt"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_field1 = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_field1"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_field2 = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_field2"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_field3 = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_field3"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_field4 = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_field4"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowfield.hy_field5 = flowfielddt.Rows[i]["hy_field5"].ToString();

            #region 生成SQL/ORACLE中的表
            string sql = "";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                sql = "select * into hyc_Table" + this.txtmudelid.Text + " from hyc_" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + " where 1=0";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                sql = "create table hyc_Table" + this.txtmudelid.Text + " as select * from hyc_" + this.ddltableid.SelectedValue + " where 1=2";

            #region 生成列表
            DataTable listconfigdt = Hyoa_listconfig.GetlistconfigsbyMudelidAndTableid(this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue, this.ddltableid.SelectedValue);
            string strListId = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
            if (listconfigdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_mudelid = "Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_tableid = "Table" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_ifflowdoc = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifflowdoc"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtno.Value);
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_columnshowid = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_columnshowid"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_columnshow = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_columnshow"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_ifsearch = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifsearch"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_ifshowsearch = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifshowsearch"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_width = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_width"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_listname = this.txtmudelname.Text;
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sortfield1 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sorttype1 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sortfield2 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sorttype2 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sortfield3 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sortfield3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sorttype3 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sorttype3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_fieldid_fl1 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldid_fl1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_fieldname_fl1 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname_fl1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sql_fl1 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sql_fl1"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_fieldid_fl2 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldid_fl2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_fieldname_fl2 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname_fl2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sql_fl2 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sql_fl2"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_fieldid_fl3 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldid_fl3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_fieldname_fl3 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_fieldname_fl3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.hy_sql_fl3 = listconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_sql_fl3"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listconfig.ID = strListId;

            #region 生成列表查询条件
            DataTable listsearchdt = Hyoa_listsearchfield.GetlistsearchfieldsbyMudelidAndTableid(this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue, this.ddltableid.SelectedValue);
            for (int m = 0; m < listsearchdt.Rows.Count; m++)
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.hy_listid = strListId;
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.hy_mudelid = "Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.hy_tableid = "Table" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.hy_field = listsearchdt.Rows[m]["hy_field"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.hy_fieldid = listsearchdt.Rows[m]["hy_fieldid"].ToString();
                Hyoa_listsearchfield.hy_sort = m + 2;

            #region 生成流程信息
            string lssoureceflowid = "";
            if (tableconfigdt.Rows[0]["hy_ifflowdoc"].ToString() == "是")
                DataTable flowinfordt = Hyoa_flowinfor.Getflowinforbymudelid(this.ddlmudelid.SelectedValue);
                if (flowinfordt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //得到老模块的flowid 后面要用到
                    lssoureceflowid = flowfielddt.Rows[0]["hy_flowid"].ToString();
                    Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowid = "Flow" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                    Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_flowname = this.txtmudelname.Text;
                    Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(this.txtno.Value);
                    Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_mudelid = "Mudel" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                    // Hyoa_flowinfor.hy_addbyalluser = flowinfordt.Rows[0]["hy_addbyalluser"].ToString();

                DataTable flowtachedt = Hyoa_flowtache.Getflowtachebyflowid(lssoureceflowid);
                if (flowtachedt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < flowtachedt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        Hyoa_flowtache.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_flowid = "Flow" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_tacheid = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_tacheid"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_tachename = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_tachename"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_sort"].ToString());
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_ifshowcurcomp = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_ifshowcurcomp"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_ifshowcurdept = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_ifshowcurdept"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_XValue = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_XValue"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_YValue = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_YValue"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_rdDoIsSendSms = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_rdDoIsSendSms"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_rdDoIsSendMessage = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_rdDoIsSendMessage"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_rdPassIsSendSms = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_rdPassIsSendSms"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_rdPassIsSendMessage = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_rdPassIsSendMessage"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtache.hy_enablecondition = flowtachedt.Rows[i]["hy_enablecondition"].ToString();

                DataTable flowtachefielddt = Hyoa_flowtachefield.Getflowtachefieldbyflowid(lssoureceflowid);
                if (flowtachefielddt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < flowtachefielddt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        Hyoa_flowtachefield.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                        Hyoa_flowtachefield.hy_flowid = "Flow" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowtachefield.hy_tacheid = flowtachefielddt.Rows[i]["hy_tacheid"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtachefield.hy_fieldid = flowtachefielddt.Rows[i]["hy_fieldid"].ToString();
                DataTable flowtacheuserdt = Hyoa_flowtacheuser.Getflowtacheuserbyflowid(lssoureceflowid);
                if (flowtacheuserdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < flowtacheuserdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        Hyoa_flowtacheuser.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                        Hyoa_flowtacheuser.hy_flowid = "Flow" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowtacheuser.hy_tacheid = flowtacheuserdt.Rows[i]["hy_tacheid"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowtacheuser.hy_userid = flowtacheuserdt.Rows[i]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                DataTable flowworkdt = Hyoa_flowwork.Getflowworksbyflowid(lssoureceflowid);
                if (flowworkdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < flowworkdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        Hyoa_flowwork.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_flowid = "Flow" + this.txtmudelid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_curtacheid = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_curtacheid"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_curtachename = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_curtachename"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_nexttacheid = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_nexttacheid"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_nexttachename = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_nexttachename"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_sort = System.Int32.Parse(flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_sort"].ToString());
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_actiontype = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_actiontype"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_identity_type = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_identity_type"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_identity_id = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_identity_id"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_jscondition = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_jscondition"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_jscondition1 = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_jscondition1"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_jscondition2 = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_jscondition2"].ToString();
                        Hyoa_flowwork.hy_zdcyuserids = flowworkdt.Rows[i]["hy_zdcyuserids"].ToString();

            ls_tip = "复制失败!";
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location.href='" + txturl.Text + "';</script>");
Beispiel #14
    protected void btndelinfo_my_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
        string ls_filepath = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
            if (v_uids[i] != "")
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + txttableid.Value + " where DOCID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";
                DataTable dt_judge = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_judge.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (dt_judge.Rows[0]["hy_djrid"].ToString() == Session["hyuid"].ToString())
                        sql = "delete from hyc_" + txttableid.Value + " where DOCID='" + v_uids[i] + "'";

                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
                        Hyoa_dbsy.DOCID = v_uids[i];

                        //删除文档对应的hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy start   add by xf 20121016
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.DOCID = v_uids[i];
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy();
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.DOCID = v_uids[i];
                        //删除文档对应的hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy end

                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt Hyoa_fileatt = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt();
                        DataTable dtfileatt = Hyoa_fileatt.GetfileattByFatherid(v_uids[i]);
                        if (dtfileatt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int k = 0; k < dtfileatt.Rows.Count; k++)
                                ls_filepath = Server.MapPath("~/") + dtfileatt.Rows[k]["hy_filepath"].ToString();
                                if (File.Exists(ls_filepath))
                                Hyoa_fileatt.ID = dtfileatt.Rows[k]["ID"].ToString();
        this.txtuids.Value = "";
    protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_wjcd Hyoa_wjcd = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_wjcd();
        String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(',');
        for (var i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++)
            if (v_uids[i] != "")

                HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
                string ls_fssql = "select * from hyp_wjcd where hy_type='发件' and ID='" + v_uids[i] + "' ";
                DataTable dt_fs = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(ls_fssql);
                if (dt_fs.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string ls_sjsql = "select * from hyp_wjcd where hy_type='收件' and DOCID='" + dt_fs.Rows[0]["DOCID"].ToString() + "' ";
                    DataTable dt_sj = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(ls_sjsql);
                    if (dt_sj.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (var j = 0; j < dt_sj.Rows.Count; j++)
                            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
                            Hyoa_dbsy.DOCID = dt_sj.Rows[j]["ID"].ToString();
                            string ls_sjdel = "delete from hyp_wjcd where ID='" + dt_sj.Rows[j]["ID"].ToString() + "' ";


                Hyoa_wjcd.ID = v_uids[i];

                //生成删除日志 start
                string ls_oppcontent = "工作联系单(已发送的);文档ID:" + v_uids[i] + "被删除。同时该工作联系单的所有收件已删除。";
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_log Hyoa_log = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_log();
                Hyoa_log.ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Hyoa_log.hy_createtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                string userip = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
                if (userip == null || userip == "")
                    userip = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppip = userip;
                Hyoa_log.hy_opptype = "删除";
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppcontent = ls_oppcontent;
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppuserid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
                Hyoa_log.hy_oppusername = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();

        this.txtuids.Value = "";
Beispiel #16
 private void Khdaxx()
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global db = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     string ls_sql = "";
     string sql = "";
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     ls_sql = "select * from hyc_Tablekhda where 1=1";
     if (Request.Form["jfmc"] != null)
         ls_sql += "and  hyc_dwmc='" + Request.Form["jfmc"].ToString() + "'";
     dt = db.GetDataTable(ls_sql);
     if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
         sql = "insert into hyc_Tablekhda(DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djrbmname,hyc_dwmc,hyc_dwdz)";
         sql += " values ('" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "'";
         sql += ",'Mudelkhda','Tablekhda','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "'";
         if (Request.Form["jfmc"] != null)
             sql += ",'" + Request.Form["jfmc"].ToString() + "','";
         if (Request.Form["jfdz"] != null)
             sql += Request.Form["jfdz"].ToString() + "')";
Beispiel #17
 //置为文档已读状态  edited by xf 20140625
 private void UpdateReadFlag()
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     string sql = "";
     sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);
     string ls_readuserlist = "";
     string ls_readdatelist = "";
     if ((dt.Rows[0]["hy_readuserlist"].ToString() + ",").IndexOf("," + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + ",") < 0)
         ls_readuserlist = dt.Rows[0]["hy_readuserlist"].ToString() + "," + Session["hyuid"].ToString();
         ls_readdatelist = dt.Rows[0]["hy_readdatelist"].ToString() + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
         sql = "update hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " set hy_readuserlist='" + ls_readuserlist + "' ,hy_readdatelist = '" + ls_readdatelist + "'";
         sql += "  where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
Beispiel #18
 private void htfk()
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     string lsDate = "";
     string lsFkfs = "";
     string sqlSelect = " select * from hyc_Tablefpbd where docid='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' ";
     DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sqlSelect);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         sqlSelect = " select hyc_fkdqr,hyc_fkfs from hyc_" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_tableid"].ToString() + " where docid = '" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_fatherid"].ToString() + "' ";
     DataTable dt2 = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sqlSelect);
     if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
         lsDate = dt2.Rows[0]["hyc_fkdqr"].ToString();
         lsFkfs = dt2.Rows[0]["hyc_fkfs"].ToString();
     if (lsDate != "")
         if (lsFkfs == "年付")
             lsDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lsDate).AddYears(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
         else if (lsFkfs == "半年付")
             lsDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lsDate).AddMonths(6).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
         else if (lsFkfs == "季付")
             lsDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lsDate).AddMonths(3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
         else if (lsFkfs == "月付")
             lsDate = Convert.ToDateTime(lsDate).AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
         string sqlUpdate = " update hyc_" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_tableid"].ToString() + " set  hyc_fkdqr='" + lsDate + "' where docid = '" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_fatherid"].ToString() + "' ";
Beispiel #19
    private string hylctjtscl()
        string sql = "";

        #region 收文管理(更新流水号)(登记环节)
        if (hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0001" & hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelswgl" & this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tableswgl")
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
            string random = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
            string sqlswwh;
            string sqlinsertswwh;
            string sqlupdateswwh;
            sqlswwh = "select * from hyc_Tableswlsh where hyc_lb='" + Request.Form["swlx"].ToString() + "' and hyc_nf='" + Request.Form["swnf"].ToString() + "' ";
            sqlinsertswwh = "insert into hyc_Tableswlsh (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname";
            sqlinsertswwh += ",hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,hy_bt,hy_iftx";
            sqlinsertswwh += ",hy_readuserlist,hy_readdatelist,hy_motherid,hy_ifconfirm";
            sqlinsertswwh += ",hyc_lb,hyc_nf,hyc_pxh,hyc_lsh) values(";
            sqlinsertswwh += "'" + random + "','Mudelfwlsh','Tablefwlsh','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "'";
            sqlinsertswwh += ",'" + Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','',''";
            sqlinsertswwh += ",'','','',''";
            sqlinsertswwh += ",'" + Request.Form["swlx"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["swnf"].ToString() + "',1,1)";
            sqlupdateswwh = "update hyc_Tableswlsh set hyc_lsh = " + (System.Int32.Parse(Request.Form["swbh"].ToString()) + 1).ToString() + " where hyc_lb='" + Request.Form["swlx"].ToString() + "' and hyc_nf='" + Request.Form["swnf"].ToString() + "' ";

            DataTable swdt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sqlswwh);
            if (swdt.Rows.Count > 0)

        #region 发文管理(更新流水号)(办公室编号环节)
        if (hy_curtacheid.Text == "tache0007" & hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelfwgl" & this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablefwgl")
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
            string random = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
            string sqlfwwh;
            string sqlinsertfwwh;
            string sqlupdatefwwh;
            sqlfwwh = "select * from hyc_Tablefwlsh where hyc_lb='" + Request.Form["fwlb"].ToString() + "' and hyc_nf='" + Request.Form["nf"].ToString() + "' ";
            sqlinsertfwwh = "insert into hyc_Tablefwlsh (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname";
            sqlinsertfwwh += ",hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,hy_bt,hy_iftx";
            sqlinsertfwwh += ",hy_readuserlist,hy_readdatelist,hy_motherid,hy_ifconfirm";
            sqlinsertfwwh += ",hyc_lb,hyc_nf,hyc_pxh,hyc_lsh) values(";
            sqlinsertfwwh += "'" + random + "','Mudelfwlsh','Tablefwlsh','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "'";
            sqlinsertfwwh += ",'" + Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','',''";
            sqlinsertfwwh += ",'','','',''";
            sqlinsertfwwh += ",'" + Request.Form["fwlb"].ToString() + "','" + Request.Form["nf"].ToString() + "',1,1)";
            sqlupdatefwwh = "update hyc_Tablefwlsh set hyc_lsh = " + (System.Int32.Parse(Request.Form["fwbh"].ToString()) + 1).ToString() + " where hyc_lb='" + Request.Form["fwlb"].ToString() + "' and hyc_nf='" + Request.Form["nf"].ToString() + "' ";

            DataTable fwdt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sqlfwwh);
            if (fwdt.Rows.Count > 0)

        return sql;
Beispiel #20
 private void UpdateReadFlag()
     string sql = "";
     if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
         sql = "update hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " set hy_readuserlist=hy_readuserlist+','+'" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "' ,hy_readdatelist = hy_readdatelist + ','+'" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "'";
         sql += "  where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_readuserlist+',' not like '%," + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + ",%' ";
     if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
         sql = "update hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " set hy_readuserlist=CONCAT(CONCAT(hy_readuserlist,','),'" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "') ,hy_readdatelist = CONCAT(CONCAT(hy_readdatelist,','),'" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
         sql += "  where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and CONCAT(hy_readuserlist,',') not like '%," + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + ",%' ";
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
    //fy20130801 导入功能
    protected void btnDRToSQL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();

        if (FileUpload1.HasFile == false)   //HasFile用来检查FileUpload是否有指定文件
            Response.Write("<script>alert('请您选择Excel文件')</script> ");
            return; //当无文件时,返回
        string IsXls = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToString().ToLower();  //System.IO.Path.GetExtension获得文件的扩展名
        if (IsXls != ".xls" && IsXls != ".xlsx")
            return; //当选择的不是Excel文件时,返回

        //根据年份判断在该路径下是否存在以当年年份文件夹 否则将建立以该年份的文件夹
        string ls_ny = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
        if (!Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\upload\\") + "/" + ls_ny))
            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\upload\\") + "/" + ls_ny);
        string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("hhMMss") + FileUpload1.FileName;              //重新为文件命名,获取Execle文件名  DateTime日期函数

        // 保存文件到路径,用Server.MapPath()取当前文件的绝对目录.在asp.net里""必须用"\"代替
        string savePath = Server.MapPath(("~\\upload/" + ls_ny + "\\") + filename);//Server.MapPath 获得虚拟服务器相对路径

        FileUpload1.SaveAs(savePath);                        //SaveAs 将上传的文件内容保存在服务器上
        DataSet ds = ExecleDs(savePath, filename);           //调用自定义方法
        DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select();            //定义一个DataRow数组
        int rowsnum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
        int i_into = 0;
        if (rowsnum == 0)
            Response.Write("<script>alert('Excel表为空表,无数据!')</script>");   //当Excel表为空时,对用户进行提示
            for (int i = 0; i < dr.Length; i++)
                string lsHyfl = dr[i]["行业分类"].ToString();
                string lsJtfl = dr[i]["具体分类"].ToString();
                string lsDw = dr[i]["单位"].ToString();
                string lsWhjb = dr[i]["维护级别"].ToString();
                string lsZrbm = dr[i]["责任部门/责任人"].ToString();
                string lsXzbm = dr[i]["协助部门/协助人"].ToString();
                string lsQt = dr[i]["其他"].ToString();
                string lsBz =   dr[i]["备注"].ToString();
                string lsBgdz = dr[i]["办公(单位)地址"].ToString();

                string lsXm = dr[i]["姓名"].ToString();
                string lsCs = dr[i]["处室"].ToString();
                string lsZw = dr[i]["职位"].ToString();
                string lsXb = dr[i]["性别"].ToString();
                string lsSr = dr[i]["生日"].ToString();
                string lsSj = dr[i]["手机"].ToString();
                string lsBgdh = dr[i]["办公室电话"].ToString();
                string lsZzdh = dr[i]["住宅电话"].ToString();
                string lsDzyx = dr[i]["电子邮箱"].ToString();
                string lsQQ = dr[i]["QQ"].ToString();
                string lsWx = dr[i]["微信"].ToString();
                string lsJtzz = dr[i]["家庭住址"].ToString();
                string SqlInsert = "insert into hyc_Tablekhda  (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,";
                SqlInsert += " hyc_hyfl,hyc_jtfl,hyc_dwmc,hyc_whjb,hyc_khjl,hyc_xzbm,hyc_bz,hyc_qt,hyc_dwdz) values(";
                SqlInsert += "'" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','Mudelkhda','Tablekhda','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', ";
                SqlInsert += " '" + lsHyfl + "','" + lsJtfl + "','" + lsDw + "','" + lsWhjb + "','" + lsZrbm + "','" + lsXzbm + "','" + lsBz + "','" + lsQt + "','"+lsBgdz+"')";
                if (lsXm.Contains(","))
                    string[] arryLxrxm = lsXm.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrcs = lsCs.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrzw = lsZw.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrxb= lsXb.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrsr = lsSr.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrsj = lsSj.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrbgdh = lsBgdh.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrzzdh = lsZzdh.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrdzyx = lsDzyx.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrqq = lsQQ.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrwx = lsWx.Split(',');
                    string[] arryLxrjtzz = lsJtzz.Split(',');

                    for (int j = 0; j< arryLxrxm.Length;j++ )
                        SqlInsert = "insert into hyc_Tablelxr (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,";
                        SqlInsert += " hyc_dwmc,hyc_cs,hyc_lxrmc,hyc_zw,hyc_xb,hyc_sr,hyc_sjhm,hyc_dh,hyc_zzdh,hyc_dzyx,hyc_qq,hyc_wx,hyc_dz,hyc_jtdz) values(";
                        SqlInsert += "'" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','Mudelkhda','Tablelxr','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', ";
                        SqlInsert += " '" + lsDw + "','" + arryLxrcs[j] + "','" + arryLxrxm[j] + "','" + arryLxrzw[j] + "','" + arryLxrxb[j] + "','" + arryLxrsr[j] + "','" + arryLxrsj[j] + "','" + arryLxrbgdh[j] + "','" + arryLxrzzdh[j] + "','" + arryLxrdzyx[j] + "','" + arryLxrqq[j] + "','" + arryLxrwx[j] + "','" + lsBgdz + "','" + arryLxrjtzz[j] + "')";
                    SqlInsert = "insert into hyc_Tablelxr (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,";
                    SqlInsert += " hyc_dwmc,hyc_cs,hyc_lxrmc,hyc_zw,hyc_xb,hyc_sr,hyc_sjhm,hyc_dh,hyc_zzdh,hyc_dzyx,hyc_qq,hyc_wx,hyc_dz,hyc_jtdz) values(";
                    SqlInsert += "'" + Hyoa_global.GetRandom() + "','Mudelkhda','Tablelxr','" + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptid"].ToString() + "','" + Session["hydeptname"].ToString() + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', ";
                    SqlInsert += " '" + lsDw + "','" + lsCs + "','" + lsXm + "','" + lsZw + "','" + lsXb + "','" + lsSr + "','" + lsSj + "','" + lsBgdh + "','" + lsZzdh + "','" + lsDzyx + "','" + lsQQ + "','" + lsWx + "','" + lsBgdz + "','" + lsJtzz + "')";

           // Response.Write("<script>alert('导入成功!');</script>");
Beispiel #22
 protected void btn_dc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string htbm = "";
     int bh = 0;
     string lsHtbh = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
     string sqlSelect = " select hyc_htbh,hyc_nf,docid  from hyc_Tablehtbhwh order by hyc_pxh  ";
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sqlSelect);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         if (DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() != dt.Rows[0]["hyc_nf"].ToString())
             sqlSelect = " update hyc_Tablehtbhwh set hyc_nf='" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "',hyc_htbh='0' where docid='" + dt.Rows[0]["docid"].ToString() + "' ";
     sqlSelect = " select hyc_htbh,hyc_nf,docid  from hyc_Tablehtbhwh order by hyc_pxh  ";
     dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sqlSelect);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         bh = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["hyc_htbh"].ToString()) + 1;
         if (Convert.ToString(bh).Length == 1)
             htbm = "000" + bh;
         if (Convert.ToString(bh).Length == 2)
             htbm = "00" + bh;
         if (Convert.ToString(bh).Length == 3)
             htbm = "0" + bh;
         if (Convert.ToString(bh).Length == 4)
             htbm = Convert.ToString(bh);
         lsHtbh += htbm;
         sqlSelect = " update hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " set hyc_htbh='" + lsHtbh + "' where docid = '" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' ";
         sqlSelect = " update hyc_Tablehtbhwh set hyc_htbh='" + bh + "' where docid = '" + dt.Rows[0]["docid"].ToString() + "' ";
         Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "0");
    //fy20130801 导入功能
    protected void btnDRToSQL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield Hyoa_flowfield = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowfield();

        if (FileUpload1.HasFile == false)   //HasFile用来检查FileUpload是否有指定文件
            Response.Write("<script>alert('请您选择Excel文件')</script> ");
            return; //当无文件时,返回
        string IsXls = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToString().ToLower();  //System.IO.Path.GetExtension获得文件的扩展名
        if (IsXls != ".xls" && IsXls != ".xlsx")
            return; //当选择的不是Excel文件时,返回

        //根据年份判断在该路径下是否存在以当年年份文件夹 否则将建立以该年份的文件夹
        string ls_ny = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
        if (!Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\upload\\") + "/" + ls_ny))
            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~\\upload\\") + "/" + ls_ny);
        string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("hhMMss") + FileUpload1.FileName;              //重新为文件命名,获取Execle文件名  DateTime日期函数

        // 保存文件到路径,用Server.MapPath()取当前文件的绝对目录.在asp.net里""必须用"\"代替
        string savePath = Server.MapPath(("~\\upload/" + ls_ny + "\\") + filename);//Server.MapPath 获得虚拟服务器相对路径

        FileUpload1.SaveAs(savePath);                        //SaveAs 将上传的文件内容保存在服务器上
        DataSet ds = ExecleDs(savePath, filename);           //调用自定义方法
        DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select();            //定义一个DataRow数组
        int rowsnum = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
        int i_into = 0;
        string sqlInsert = "";
        string strDocid = "";
        string sqlSelect = "";
        string strUserid = "";
        string strUserDeptid = "";
        string strUserDeptName = "";
        string strYwxf = "";
        string strZcl = "";
        if (rowsnum == 0)
            Response.Write("<script>alert('Excel表为空表,无数据!')</script>");   //当Excel表为空时,对用户进行提示
            for (int i = 0; i < dr.Length; i++)
                 * 进行导入,导入之前先判断是excel表中有没有数据,如果有数据,而且不是一些特定的不需要导入的数据,就导入
                sqlSelect = " select u.hy_userid,d.hy_deptid,d.hy_deptname from hyt_user u join hyt_dept d on u.hy_deptid=d.hy_deptid where u.hy_username='******' ";
                DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable_USER(sqlSelect);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strUserid = dt.Rows[0]["hy_userid"].ToString();
                    strUserDeptid = dt.Rows[0]["hy_deptid"].ToString();
                    strUserDeptName = dt.Rows[0]["hy_deptname"].ToString();
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('这条数据导错了" + i_into + dr[i][0].ToString() + "');</script>");
                strDocid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                sqlInsert = " insert into hyc_Tablefpbd( DOCID,hy_bt,hy_clrylist,hy_curclrid,hy_curclrname,hy_curtacheid";
                sqlInsert += " ,hy_curtachename,hy_cyrylist,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djsj";
                sqlInsert += " ,hy_flowid,hy_flowname,hy_ifconfirm,hy_iftx,hy_motherid,hy_mudelid,hy_readdatelist";
                sqlInsert += " ,hy_readuserlist,hy_tableid,hy_zhtxsj,hyc_bxje,hyc_bxjedx,hyc_djr,hyc_djsj";
                sqlInsert += " ,hyc_djz,hyc_fatherid,hyc_fplx,hyc_fplxx,hyc_cpmc1,hyc_fptt,hyc_htkp,hyc_kpsj";
                sqlInsert += " ,hyc_muild,hyc_sfbf,hyc_skrq,hyc_tableid,hyc_yf) values ( '" + strDocid + "','',''";
                sqlInsert += " ,'" + strUserid + "','" + dr[i][0].ToString() + "','**','流程已结束','," + strUserid + ",'";
                sqlInsert += " ,'" + strUserDeptid + "','" + strUserDeptName + "','" + strUserid + "','" + dr[i][0].ToString() + "',getdate(),'Flowfp','发票管理'";
                sqlInsert += " ,'','','','Mudelfp','',''";
                sqlInsert += " ,'Tablefpbd','','" + dr[i][53].ToString() + "','','" + dr[i][0].ToString() + "',getdate(),'" + strUserDeptName + "'";
                sqlInsert += " ,'','" + dr[i][2].ToString() + "','普通增值税发票','" + dr[i][3].ToString() + "','" + dr[i][1].ToString() + "','否','" + dr[i][54].ToString() + "'";
                sqlInsert += " ,'','','" + dr[i][55].ToString() + "','','') ";
                for (int j = 4; j < 57; j++)
                    if (dr[i][j].ToString() != "" && (j != 5 || j != 7 || j != 9) && dr[i][j].ToString() != "0")
                        strYwxf = getChildTable(j);
                        if (strYwxf != "")
                            if (strYwxf.Contains("增量"))
                                strZcl = "增量";
                                strYwxf = strYwxf.Replace("增量", "");
                            else if (strYwxf.Contains("存量"))
                                strZcl = "存量";
                                strYwxf = strYwxf.Replace("存量", "");
                                strZcl = "增量";
                            sqlInsert = " insert into hyc_Tablejemx( DOCID,hy_bt,hy_clrylist,hy_curclrid,hy_curclrname,hy_curtacheid";
                            sqlInsert += " ,hy_curtachename,hy_cyrylist,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djsj";
                            sqlInsert += " ,hy_flowid,hy_flowname,hy_ifconfirm,hy_iftx,hy_motherid,hy_mudelid,hy_readdatelist";
                            sqlInsert += " ,hy_readuserlist,hy_tableid,hy_zhtxsj,hyc_bxje,hyc_bxjedx,hyc_bz,hyc_sl";
                            sqlInsert += " ,hyc_ywxf,hyc_zcl) values ( '" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "','','','',''";
                            sqlInsert += " ,'','','','" + strUserDeptid + "','" + strUserDeptName + "','" + strUserid + "'";
                            sqlInsert += " ,'" + dr[i][0].ToString() + "',getdate(),'','','','','" + strDocid + "'";
                            sqlInsert += " ,'Mudelfp','','','Tablejemx',''";
                            if (strYwxf == "基本型" || strYwxf == "交互型")

                                sqlInsert += " ,'" + dr[i][j + 1].ToString() + "','','" + dr[i][56].ToString() + "','" + dr[i][j].ToString() + "','" + strYwxf + "','" + strZcl + "') ";
                                sqlInsert += " ,'" + dr[i][j].ToString() + "','','" + dr[i][56].ToString() + "','','" + strYwxf + "','" + strZcl + "') ";
                i_into = i_into + 1;
        Response.Write("<script>alert('导入成功!共导入" + i_into + "条数据');</script>");
Beispiel #24
    private void DataPlay()
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        if (this.Request.QueryString["id"] != null)
            this.txtid.Value = this.Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail Hyoa_mail = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_mail();
        DataTable dt = Hyoa_mail.Getmail(this.txtid.Value);
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            this.txtdocid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["DOCID"].ToString();
            this.txtid.Value = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

            this.lblhy_fsrid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrid"].ToString();
            this.txtfsrid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrid"].ToString();
            this.lblhy_fsrname.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrname"].ToString();
            this.txtfrsname.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_fsrname"].ToString();
            this.lblhy_datetime.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_datetime"].ToString();
            this.txthy_jsrid.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_jsrid"].ToString();
            this.lblhy_title.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_title"].ToString();

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt Hyoa_fileatt = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_fileatt();
            DataTable dt_fileatt = Hyoa_fileatt.GetfileattByFatherid(this.txtdocid.Value);
            if (dt_fileatt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_temp = "";
                for (var i = 0; i < dt_fileatt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ls_temp += (i + 1).ToString() + "、<a href='/" + dt_fileatt.Rows[i]["hy_filepath"].ToString() + "' target='_blank'>" + dt_fileatt.Rows[i]["hy_filename"].ToString() + "</a><br />";
                this.lblhy_field2.Text = ls_temp;

            this.lblhy_content1.Text = dt.Rows[0]["hy_body"].ToString();

        //20120210 start
        string sccksj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
        string sql = "";
        if (dt.Rows[0]["hy_type"].ToString() == "收件" & dt.Rows[0]["hy_sccksj"].ToString() == "")
            sql = "update hyt_mail set hy_sccksj = '" + sccksj + "' where ID='" + this.txtid.Value + "' ";

        //20120210 end
Beispiel #25
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string ls_tip = "保存成功!";
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global ();
        //HyoaClass.Hyoa_back Hyoa_back = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_back();
        string lssql = "Select * from hyt_back where hy_fatherid = '" + this.txtfatherid.Value + "' and hy_fkrid = '" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "'";
        //DataTable dt = Hyoa_back.Getbackbyfatheridandfkrid(this.txtfatherid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
        DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(lssql);
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            //Hyoa_back.ID = this.txtdocid.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_fatherid = this.txtfatherid.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_backidea = this.txtbackidea.Text;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_backdate = this.txtbackdate.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_qfr = this.txtqfr.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_fkrid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
            //Hyoa_back.hy_fkrname = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();
            //Hyoa_back.hy_tjdate = "";
            //Hyoa_back.hy_iftj = "";

            String sql = "update hyt_back set hy_backidea='" + this.txtbackidea.Text + "' ";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                sql += ",hy_backdate='" + this.txtbackdate.Value + "' ";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                sql += ",hy_backdate=to_date('" + this.txtbackdate.Value + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
            sql += ",hy_qfr='" + this.txtqfr.Value + "' ";
            sql += ",hy_tjdate='' ";
            sql += ",hy_iftj='' ";
            sql += "  where ID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' ";

            //Hyoa_back.ID = this.txtdocid.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_fatherid = this.txtfatherid.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_backidea = this.txtbackidea.Text;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_backdate = this.txtbackdate.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_qfr = this.txtqfr.Value;
            //Hyoa_back.hy_fkrid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
            //Hyoa_back.hy_fkrname = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();
            //Hyoa_back.hy_tjdate = "";
            //Hyoa_back.hy_iftj = "";
            String sql = "insert into hyt_back(ID,hy_fatherid,hy_backidea,hy_backdate,hy_qfr,hy_fkrid,hy_fkrname,hy_tjdate,hy_iftj) values ";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                sql += "('" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + this.txtfatherid.Value + "','" + this.txtbackidea.Text + "','" + this.txtbackdate.Value + "','" + this.txtqfr.Value + "','" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','','') ";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                sql += "('" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + this.txtfatherid.Value + "','" + this.txtbackidea.Text + "',to_date('" + this.txtbackdate.Value + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'" + this.txtqfr.Value + "','" + this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() + "','" + this.Session["hyuname"].ToString() + "','','') ";

        ////if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
        ////    Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
        ////    Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');self.close();</script>");
 private Boolean CreateSQLTable()
     Boolean ret = true;
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     string sql = "";
     if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
         sql = "CREATE TABLE [hyc_" + this.txtdocid.Text + "] (";
         sql += "[DOCID] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_mudelid] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_tableid] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_flowid] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_flowname] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_curtacheid] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_curtachename] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_curclrid] [varchar] (3999) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_curclrname] [varchar] (3999) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_djrid] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_djrname] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_djrbmid] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_djrbmname] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_djsj] [datetime] NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_bt] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_iftx] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_zhtxsj] [datetime] NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_readuserlist] text COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_readdatelist] text COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_clrylist] text COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_cyrylist] text COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_motherid] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,";
         sql += "[hy_ifconfirm] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ";
         sql += ") ON [PRIMARY]";
     if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
         sql = "CREATE TABLE hyc_" + this.txtdocid.Text + " (";
         sql += "DOCID VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_mudelid VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_tableid VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_flowid VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_flowname VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_curtacheid VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_curtachename VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_curclrid VARCHAR2(3999),";
         sql += "hy_curclrname VARCHAR2(3999),";
         sql += "hy_djrid VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_djrname VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_djrbmid VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_djrbmname VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_djsj TIMESTAMP (6),";
         sql += "hy_bt VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_iftx VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_zhtxsj TIMESTAMP (6),";
         sql += "hy_readuserlist CLOB,";
         sql += "hy_readdatelist CLOB,";
         sql += "hy_clrylist CLOB,";
         sql += "hy_cyrylist CLOB,";
         sql += "hy_motherid VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),";
         sql += "hy_ifconfirm VARCHAR2(50 BYTE)";
         sql += ")";
     ret = Hyoa_global.ExcuteSQL(sql);
     return ret;
Beispiel #27
 //合同办理状态  完成
 protected void btn_wc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global db = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     string sql = "";
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     sql = "update hyt_blzt set hy_state='已完成' where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     string sqlSelect = " select * from hyt_listconfig where hy_mudelid='" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "' and hy_tableid='" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "' ";
     dt = db.GetDataTable_BASE(sqlSelect);
     string url = "";
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         url = "list_flc.aspx?mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&listid=" + dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "&rnd=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
         Response.Write("<script>alert('已完成');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
Beispiel #28
    protected void Button_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Session["hyuid"].ToString() == "")

        string ls_tip = "保存成功!";

        #region 新建时先进行一次保存
        HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
        string sql = "";
        if (this.txtop.Value == "add")
            this.hy_bt.Text = ReplaceString_Tszf(this.hy_bt.Text);
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                //edited by xf 20140625
                sql = "insert into hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_flowid,hy_flowname,hy_curtacheid,hy_curtachename,hy_curclrid,hy_curclrname,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,hy_bt,hy_readuserlist,hy_readdatelist,hy_clrylist,hy_cyrylist) values (";
                sql += "'" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "','" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "','" + this.hy_flowid.Text + "','" + this.hy_flowname.Text + "'";
                sql += ",'" + this.hy_curtacheid.Text + "','" + this.hy_curtachename.Text + "','" + this.hy_curclrid.Text + "','" + this.hy_curclrname.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrid.Text + "'";
                sql += ",'" + this.hy_djrname.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrbmid.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrbmname.Text + "','" + this.hy_djsj.Text + "','" + this.hy_bt.Text + "'";
                sql += ",'','','," + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + ",',',') ";
            if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                //edited by xf 20140625
                sql = "insert into hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " (DOCID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_flowid,hy_flowname,hy_curtacheid,hy_curtachename,hy_curclrid,hy_curclrname,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djrbmid,hy_djrbmname,hy_djsj,hy_bt,hy_readuserlist,hy_readdatelist,hy_clrylist,hy_cyrylist) values (";
                sql += "'" + this.txtdocid.Value + "','" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "','" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "','" + this.hy_flowid.Text + "','" + this.hy_flowname.Text + "'";
                sql += ",'" + this.hy_curtacheid.Text + "','" + this.hy_curtachename.Text + "','" + this.hy_curclrid.Text + "','" + this.hy_curclrname.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrid.Text + "'";
                sql += ",'" + this.hy_djrname.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrbmid.Text + "','" + this.hy_djrbmname.Text + "',to_date('" + this.hy_djsj.Text + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'" + this.hy_bt.Text + "'";
                sql += ",'','','," + Session["hyuid"].ToString() + ",',',') ";

            Hyoa_global.Saveflowhistoryinfo_cl_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.hy_flowname.Text, this.hy_curtacheid.Text, this.hy_curtachename.Text, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), "", "", "", this.hy_djsj.Text, "");

        sql = "update hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " set hy_tableid='" + hy_tableid.Text + "',hy_bt='" + hy_bt.Text + "' ";

        #region 根据“需要保存的字段”来进行保存
        if (txtsavefields.Text != "")
            string[] lv_savefields = txtsavefields.Text.Split(',');
            string[] lv_savefields_sx = txtsavefields_sx.Text.Split(',');
            string fielddocvalue = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < lv_savefields.Length; i++)
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "0")  //文本
                    if (this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()] != null)
                        fielddocvalue = this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()].ToString();
                        fielddocvalue = ReplaceString_Tszf(fielddocvalue);
                        sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "='" + fielddocvalue + "'";
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "1")  //日期
                    if (this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()] != null)
                        fielddocvalue = this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()].ToString();
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                            if (fielddocvalue == "")
                                sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "=null";
                                sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "='" + fielddocvalue + "'";
                        if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                            if (fielddocvalue == "")
                                sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "=null";
                                sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "=to_date('" + fielddocvalue + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "3")  //数值
                    if (this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()] != null)
                        fielddocvalue = this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()].ToString();
                        if (fielddocvalue == "")
                            sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "=0";
                            sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "=" + fielddocvalue;
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "5")  //口令
                    if (this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()] != null)
                        fielddocvalue = this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()].ToString();
                        fielddocvalue = ReplaceString_Tszf(fielddocvalue);
                        sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "='" + fielddocvalue + "'";
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "6")  //编辑器
                    if (this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()] != null)
                        fielddocvalue = this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()].ToString();
                        fielddocvalue = ReplaceString_Tszf(fielddocvalue);
                        sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "='" + fielddocvalue + "'";
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "7")  //复选框
                    string s = "";
                    CheckBoxList txfs = (CheckBoxList)this.FindControl(lv_savefields[i].ToString());
                    foreach (ListItem li in txfs.Items)
                        if (li.Selected)
                            if (li.Selected) s += li.Value + ",";
                    s = s.TrimEnd(',');
                    s = ReplaceString_Tszf(s);
                    sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "='" + s + "'";
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "8")  //单选框
                    string s = "";
                    RadioButtonList txfs = (RadioButtonList)this.FindControl(lv_savefields[i].ToString());
                    foreach (ListItem li in txfs.Items)
                        if (li.Selected)
                            if (li.Selected) s += li.Value + ",";
                    s = s.TrimEnd(',');
                    s = ReplaceString_Tszf(s);
                    sql += ",hyc_" + lv_savefields[i].ToString() + "='" + s + "'";
                if (lv_savefields_sx[i].ToString() == "9")  //意见
                    if (this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()] != null)
                        fielddocvalue = this.Request.Form[lv_savefields[i].ToString()].ToString();
                        fielddocvalue = ReplaceString_Tszf(fielddocvalue);
                        if (fielddocvalue != "")
                            HyoaClass.Hyoa_yj Hyoa_yj = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_yj();
                            Hyoa_yj.yjid = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_tableid = this.hy_tableid.Text;
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_fatherid = this.txtdocid.Value;
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_fieldid = lv_savefields[i].ToString();
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjuserid = Session["hyuid"].ToString();
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjusername = Session["hyuname"].ToString();
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjdeptid = Session["hydeptid"].ToString();
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjdeptname = Session["hydeptname"].ToString();
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjbody = fielddocvalue;
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                            Hyoa_yj.hy_yjifshow = "";

        #region 保存
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "1")
            sql += hylcbctscl();  //特殊处理

        #region 提交
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "2")
            sql += ",hy_curtacheid='" + this.txtnexttacheid.Value + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curtachename='" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curclrid='" + this.txtnextclrid.Value + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curclrname='" + this.txtnextclrname.Value + "'";

            //---- 添加当前环节的处理时间 ---- start
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
            DataTable dt_clinfo = Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.Getflowhistoryinfo_clsbydocidtacheid(this.txtdocid.Value, this.hy_curtacheid.Text);
            if (dt_clinfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_curcldoc = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();                //当前处理的记录ID
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.ID = ls_curcldoc;
                if (dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() == "")
                    Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_clsj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_clsj = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            //---- 添加当前环节的处理时间 ---- end

            ////////////////////如果后续环节选择了“结束”,则不需要发待办事宜和短消息 start//////////////////////
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
            if (this.txtnexttacheid.Value != "**")
                //---  创建后续处理的处理记录+建立处理人待办事宜 ---- start
                Hyoa_global.Saveflowhistoryinfo_cl_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.hy_flowname.Text, this.txtnexttacheid.Value, this.txtnexttachename.Value, this.txtnextclrid.Value, this.txtnextclrname.Value, "", this.txtnextcyrid.Value, this.txtnextcyrname.Value, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "");

                string[] lv_dbrid = this.txtnextclrid.Value.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
                string[] lv_dbrname = this.txtnextclrname.Value.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
                for (var i = 0; i < lv_dbrid.Length; i++)
                    if (lv_dbrid[i].ToString() != "")
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
                        string cb_fsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
                        string cb_jsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(lv_dbrid[i].ToString());

                        Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), "main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&pop=1", "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", this.hy_bt.Text, "请办理", 0, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.txtnexttacheid.Value, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                        if (this.txtisSendjstx_clr.Value == "1")
                            Hyoa_global.Sendjstx_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), this.hy_mudelid.Text, this.hy_bt.Text, 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                        if (this.txtisSendsms_clr.Value == "1")
                            Hyoa_global.Sendsms_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), cb_fsrsjh, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_jsrsjh, this.hy_mudelid.Text, this.hy_bt.Text, 1, "", "", 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);

                //--- 创建后续处理的处理记录+建立处理人待办事宜 ---- end

                //--- 创建后续传阅记录+建立待办事宜 ---- start
                string[] lv_cyrid = this.txtnextcyrid.Value.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
                string[] lv_cyrname = this.txtnextcyrname.Value.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
                for (var i = 0; i < lv_cyrid.Length; i++)
                    if (lv_cyrid[i].ToString() != "")
                        Hyoa_global.Saveflowhistoryinfo_cy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.hy_flowname.Text, this.txtnexttacheid.Value, this.txtnexttachename.Value, lv_cyrid[i].ToString(), lv_cyrname[i].ToString(), "", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
                        string cb_fsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
                        string cb_cyrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(lv_cyrid[i].ToString());

                        Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_cyrid[i].ToString(), lv_cyrname[i].ToString(), this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), "main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&pop=1", "待阅", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", this.hy_bt.Text, "请阅读", 0, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.txtnexttacheid.Value, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                        if (this.txtisSendjstx_cyr.Value == "1")
                            Hyoa_global.Sendjstx_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), lv_cyrid[i].ToString(), lv_cyrname[i].ToString(), this.hy_mudelid.Text, this.hy_bt.Text, 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                        if (this.txtisSendsms_cyr.Value == "1")
                            Hyoa_global.Sendsms_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), cb_fsrsjh, lv_cyrid[i].ToString(), lv_cyrname[i].ToString(), cb_cyrsjh, this.hy_mudelid.Text, this.hy_bt.Text, 1, "", "", 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);

                //--- 创建后续传阅记录+建立待办事宜 ---- end
            ////////////////////如果后续环节选择了“结束”,则不需要发待办事宜和短消息 start//////////////////////

            //--- 当前处理人的待办事宜转已办 ---- start
            Hyoa_dbsy.Dbsytoybbydocidtacheiduserid(this.txtdocid.Value, this.hy_curtacheid.Text, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
            //--- 当前处理人的待办事宜转已办 ---- end
            ls_tip = "文档已成功发送到[" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "]环节";
            sql += hylcclcylist();  //更新hy_clrylist hy_cyrylist edited by xf 20140625
            sql += hylctjtscl();//特殊处理

            if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "MudelVODfwxy" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "TableVODfwxy" || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelffpdfwht" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tableffpdfwht"
             || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudeljdhazfwht" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablejdhazfwht" || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelsyyhfwxy" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablesyyhfwxy"
             || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "MudelDVBazfwdght" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "TableDVBazfwdght" || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "MudelDVBazfwdght" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "TableDVBazfwdght"
             || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudeljwdsjsxy" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablejwdsjsxy" || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudeljwdscsxy" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablejwdscsxy"
             || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelkdjrht" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablekdjrht" || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelsjcsfwht" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablesjcsfwht"
             || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelsjgdcsfwht" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablesjgdcsfwht" || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelsjtxyyhzxy" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablesjtxyyhzxy"
             || this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelzdyht" && this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablezdyht")
                if (this.txtop.Value == "add")

        #region 收回
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "3")
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
            DataTable dt_clinfo = Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.Getflowhistoryinfo_clsbydocid(this.txtdocid.Value);
            if (dt_clinfo.Rows.Count > 1)
                HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy_sh = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
                //edited by xf 20140625
                string[] lv_temp = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clrid"].ToString().Split(',');
                for (int xf = 0; xf < lv_temp.Length; xf++)
                    Hyoa_dbsy_sh.DeleteByDocid_flowid_tacheid_userid(this.txtdocid.Value, dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_flowid"].ToString(), dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_tacheid"].ToString(), lv_temp[xf]);

                string ls_lastclrid = dt_clinfo.Rows[1]["hy_clrid"].ToString();         //上个环节处理人ID
                string ls_lastclrname = dt_clinfo.Rows[1]["hy_clrname"].ToString();     //上个环节处理人中文名
                string ls_lastcldoc = dt_clinfo.Rows[1]["ID"].ToString();               //上个环节处理的记录ID
                string ls_lasttacheid = dt_clinfo.Rows[1]["hy_tacheid"].ToString();     //上个环节处理环节ID
                string ls_lasttachename = dt_clinfo.Rows[1]["hy_tachename"].ToString(); //上个环节处理环节名称
                string ls_curcldoc = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();                //当前处理的记录ID

                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.ID = ls_curcldoc;
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.ID = ls_lastcldoc;
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_clsj = "";
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_createtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                sql += ",hy_curtacheid='" + ls_lasttacheid + "'";
                sql += ",hy_curtachename='" + ls_lasttachename + "'";
                sql += ",hy_curclrid='" + ls_lastclrid + "'";
                sql += ",hy_curclrname='" + ls_lastclrname + "'";
                ls_tip = "文档已成功收回到[" + ls_lasttachename + "]环节";
                sql += hylcclcylist();  //更新hy_clrylist hy_cyrylist edited by xf 20140625
                sql += hylcshtscl();//特殊处理

        #region 退回
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "4")
            sql += ",hy_curtacheid='" + this.txtnexttacheid.Value + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curtachename='" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curclrid='" + this.txtnextclrid.Value + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curclrname='" + this.txtnextclrname.Value + "'";

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
            DataTable dt_clinfo = Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.Getflowhistoryinfo_clsbydocid(this.txtdocid.Value);
            if (dt_clinfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_curcldoc = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();                //当前处理的记录ID
                string ls_clsj = "";                                                    //当前处理的记录处理时间
                if (dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() == "")
                    ls_clsj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    ls_clsj = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.ID = ls_curcldoc;
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_clsj = ls_clsj;
            Hyoa_global.Saveflowhistoryinfo_cl_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.hy_flowname.Text, this.txtnexttacheid.Value, this.txtnexttachename.Value, this.txtnextclrid.Value, this.txtnextclrname.Value, "", "", "", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "是");

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
            Hyoa_dbsy.Dbsytoybbydociduserid(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
            string cb_fsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());

            string[] lv_dbrid = this.txtnextclrid.Value.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
            string[] lv_dbrname = this.txtnextclrname.Value.Split(new Char[] { ',' });

            for (var i = 0; i < lv_dbrid.Length; i++)
                if (lv_dbrid[i].ToString() != "")
                    string cb_jsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(lv_dbrid[i].ToString());
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global2 = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();

                    Hyoa_global2.Senddbsy_global(this.txtdocid.Value, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), "main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&pop=1", "待办", this.hy_mudelid.Text, "待办箱", "一般", this.hy_bt.Text, "请办理", 0, this.hy_flowid.Text, this.txtnexttacheid.Value, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                    if (this.txtisSendjstx.Value == "1")
                        Hyoa_global.Sendjstx_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), this.hy_mudelid.Text, this.hy_bt.Text, 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                    if (this.txtisSendsms.Value == "1")
                        Hyoa_global.Sendsms_global(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString(), this.Session["hyuname"].ToString(), cb_fsrsjh, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_jsrsjh, this.hy_mudelid.Text, this.hy_bt.Text, 1, "", "", 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
            ls_tip = "已成功退回到[" + this.txtnexttachename.Value + "]环节";
            sql += hylcthtscl();//特殊处理

        #region 多人处理
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "5")
            string ls_newclrid = Hyoa_global.MoveOneString_dh(this.hy_curclrid.Text, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
            string ls_newclrname = Hyoa_global.MoveOneString_dh(this.hy_curclrname.Text, this.Session["hyuname"].ToString());
            sql += ",hy_curclrid='" + ls_newclrid + "'";
            sql += ",hy_curclrname='" + ls_newclrname + "'";
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
            DataTable dt_clinfo = new DataTable();
            dt_clinfo = Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.Getflowhistoryinfo_clsbydocid(this.txtdocid.Value);
            if (dt_clinfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_curcldoc = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();                //当前处理的记录ID
                string ls_clsj = "";                                                    //当前处理的记录处理时间
                if (dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() == "")
                    ls_clsj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    ls_clsj = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.ID = ls_curcldoc;
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_clsj = ls_clsj;
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
            Hyoa_dbsy.Dbsytoybbydociduserid(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
            ls_tip = "提交成功,当前环节还需要[" + ls_newclrname + "]进行办理";
            sql += hylcdrcltscl();//特殊处理

        #region 催办
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "6")
            string cb_docid = this.txtdocid.Value;
            string cb_dbrid = this.hy_curclrid.Text;
            string cb_dbrname = this.hy_curclrname.Text;
            string cb_fsrid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
            string cb_fsrname = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();
            string cb_url = "main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&pop=1";
            string cb_property = "催办";
            string cb_mudelid = this.hy_mudelid.Text;
            string cb_foldername = "待办箱";
            string cb_hj = "一般";
            string cb_bt = this.txtcbideas.Value + "-" + this.hy_bt.Text;
            string cb_subbt = "请阅读";
            float cb_ifyb = 0;
            string cb_flowid = this.hy_flowid.Text;
            string cb_tacheid = this.hy_curtacheid.Text;
            string cb_from = this.hy_mudelid.Text;

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
            string cb_fsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(cb_fsrid);
            string cb_jsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(cb_dbrid);

            Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(cb_docid, cb_dbrid, cb_dbrname, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_url, cb_property, cb_mudelid, cb_foldername, cb_hj, cb_bt, cb_subbt, cb_ifyb, cb_flowid, cb_tacheid, this.hy_tableid.Text);
            if (this.txtisSendjstx.Value == "1")
                Hyoa_global.Sendjstx_global(cb_docid, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_dbrid, cb_dbrname, cb_from, cb_bt, 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
            if (this.txtisSendsms.Value == "1")
                Hyoa_global.Sendsms_global(cb_docid, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_fsrsjh, cb_dbrid, cb_dbrname, cb_jsrsjh, cb_from, cb_bt, 1, "", "", 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);

            ls_tip = "催办成功!";
            sql += hylccbtscl();//特殊处理

        #region 流程结束时的提交
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "7")
            sql += ",hy_curtacheid='**'";
            sql += ",hy_curtachename='结束'";
            sql += ",hy_curclrid=''";
            sql += ",hy_curclrname=''";
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
            DataTable dt_clinfo = Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.Getflowhistoryinfo_clsbydocid(this.txtdocid.Value);
            if (dt_clinfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                string ls_curcldoc = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();                //当前处理的记录ID
                string ls_clsj = "";                                                    //当前处理的记录处理时间
                if (dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() == "")
                    ls_clsj = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    ls_clsj = dt_clinfo.Rows[0]["hy_clsj"].ToString() + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.ID = ls_curcldoc;
                Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.hy_clsj = ls_clsj;

                if (this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablefpbd")
            //HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();

            HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy Hyoa_dbsy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_dbsy();
            Hyoa_dbsy.Dbsytoybbydociduserid(this.txtdocid.Value, this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());

            ls_tip = "流程结束!";
            sql += hylcjstscl();//特殊处理


        #region 收文阅件分发
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "8")
            string cb_docid = this.txtdocid.Value;
            string cb_dbrid = this.hy_curclrid.Text;
            string cb_dbrname = this.hy_curclrname.Text;
            string cb_fsrid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
            string cb_fsrname = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();
            string cb_url = "main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&pop=1";
            string cb_property = "待阅";
            string cb_mudelid = this.hy_mudelid.Text;
            string cb_foldername = "待办箱";
            string cb_hj = "一般";
            string cb_bt = this.hy_bt.Text;
            string cb_subbt = "请阅读";
            float cb_ifyb = 0;
            string cb_flowid = this.hy_flowid.Text;
            string cb_tacheid = this.hy_curtacheid.Text;
            string cb_from = this.hy_mudelid.Text;

            string[] lv_dbrid = this.txtswly_dbsy_userids.Text.Split(new Char[] { '+' });
            string[] lv_dbrname = this.txtswly_dbsy_usernames.Text.Split(new Char[] { '+' });
            for (var i = 0; i < lv_dbrid.Length; i++)
                if (lv_dbrid[i].ToString() != "")
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
                    string cb_fsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
                    string cb_jsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(lv_dbrid[i].ToString());

                    Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(cb_docid, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_url, cb_property, cb_mudelid, cb_foldername, cb_hj, cb_bt, cb_subbt, 0, cb_flowid, cb_tacheid, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                    Hyoa_global.Sendjstx_global(cb_docid, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_mudelid, cb_bt, 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                    Hyoa_global.Sendsms_global(cb_docid, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_fsrsjh, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_jsrsjh, cb_mudelid, cb_bt, 1, "", "", 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);

                    string sql_cy = "select * from hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_cyrid='" + lv_dbrid[i] + "' order by hy_createtime DESC ";
                    DataTable dt_cy = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql_cy);
                    if (dt_cy.Rows.Count > 0)
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy();
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.DOCID = this.txtdocid.Value;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_flowid = this.hy_flowid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_flowname = this.hy_flowname.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_tacheid = this.hy_curtacheid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_tachename = this.hy_curtachename.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_cyrid = lv_dbrid[i];
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_cyrname = lv_dbrname[i];
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_ydsj = "";
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_createtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            string sql_cl = "select * from hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' order by hy_createtime DESC ";
            DataTable dt_cl = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql_cl);
            if (dt_cl.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (dt_cl.Rows[0]["hy_cyrid"].ToString() == "")
                    sql_cl = "update hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl set hy_cyrid='" + this.txtswly_dbsy_userids.Text.Replace("+", ",") + "',hy_cyrname='" + this.txtswly_dbsy_usernames.Text.Replace("+", ",") + "' where ID='" + dt_cl.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "'";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                        sql_cl = "update hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl set hy_cyrid=hy_cyrid+'," + this.txtswly_dbsy_userids.Text.Replace("+", ",") + "',hy_cyrname=hy_cyrname+'," + this.txtswly_dbsy_usernames.Text.Replace("+", ",") + "' where ID='" + dt_cl.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "'";
                    if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                        sql_cl = "update hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cl set hy_cyrid=CONCAT(hy_cyrid,'," + this.txtswly_dbsy_userids.Text.Replace("+", ",") + "'),hy_cyrname=CONCAT(hy_cyrname,'," + this.txtswly_dbsy_usernames.Text.Replace("+", ",") + ")' where ID='" + dt_cl.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + "'";
            ls_tip = "阅件分发成功!";
            sql += hylcclcylist();  //更新hy_clrylist hy_cyrylist edited by xf 20140625

        //20140809 hjadd start
        #region 收发文分发
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "11")
            string cb_docid = this.txtdocid.Value;
            string cb_dbrid = this.hy_curclrid.Text;
            string cb_dbrname = this.hy_curclrname.Text;
            string cb_fsrid = this.Session["hyuid"].ToString();
            string cb_fsrname = this.Session["hyuname"].ToString();
            string cb_url = "main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&pop=1";
            string cb_property = "待阅";
            string cb_mudelid = this.hy_mudelid.Text;
            string cb_foldername = "待办箱";
            string cb_hj = "一般";
            string cb_bt = this.hy_bt.Text;
            string cb_subbt = "请阅读";
            float cb_ifyb = 0;
            string cb_flowid = this.hy_flowid.Text;
            string cb_tacheid = this.hy_curtacheid.Text;
            string cb_from = this.hy_mudelid.Text;

            string[] lv_dbrid = this.txtffly_dbsy_userids.Text.Split(new Char[] { '+' });
            string[] lv_dbrname = this.txtffly_dbsy_usernames.Text.Split(new Char[] { '+' });
            for (var i = 0; i < lv_dbrid.Length; i++)
                if (lv_dbrid[i].ToString() != "")
                    HyoaClass.Hyoa_user Hyoa_user = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_user();
                    string cb_fsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(this.Session["hyuid"].ToString());
                    string cb_jsrsjh = Hyoa_user.GetMobilebyuserid(lv_dbrid[i].ToString());

                    Hyoa_global.Senddbsy_global(cb_docid, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_url, cb_property, cb_mudelid, cb_foldername, cb_hj, cb_bt, cb_subbt, 0, cb_flowid, cb_tacheid, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                    Hyoa_global.Sendjstx_global(cb_docid, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_mudelid, cb_bt, 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);
                    Hyoa_global.Sendsms_global(cb_docid, cb_fsrid, cb_fsrname, cb_fsrsjh, lv_dbrid[i].ToString(), lv_dbrname[i].ToString(), cb_jsrsjh, cb_mudelid, cb_bt, 1, "", "", 0, this.hy_tableid.Text);

                    string sql_cy = "select * from hyp_flowhistoryinfo_cy where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "' and hy_cyrid='" + lv_dbrid[i] + "' order by hy_createtime DESC ";
                    DataTable dt_cy = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql_cy);
                    if (dt_cy.Rows.Count > 0)
                        HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy();
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.ID = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.DOCID = this.txtdocid.Value;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_flowid = this.hy_flowid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_flowname = this.hy_flowname.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_tacheid = this.hy_curtacheid.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_tachename = this.hy_curtachename.Text;
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_cyrid = lv_dbrid[i];
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_cyrname = lv_dbrname[i];
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_ydsj = "";
                        Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cy.hy_createtime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

            ls_tip = "分发成功!";
        //20140809 hj add end

        #region 在主表单内嵌列表的功能中,保存、提交和确认子表单时,需要将父文档的DOCID保存到当前记录的hy_motherid中
        //ADD BY XF 2011-11-17
        if (this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "1" || this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "2" || this.txtwhichoperation.Value == "111")
            if (Request.QueryString["op"] != null)
                if (Request.QueryString["op"].ToString() != "")
                    if (Request.QueryString["motherid"] != null)
                        if (Request.QueryString["motherid"].ToString() != "")
                            sql += ",hy_motherid='" + Request.QueryString["motherid"].ToString() + "'";

        sql += " where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";

        #region 处理完成后的提示及跳转(增加刷新附件功能)
        if (this.txtifsxfj.Text == "1")
            Response.Write("<script>window.location='main.aspx?op=modify&mid=" + this.hy_mudelid.Text + "&tableid=" + this.hy_tableid.Text + "&docid=" + this.txtdocid.Value + "&url=" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");

            if (this.txturl.Value == "2")

                Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');try{window.opener.location.reload();}catch(err){}self.close();parent.location.reload();</script>");
                if (this.txtifpop.Value == "")
                if (this.hy_tableid.Text == "Tablefpbd")
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='list_myadd.aspx?mid=Mudelfp&tableid=Tablefpbd&listid=6b07b57d-2906-4f5b-bc47-a8c7754ea5bf&rnd=afc25663-de8a-43ba-bc48-db224b3e5c92'</script>");
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");
                Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ls_tip + "');try{window.opener.location.reload();}catch(err){}self.close();</script>");
Beispiel #29
    protected void Button_Fabu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (this.Request.QueryString["docid"] != null)
            string lssqlgwk;
            lssqlgwk = "select * from hyp_gwk where hy_fatherid = '" + this.Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
            HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
            DataTable dtgwk = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(lssqlgwk);

            if (dtgwk.Rows.Count > 0)
                string sql = "select * from hyc_" + this.hy_tableid.Text + " where DOCID='" + this.Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString() + "'";
                DataTable dt = Hyoa_global.GetDataTable(sql);

                string gwkid;
                string gwkmudelid;
                string gwktableid;
                string gwkdjrid;
                string gwkdjrname;
                string gwkdjbmid;
                string gwkdjbmname;
                string gwkbt;
                string gwkfatherid;
                string gwkwh = "";
                string gwklwwh = "";

                gwkid = Hyoa_global.GetRandom();
                gwkmudelid = this.hy_mudelid.Text;
                gwktableid = this.hy_tableid.Text;
                gwkdjrid = this.hy_djrid.Text;
                gwkdjrname = this.hy_djrname.Text;
                gwkdjbmid = this.hy_djrbmid.Text;
                gwkdjbmname = this.hy_djrbmname.Text;
                gwkbt = this.hy_bt.Text;
                gwkfatherid = this.txtdocid.Value;

                string lsinsertgwk;
                if (this.hy_mudelid.Text == "Mudelfwgl")
                    gwkwh = dt.Rows[0]["hyc_fwlb"].ToString() + "[" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_nf"].ToString() + "]" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_fwbh"].ToString() + "号";
                    gwklwwh = "";

                    gwkwh = dt.Rows[0]["hyc_swlx"].ToString() + "[" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_swnf"].ToString() + "]" + dt.Rows[0]["hyc_swbh"].ToString() + "号";
                    gwklwwh = dt.Rows[0]["hyc_lwwh"].ToString();

                lsinsertgwk = "insert into hyp_gwk (ID,hy_mudelid,hy_tableid,hy_djrid,hy_djrname,hy_djbmid,hy_djbmname,hy_bt,hy_wh,hy_lwwh,hy_djsj,hy_fatherid,hy_typeid,hy_typename)  ";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "SQL")
                    lsinsertgwk += "values('" + gwkid + "','" + gwkmudelid + "','" + gwktableid + "','" + gwkdjrid + "','" + gwkdjrname + "','" + gwkdjbmid + "','" + gwkdjbmname + "','" + gwkbt + "','" + gwkwh + "','" + gwklwwh + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + gwkfatherid + "','" + this.txttypeid.Value + "','" + this.txttypename.Value + "')";
                if (Session["conntype"].ToString() == "ORACLE")
                    lsinsertgwk += "values('" + gwkid + "','" + gwkmudelid + "','" + gwktableid + "','" + gwkdjrid + "','" + gwkdjrname + "','" + gwkdjbmid + "','" + gwkdjbmname + "','" + gwkbt + "','" + gwkwh + "','" + gwklwwh + "',to_date('" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),'" + gwkfatherid + "','" + this.txttypeid.Value + "','" + this.txttypename.Value + "')";



Beispiel #30
 //已办转在办add by xf 2014-04-11
 protected void Button_YbtozbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_global Hyoa_global = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_global();
     HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl = new HyoaClass.Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl();
     DataTable dt = Hyoa_flowhistoryinfo_cl.Getflowhistoryinfo_clsbydocid(this.txtdocid.Value);
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
         string ls_hy_tacheid = dt.Rows[0]["hy_tacheid"].ToString();
         string ls_hy_tachename = dt.Rows[0]["hy_tachename"].ToString();
         string ls_hy_clrid = dt.Rows[0]["hy_clrid"].ToString();
         string ls_hy_clrname = dt.Rows[0]["hy_clrname"].ToString();
         string sql = "update hyc_" + hy_tableid.Text + " set hy_curtacheid='" + ls_hy_tacheid + "',hy_curtachename='" + ls_hy_tachename + "',hy_curclrid='" + ls_hy_clrid + "',hy_curclrname='" + ls_hy_clrname + "' where DOCID='" + this.txtdocid.Value + "'";
     //Response.Write("<script>alert('已办文件转在办成功!');window.location='" + this.Request.Url.ToString() + "'</script>");
     Response.Write("<script>alert('已办文件转在办成功!');window.location='" + this.txturl.Value + "'</script>");