private bool IsValidFamily() { Individual eldestChild = Children.OrderBy(x => x.BirthDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (MarriageDate.IsAfter(CensusDate) && (eldestChild == null || eldestChild.BirthDate.IsAfter(CensusDate))) { return(false); } if (FamilyID == Family.SOLOINDIVIDUAL || FamilyID == Family.PRE_MARRIAGE) { return(true); // allow solo individual families to be processed } // don't process family if either parent is under 16 //if(Husband != null) rtb.AppendText("Husband : " + Husband.getAge(censusDate) + "\n"); if (Husband != null && Husband.GetMaxAge(CensusDate) < 16) { return(false); } //if(Wife != null) rtb.AppendText("Wife : " + Wife.getAge(censusDate) + "\n"); if (Wife != null && Wife.GetMaxAge(CensusDate) < 16) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D triggerObj) { if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Talkable")) { talk.enabled = false; } else if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Untalkable")) { talk.enabled = false; } else if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("MiniGame")) { MiniGame1.SetBool("isOpen", false); MiniGame2.SetBool("isOpen", false); MiniGame3.SetBool("isOpen", false); MiniGame4.SetBool("isOpen", false); MiniGame5.SetBool("isOpen", false); } else if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Suspect")) { Antique.SetActive(!true); Husband.SetActive(!true); Sister.SetActive(!true); Best.SetActive(!true); } }
public bool BothParentsAlive(FactDate when) { if (Husband is null || Wife is null || FamilyType.Equals(SOLOINDIVIDUAL)) { return(false); } return(Husband.IsAlive(when) && Wife.IsAlive(when) && Husband.GetAge(when).MinAge > 13 && Wife.GetAge(when).MinAge > 13); }
public bool BothParentsAlive(FactDate when) { if (Husband == null || Wife == null || FamilyID == SOLOINDIVIDUAL) { return(false); } return(Husband.IsAlive(when) && Wife.IsAlive(when) && Husband.GetAge(when).MinAge > 13 && Wife.GetAge(when).MinAge > 13); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D triggerObj) { if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Talkable")) { talk.enabled = true; buttons.SetActive(true); Dial = triggerObj.gameObject.GetComponent <DialogDisplay>(); PlayerData.Dial = Dial; PlayerData.speakerUILeft = Dial.speakerLeft.GetComponent <SpeakerUI>(); PlayerData.speakerUIRight = Dial.speakerRight.GetComponent <SpeakerUI>(); PlayerData.speakerUILeft.Speaker = Dial.conversation.speakerLeft; PlayerData.speakerUIRight.Speaker = Dial.conversation.speakerRight; } if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("MiniGame")) { if ( == "Minigame1") { MiniGame1.SetBool("isOpen", true); } else if ( == "Minigame2") { MiniGame2.SetBool("isOpen", true); } else if ( == "Minigame3") { MiniGame3.SetBool("isOpen", true); } else if ( == "Minigame4") { MiniGame4.SetBool("isOpen", true); } else if ( == "Minigame5") { MiniGame5.SetBool("isOpen", true); } } if (triggerObj.gameObject.CompareTag("Suspect")) { if ( == "Antique") { Antique.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "Husband") { Husband.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "Sissy") { Sister.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "Besty") { Best.SetActive(true); } } }
protected MockPlayer(Mockery mock) { var location = mock.NewMock <ILocation>(); _location = mock.NewMock <IPlayerLocation>(); Stub.On(_location).GetProperty("Current").Will(Return.Value(location)); var husband = new Husband(); Meeples = new IMeeple[] { husband }; }
public Player(string name) { _name = name; Husband = new Husband() { Player = this }; FianceeList = new List <IWife>(); SingleLadiesList = new List <IWife>(Wife.NewWifeList); Money = 12; }
private void AddFacts(XmlNode node, string factType) { XmlNodeList list = node.SelectNodes(factType); bool preferredFact = true; foreach (XmlNode n in list) { Fact f = new Fact(n, this, preferredFact); if (f.FactType != Fact.CENSUS) { Facts.Add(f); if (!preferredFacts.ContainsKey(f.FactType)) { preferredFacts.Add(f.FactType, f); } } else { // Handle a census fact on a family. if (Properties.GeneralSettings.Default.OnlyCensusParents) { if (Husband != null && Husband.IsAlive(f.FactDate)) { Husband.AddFact(f); } if (Wife != null && Wife.IsAlive(f.FactDate)) { Wife.AddFact(f); } } else { // all members of the family who are alive get the census fact foreach (Individual person in Members) { if (person.IsAlive(f.FactDate)) { person.AddFact(f); } } } } preferredFact = false; } }
public void TestMethod1() { AbstractHandler father = new Father(); AbstractHandler husband = new Husband(); AbstractHandler son = new Son(); father.SetNext(husband); husband.SetNext(son); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 160; i++) { IWomen women = new Women((WomenLevelEnum)random.Next(0, 3), "我要出去玩"); father.HandleMessage(women); } // --Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //Husband 同意 Wife 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //--Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //Husband 同意 Wife 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //--Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //--Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //-- Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //-- Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //-- Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //Husband 同意 Wife 我要出去玩 的请求 //Husband 同意 Wife 我要出去玩 的请求 //Husband 同意 Wife 我要出去玩 的请求 //Father 同意 Daughter 我要出去玩 的请求 //Husband 同意 Wife 我要出去玩 的请求 //-- Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- //-- Alone 没有地方请示,按不同意处理-- }
public List <Person> GetInLaws() { var inlaw_list = new List <Person>(); if (Husband != null) { if (Husband.ParantRecord != null) { foreach (var Inlaw in Husband.GetMainParents()) { if (Inlaw != null) { inlaw_list.Add(Inlaw); } } } } return(inlaw_list); }
public Family(XmlNode node, IProgress <string> outputText) : this(string.Empty) { if (node != null) { XmlNode eHusband = node.SelectSingleNode("HUSB"); XmlNode eWife = node.SelectSingleNode("WIFE"); FamilyID = node.Attributes["ID"].Value; string husbandID = eHusband?.Attributes["REF"]?.Value; string wifeID = eWife?.Attributes["REF"]?.Value; Husband = ft.GetIndividual(husbandID); Wife = ft.GetIndividual(wifeID); if (Husband != null && Wife != null) { Wife.MarriedName = Husband.Surname; } if (Husband != null) { Husband.FamiliesAsSpouse.Add(this); } if (Wife != null) { Wife.FamiliesAsSpouse.Add(this); } // now iterate through child elements of eChildren // finding all individuals XmlNodeList list = node.SelectNodes("CHIL"); foreach (XmlNode n in list) { if (n.Attributes["REF"] != null) { Individual child = ft.GetIndividual(n.Attributes["REF"].Value); if (child != null) { XmlNode fatherNode = n.SelectSingleNode("_FREL"); XmlNode motherNode = n.SelectSingleNode("_MREL"); var father = ParentalRelationship.GetRelationshipType(fatherNode); var mother = ParentalRelationship.GetRelationshipType(motherNode); Children.Add(child); var parent = new ParentalRelationship(this, father, mother); child.FamiliesAsChild.Add(parent); AddParentAndChildrenFacts(child, Husband, father); AddParentAndChildrenFacts(child, Wife, mother); } else { outputText.Report($"Child not found in family: {FamilyRef}\n"); } } else { outputText.Report($"Child without a reference found in family: {FamilyRef}\n"); } } AddFacts(node, Fact.ANNULMENT, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.DIVORCE, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.DIVORCE_FILED, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.ENGAGEMENT, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.MARRIAGE, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.MARRIAGE_BANN, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.MARR_CONTRACT, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.MARR_LICENSE, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.MARR_SETTLEMENT, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.SEPARATION, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.CENSUS, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.CUSTOM_EVENT, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.CUSTOM_FACT, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.REFERENCE, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.SEALED_TO_SPOUSE, outputText); AddFacts(node, Fact.UNKNOWN, outputText); //TODO: need to think about family facts having AGE tags in GEDCOM if (HasGoodChildrenStatus) { CheckChildrenStatusCounts(); } if (MarriageDate.IsKnown && !MarriageDate.Overlaps(FactDate.SAME_SEX_MARRIAGE)) // check for wrongly set gender only if pre-dates same sex marriages { if (Husband != null && !Husband.IsMale) { Husband.QuestionGender(this, true); } if (Wife != null && Wife.IsMale) { Wife.QuestionGender(this, false); } } Children.ToList().Sort(new BirthDateComparer()); } }
void AddFacts(XmlNode node, string factType, IProgress <string> outputText) { XmlNodeList list = node.SelectNodes(factType); bool preferredFact = true; foreach (XmlNode n in list) { try { Fact f = new Fact(n, this, preferredFact, outputText); f.Location.FTAnalyzerCreated = false; if (!f.Location.IsValidLatLong) { outputText.Report($"Found problem with Lat/Long for Location '{f.Location}' in facts for {FamilyID}: {FamilyName}"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Comment) && Husband != null && Wife != null && f.IsMarriageFact) { string description = Fact.GetFactTypeDescription(factType); f.Comment = $"{description} of {Husband.Name} and {Wife.Name}"; } if (f.FactType != Fact.CENSUS) { Facts.Add(f); if (!_preferredFacts.ContainsKey(f.FactType)) { _preferredFacts.Add(f.FactType, f); } } else { // Handle a census fact on a family. if (GeneralSettings.Default.OnlyCensusParents) { if (Husband != null && Husband.IsAlive(f.FactDate)) { Husband.AddFact(f); } if (Wife != null && Wife.IsAlive(f.FactDate)) { Wife.AddFact(f); } } else { // all members of the family who are alive get the census fact foreach (Individual person in Members.Where(p => p.IsAlive(f.FactDate))) { person.AddFact(f); } } } } catch (InvalidXMLFactException ex) { outputText.Report($"Error with Family : {FamilyID}\n Invalid fact : {ex.Message}"); } catch (TextFactDateException te) { if (te.Message == "UNMARRIED" || te.Message == "NEVER MARRIED" || te.Message == "NOT MARRIED") { Fact f = new Fact(string.Empty, Fact.UNMARRIED, FactDate.UNKNOWN_DATE, FactLocation.UNKNOWN_LOCATION, string.Empty, true, true); Husband?.AddFact(f); Wife?.AddFact(f); Facts.Add(f); } } preferredFact = false; } }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:1 // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Create a designer workbook // Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("Husband Name"); worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Name"); worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue("Husband Age"); worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Age"); worksheet.Cells["C1"].PutValue("Wife's Name"); worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Wives.Name"); worksheet.Cells["D1"].PutValue("Wife's Age"); worksheet.Cells["D2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Wives.Age"); // Apply Style to A1:D1 Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:D1"); Style style = workbook.CreateStyle(); style.Font.IsBold = true; style.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow; style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; StyleFlag flag = new StyleFlag(); flag.All = true; range.ApplyStyle(style, flag); // Initialize WorkbookDesigner object WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(); // Load the template file designer.Workbook = workbook; System.Collections.Generic.List<Husband> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Husband>(); // Create an object for the Husband class Husband h1 = new Husband("Mark John", 30); // Create the relevant Wife objects for the Husband object h1.Wives = new List<Wife>(); h1.Wives.Add(new Wife("Chen Zhao", 34)); h1.Wives.Add(new Wife("Jamima Winfrey", 28)); h1.Wives.Add(new Wife("Reham Smith", 35)); // Create another object for the Husband class Husband h2 = new Husband("Masood Shankar", 40); // Create the relevant Wife objects for the Husband object h2.Wives = new List<Wife>(); h2.Wives.Add(new Wife("Karishma Jathool", 36)); h2.Wives.Add(new Wife("Angela Rose", 33)); h2.Wives.Add(new Wife("Hina Khanna", 45)); // Add the objects to the list list.Add(h1); list.Add(h2); // Specify the DataSource designer.SetDataSource("Husband", list); // Process the markers designer.Process(); // Autofit columns worksheet.AutoFitColumns(); // Save the Excel file. designer.Workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.xlsx"); // ExEnd:1 }
public static void Run() { // ExStart:1 // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); // Create a designer workbook // Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue("Husband Name"); worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Name"); worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue("Husband Age"); worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Age"); worksheet.Cells["C1"].PutValue("Wife's Name"); worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Wives.Name"); worksheet.Cells["D1"].PutValue("Wife's Age"); worksheet.Cells["D2"].PutValue("&=Husband.Wives.Age"); // Apply Style to A1:D1 Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:D1"); Style style = workbook.CreateStyle(); style.Font.IsBold = true; style.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow; style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; StyleFlag flag = new StyleFlag(); flag.All = true; range.ApplyStyle(style, flag); // Initialize WorkbookDesigner object WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(); // Load the template file designer.Workbook = workbook; System.Collections.Generic.List <Husband> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Husband>(); // Create an object for the Husband class Husband h1 = new Husband("Mark John", 30); // Create the relevant Wife objects for the Husband object h1.Wives = new List <Wife>(); h1.Wives.Add(new Wife("Chen Zhao", 34)); h1.Wives.Add(new Wife("Jamima Winfrey", 28)); h1.Wives.Add(new Wife("Reham Smith", 35)); // Create another object for the Husband class Husband h2 = new Husband("Masood Shankar", 40); // Create the relevant Wife objects for the Husband object h2.Wives = new List <Wife>(); h2.Wives.Add(new Wife("Karishma Jathool", 36)); h2.Wives.Add(new Wife("Angela Rose", 33)); h2.Wives.Add(new Wife("Hina Khanna", 45)); // Add the objects to the list list.Add(h1); list.Add(h2); // Specify the DataSource designer.SetDataSource("Husband", list); // Process the markers designer.Process(); // Autofit columns worksheet.AutoFitColumns(); // Save the Excel file. designer.Workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.xlsx"); // ExEnd:1 }