Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Used by Wechat Mini program to decode userinfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <returns>Json str contains openid and session_key</returns>
        public static string GetSeeionKey(WeChatPayConfig config, string code)
            string result = null;

            if (config == null)
                throw new WeChatException("Configuration cannot be empty.");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.MiniAppId))
                throw new WeChatException("Appid cannot be empty of wechat mini app");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.MiniAppSecret))
                throw new WeChatException("AppSecret cannot be empty of wechat mini app");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.GetSeeionKeyApi))
                throw new WeChatException("Get seeion key api url cannot be empty of wechat mini app");

            string reqUrl = config.GetSeeionKeyApi;

            if (!reqUrl.EndsWith("?"))
                reqUrl += "?";
            reqUrl += "appid=" + config.MiniAppId + "&secret=" + config.MiniAppSecret + "&js_code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code";
            result  = HttpSercice.PostHttpRequest(reqUrl, null, null, RequestType.GET, false, null);
Beispiel #2
 public virtual void Send()
         logger.Info("Template Id:" + template_id);
         logger.Info("Access token:" + token.Access_Token);
         string reqUrl = this.apiUrl + token.Access_Token;
         logger.Info("Template message url:" + reqUrl);
         string toJson = ToJson();
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toJson))
             logger.Error("message cannot be null");
             throw new WeChatException("message cannot be null");
         logger.Info(string.Format("Json string {0} has been sent to wechat", toJson));
         string res = HttpSercice.PostHttpRequest(reqUrl, toJson, null, RequestType.POST, false, null);
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res))
             logger.Error("no response from wechat");
     catch (WeChatException wex)
     catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
        private void GetToken(Resrouce_interface api)
            lock (telcom)
                if (DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now) < expiredTime)
                //Logger.Info("AppSecret:" + api.AppSecret);
                //Logger.Info("reqToken:" + UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(api.Username + api.AppSecret));
                NameValueCollection col = new NameValueCollection();
                col.Add("reqToken", UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(api.Username + api.AppSecret));
                col.Add("id", api.Username);
                Logger.Info("URL:" + api.GetTokenUrl);
                string resStr = HttpSercice.PostHttpRequest(api.GetTokenUrl, col, WeChat.Adapter.Requests.RequestType.POST, null);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resStr))
                        Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jsonResult = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(resStr);
                        string result  = jsonResult["result"].ToString();
                        string rtoken  = jsonResult["token"] != null? jsonResult["token"].ToString():null;
                        string message = jsonResult["resultMsg"].ToString();
                        Logger.Info("Request token result:" + resStr);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && result.Trim() == "0")
                            token       = rtoken;
                            expiredTime = DateTimeUtil.ConvertDateTimeToInt(DateTime.Now) + expiredInterval;
                            Logger.Error(message != null?message:"Failed to request token.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Info("Empty response.");

                Logger.Info("Gettoken done!");
Beispiel #4
        public static void ProcessOrders()
            logger.Info("Going to process orders...");
            chargebitEntities db = null;

                List <Charge_Order> orders = null;
                db = new chargebitEntities();
                db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
                if (resources == null)
                    resources = (from r in db.Resource where r.Enabled == true select r).ToList <Resource>();
                if (resourceAPIs == null)
                    resourceAPIs = (from r in db.Resrouce_interface select r).ToList <Resrouce_interface>();
                lock (o)
                    logger.Info("Last Max Order Id:" + lastOrderId);
                    orders = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id > lastOrderId && ((o.Payed == true && o.Charge_type == 0 && o.Status == 10) || (o.Charge_type == 1 && o.Status != 3 && o.Status != 2) || (o.Charge_type == 2 && o.Status != 3 && o.Status != 2)) orderby o.Charge_type ascending orderby o.Id ascending select o).ToList <Charge_Order>();
                    logger.Info(string.Format("Get {0} unprocessed orders", orders.Count));
                    if (orders.Count == 0)
                        logger.Info("No unprocessed orders, thread will exit!");

                    lastOrderId = (from o in orders select o.Id).Max();
                    logger.Info("Max Order Id updated to:" + lastOrderId);

                List <int>   agentIds = (from o in orders where o.Agent_Id > 0 select o.Agent_Id).ToList <int>();
                List <Users> agents   = new List <Users>();
                if (agentIds != null && agentIds.Count > 0)
                    int[] ids = agentIds.ToArray <int>();
                    agents = (from u in db.Users where ids.Contains(u.Id) select u).ToList <Users>();
                List <Charge_Order> frontEndOrders = (from o in orders where o.Payed == true && o.Charge_type == 0 && o.Status == 10 select o).ToList <Charge_Order>();
                List <Charge_Order> agentOrders    = (from o in orders where o.Charge_type == 1 && o.Status != 3 && o.Status != 2 select o).ToList <Charge_Order>();
                List <Charge_Order> backendOrders  = (from o in orders where o.Charge_type == 2 && o.Status != 3 && o.Status != 2 select o).ToList <Charge_Order>();
                //logger.Info(string.Format("{0} unprocessed frontend orders", frontEndOrders.Count));
                //logger.Info(string.Format("{0} unprocessed agent orders", agentOrders.Count));
                //logger.Info(string.Format("{0} unprocessed backend orders", backendOrders.Count));
                ChargeResult result = null;
                foreach (Charge_Order corder in orders)
                    Resource           resource    = (from r in resources where r.Id == corder.Resource_id select r).FirstOrDefault <Resource>();
                    Resrouce_interface resourceAPI = null;
                    if (resource != null)
                        resourceAPI = (from api in resourceAPIs where api.Resource_id == corder.Resource_id select api).FirstOrDefault <Resrouce_interface>();
                    logger.Info(string.Format("Processing order Id-{0}, Phone-{1}, Agent-{2}, ChargeType-{3}", corder.Id.ToString(), corder.Phone_number, corder.Agent_Id, corder.Charge_type));
                    ChargeOrder order = new ChargeOrder()
                        Payed            = corder.Payed,
                        ChargeType       = corder.Charge_type,
                        AgencyId         = corder.Agent_Id,
                        OperateUserId    = corder.Operate_User,
                        Id               = corder.Id,
                        Province         = corder.Province,
                        City             = corder.City,
                        MobileSP         = corder.MobileSP,
                        MobileNumber     = corder.Phone_number,
                        OutOrderId       = "",
                        ResourceId       = 0,
                        ResourceTaocanId = corder.Resource_taocan_id,
                        RouteId          = corder.RuoteId,
                        CreatedTime      = corder.Created_time

                    result = cb.Charge(order);
                    Users agent = (from u in agents where corder.Agent_Id > 0 && corder.Agent_Id == u.Id select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>();
                    logger.Info("Order status - " + order.Status);

                    //just for Synchronized resources
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(corder.CallBackUrl) && corder.Agent_Id > 0 &&
                        agent != null &&
                        resourceAPI != null &&
                        (resourceAPI.Synchronized == true || result.Status == ChargeStatus.FAILED)
                        logger.Info("Synchronized resource api or failed resource api submission.");
                        //send back the status to agent system
                        NameValueCollection col = new NameValueCollection();
                        SortedDictionary <string, string> param = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                        param.Add("OrderId", corder.Id.ToString());
                        param.Add("ClientOrderId", corder.Client_Order_Id != null?corder.Client_Order_Id.ToString():"");
                        param.Add("Message", result.Message);
                        param.Add("Status", result.Status.ToString());
                        string querystr = "";
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in param)
                            col.Add(p.Key, p.Value != null ? p.Value : "");
                            if (querystr == "")
                                querystr = p.Key + "=" + (p.Value != null ? p.Value : "");
                                querystr += "&" + p.Key + "=" + (p.Value != null ? p.Value : "");
                        logger.Info(string.Format("Post data to callback url - {0}", corder.CallBackUrl));
                        logger.Info(string.Format("Data - {0}", querystr));
                        querystr += "&key=" + agent.SecurityStamp;
                        string sign = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(querystr);
                        col.Add("Sign", sign);
                        //logger.Info("sign=" + sign);
                        string resStr = HttpSercice.PostHttpRequest(corder.CallBackUrl, col, WeChat.Adapter.Requests.RequestType.POST, null);
                        if (resStr == null)
                            corder.PushedTimes += 1;
                            corder.Received     = true;
                        else if (resStr.ToLower() == "fail")
                            corder.PushedTimes += 1;
                            corder.Received     = false;
                    logger.Info(string.Format("Order ID:{2} - {0} - {1}", result.Status, result.Message, corder.Id));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (db != null)
Beispiel #5
        public void SendStatusBackToAgentCallback(object oorder)
            if (oorder.GetType() != typeof(Charge_Order))
            Charge_Order order = oorder as Charge_Order;

            if (order == null || order.Agent_Id <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CallBackUrl))
                Logger.Info("Not an agent order, no need to proceed anymore.");
            Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Id {0}", order.Id.ToString()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.Client_Order_Id))
                Logger.Info(string.Format("Client OrderId {0}", order.Client_Order_Id.ToString()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.Out_Order_Id))
                Logger.Info(string.Format("Out Order Id {0}", order.Out_Order_Id.ToString()));
            Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Status {0}", order.Status.ToString()));
            Logger.Info(string.Format("Order Message {0}", order.Message != null?order.Message:""));
            chargebitEntities db = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CallBackUrl))
                    Logger.Info("Order callback URL is empty, no need to callback.");
                db = new chargebitEntities();
                NameValueCollection col = new NameValueCollection();
                SortedDictionary <string, string> paras = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                string orderId = order.Id.ToString();
                string status  = order.Status.ToString();
                string message = order.Message != null ? order.Message : "";
                Users  agent   = (from u in db.Users where u.Id == order.Agent_Id select u).FirstOrDefault <Users>();
                Logger.Info(string.Format("Agent {0}", agent.Email));
                if (agent == null)
                    status  = "3";
                    message = "代理商账户没有找到";
                string token = agent.SecurityStamp;
                paras["OrderId"]       = orderId;
                paras["Status"]        = status;
                paras["ClientOrderId"] = order.Client_Order_Id != null? order.Client_Order_Id:"";
                paras["Message"]       = message;
                string signStr = "";
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras)
                    if (signStr == string.Empty)
                        signStr += p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value;
                        signStr += "&" + p.Key.ToLower() + "=" + p.Value;
                Logger.Info(string.Format("Post data {1} to {0}", order.CallBackUrl, signStr));
                signStr += "&key=" + token;
                Logger.Info(string.Format("String to be signed {0}", signStr));
                Logger.Info(string.Format("Signature is {0}", UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr)));
                paras["Sign"] = UrlSignUtil.GetMD5(signStr);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in paras)
                    col[p.Key] = p.Value;
                Charge_Order dborder = (from o in db.Charge_Order where o.Id == order.Id select o).FirstOrDefault <Charge_Order>();
                string       resStr  = HttpSercice.PostHttpRequest(order.CallBackUrl, col, WeChat.Adapter.Requests.RequestType.POST, null);
                if (resStr == null)
                    dborder.PushedTimes += 1;
                    dborder.Received     = true;
                else if (resStr.ToLower() == "fail")
                    dborder.PushedTimes += 1;
                    dborder.Received     = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (db != null)

                Logger.Info("Leaving SendStatusBackToAgentCallback...");