/// <summary>
        /// Adjust the Y coordinate of all the given nodes to match the Y coordinate of the confluence node.
        /// The operation will only be performed if there is only one confluence node. </summary>
        /// <returns> the number of nodes that were edited </returns>
        protected internal virtual int setNodeYToConfluenceY(IList <HydrologyNode> nodeList)
            // First find the confluence node
            HydrologyNode confNode      = null;
            int           confNodeCount = 0;

            foreach (HydrologyNode node in nodeList)
                if (node.getType() == HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_CONFLUENCE)
                    confNode = node;
            int editCount = 0;

            if (confNodeCount == 1)
                foreach (HydrologyNode node in nodeList)
                    if (node != confNode)
                        // Set the coordinate...
        /// <summary>
        /// Responds to button presses. </summary>
        /// <param name="event"> the ActionEvent that happened. </param>
        public virtual void actionPerformed(ActionEvent @event)
            string command = @event.getActionCommand();

            if (command.Equals(__BUTTON_APPLY))
                __node = __parent.getAnnotationNode(__nodeNum);
            else if (command.Equals(__BUTTON_CANCEL))
            else if (command.Equals(__BUTTON_OK))
                if (__editable)
                // a combo box action triggered it.
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"> the parent GUI that instantiated this GUI. </param>
        /// <param name="node"> the node for which to edit properties. </param>
        /// <param name="nodeNum"> the number of the node in the parent GUI. </param>
        public StateMod_Network_AnnotationProperties_JDialog(StateMod_Network_JComponent parent, bool editable, HydrologyNode node, int nodeNum)
            __parent   = parent;
            __editable = editable;
            __node     = node;
            __nodeNum  = nodeNum;

            JGUIUtil.setIcon(this, JGUIUtil.getIconImage());
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the IDs of the downstream nodes to the main JPanel. </summary>
        /// <param name="panel"> the panel to which to add the node IDs. </param>
        /// <param name="y"> the y coordinate at which to start adding them. </param>
        private void addDownstreamNodeToPanel(JPanel panel, int y)
            HydrologyNode node = StateMod_NodeNetwork.findNextRealDownstreamNode(__nodes[__nodeNum]);

            JGUIUtil.addComponent(panel, new JLabel("Downstream node: "), 0, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.EAST);
            JGUIUtil.addComponent(panel, new JLabel("" + node.getCommonID() + " (model node)"), 1, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);


            node = __nodes[__nodeNum].getDownstreamNode();
            if (node != null)
                JGUIUtil.addComponent(panel, new JLabel("" + node.getCommonID() + " (diagram node)"), 1, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);
                JGUIUtil.addComponent(panel, new JLabel("[None] (diagram node)"), 1, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, GridBagConstraints.NONE, GridBagConstraints.WEST);
        /// <summary>
        /// Position the nodes evenly between the end nodes. </summary>
        /// <returns> the number of nodes that were edited </returns>
        protected internal virtual int positionNodesEvenlyBetweenEndNodes(IList <HydrologyNode> nodeList)
            if (nodeList.Count < 3)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method:
            string routine = this.GetType().FullName + "positionNodesEvenlyBetweenEndNodes";
            // First make a copy of the list so that the sort does not change the original list
            IList <HydrologyNode> nodeListSorted = null;
            // Sort the list so that it is in the order from upstream to downstream
            int editCount = 0;

                nodeListSorted = sortNodesSequential(nodeList);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Likely not in a line
                Message.printWarning(1, routine, "Error positioning nodes (" + e + ").  Make sure that nodes are in a single reach with no branches.", this.__editorJFrame);
                Message.printWarning(3, routine, e);
            HydrologyNode firstNode = nodeListSorted[0];
            HydrologyNode lastNode  = nodeListSorted[nodeListSorted.Count - 1];
            // Compute the delta between the first node and last node
            double dx = (lastNode.getX() - firstNode.getX()) / (nodeListSorted.Count - 1);
            double dy = (lastNode.getY() - firstNode.getY()) / (nodeListSorted.Count - 1);
            // Apply the delta to the middle nodes
            HydrologyNode node;

            for (int i = 1; i < nodeListSorted.Count - 1; i++)
                node = nodeListSorted[i];
                node.setX(firstNode.getX() + dx * i);
                node.setY(firstNode.getY() + dy * i);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the changes made in the GUI and applies them to the node in the parent GUI.
        /// </summary>
        private void applyChanges()
            if (!validateData())
                // if the data are not valid, don't close

            HydrologyNode node = new HydrologyNode();
            PropList      p    = new PropList("");
            string        temp = null;

            temp = __textTextField.getText().Trim();
            temp = StringUtil.replaceString(temp, "\"", "'");
            p.set("Text", temp);

            temp = __xTextField.getText().Trim() + "," + __yTextField.getText().Trim();
            p.set("Point", temp);

            temp = __textPositionComboBox.getSelected();
            p.set("TextPosition", temp);

            temp = __fontNameComboBox.getSelected().Trim();
            p.set("FontName", temp);

            temp = __fontSizeTextField.getText().Trim();
            p.set("OriginalFontSize", temp);

            temp = __fontStyleComboBox.getSelected().Trim();
            p.set("FontStyle", temp);


            __parent.updateAnnotation(__nodeNum, node);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write list files for the main station lists.  These can then be used with
        /// list-based commands in StateDMI.
        /// The user is prompted for a list file name.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void writeListFiles()
            string routine = "StateMod_Network_JComponent.writeListFiles";

            string       lastDirectorySelected = JGUIUtil.getLastFileDialogDirectory();
            JFileChooser fc = JFileChooserFactory.createJFileChooser(lastDirectorySelected);

            fc.setDialogTitle("Select Base Filename for List Files");
            SimpleFileFilter tff = new SimpleFileFilter("txt", "Text Files");

            SimpleFileFilter csv_ff = new SimpleFileFilter("csv", "Comma-separated Values");


            int retVal = fc.showSaveDialog(this.__editorJComponent);

            if (retVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)

            string currDir = (fc.getCurrentDirectory()).ToString();

            if (!currDir.Equals(lastDirectorySelected, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            string filename = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath();

            // Station types...

            int[] types = new int[] { -1, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_FLOW, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_DIV, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_DIV_AND_WELL, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_PLAN, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_RES, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_ISF, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_WELL, HydrologyNode.NODE_TYPE_OTHER };

            /* TODO SAM 2006-01-03 Just use node abbreviations from network
             * // Suffix for output, to be added to file basename...
             * String[] nodetype_string = {
             *      "All",
             *      "StreamGage",
             *      "Diversion",
             *      "DiversionAndWell",
             *      "Plan",
             *      "Reservoir",
             *      "InstreamFlow",
             *      "Well",
             *      // TODO SAM 2006-01-03 Evaluate similar to node type above.
             *      //"StreamEstimate",
             *      "Other"
             * };

            // Put the extension on the file (user may or may not have added)...

            if (fc.getFileFilter() == tff)
                filename = IOUtil.enforceFileExtension(filename, "txt");
            else if (fc.getFileFilter() == csv_ff)
                filename = IOUtil.enforceFileExtension(filename, "csv");

            // Now get the base name and remaining extension so that the basename can be adjusted below...

            int    lastIndex = filename.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string front     = filename.Substring(0, lastIndex);
            string end       = filename.Substring((lastIndex + 1), filename.Length - (lastIndex + 1));

            string outputFilename   = null;
            IList <HydrologyNode> v = null;

            string warning = "";

            string[] comments = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                v = this.__editorJComponent.getNodesForType(types[i]);

                if (v != null && v.Count > 0)
                    comments = new string[1];
                    if (types[i] == -1)
                        comments[0]    = "The following list contains data for all node types.";
                        outputFilename = front + "_All." + end;
                        comments[0] = "The following list contains data for the following node type:  " + HydrologyNode.getTypeString(types[i], HydrologyNode.ABBREVIATION) +
                                      " (" + HydrologyNode.getTypeString(types[i], HydrologyNode.FULL) + ")";
                        outputFilename = front + "_" + HydrologyNode.getTypeString(types[i], HydrologyNode.ABBREVIATION) + "." + end;

                        StateMod_NodeNetwork.writeListFile(outputFilename, ",", false, v, comments, false);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Message.printWarning(3, routine, e);
                        warning += "\nUnable to create list file \"" + outputFilename + "\"";
            // TODO SAM 2006-01-03 Write at level 1 since this is currently triggered from an
            // interactive action.  However, may need to change if executed in batch mode.
            if (warning.Length > 0)
                Message.printWarning(1, routine, warning);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sort a list of nodes to be sequential upstream to downstream.  This ensures that processing that requires
        /// a sequence will have expected data.  A new list is returned, but original node objects are not copied.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: protected java.util.List<cdss.domain.hydrology.network.HydrologyNode> sortNodesSequential(java.util.List<cdss.domain.hydrology.network.HydrologyNode> nodeListOrig) throws RuntimeException
        protected internal virtual IList <HydrologyNode> sortNodesSequential(IList <HydrologyNode> nodeListOrig)
            IList <HydrologyNode> nodeList       = new List <object>(nodeListOrig);
            IList <HydrologyNode> nodeListSorted = new List <object>();
            // First find a node that has only one of the other nodes downstream (no matching upstream).
            // This will be the upstream node.
            HydrologyNode upstreamNode = null;

            foreach (HydrologyNode node in nodeList)
                IList <HydrologyNode> nodeUpstreamNodes = node.getUpstreamNodes();
                if ((nodeUpstreamNodes == null) || (nodeUpstreamNodes.Count == 0))
                    // No upstream nodes so this is the most upstream node
                    upstreamNode = node;
                    bool foundUpstream = false;
                    foreach (HydrologyNode node2 in nodeUpstreamNodes)
                        foreach (HydrologyNode node3 in nodeList)
                            if ((node3 != node) && (node2 == node3))
                                // Found an upstream node so this is not the upstream node in the list
                                foundUpstream = true;
                        if (foundUpstream)
                            // No need to keep searching
                    if (!foundUpstream)
                        // The node has no upstream nodes in the list so this is the upstream node
                        upstreamNode = node;
            if (upstreamNode == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find node in list that has no upstream nodes.");
            // Now go through the list and add in the order upstream to downstream.  Remove the upstream node
            // because it does not need to be considered
            HydrologyNode nodePrev = upstreamNode;

            while (true)
                int nodeListSortedSizePrev = nodeListSorted.Count;
                foreach (HydrologyNode node in nodeList)
                    if (node == nodePrev.getDownstreamNode())
                        // Found the node downstream from the upstream so add it to the list
                        nodePrev = node;
                        // Start the search again
                if (nodeListSorted.Count == nodeListSortedSizePrev)
                    // No further matches found
            // If the number in the list is not the same as the original list there was a disconnect somewhere
            if (nodeListSorted.Count != nodeListOrig.Count)
                throw new Exception("Sorted node list (" + nodeListSorted.Count + ") is not same length as original list (" + nodeListOrig.Count + ").");
        /// <summary>
        /// Responds to action performed events. </summary>
        /// <param name="e"> the ActionEvent that happened. </param>
        public virtual void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            string routine = "StateMod_RiverNetworkNode_JFrame.actionPerformed";

            if (Message.isDebugOn)
                Message.printDebug(1, routine, "In actionPerformed: " + e.getActionCommand());
            object source = e.getSource();

            if (source == __closeJButton)
                int size = __riverNetworkNodesVector.Count;
                StateMod_RiverNetworkNode r = null;
                bool changed = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    r = __riverNetworkNodesVector[i];
                    if (!changed && r.changed())
                        changed = true;
                if (changed)
                    __dataset.setDirty(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RIVER_NETWORK, true);
                if (__dataset_wm != null)
            else if (source == __applyJButton)
                int size = __riverNetworkNodesVector.Count;
                StateMod_RiverNetworkNode r = null;
                bool changed = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    r = __riverNetworkNodesVector[i];
                    if (!changed && r.changed())
                        changed = true;
                if (changed)
                    __dataset.setDirty(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RIVER_NETWORK, true);
            else if (source == __cancelJButton)
                int size = __riverNetworkNodesVector.Count;
                StateMod_RiverNetworkNode r = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    r = __riverNetworkNodesVector[i];
                if (__dataset_wm != null)
            else if (source == __helpJButton)
                // REVISIT HELP (JTS - 2003-08-18)
            else if (source == __searchIDJRadioButton)
            else if (source == __searchNameJRadioButton)
            else if (source == __showOnMap_JButton)
                GeoRecord geoRecord = getSelectedRiverNetworkNode().getGeoRecord();
                GRShape   shape     = geoRecord.getShape();
                __dataset_wm.showOnMap(getSelectedRiverNetworkNode(), "Node: " + getSelectedRiverNetworkNode().getID() + " - " + getSelectedRiverNetworkNode().getName(), new GRLimits(shape.xmin, shape.ymin, shape.xmax, shape.ymax), geoRecord.getLayer().getProjection());
            else if (source == __showOnNetwork_JButton)
                StateMod_Network_JFrame networkEditor = __dataset_wm.getNetworkEditor();
                if (networkEditor != null)
                    HydrologyNode node = networkEditor.getNetworkJComponent().findNode(getSelectedRiverNetworkNode().getID(), false, false);
                    if (node != null)
                        __dataset_wm.showOnNetwork(getSelectedRiverNetworkNode(), "Node: " + getSelectedRiverNetworkNode().getID() + " - " + getSelectedRiverNetworkNode().getName(), new GRLimits(node.getX(), node.getY(), node.getX(), node.getY()));
            else if (source == __findNext)
                searchWorksheet(__worksheet.getSelectedRow() + 1);
            else if (source == __searchID || source == __searchName)