Beispiel #1
        public bool Identify(IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition)
            if (2 + partition.Start >= partition.End)

            ushort bps;
            byte   spc;
            byte   numberOfFats;
            ushort reservedSecs;
            ushort rootEntries;
            ushort sectors;
            byte   mediaDescriptor;
            ushort fatSectors;
            uint   bigSectors;
            byte   bpbSignature;
            byte   fat32Signature;
            ulong  hugeSectors;

            byte[] fat32Id = new byte[8];
            byte[] msxId   = new byte[6];
            byte   fatId;

            byte[] dosOem   = new byte[8];
            byte[] atariOem = new byte[6];
            ushort bootable = 0;

            uint sectorsPerBpb = imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize < 512 ? 512 / imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize : 1;

            byte[] bpbSector = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(0 + partition.Start, sectorsPerBpb);
            byte[] fatSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(sectorsPerBpb + partition.Start);

            HumanParameterBlock humanBpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureBigEndian <HumanParameterBlock>(bpbSector);

            ulong expectedClusters = humanBpb.bpc > 0 ? partition.Size / humanBpb.bpc : 0;

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Human bpc = {0}", humanBpb.bpc);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Human clusters = {0}", humanBpb.clusters);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Human big_clusters = {0}", humanBpb.big_clusters);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Human expected clusters = {0}", expectedClusters);

            // Check clusters for Human68k are correct
            bool humanClustersCorrect = humanBpb.clusters == 0 ? humanBpb.big_clusters == expectedClusters
                                            : humanBpb.clusters == expectedClusters;

            // Check OEM for Human68k is correct
            bool humanOemCorrect = bpbSector[2] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[3] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[4] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[5] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[6] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[7] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[8] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[9] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[10] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[11] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[12] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[13] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[14] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[15] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[16] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[17] >= 0x20;

            // Check correct branch for Human68k
            bool humanBranchCorrect = bpbSector[0] == 0x60 && bpbSector[1] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[1] < 0xFE;

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "humanClustersCorrect = {0}", humanClustersCorrect);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "humanOemCorrect = {0}", humanOemCorrect);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "humanBranchCorrect = {0}", humanBranchCorrect);

            // If all Human68k checks are correct, it is a Human68k FAT16
            if (humanClustersCorrect &&
                humanOemCorrect &&
                humanBranchCorrect &&
                expectedClusters > 0)

            Array.Copy(bpbSector, 0x02, atariOem, 0, 6);
            Array.Copy(bpbSector, 0x03, dosOem, 0, 8);
            bps             = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x00B);
            spc             = bpbSector[0x00D];
            reservedSecs    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x00E);
            numberOfFats    = bpbSector[0x010];
            rootEntries     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x011);
            sectors         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x013);
            mediaDescriptor = bpbSector[0x015];
            fatSectors      = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x016);
            Array.Copy(bpbSector, 0x052, msxId, 0, 6);
            bigSectors     = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bpbSector, 0x020);
            bpbSignature   = bpbSector[0x026];
            fat32Signature = bpbSector[0x042];
            Array.Copy(bpbSector, 0x052, fat32Id, 0, 8);
            hugeSectors = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bpbSector, 0x052);
            fatId       = fatSector[0];
            int bitsInBps = CountBits.Count(bps);

            if (imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize >= 512)
                bootable = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x1FE);

            bool   correctSpc  = spc == 1 || spc == 2 || spc == 4 || spc == 8 || spc == 16 || spc == 32 || spc == 64;
            string msxString   = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msxId);
            string fat32String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fat32Id);

            bool atariOemCorrect = atariOem[0] >= 0x20 && atariOem[1] >= 0x20 && atariOem[2] >= 0x20 &&
                                   atariOem[3] >= 0x20 && atariOem[4] >= 0x20 && atariOem[5] >= 0x20;

            bool dosOemCorrect = dosOem[0] >= 0x20 && dosOem[1] >= 0x20 && dosOem[2] >= 0x20 && dosOem[3] >= 0x20 &&
                                 dosOem[4] >= 0x20 && dosOem[5] >= 0x20 && dosOem[6] >= 0x20 && dosOem[7] >= 0x20;

            string atariString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(atariOem);
            string oemString   = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dosOem);

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "atari_oem_correct = {0}", atariOemCorrect);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "dos_oem_correct = {0}", dosOemCorrect);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "bps = {0}", bps);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "bits in bps = {0}", bitsInBps);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "spc = {0}", spc);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "correct_spc = {0}", correctSpc);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "reserved_secs = {0}", reservedSecs);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "fats_no = {0}", numberOfFats);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "root_entries = {0}", rootEntries);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "sectors = {0}", sectors);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "media_descriptor = 0x{0:X2}", mediaDescriptor);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "fat_sectors = {0}", fatSectors);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "msx_id = \"{0}\"", msxString);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "big_sectors = {0}", bigSectors);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "bpb_signature = 0x{0:X2}", bpbSignature);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "fat32_signature = 0x{0:X2}", fat32Signature);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "fat32_id = \"{0}\"", fat32String);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "huge_sectors = {0}", hugeSectors);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "fat_id = 0x{0:X2}", fatId);

            ushort apricotBps             = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x50);
            byte   apricotSpc             = bpbSector[0x52];
            ushort apricotReservedSecs    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x53);
            byte   apricotFatsNo          = bpbSector[0x55];
            ushort apricotRootEntries     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x56);
            ushort apricotSectors         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x58);
            byte   apricotMediaDescriptor = bpbSector[0x5A];
            ushort apricotFatSectors      = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 0x5B);

            bool apricotCorrectSpc = apricotSpc == 1 || apricotSpc == 2 || apricotSpc == 4 || apricotSpc == 8 ||
                                     apricotSpc == 16 || apricotSpc == 32 || apricotSpc == 64;

            int  bitsInApricotBps  = CountBits.Count(apricotBps);
            byte apricotPartitions = bpbSector[0x0C];

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_bps = {0}", apricotBps);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_spc = {0}", apricotSpc);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_correct_spc = {0}", apricotCorrectSpc);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_reserved_secs = {0}", apricotReservedSecs);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_fats_no = {0}", apricotFatsNo);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_root_entries = {0}", apricotRootEntries);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_sectors = {0}", apricotSectors);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_media_descriptor = 0x{0:X2}", apricotMediaDescriptor);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "apricot_fat_sectors = {0}", apricotFatSectors);

            // This is to support FAT partitions on hybrid ISO/USB images
            if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc)
                sectors     /= 4;
                bigSectors  /= 4;
                hugeSectors /= 4;

            switch (oemString)
            // exFAT
            case "EXFAT   ": return(false);

            // NTFS
            case "NTFS    " when bootable == 0xAA55 && numberOfFats == 0 && fatSectors == 0: return(false);

            // QNX4
            case "FQNX4FS ": return(false);

            // HPFS
            if (16 + partition.Start <= partition.End)
                byte[] hpfsSbSector =
                    imagePlugin.ReadSector(16 + partition.Start); // Seek to superblock, on logical sector 16

                uint hpfsMagic1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(hpfsSbSector, 0x000);
                uint hpfsMagic2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(hpfsSbSector, 0x004);

                if (hpfsMagic1 == 0xF995E849 &&
                    hpfsMagic2 == 0xFA53E9C5)

            switch (bitsInBps)
            // FAT32 for sure
            case 1 when correctSpc && numberOfFats <= 2 && sectors == 0 && fatSectors == 0 &&
                fat32Signature == 0x29 && fat32String == "FAT32   ": return(true);

            // short FAT32
            case 1
                when correctSpc && numberOfFats <= 2 && sectors == 0 && fatSectors == 0 && fat32Signature == 0x28:
                return(bigSectors == 0 ? hugeSectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1
                               : bigSectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1);

            // MSX-DOS FAT12
            case 1 when correctSpc && numberOfFats <= 2 && rootEntries > 0 &&
                sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1 && fatSectors > 0 &&
                msxString == "VOL_ID": return(true);

            // EBPB
            case 1 when correctSpc && numberOfFats <= 2 && rootEntries > 0 && fatSectors > 0 &&
                (bpbSignature == 0x28 || bpbSignature == 0x29):
                return(sectors == 0 ? bigSectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1
                               : sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1);

            // BPB
            case 1 when correctSpc && reservedSecs < partition.End - partition.Start && numberOfFats <= 2 &&
                rootEntries > 0 && fatSectors > 0:
                return(sectors == 0 ? bigSectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1
                               : sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1);

            // Apricot BPB
            if (bitsInApricotBps == 1 &&
                apricotCorrectSpc &&
                apricotReservedSecs < partition.End - partition.Start &&
                apricotFatsNo <= 2 &&
                apricotRootEntries > 0 &&
                apricotFatSectors > 0 &&
                apricotSectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1 &&
                apricotPartitions == 0)

            // All FAT12 without BPB can only be used on floppies, without partitions.
            if (partition.Start != 0)

            // DEC Rainbow, lacks a BPB but has a very concrete structure...
            if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 800 &&
                imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                // DEC Rainbow boots up with a Z80, first byte should be DI (disable interrupts)
                byte z80Di = bpbSector[0];

                // First FAT1 sector resides at LBA 0x14
                byte[] fat1Sector0 = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0x14);

                // First FAT2 sector resides at LBA 0x1A
                byte[] fat2Sector0 = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0x1A);
                bool   equalFatIds = fat1Sector0[0] == fat2Sector0[0] && fat1Sector0[1] == fat2Sector0[1];

                // Volume is software interleaved 2:1
                var rootMs = new MemoryStream();

                foreach (byte[] tmp in from ulong rootSector in new ulong[]
                    0x17, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x20
                } select imagePlugin.ReadSector(rootSector))
                    rootMs.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);

                byte[] rootDir      = rootMs.ToArray();
                bool   validRootDir = true;

                // Iterate all root directory
                for (int e = 0; e < 96 * 32; e += 32)
                    for (int c = 0; c < 11; c++)
                        if ((rootDir[c + e] < 0x20 && rootDir[c + e] != 0x00 && rootDir[c + e] != 0x05) ||
                            rootDir[c + e] == 0xFF ||
                            rootDir[c + e] == 0x2E)
                            validRootDir = false;


                    if (!validRootDir)

                if (z80Di == 0xF3 &&
                    equalFatIds &&
                    (fat1Sector0[0] & 0xF0) == 0xF0 &&
                    fat1Sector0[1] == 0xFF &&

            byte   fat2          = fatSector[1];
            byte   fat3          = fatSector[2];
            ushort fat2ndCluster = (ushort)(((fat2 << 8) + fat3) & 0xFFF);

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "1st fat cluster 1 = {0:X3}", fat2ndCluster);

            if (fat2ndCluster < 0xFF0)

            ulong fat2SectorNo = 0;

            switch (fatId)
            case 0xE5:
                if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 2002 &&
                    imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                    fat2SectorNo = 2;


            case 0xFD:
                if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 4004 &&
                    imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                    fat2SectorNo = 7;
                else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 2002 &&
                         imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                    fat2SectorNo = 7;


            case 0xFE:
                if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 320 &&
                    imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                    fat2SectorNo = 2;
                else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 2002 &&
                         imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                    fat2SectorNo = 7;
                else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 1232 &&
                         imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 1024)
                    fat2SectorNo = 3;
                else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 616 &&
                         imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 1024)
                    fat2SectorNo = 2;
                else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 720 &&
                         imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                    fat2SectorNo = 5;
                else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 640 &&
                         imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                    fat2SectorNo = 2;


            case 0xFF:
                if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 640 &&
                    imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                    fat2SectorNo = 2;


                if (fatId < 0xE8)

                fat2SectorNo = 2;


            if (fat2SectorNo > partition.End || fat2SectorNo == 0)

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "2nd fat starts at = {0}", fat2SectorNo);

            byte[] fat2Sector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(fat2SectorNo);

            fat2          = fat2Sector[1];
            fat3          = fat2Sector[2];
            fat2ndCluster = (ushort)(((fat2 << 8) + fat3) & 0xFFF);

            if (fat2ndCluster < 0xFF0)

            return(fatId == fat2Sector[0]);
Beispiel #2
        static BpbKind DetectBpbKind(byte[] bpbSector, IMediaImage imagePlugin, Partition partition,
                                     out BiosParameterBlockEbpb fakeBpb, out HumanParameterBlock humanBpb,
                                     out AtariParameterBlock atariBpb, out byte minBootNearJump,
                                     out bool andosOemCorrect, out bool bootable)
            fakeBpb         = new BiosParameterBlockEbpb();
            minBootNearJump = 0;
            andosOemCorrect = false;
            bootable        = false;

            humanBpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureBigEndian <HumanParameterBlock>(bpbSector);
            atariBpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <AtariParameterBlock>(bpbSector);

            ulong expectedClusters = humanBpb.bpc > 0 ? partition.Size / humanBpb.bpc : 0;

            // Check clusters for Human68k are correct
            bool humanClustersCorrect = humanBpb.clusters == 0 ? humanBpb.big_clusters == expectedClusters
                                            : humanBpb.clusters == expectedClusters;

            // Check OEM for Human68k is correct
            bool humanOemCorrect = bpbSector[2] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[3] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[4] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[5] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[6] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[7] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[8] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[9] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[10] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[11] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[12] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[13] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[14] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[15] >= 0x20 && bpbSector[16] >= 0x20 &&
                                   bpbSector[17] >= 0x20;

            // Check correct branch for Human68k
            bool humanBranchCorrect = bpbSector[0] == 0x60 && bpbSector[1] >= 0x1C && bpbSector[1] < 0xFE;

            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "humanClustersCorrect = {0}", humanClustersCorrect);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "humanOemCorrect = {0}", humanOemCorrect);
            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "humanBranchCorrect = {0}", humanBranchCorrect);

            // If all Human68k checks are correct, it is a Human68k FAT16
            bool useHumanBpb = humanClustersCorrect && humanOemCorrect && humanBranchCorrect && expectedClusters > 0;

            if (useHumanBpb)
                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using Human68k BPB");

                fakeBpb.jump        = humanBpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name    = humanBpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps         = (ushort)imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize;
                fakeBpb.spc         = (byte)(humanBpb.bpc / fakeBpb.bps);
                fakeBpb.fats_no     = 2;
                fakeBpb.root_ent    = humanBpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.spfat       = (ushort)(humanBpb.cpfat * fakeBpb.spc);
                fakeBpb.boot_code   = humanBpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.sectors     = humanBpb.clusters;
                fakeBpb.big_sectors = humanBpb.big_clusters;
                fakeBpb.rsectors    = 1;


            var msxBpb     = new MsxParameterBlock();
            var dos2Bpb    = new BiosParameterBlock2();
            var dos30Bpb   = new BiosParameterBlock30();
            var dos32Bpb   = new BiosParameterBlock32();
            var dos33Bpb   = new BiosParameterBlock33();
            var shortEbpb  = new BiosParameterBlockShortEbpb();
            var ebpb       = new BiosParameterBlockEbpb();
            var apricotBpb = new ApricotLabel();

            bool useAtariBpb          = false;
            bool useMsxBpb            = false;
            bool useDos2Bpb           = false;
            bool useDos3Bpb           = false;
            bool useDos32Bpb          = false;
            bool useDos33Bpb          = false;
            bool userShortExtendedBpb = false;
            bool useExtendedBpb       = false;
            bool useShortFat32        = false;
            bool useLongFat32         = false;
            bool useApricotBpb        = false;
            bool useDecRainbowBpb     = false;

            if (imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize >= 256)
                msxBpb    = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <MsxParameterBlock>(bpbSector);
                dos2Bpb   = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlock2>(bpbSector);
                dos30Bpb  = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlock30>(bpbSector);
                dos32Bpb  = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlock32>(bpbSector);
                dos33Bpb  = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlock33>(bpbSector);
                shortEbpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlockShortEbpb>(bpbSector);
                ebpb      = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <BiosParameterBlockEbpb>(bpbSector);

                Fat32ParameterBlockShort shortFat32Bpb =
                    Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <Fat32ParameterBlockShort>(bpbSector);

                Fat32ParameterBlock fat32Bpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <Fat32ParameterBlock>(bpbSector);
                apricotBpb = Marshal.ByteArrayToStructureLittleEndian <ApricotLabel>(bpbSector);

                int bitsInBpsMsx        = CountBits.Count(msxBpb.bps);
                int bitsInBpsDos33      = CountBits.Count(dos33Bpb.bps);
                int bitsInBpsDos40      = CountBits.Count(ebpb.bps);
                int bitsInBpsFat32Short = CountBits.Count(shortFat32Bpb.bps);
                int bitsInBpsFat32      = CountBits.Count(fat32Bpb.bps);
                int bitsInBpsApricot    = CountBits.Count(apricotBpb.mainBPB.bps);

                bool correctSpcMsx = msxBpb.spc == 1 || msxBpb.spc == 2 || msxBpb.spc == 4 || msxBpb.spc == 8 ||
                                     msxBpb.spc == 16 || msxBpb.spc == 32 || msxBpb.spc == 64;

                bool correctSpcDos33 = dos33Bpb.spc == 1 || dos33Bpb.spc == 2 || dos33Bpb.spc == 4 ||
                                       dos33Bpb.spc == 8 || dos33Bpb.spc == 16 || dos33Bpb.spc == 32 ||
                                       dos33Bpb.spc == 64;

                bool correctSpcDos40 = ebpb.spc == 1 || ebpb.spc == 2 || ebpb.spc == 4 || ebpb.spc == 8 ||
                                       ebpb.spc == 16 || ebpb.spc == 32 || ebpb.spc == 64;

                bool correctSpcFat32Short = shortFat32Bpb.spc == 1 || shortFat32Bpb.spc == 2 ||
                                            shortFat32Bpb.spc == 4 || shortFat32Bpb.spc == 8 ||
                                            shortFat32Bpb.spc == 16 || shortFat32Bpb.spc == 32 ||
                                            shortFat32Bpb.spc == 64;

                bool correctSpcFat32 = fat32Bpb.spc == 1 || fat32Bpb.spc == 2 || fat32Bpb.spc == 4 ||
                                       fat32Bpb.spc == 8 || fat32Bpb.spc == 16 || fat32Bpb.spc == 32 ||
                                       fat32Bpb.spc == 64;

                bool correctSpcApricot = apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 1 || apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 2 ||
                                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 4 || apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 8 ||
                                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 16 || apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 32 ||
                                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc == 64;

                // This is to support FAT partitions on hybrid ISO/USB images
                if (imagePlugin.Info.XmlMediaType == XmlMediaType.OpticalDisc)
                    atariBpb.sectors           /= 4;
                    msxBpb.sectors             /= 4;
                    dos2Bpb.sectors            /= 4;
                    dos30Bpb.sectors           /= 4;
                    dos32Bpb.sectors           /= 4;
                    dos33Bpb.sectors           /= 4;
                    dos33Bpb.big_sectors       /= 4;
                    shortEbpb.sectors          /= 4;
                    shortEbpb.big_sectors      /= 4;
                    ebpb.sectors               /= 4;
                    ebpb.big_sectors           /= 4;
                    shortFat32Bpb.sectors      /= 4;
                    shortFat32Bpb.big_sectors  /= 4;
                    shortFat32Bpb.huge_sectors /= 4;
                    fat32Bpb.sectors           /= 4;
                    fat32Bpb.big_sectors       /= 4;
                    apricotBpb.mainBPB.sectors /= 4;

                andosOemCorrect = dos33Bpb.oem_name[0] < 0x20 && dos33Bpb.oem_name[1] >= 0x20 &&
                                  dos33Bpb.oem_name[2] >= 0x20 && dos33Bpb.oem_name[3] >= 0x20 &&
                                  dos33Bpb.oem_name[4] >= 0x20 && dos33Bpb.oem_name[5] >= 0x20 &&
                                  dos33Bpb.oem_name[6] >= 0x20 && dos33Bpb.oem_name[7] >= 0x20;

                if (bitsInBpsFat32 == 1 &&
                    correctSpcFat32 &&
                    fat32Bpb.fats_no <= 2 &&
                    fat32Bpb.sectors == 0 &&
                    fat32Bpb.spfat == 0 &&
                    fat32Bpb.signature == 0x29 &&
                    Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fat32Bpb.fs_type) == "FAT32   ")
                    AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using FAT32 BPB");
                    minBootNearJump = 0x58;


                if (bitsInBpsFat32Short == 1 &&
                    correctSpcFat32Short &&
                    shortFat32Bpb.fats_no <= 2 &&
                    shortFat32Bpb.sectors == 0 &&
                    shortFat32Bpb.spfat == 0 &&
                    shortFat32Bpb.signature == 0x28)
                    AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using short FAT32 BPB");

                    minBootNearJump = 0x57;


                if (bitsInBpsMsx == 1 &&
                    correctSpcMsx &&
                    msxBpb.fats_no <= 2 &&
                    msxBpb.root_ent > 0 &&
                    msxBpb.sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1 &&
                    msxBpb.spfat > 0 &&
                    Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msxBpb.vol_id) == "VOL_ID")
                    AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using MSX BPB");
                    useMsxBpb = true;
                else if (bitsInBpsApricot == 1 &&
                         correctSpcApricot &&
                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.fats_no <= 2 &&
                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.root_ent > 0 &&
                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1 &&
                         apricotBpb.mainBPB.spfat > 0 &&
                         apricotBpb.partitionCount == 0)
                    AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using Apricot BPB");
                    useApricotBpb = true;
                else if (bitsInBpsDos40 == 1 &&
                         correctSpcDos40 &&
                         ebpb.fats_no <= 2 &&
                         ebpb.root_ent > 0 &&
                         ebpb.spfat > 0 &&
                         (ebpb.signature == 0x28 || ebpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect))
                    if (ebpb.sectors == 0)
                        if (ebpb.big_sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1)
                            if (ebpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect)
                                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 4.0 BPB");
                                useExtendedBpb  = true;
                                minBootNearJump = 0x3C;
                                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 3.4 BPB");
                                userShortExtendedBpb = true;
                                minBootNearJump      = 0x29;
                    else if (ebpb.sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1)
                        if (ebpb.signature == 0x29 || andosOemCorrect)
                            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 4.0 BPB");
                            useExtendedBpb  = true;
                            minBootNearJump = 0x3C;
                            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 3.4 BPB");
                            userShortExtendedBpb = true;
                            minBootNearJump      = 0x29;
                else if (bitsInBpsDos33 == 1 &&
                         correctSpcDos33 &&
                         dos33Bpb.rsectors < partition.End - partition.Start &&
                         dos33Bpb.fats_no <= 2 &&
                         dos33Bpb.root_ent > 0 &&
                         dos33Bpb.spfat > 0)
                    if (dos33Bpb.sectors == 0 &&
                        dos33Bpb.hsectors <= partition.Start &&
                        dos33Bpb.big_sectors > 0 &&
                        dos33Bpb.big_sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 3.3 BPB");
                        useDos33Bpb     = true;
                        minBootNearJump = 0x22;
                    else if (dos33Bpb.big_sectors == 0 &&
                             dos33Bpb.hsectors <= partition.Start &&
                             dos33Bpb.sectors > 0 &&
                             dos33Bpb.sectors <= (partition.End - partition.Start) + 1)
                        if (atariBpb.jump[0] == 0x60 ||
                            (atariBpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && atariBpb.jump[1] == 0x00 &&
                             Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dos33Bpb.oem_name) != "NEXT    "))
                            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using Atari BPB");
                            useAtariBpb = true;
                            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 3.3 BPB");
                            useDos33Bpb     = true;
                            minBootNearJump = 0x22;
                        if (dos32Bpb.hsectors <= partition.Start &&
                            dos32Bpb.hsectors + dos32Bpb.sectors == dos32Bpb.total_sectors)
                            AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 3.2 BPB");
                            useDos32Bpb     = true;
                            minBootNearJump = 0x1E;
                        else if (dos30Bpb.sptrk > 0 &&
                                 dos30Bpb.sptrk < 64 &&
                                 dos30Bpb.heads > 0 &&
                                 dos30Bpb.heads < 256)
                            if (atariBpb.jump[0] == 0x60 ||
                                (atariBpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && atariBpb.jump[1] == 0x00 &&
                                 Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dos33Bpb.oem_name) != "NEXT    "))
                                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using Atari BPB");
                                useAtariBpb = true;
                                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 3.0 BPB");
                                useDos3Bpb      = true;
                                minBootNearJump = 0x1C;
                            if (atariBpb.jump[0] == 0x60 ||
                                (atariBpb.jump[0] == 0xE9 && atariBpb.jump[1] == 0x00 &&
                                 Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dos33Bpb.oem_name) != "NEXT    "))
                                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using Atari BPB");
                                useAtariBpb = true;
                                AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DOS 2.0 BPB");
                                useDos2Bpb      = true;
                                minBootNearJump = 0x16;

            // DEC Rainbow, lacks a BPB but has a very concrete structure...
            if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 800 &&
                imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512 &&
                !useAtariBpb &&
                !useMsxBpb &&
                !useDos2Bpb &&
                !useDos3Bpb &&
                !useDos32Bpb &&
                !useDos33Bpb &&
                !userShortExtendedBpb &&
                !useExtendedBpb &&
                !useShortFat32 &&
                !useLongFat32 &&
                // DEC Rainbow boots up with a Z80, first byte should be DI (disable interrupts)
                byte z80Di = bpbSector[0];

                // First FAT1 sector resides at LBA 0x14
                byte[] fat1Sector0 = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0x14);

                // First FAT2 sector resides at LBA 0x1A
                byte[] fat2Sector0 = imagePlugin.ReadSector(0x1A);
                bool   equalFatIds = fat1Sector0[0] == fat2Sector0[0] && fat1Sector0[1] == fat2Sector0[1];

                // Volume is software interleaved 2:1
                var rootMs = new MemoryStream();

                foreach (byte[] tmp in from ulong rootSector in new[]
                    0x17, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x20
                } select imagePlugin.ReadSector(rootSector))
                    rootMs.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);

                byte[] rootDir      = rootMs.ToArray();
                bool   validRootDir = true;

                // Iterate all root directory
                for (int e = 0; e < 96 * 32; e += 32)
                    for (int c = 0; c < 11; c++)
                        if ((rootDir[c + e] < 0x20 && rootDir[c + e] != 0x00 && rootDir[c + e] != 0x05) ||
                            rootDir[c + e] == 0xFF ||
                            rootDir[c + e] == 0x2E)
                            validRootDir = false;


                    if (!validRootDir)

                if (z80Di == 0xF3 &&
                    equalFatIds &&
                    (fat1Sector0[0] & 0xF0) == 0xF0 &&
                    fat1Sector0[1] == 0xFF &&
                    useDecRainbowBpb = true;
                    AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using DEC Rainbow hardcoded BPB.");
                    fakeBpb.bps       = 512;
                    fakeBpb.spc       = 1;
                    fakeBpb.rsectors  = 20;
                    fakeBpb.fats_no   = 2;
                    fakeBpb.root_ent  = 96;
                    fakeBpb.sectors   = 800;
               = 0xFA;
                    fakeBpb.sptrk     = 10;
                    fakeBpb.heads     = 1;
                    fakeBpb.hsectors  = 0;
                    fakeBpb.spfat     = 3;
                    bootable          = true;
                    fakeBpb.boot_code = bpbSector;


            if (!useAtariBpb &&
                !useMsxBpb &&
                !useDos2Bpb &&
                !useDos3Bpb &&
                !useDos32Bpb &&
                !useDos33Bpb &&
                !useHumanBpb &&
                !userShortExtendedBpb &&
                !useExtendedBpb &&
                !useShortFat32 &&
                !useLongFat32 &&
                !useApricotBpb &&
                byte[] fatSector = imagePlugin.ReadSector(1 + partition.Start);

                switch (fatSector[0])
                case 0xE5:
                    if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 2002 &&
                        imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 128;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 4;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 64;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 2002;
                  = 0xE5;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 26;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 1;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 1;


                case 0xFD:
                    if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 4004 &&
                        imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 128;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 4;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 4;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 68;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 4004;
                  = 0xFD;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 26;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 2;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 6;
                    else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 2002 &&
                             imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 128;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 4;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 4;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 68;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 2002;
                  = 0xFD;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 26;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 1;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 6;


                case 0xFE:
                    if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 320 &&
                        imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB for 5.25\" SSDD.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 512;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 1;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 64;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 320;
                  = 0xFE;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 8;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 1;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 1;
                    else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 2002 &&
                             imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 128;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 4;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 68;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 2002;
                  = 0xFE;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 26;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 1;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 6;
                    else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 1232 &&
                             imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 1024)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 1024;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 1;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 192;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 1232;
                  = 0xFE;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 8;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 2;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 2;
                    else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 616 &&
                             imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 1024)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 1024;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 1;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 6192;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 616;
                  = 0xFE;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 8;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 2;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                    else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 720 &&
                             imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 128)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 128;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 2;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 54;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 64;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 720;
                  = 0xFE;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 18;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 1;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 4;
                    else if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 640 &&
                             imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB for 5.25\" DSDD.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 512;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 2;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 112;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 640;
                  = 0xFF;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 8;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 2;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 1;


                case 0xFF:
                    if (imagePlugin.Info.Sectors == 640 &&
                        imagePlugin.Info.SectorSize == 512)
                        AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("FAT plugin", "Using hardcoded BPB for 5.25\" DSDD.");
                        fakeBpb.bps      = 512;
                        fakeBpb.spc      = 2;
                        fakeBpb.rsectors = 1;
                        fakeBpb.fats_no  = 2;
                        fakeBpb.root_ent = 112;
                        fakeBpb.sectors  = 640;
                  = 0xFF;
                        fakeBpb.sptrk    = 8;
                        fakeBpb.heads    = 2;
                        fakeBpb.hsectors = 0;
                        fakeBpb.spfat    = 1;


                // This assumes a bootable sector will jump somewhere or disable interrupts in x86 code
                bootable |= bpbSector[0] == 0xFA || (bpbSector[0] == 0xEB && bpbSector[1] <= 0x7F) ||
                            (bpbSector[0] == 0xE9 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(bpbSector, 1) <= 0x1FC);

                fakeBpb.boot_code = bpbSector;


            if (useExtendedBpb)
                fakeBpb = ebpb;


            if (userShortExtendedBpb)
                fakeBpb.jump           = shortEbpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name       = shortEbpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps            = shortEbpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc            = shortEbpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors       = shortEbpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no        = shortEbpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent       = shortEbpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors        = shortEbpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat          = shortEbpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk          = shortEbpb.sptrk;
                fakeBpb.heads          = shortEbpb.heads;
                fakeBpb.hsectors       = shortEbpb.hsectors;
                fakeBpb.big_sectors    = shortEbpb.big_sectors;
                fakeBpb.drive_no       = shortEbpb.drive_no;
                fakeBpb.flags          = shortEbpb.flags;
                fakeBpb.signature      = shortEbpb.signature;
                fakeBpb.serial_no      = shortEbpb.serial_no;
                fakeBpb.boot_code      = shortEbpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.boot_signature = shortEbpb.boot_signature;


            if (useDos33Bpb)
                fakeBpb.jump           = dos33Bpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name       = dos33Bpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps            = dos33Bpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc            = dos33Bpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors       = dos33Bpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no        = dos33Bpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent       = dos33Bpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors        = dos33Bpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat          = dos33Bpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk          = dos33Bpb.sptrk;
                fakeBpb.heads          = dos33Bpb.heads;
                fakeBpb.hsectors       = dos33Bpb.hsectors;
                fakeBpb.big_sectors    = dos33Bpb.big_sectors;
                fakeBpb.boot_code      = dos33Bpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.boot_signature = dos33Bpb.boot_signature;


            if (useDos32Bpb)
                fakeBpb.jump           = dos32Bpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name       = dos32Bpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps            = dos32Bpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc            = dos32Bpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors       = dos32Bpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no        = dos32Bpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent       = dos32Bpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors        = dos32Bpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat          = dos32Bpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk          = dos32Bpb.sptrk;
                fakeBpb.heads          = dos32Bpb.heads;
                fakeBpb.hsectors       = dos32Bpb.hsectors;
                fakeBpb.boot_code      = dos32Bpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.boot_signature = dos32Bpb.boot_signature;


            if (useDos3Bpb)
                fakeBpb.jump           = dos30Bpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name       = dos30Bpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps            = dos30Bpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc            = dos30Bpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors       = dos30Bpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no        = dos30Bpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent       = dos30Bpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors        = dos30Bpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat          = dos30Bpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk          = dos30Bpb.sptrk;
                fakeBpb.heads          = dos30Bpb.heads;
                fakeBpb.hsectors       = dos30Bpb.hsectors;
                fakeBpb.boot_code      = dos30Bpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.boot_signature = dos30Bpb.boot_signature;


            if (useDos2Bpb)
                fakeBpb.jump           = dos2Bpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name       = dos2Bpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps            = dos2Bpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc            = dos2Bpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors       = dos2Bpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no        = dos2Bpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent       = dos2Bpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors        = dos2Bpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat          = dos2Bpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.boot_code      = dos2Bpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.boot_signature = dos2Bpb.boot_signature;


            if (useMsxBpb)
                fakeBpb.jump           = msxBpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name       = msxBpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps            = msxBpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc            = msxBpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors       = msxBpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no        = msxBpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent       = msxBpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors        = msxBpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat          = msxBpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk          = msxBpb.sptrk;
                fakeBpb.heads          = msxBpb.heads;
                fakeBpb.hsectors       = msxBpb.hsectors;
                fakeBpb.boot_code      = msxBpb.boot_code;
                fakeBpb.boot_signature = msxBpb.boot_signature;
                fakeBpb.serial_no      = msxBpb.serial_no;

                // TODO: Is there any way to check this?
                bootable = true;


            if (useAtariBpb)
                fakeBpb.jump      = atariBpb.jump;
                fakeBpb.oem_name  = atariBpb.oem_name;
                fakeBpb.bps       = atariBpb.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc       = atariBpb.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors  = atariBpb.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no   = atariBpb.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent  = atariBpb.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors   = atariBpb.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat     = atariBpb.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk     = atariBpb.sptrk;
                fakeBpb.heads     = atariBpb.heads;
                fakeBpb.boot_code = atariBpb.boot_code;


            if (useApricotBpb)
                fakeBpb.bps      = apricotBpb.mainBPB.bps;
                fakeBpb.spc      = apricotBpb.mainBPB.spc;
                fakeBpb.rsectors = apricotBpb.mainBPB.rsectors;
                fakeBpb.fats_no  = apricotBpb.mainBPB.fats_no;
                fakeBpb.root_ent = apricotBpb.mainBPB.root_ent;
                fakeBpb.sectors  = apricotBpb.mainBPB.sectors;
                fakeBpb.spfat    = apricotBpb.mainBPB.spfat;
                fakeBpb.sptrk    = apricotBpb.spt;
                bootable         = apricotBpb.bootType > 0;

                if (apricotBpb.bootLocation > 0 &&
                    apricotBpb.bootLocation + apricotBpb.bootSize < imagePlugin.Info.Sectors)
                    fakeBpb.boot_code = imagePlugin.ReadSectors(apricotBpb.bootLocation,
                                                                (uint)(apricotBpb.sectorSize * apricotBpb.bootSize) /

