Beispiel #1
        static HandlePhysics AnimalAIHandler(AnimalAI ai)
            if (ai == AnimalAI.Fly)

            if (ai == AnimalAI.FleeAir)
                return((Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) => HunterPhysics.Do(lvl, ref C, Block.Air, -1));
            else if (ai == AnimalAI.FleeWater)
                return((Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) => HunterPhysics.Do(lvl, ref C, Block.Water, -1));
            else if (ai == AnimalAI.FleeLava)
                return((Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) => HunterPhysics.Do(lvl, ref C, Block.Lava, -1));

            if (ai == AnimalAI.KillerAir)
                return((Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) => HunterPhysics.Do(lvl, ref C, Block.Air, 1));
            else if (ai == AnimalAI.KillerWater)
                return((Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) => HunterPhysics.Do(lvl, ref C, Block.Water, 1));
            else if (ai == AnimalAI.KillerLava)
                return((Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) => HunterPhysics.Do(lvl, ref C, Block.Lava, 1));
Beispiel #2
        internal static void SetupCorePhysicsHandlers()
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdblack] = BirdPhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdwhite] = BirdPhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdlava]  = BirdPhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdwater] = BirdPhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdred]   = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoKiller(lvl, ref C, Block.air);
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdblue]  = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoKiller(lvl, ref C, Block.air);
            physicsHandlers[Block.birdkill]  = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoKiller(lvl, ref C, Block.air);

            physicsHandlers[Block.snaketail]  = SnakePhysics.DoTail;
            physicsHandlers[Block.snake]      = SnakePhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.rockethead] = RocketPhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.firework]   = FireworkPhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.zombiebody] = ZombiePhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.zombiehead] = ZombiePhysics.DoHead;
            physicsHandlers[Block.creeper]    = ZombiePhysics.Do;

            physicsHandlers[Block.fishbetta]     = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoKiller(lvl, ref C, Block.water);
            physicsHandlers[Block.fishshark]     = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoKiller(lvl, ref C, Block.water);
            physicsHandlers[Block.fishlavashark] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoKiller(lvl, ref C, Block.lava);
            physicsHandlers[Block.fishgold]      = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoFlee(lvl, ref C, Block.water);
            physicsHandlers[Block.fishsalmon]    = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoFlee(lvl, ref C, Block.water);
            physicsHandlers[Block.fishsponge]    = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => HunterPhysics.DoFlee(lvl, ref C, Block.water);

            physicsHandlers[Block.water]            = SimpleLiquidPhysics.DoWater;
            physicsHandlers[Block.activedeathwater] = SimpleLiquidPhysics.DoWater;
            physicsHandlers[Block.lava]             = SimpleLiquidPhysics.DoLava;
            physicsHandlers[Block.activedeathlava]  = SimpleLiquidPhysics.DoLava;
            physicsHandlers[Block.WaterDown]        = ExtLiquidPhysics.DoWaterfall;
            physicsHandlers[Block.LavaDown]         = ExtLiquidPhysics.DoLavafall;
            physicsHandlers[Block.WaterFaucet]      = (Level lvl, ref Check C) =>
                                                      ExtLiquidPhysics.DoFaucet(lvl, ref C, Block.WaterDown);
            physicsHandlers[Block.LavaFaucet] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) =>
                                                ExtLiquidPhysics.DoFaucet(lvl, ref C, Block.LavaDown);
            physicsHandlers[Block.finiteWater]   = FinitePhysics.DoWaterOrLava;
            physicsHandlers[Block.finiteLava]    = FinitePhysics.DoWaterOrLava;
            physicsHandlers[Block.finiteFaucet]  = FinitePhysics.DoFaucet;
            physicsHandlers[Block.magma]         = ExtLiquidPhysics.DoMagma;
            physicsHandlers[Block.geyser]        = ExtLiquidPhysics.DoGeyser;
            physicsHandlers[Block.lava_fast]     = SimpleLiquidPhysics.DoFastLava;
            physicsHandlers[Block.fastdeathlava] = SimpleLiquidPhysics.DoFastLava;

            physicsHandlers[Block.air]             = AirPhysics.DoAir;
            physicsHandlers[Block.dirt]            = OtherPhysics.DoDirt;
            physicsHandlers[Block.leaf]            = LeafPhysics.DoLeaf;
            physicsHandlers[Block.shrub]           = OtherPhysics.DoShrub;
            physicsHandlers[]            = FirePhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.lava_fire]       = FirePhysics.Do;
            physicsHandlers[Block.sand]            = OtherPhysics.DoFalling;
            physicsHandlers[Block.gravel]          = OtherPhysics.DoFalling;
            physicsHandlers[Block.cobblestoneslab] = OtherPhysics.DoStairs;
            physicsHandlers[Block.staircasestep]   = OtherPhysics.DoStairs;
            physicsHandlers[Block.wood_float]      = OtherPhysics.DoFloatwood;

            physicsHandlers[Block.sponge]      = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => OtherPhysics.DoSponge(lvl, ref C, false);
            physicsHandlers[Block.lava_sponge] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => OtherPhysics.DoSponge(lvl, ref C, true);

            //Special blocks that are not saved
            physicsHandlers[Block.air_flood] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) =>
                                               AirPhysics.DoFlood(lvl, ref C, AirFlood.Full, Block.air_flood);
            physicsHandlers[Block.air_flood_layer] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) =>
                                                     AirPhysics.DoFlood(lvl, ref C, AirFlood.Layer, Block.air_flood_layer);
            physicsHandlers[Block.air_flood_down] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) =>
                                                    AirPhysics.DoFlood(lvl, ref C, AirFlood.Down, Block.air_flood_down);
            physicsHandlers[Block.air_flood_up] = (Level lvl, ref Check C) =>
                                                  AirPhysics.DoFlood(lvl, ref C, AirFlood.Up, Block.air_flood_up);

            physicsHandlers[Block.smalltnt]     = TntPhysics.DoSmallTnt;
            physicsHandlers[Block.bigtnt]       = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => TntPhysics.DoLargeTnt(lvl, ref C, 1);
            physicsHandlers[Block.nuketnt]      = (Level lvl, ref Check C) => TntPhysics.DoLargeTnt(lvl, ref C, 4);
            physicsHandlers[Block.tntexplosion] = TntPhysics.DoTntExplosion;
            physicsHandlers[Block.train]        = TrainPhysics.Do;

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                //Adv physics updating anything placed next to water or lava
                if ((i >= && i <= Block.redmushroom) || i == Block.wood ||
                    i == Block.trunk || i == Block.bookcase)
                    physicsHandlers[i] = OtherPhysics.DoOther;

                if (Block.Props[i].ODoorId != Block.Invalid)
                    physicsHandlers[i]      = DoorPhysics.oDoor;
                    physicsDoorsHandlers[i] = DoorPhysics.oDoor;