private void OnHudReady()
            category = new HudAPIv2.MenuRootCategory("Instant Projector", HudAPIv2.MenuRootCategory.MenuFlag.AdminMenu, "Instant Projector");

            menuBlockBuildTime              = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Block Build Time - " + config.BlockBuildTime, category, "Enter build time per block in seconds.", OnBlockTimeSubmit);
            config.OnBlockBuildTimeChanged += Config_OnBlockBuildTimeChanged;

            menuComponentCostModifier              = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Component Cost Modifier - " + config.ComponentCostModifier, category, "Enter the component cost modifier.", OnCompCostSubmit);
            config.OnComponentCostModifierChanged += Config_OnComponentCostModifierChanged;

            menuMinBlocks              = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Min Blocks - " + config.MinBlocks, category, "Enter the minimum number of blocks allowed to build.", OnMinBlocksSubmit);
            config.OnMinBlocksChanged += Config_OnMinBlocksChanged;

            menuMaxBlocks              = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Max Blocks - " + config.MaxBlocks, category, "Enter the maximum number of blocks allowed to build.", OnMaxBlocksSubmit);
            config.OnMaxBlocksChanged += Config_OnMaxBlocksChanged;

            menuPowerModifier              = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Power Modifier - " + config.PowerModifier, category, "Enter the power modifier.", OnPowerSubmit);
            config.OnPowerModifierChanged += Config_OnPowerModifierChanged;

            menuSubgrids              = new HudAPIv2.MenuItem("Subgrids - " + config.Subgrids, category, OnSubgridsClick);
            config.OnSubgridsChanged += Config_OnSubgridsChanged;

            menuExtraComp = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Extra Component - " + config.GetExtraCompName(), category, "Enter the extra component with format <typeid>/<subtypeid>", OnExtraCompSubmit);
            config.OnExtraComponentChanged += Config_OnExtraComponentChanged;

            menuExtraCompCost              = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Extra Component Cost - " + config.ExtraCompCost, category, "Enter the extra component cost.", OnExtraCompCostSubmit);
            config.OnExtraCompCostChanged += Config_OnExtraCompCostChanged;
Beispiel #2
 public ToolMenu(HudAPIv2.MenuCategoryBase category, Tool tool, ToolGroups config)
     this.tool    = tool;
     this.config  = config;
     toolCategory = new HudAPIv2.MenuSubCategory("", category, tool.Name);
     keyInput   = new HudAPIv2.MenuKeybindInput("Key - " + ToolSwitcherSession.GetKeyName(tool.Keybind), toolCategory, "Press any key.", OnKeySubmit);
     slotInput  = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Slot - " + (tool.Slot + 1), toolCategory, "Enter a slot number 1-9.", OnSlotSubmit);
     pageInput  = new HudAPIv2.MenuTextInput("Page - " + (tool.Page + 1), toolCategory, "Enter a page number 1-9.", OnPageSubmit);
     btnEnabled = new HudAPIv2.MenuItem("Enabled - " + tool.Enabled, toolCategory, OnEnabledSubmit);