Beispiel #1
        public async Task HandleSaveOpcPublishedConfigurationAsJson_FormatIsRight_ShouldReinitializeNodeConfiguration(
            string testFilename,
            string testFileNameWithModifiedKey,
            int configuredSessions,
            int configuredSubscriptions,
            int configuredMonitoredItems,
            int configuredMonitoredEvents)
            OpcNodeOnEndpointModel GetFirstNode()
                var endpointId = NodeConfiguration.OpcSessions[0].EndpointId;
                var nodes      = NodeConfiguration.GetPublisherConfigurationFileEntries(endpointId, true, out uint version);


            using (new ExecutionContext(testFilename))
                var hubCommunicationBase = new HubCommunicationBase();
                AssertPreconditions(configuredSessions, configuredSubscriptions, configuredMonitoredItems, configuredMonitoredEvents);

                // Get node before saving new file.
                var opcNodeBeforeSave = GetFirstNode();

                // ------- Act -----

                // load different file with key change.
                var modifiedFilePath = CopyFileToTempData(testFileNameWithModifiedKey);
                // Read the file data as bytes
                var text = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(modifiedFilePath);

                var methodRequestModel = new HandleSaveOpcPublishedConfigurationMethodRequestModel(text);
                var json    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(methodRequestModel);
                var bytes   = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
                var request = new MethodRequest("SaveOpcPublishedConfigurationAsJson", bytes);
                // Feed the json string to the communication base
                var success = await hubCommunicationBase.HandleSaveOpcPublishedConfigurationAsJson(request, new object());

                // ------- Assert ------

                // The preconditions should not change, since only the key of the node is changed.
                AssertPreconditions(configuredSessions, configuredSubscriptions, configuredMonitoredItems, configuredMonitoredEvents);
                Assert.True(success.Status == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK);

                var opcNodeAfterSave = GetFirstNode();
                Assert.Equal(opcNodeBeforeSave.Id, opcNodeBeforeSave.Id);
                Assert.Equal("i=2267", opcNodeBeforeSave.Key);
                Assert.Equal("i=2267-test", opcNodeAfterSave.Key);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task MonitoredItemsProcessorAsync_ShouldWaitFilledBuffer()
            uint             buffersize           = 1000;
            ManualResetEvent messageReceivedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            var itemProcessor = new HubCommunicationBase();

            TelemetryConfiguration            = new PublisherTelemetryConfiguration();
            itemProcessor.SendIntervalSeconds = 0;
            itemProcessor.HubMessageSize      = buffersize;

            long streamLength = 0;

            var hubClient = new Mock <IHubClient>();

            .Setup(client => client.SendEventAsync(It.IsAny <Message>()))
            .Callback((Message hubMessage) =>
                streamLength = hubMessage.BodyStream.Length;

            MessageData message = new MessageData
                DataChangeMessageData = new DataChangeMessageData
                    DisplayName = "Test",
                    EndpointUrl = "abc123",
                    EndpointId  = "qwe"

            int messageLength = 50;

            // the system properties are MessageId (max 128 byte), Sequence number (ulong), ExpiryTime (DateTime) and more. ideally we get that from the client.
            Message tempMsg = new Message();
            int     systemPropertyLength      = 128 + sizeof(ulong) + tempMsg.ExpiryTimeUtc.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Length;
            int     applicationPropertyLength = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount($"iothub-content-type=application/opcua+uajson") + Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount($"iothub-content-encoding=UTF-8");
            int     jsonSquareBracketLength   = 2;

            int bufferSizeWithoutOverhead = (int)buffersize - systemPropertyLength - applicationPropertyLength - jsonSquareBracketLength;

            //need to reduce buffersize by one for the '[' at the beginning of the message
            //need to add 1 to the message length for the ',' that is added after every enqueued Item
            //messagesToSend should be 1 higher then the messages received because the last one sent is needed to trigger the buffer overflow
            int messagesToSend = (int)((bufferSizeWithoutOverhead - 1) / (messageLength + 1)) + 1;

            _ = await Task.Run(() => itemProcessor.InitHubCommunicationAsync(hubClient.Object, false, true));

            for (int messagesSent = 0; messagesSent < messagesToSend; messagesSent++)
                //Check if no message was received before sending the last item.

            //Wait a maximum of 2s for the message to arrive.

            //for every message, except the last one, there is one "," added
            //and the received messages begins with '[' and ends with ']'
            streamLength.Should().Be((messageLength + 1) * (messagesToSend - 1) + 1);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task MonitoredItemsProcessorAsync_ShouldWaitForTimeout()
            int            timeoutSeconds = 10;
            double         timeoutAcceptanceThresholdSeconds = 0.1;
            AutoResetEvent messageReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            var itemProcessor = new HubCommunicationBase();

            itemProcessor.SendIntervalSeconds = timeoutSeconds;
            itemProcessor.HubMessageSize      = 100000;

            TelemetryConfiguration = new PublisherTelemetryConfiguration();

            DateTime lastMessageSent     = DateTime.UtcNow;
            TimeSpan timeBetweenMessages = new TimeSpan();
            long     streamLength        = 0;
            int      messagesReceived    = 0;

            var hubClient = new Mock <IHubClient>();

            .Setup(client => client.SendEventAsync(It.IsAny <Message>()))
            .Callback((Message hubMessage) =>
                timeBetweenMessages = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastMessageSent);
                lastMessageSent     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                streamLength        = hubMessage.BodyStream.Length;

            MessageData message = new MessageData
                DataChangeMessageData = new DataChangeMessageData
                    DisplayName = "Test",
                    EndpointUrl = "abc123",
                    EndpointId  = "qwe"

            int messageLength = 50;

            _ = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => itemProcessor.InitHubCommunicationAsync(hubClient.Object, false, true), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

            messageReceivedEvent.WaitOne((timeoutSeconds + 5) * 1000).Should().BeTrue();

            messageReceivedEvent.WaitOne((timeoutSeconds + 5) * 1000).Should().BeTrue();

            timeBetweenMessages.TotalMilliseconds.Should().BeApproximately(timeoutSeconds * 1000, timeoutAcceptanceThresholdSeconds * 1000);

            //2 messages are sent
            //for every message, except the last one, there is one "," added
            //and the received messages begins with '[' and ends with ']'
            streamLength.Should().Be(messageLength * 2 + 2 + 1);